342 research outputs found

    Strateško načrtovanje informacijskih sistemov v dobi elektronskega poslovanja

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    Pojav elektronskega poslovanja je zamajal mnoge obstoječe paradigme v poslovnem svetu. Osnovni razlog je razvoj tehnologije, točneje, bliskoviti razvoj informacijskih sistemov. Ker je postalo snovanje poslovnih strategij odvisno od tehnologije, ki postaja na tem področju gonilna sila, bomo v prispevku predstavili dve temeljni nasprotji, ki ju prinaša razvoj tehnologij in imata široke posledice za poslovodenje

    Posttranzicijska razvojna uspešnost v delovnem okolju Mestne občine Koper?

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    Dragocjeno kulturno naslijeđe ili iščezavajuća slika prošlosti? Stanje povijesnih orgulja na teritoriju današnje Slovenije na primjeru orgulja Joannesa Franciscusa Janecheka

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    The territory of present-day Slovenia is rich in historical musical instruments, predominantly organs. Such a vast number of preserved historical organs may be att ributed to their monumentality, which turned the purchase of a new musical instrument into a major financial venture. This is the reason that the old musical instrument was often subject to modernisation and preserved to date in a more or less authentic form. The trend of modernising old organs subsided in the second half of the 20th century and was superseded by the tendency to preserve the authenticity of historical organs as primary sources for studying the organ landscape. Slovenia’s current organ landscape comprises musical instruments built by organ masters who either worked or visited this territory. The musical instruments have a high artistic value and are an important element of Slovenian cultural history. These also include the organ built by an organ master of Bohemian descent, Joannes Franciscus Janechek, who in the 1720s founded in Celje the first organ workshop in present-day Slovenian Styria. He built musical instruments for important procurers in the territory of present-day Slovenia, including the Styrian nobleman and patron Ignac Marija Count Attems. In 1725 Count Attems procured an organ from him for the Church of St Mary at Zagorje pri Pilštajnu. The one-manual organ with ten stops was Janechek’s first work and the oldest preserved musical instrument of this organ master in Slovenia. Today the only witnesses to the artistic value of the organ of Zagorje are the organ chest and Janechek’s signature in the organ windchest. Professionally unregulated restorations that completely disregard the cultural and historical significance of these musical instruments by merely following contemporary organ building trends undermine the legacy of organ masters working in or visiting the territory of present-day Slovenia and blight the image of Slovenia’s organ landscape. Will the awareness of the importance of historical musical instruments for Slovenian cultural history and the preservation of their authenticity prevail over the desire to satisfy contemporary standards?Dragocjeno kulturno naslijeđe ili iščezavajuća slika prošlosti? Stanje povijesnih orgulja na teritoriju današnje Slovenije na primjeru orgulja Joannesa Franciscusa Janecheka Teritorij današnje Slovenije bogat je povijesnim glazbenim instrumentima, poglavito orguljama. Tako velik broj sačuvanih povijesnih orgulja može se pripisati njihovoj monumentalnosti, što je nabavku novoga glazbala pretvaralo u zamašan financijski pothvat. To je bilo i razlogom što su stara glazbala često bila podvrgnuta modernizaciji i ostala sačuvana do danas u manje ili više autentičnom obliku. Sklonost moderniziranju starih orgulja jenjala je tijekom druge polovice 20. stoljeća i istisnula ju je tendencija očuvanja autentičnosti povijesnih orgulja kao primarnih izvora za proučavanje orguljskog krajobraza. Trenutno slovenska orguljska baština sadrži glazbene instrumente što su ih sagradili majstori orguljari koji su ili radili ili posjećivali taj teritorij. Ta su glazbala od velike umjetničke vrijednosti i važan su element slovenske kulturne povijesti. Među njima se nalaze i orgulje što ih je sagradio majstor orguljar Joannes Franciscus Janechek, češkoga podrijetla, koji je 1720-ih utemeljio u Celju prvu orguljsku radionicu u današnjoj slovenskoj Štajerskoj. Gradio je glazbala za važne naručitelje na teritoriju današnje Slovenije, uključujući i štajerskog plemića i mecenu grofa Ignaca Mariju Attemsa (Ignaz Maria von Attems). Godine 1725. grof Attems naručio je od njega orgulje za crkvu sv. Marije u Zagorju pri Pilštajnu. Jednomanualne orgulje s deset registara bile su Janechekovo prvo djelo i najstarije su sačuvano glazbalo toga majstora graditelja orgulja u Sloveniji. Danas su jedina svjedočanstva umjetničke vrijednosti orgulja u Zagorju orguljsko kućište i Janechekov potpis u orguljskom vjetrovodu. Profesionalno nepropisne restauracije, koje potpuno zanemaruju kulturno i povijesno značenje tih glazbenih instrumenata time što slijepo slijede suvremene trendove u gradnji orgulja, oslabljuju baštinu orguljarskih majstora koji su radili na teritoriju današnje Slovenije, ili ga posjećivali, te uništavaju sliku slovenskog orguljskog krajobraza. Postavlja se pitanje hoće li svijest o važnosti povijesnih glazbala za slovensku kulturnu povijest i očuvanje njihove autentičnosti prevladati nad željom da se zadovolje suvremeni standardi

    Genetic and restriction analysis of the 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions of the acetic acid bacteria

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    The 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions of the acetic acid bacteria were sequenced and evaluated for molecular identification of these bacteria. All the sequenced spacers contained genes for tRNAIle and tRNAAla, and the antitermination element. The sequences revealed 56.8-78.3% similarity. By PCR amplification of the spacers from 57 strains of acetic acid bacteria, single products of similar sizes were produced. Digestion of the spacers by HaeIII and HpaII restriction enzymes resulted in 12 distinct groups of restriction types. All the restriction profiles obtained after analysis of microbial populations from vinegar matched one of the 12 group

    How the Volume of Traffic Affected Air Quality During the Extreme Event of COVID-19 Lockdown in a Small City

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    The extreme traffic measures during the COVID-19 lockdown provided a unique opportunity to gain better insight into the relationship between traffic characteris-tics and NO2 concentrations in Maribor, a small Slove-nian city. NO2, traffic and meteorological data were sta-tistically processed in detail for March and April 2018, 2019 and 2020 to get a historical insight and to exclude the specifics of the lockdown period. The extreme event resulted in an average reduction of road traffic of 42%. The decrease in the number of passenger cars ranged from 33.9 to 60.3% per day with the largest decrease on the motorway. Daily averages of heavy goods traffic de-clined on the motorway and the expressway by 24.6% and 7%, respectively. Traffic characteristics were reflect-ed in a 24–27% decrease in NO2 concentrations at the urban station. The change is smaller than the change in traffic volume, which could be explained by the change in the composition of the vehicle fleet due to the increase in NO2-dominant traffic sources, e.g. diesel heavy goods vehicles. The presented results are relevant for improv-ing air quality and sustainable mobility management in small cities. They highlight the important role of reor-ganisation of heavy goods traffic in urban logistics

    European Cohesion Policy and Evaluating the Impact of Evidence-Based Policy

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    In the 2014–2020 programming period, the cohesion policy focuses more on results and evaluation of programs based on facts. Due to the Commission policies, an expansion of cohesion policy counterfactual impact evaluation of programmes with new approaches can be expected in the future. In this paper, the focus is on the calculation of the impact of received European cohesion funds on the revenue of companies in Slovenian municipalities one/two years after the receipt of cohesion funds for the 2007–2013 period. Two development priorities that affect company revenue – Enterprise competitiveness and research excellence and Promoting entrepreneurship and adaptability are considered. The effect of the use of the European cohesion funds on company revenue in Slovenian municipalities is positive for 2009 and 2010 and negative for all other years examined. The results of the research can serve to policy-makers to reduce the economic, social and territorial disparities in less developed European countries and regions therefore reaching balanced regional development

    European Cohesion Policy and Evaluating the Impact of Evidence-Based Policy

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    In the 2014–2020 programming period, the cohesion policy focuses more on results and evaluation of programs based on facts. Due to the Commission policies, an expansion of cohesion policy counterfactual impact evaluation of programmes with new approaches can be expected in the future. In this paper, the focus is on the calculation of the impact of received European cohesion funds on the revenue of companies in Slovenian municipalities one/two years after the receipt of cohesion funds for the 2007–2013 period. Two development priorities that affect company revenue – Enterprise competitiveness and research excellence and Promoting entrepreneurship and adaptability are considered. The effect of the use of the European cohesion funds on company revenue in Slovenian municipalities is positive for 2009 and 2010 and negative for all other years examined. The results of the research can serve to policy-makers to reduce the economic, social and territorial disparities in less developed European countries and regions therefore reaching balanced regional development

    Identifikacija bakterija octenog vrenja izoliranih iz organski i konvencionalno proizvedenog jabučnog octa

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    Organic apple cider vinegar is produced from apples that go through very restricted treatment in orchard. During the first stage of the process, the sugars from apples are fermented by yeasts to cider. The produced ethanol is used as a substrate by acetic acid bacteria in a second separated bioprocess. In both, the organic and conventional apple cider vinegars the ethanol oxidation to acetic acid is initiated by native microbiota that survived alcohol fermentation. We compared the cultivable acetic acid bacterial microbiota in the production of organic and conventional apple cider vinegars from a smoothly running oxidation cycle of a submerged industrial process. In this way we isolated and characterized 96 bacteria from organic and 72 bacteria from conventional apple cider vinegar. Using the restriction analysis of the PCR-amplifi ed 16S-23S rRNA gene ITS regions, we identified four different HaeIII and five different HpaII restriction profiles for bacterial isolates from organic apple cider vinegar. Each type of restriction profile was further analyzed by sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA gene ITS regions, resulting in identification of the following species: Acetobacter pasteurianus (71.90 %), Acetobacter ghanensis (12.50 %), Komagataeibacter oboediens (9.35 %) and Komagataeibacter saccharivorans (6.25 %). Using the same analytical approach in conventional apple cider vinegar, we identified only two different HaeIII and two different HpaII restriction profiles of the 16S‒23S rRNA gene ITS regions, which belong to the species Acetobacter pasteurianus (66.70 %) and Komagataeibacter oboediens (33.30 %). Yeasts that are able to resist 30 g/L of acetic acid were isolated from the acetic acid production phase and further identified by sequence analysis of the ITS1-5.8S rDNA‒ITS2 region as Candida ethanolica, Pichia membranifaciens and Saccharomycodes ludwigii. This study has shown for the first time that the bacterial microbiota for the industrial production of organic apple cider vinegar is clearly more heterogeneous than the bacterial microbiota for the industrial production of conventional apple cider vinegar. Further chemical analysis should reveal if a difference in microbiota composition influences the quality of different types of apple cider vinegar.„Organski“ jabučni ocat proizvodi se od jabuka uzgojenim prema vrlo strogim ekološkim kriterijima. U prvoj fazi proizvodnje kvasci fermentiraju šećer iz jabuka u jabučno vino. U drugoj fazi bakterije octenog vrenja fermentiraju nastali etanol u jabučni ocat. Oksidacija etanola u octenu kiselinu u oba postupka proizvodnje octa, organskom i konvencionalnom, potaknuta je aktivnošću bakterija koje su preživjele alkoholno vrenje. U radu su ispitane bakterije octenog vrenja izolirane tijekom submerznog postupka organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje jabučnog octa. Izolirano je i okarakterizirano 96 sojeva bakterija iz organskog i 72 soja iz konvencionalno proizvedenog jabučnog octa. Restrikcijskom su analizom intergenskih regija 16S‒23S rDNA bakterija izoliranih iz organskog jabučnog octa, umnoženih lančanom reakcijom polimeraze, identificirana četiri restrikcijska profila HaeIII i pet profila HpaII. Sekvencioniranjem i analizom restrikcijskih profila identificirane su sljedeće vrste bakterija: Acetobacter pasteurianus (71,90 %), Acetobacter ghanensis (12,50 %), Komagataeibacter oboediens (9,35 %) i Komagataeibacter saccharivorans (6,25 %). Na isti su način u konvencionalno proizvedenom jabučnom octu identificirana samo dva HaeIII i dva HpaII restrikcijska profila, koji pripadaju vrstama Acetobacter pasteurianus (66,70 %) i Komagataeibacter oboediens (33,30 %). Tijekom proizvodnje octene kiseline izolirani su kvasci koji mogu rasti pri koncentraciji octene kiseline od 30 g/L, te je sekvencijskom analizom potvrđeno da pripadaju sljedećim vrstama: Candida ethanolica, Pichia membranifaciens and Saccharomycodes ludwigii. Rezultati rada po prvi put dokazuju da su bakterije koje se koriste u proizvodnji organskog jabučnog octa raznovrsnije od onih korištenih u konvencionalnoj industrijskoj proizvodnji octa. Dodatnim bi se kemijskim analizama trebalo ispitati utječe li raznovrsnost mikrobiote na kakvoću različitih tipova jabučnog octa

    U-sphere: strengthening scalable flat-name routing for decentralized networks

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    Supporting decentralized peer-to-peer communication between users is crucial for maintaining privacy and control over personal data. State-of-the-art protocols mostly rely on distributed hash tables (DHTs) in order to enable user-to-user communication. They are thus unable to provide transport address privacy and guaranteed low path stretch while ensuring sub-linear routing state together with tolerance of insider adversaries. In this paper we present U-Sphere, a novel location-independent routing protocol that is tolerant to Sybil adversaries and achieves low O (1) path stretch while maintaining View the MathML source per-node state. Departing from DHT designs, we use a landmark-based construction with node color groupings to aid flat name resolution while maintaining the stretch and state bounds. We completely remove the need for landmark-based location directories and build a name-record dissemination overlay that is able to better tolerate adversarial attacks under the assumption of social trust links established between nodes. We use large-scale emulation on both synthetic and actual network topologies to show that the protocol successfully achieves the scalability goals in addition to mitigating the impact of adversarial attacks

    Brzi postupak identifikacije bakterija octenog vrenja tijekom submerzne industrijske proizvodnje octa, lokalizacijom 16S rRNA pomoću hibridizacije in situ i protočne citometrije

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    Acetic acid bacteria are involved in many biotechnological processes such as vitamin C, gluconic acid, miglitol or acetic acid production, and others. For a technologist trying to control the industrial process, the ability to follow the microbiological development of the process is thus of importance. During the past few years hybridization in a combination with flow cytometry has often been used for this purpose. Since vinegar is a liquid, it is an ideal matrix for flow cytometry analysis. In this work we have constructed a specific probe for highly acetic acid-resistant species of the acetic acid bacteria and a protocol for in situ hybridization, which in combination with flow cytometry enables direct monitoring of bacteria producing vinegar with >10 % of acetic acid. The approach was successfully applied for monitoring microbiota during industrial vinegar production.Bakterije octenog vrenja koriste se u mnogim biotehnološkim procesima, između ostalog u proizvodnji vitamina C, miglitola (inhibitora α-glucozidaze), glukonske ili octene kiseline. Tijekom industrijske proizvodnje izrazito je važno omogućiti praćenje aktivnosti mikroorganizama radi kontrole postupka, pa se u tu svrhu u novije vrijeme često koristi hibridizacija in situ u kombinaciji s protočnom citometrijom. Ocat je tekućina, pa je idealan medij za protočnu citometriju. Pripremom nove specifične probe za sojeve bakterija octenog vrenja koji mogu rasti pri većim udjelima octene kiseline, te izradom novog protokola hibridizacije in situ, u kombinaciji s protočnom citometrijom omogućeno je izravno praćenje bakterija u proizvodnji octa s udjelom octene kiseline većim od 10 %. Metoda je uspješno upotrijebljena za praćenje mikrobiote tijekom industrijske proizvodnje octa