37 research outputs found

    Open access repositories as channel of publication scientific grey literature

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    This is the presentation of the paper entitled “Open access repositories as channel of publication scientific grey literature” in the TEEM 2015 International Conference held in Porto (Portugal) in October 7-9, 2015. In this paper we describe how the open access repositories are valid channels for the publication of scientific grey literature. Technological development facilitates the communication of scientific knowledge, allowing expand distribution channels and significantly reducing transmission costs of the investigation. There are new paradigms of scientific communication such as open access repositories that must be exploited to provide academic and research free content, so that the scientific production is globally accessible to society. The aim of this study is to report the benefits of scientific communication model through open access repositories, especially the benefits for scientific grey literature, using as an example the theses deposited in open access and distributed through GREDOS, Institutional Repository of the University of Salamanca. We present the fundamentals, the state of the art, trends and benefits of open access, understood as a radical change in the system of scientific communication. Open Access repositories are a new way to disseminate scientific grey literature so that this literature can achieve maximum dissemination and visibility, increasing the rate of citation. Currently the movement for open access is sufficiently consolidated. Repositories are a key element in the development of this movement, offering multiple benefits, like visibility and citation, to authors, institutions and the general public. Doctoral theses disseminated through the repositories increase their use, visibility and consequently their rate of citation, while contributing to the public good

    Science 2.0 supported by Open Access Repositories and Open Linked Data

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    [EN]The main goal of this track is to gather experiences and works to disseminate initiatives, programmes and projects about both theoretical and technological issues related to Open Knowledge with regard to two key elements: the open access to the scientific knowledge and Science 2.

    Art Therapy for Schools: Looking Inside and Outside

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    [EN] The current COVID-19 pandemic is challenging all professionals engaged in education. Four high schools from León make virtual visits to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Castilla y León (MUSAC) through Microsoft´s Teams platform. Students can visit the exhibitions virtually, without leaving the classroom. Working together with the Department of Education and Culture (DEAC) on an educational research project, we present a way of humanizing distance learning, working with students' emotions to increase their motivation and positive attitudes toward learning. Studies show that art can help overcome the emotional effects of the pandemic.[ES] La actual pandemia ocasionada por la crisis sanitaria derivada de la COVID-19 está suponiendo un reto para todos los profesionales que nos dedicamos a la educación en su sentido más amplio. Esta comunicación analiza el trabajo conjunto que estamos desarrollando cuatro Institutos de Educación Secundaria de la ciudad de León y su alfoz, junto con el Departamento de Educación y Acción Cultural (DEAC) del MUSAC y el Departamento de Patrimonio Artístico y Documental de la Universidad de León. Esta experiencia se encuentra vinculada al Proyecto de Investigación Educativa otorgado por la Consejería de Educación de Castilla y León mediante ORDEN EDU/262/2020 de 9 de marzo (BOCYL de 17 de marzo) titulado La práctica de las enseñanzas artísticas en tiempos de pandemia. Esta comunicación presenta la experiencia de visitas escolares al MUSAC online, a través de la plataforma Teams de Microsoft. Los estudiantes pueden visitar las exposiciones de forma telemática sin moverse del aula. Nuestra propuesta pasa por construir la visita virtual al museo de manera emotiva, lúdica, dinámica y participativa, a la vez que transformamos el concepto de museo, pasando de ser un museo centrado en los objetos y en la información, a uno más abierto, donde las personas tengan voz e interactúen. Tras cada visita, hacemos propuestas educativas que llevan a cabo los profesores del aula, para fomentar la reflexión sobre el placer de contemplar y descubrir, sentir la presencia del arte, desarrollando el pensamiento crítico y dando lugar a que el alumnado de rienda suelta a su poder creador. Se trata de un proyecto cuyo objetivo principal es analizar la realidad educativa de las enseñanzas artísticas durante la pandemia, en un momento en el que las medidas sanitarias dificultan las actividades presenciales en los museos, así como utilizar las artes como modelo pedagógico y terapéutico, introduciéndolo en otras disciplinas. Del mismo modo, tratamos de mejorar el pensamiento abstracto del alumnado para que, a través del arte, mejore cada una de las competencias clave que le ayuden a alcanzar un pleno desarrollo social, personal y profesional. Partiendo de la experiencia vivida durante el confinamiento de marzo provocado por la crisis sanitaria, presentamos una manera de humanizar la enseñanza a distancia, trabajando con las emociones del alumnado para aumentar su motivación y actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje. Creemos que el arte puede ayudar a superar los efectos emocionales de la pandemia.Santos Álvarez, A.; Gallego García, J.; Domínguez Astorga, MT.; Marcos Treceño, G. (2022). Arte terapia para la escuela: una mirada hacia dentro y hacia fuera. En CIMED21 - I Congreso internacional de museos y estrategias digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 345-359. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIMED21.2021.12406OCS34535


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    This report gathers the date of the research about coexistence at Secondary Schools of the teacher centres in Badajoz. Teachers were asked to fil/ in a questionnaire about the following: - The level of conflicts. - The most common she. - The reason for them. - The solutions to solve the difficulties. - The teachers' opinions about the rules and the consequences of the teachers' health. Finally, sorne reflexions are added to the results of the survey in arder to face the problem of conflicts at Secondary SchoolsEste trabajo recoge los datos de una investigación sobre la convivencia en los centros de secundaria del Centro de Profe sores y Recursos de Badajoz. Se ha realizado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario en el que se preguntaba a los profesores su opinión sobre: - El nivel de conflictividad - Los conflictos más frecuentes - las causas de estos - las estrategias utilizadas por centros y profesores para resolverlos - Sus opiniones sobre la normativa y las repercusiones en la salud laboral de los docentes. Por último, a los resultados del cuestionario, añadimos unas reflexiones que consideramos titiles desde el punto de vista teórico y práctico para abordar el problema de la conflictividad en los centros

    SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins involvement in inflammatory and profibrotic processes through IL11 signaling

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    SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, possesses eleven accessory proteins encoded in its genome. Their roles during infection are still not completely understood. In this study, transcriptomics analysis revealed that both WNT5A and IL11 were significantly up-regulated in A549 cells expressing individual accessory proteins ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b or ORF9c from SARS-CoV-2 (Wuhan-Hu-1 isolate). IL11 is a member of the IL6 family of cytokines. IL11 signaling-related genes were also differentially expressed. Bioinformatics analysis disclosed that both WNT5A and IL11 were involved in pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic disease and functional assays confirmed their association with profibrotic cell responses. Subsequently, data comparison with lung cell lines infected with SARS-CoV-2 or lung biopsies from patients with COVID-19, evidenced altered profibrotic gene expression that matched those obtained in this study. Our results show ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b and ORF9c involvement in inflammatory and profibrotic responses. Thus, these accessory proteins could be targeted by new therapies against COVID-19 disease

    IL11 involvement in inflammatory and pro-fibrotic alterations via STAT3-WNT5A signaling activation by SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins

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    1 p.-6 fig.SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, possesses eleven accessory proteins encoded in its genome. Their roles during infection are still not completely understood and several of them have been mutating into the different variants of the virus. WNT5A dysregulation signaling has been implicated in the development of various pathological conditions in humans such as inflammation and fibrosis. Interleukin-6 (IL6) family members induce WNT5A expression in various cell types, highlighting a critical role for WNT5A in immune responses. Expression of Interleukin-11 (IL11), a member of IL6 cytokine family, correlates with the extent of fibrosis and its signaling induced fibroblast activation via TGFβ. In this study, A549 were transduced with lentivirus expressing individual viral accessory proteins ORF6, ORF8,ORF9b or ORF9c from SARS-CoV-2 (Wuhan-Hu-1 isolate) and their interaction with cellular responses were analyzed. Firstly, transcriptomic analysis revealed that both WNT5A and IL11 were significantly up-regulated in all transduced cells. Some IL11 signaling-related genes, such as STAT3 or TGFβ, were differentially expressed. IPA software analysis showed that both WNT5A and IL11 were involved in pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic disease. Subsequently, bioinformatics and functional assays revealed that these four accessory proteins were implicated in both inflammatory and fibrotic responses. While overexpression of ORF8 and ORF9c appear to trigger a STAT3-dependent cellular response mediated by IL11, ORF6 and ORF9b seem to provoke a cell profibrotic response mediated by TGFb through WNT5A. Our results suggest that ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b and ORF9c could be involved in inflammatory and fibrotic responses in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Thus, these accessory proteins could be targeted by new therapies for COVID-19 disease.This research work was funded by the European Commission – NextGenerationEU(Regulation EU 2020/2094), through CSIC's Global Health Platform (PTI+ Salud Global), Junta de Andalucía (CV20-20089) and Spanish Ministry of Science project PID2021-123399OB-I00.Peer reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins involvement in inflammatory and profibrotic processes through IL11 signaling

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    15 p.-7 fig.SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, possesses eleven accessory proteins encoded in its genome. Their roles during infection are still not completely understood. In this study, transcriptomics analysis revealed that both WNT5A and IL11 were significantly up-regulated in A549 cells expressing individual accessory proteins ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b or ORF9c from SARS-CoV-2 (Wuhan-Hu-1 isolate). IL11 is a member of the IL6 family of cytokines. IL11 signaling-related genes were also differentially expressed. Bioinformatics analysis disclosed that both WNT5A and IL11 were involved in pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic disease and functional assays confirmed their association with profibrotic cell responses. Subsequently, data comparison with lung cell lines infected with SARS-CoV-2 or lung biopsies from patients with COVID-19, evidenced altered profibrotic gene expression that matched those obtained in this study. Our results show ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b and ORF9c involvement in inflammatory and profibrotic responses. Thus, these accessory proteins could be targeted by new therapies against COVID-19 disease.This research work was funded by the European Commission – NextGenerationEU (Regulation EU 2020/2094), through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI+ Salud Global) (COVID-19-117 and SGL2103015), Junta de Andalucía (CV20-20089) and Spanish Ministry of Science project (PID2021-123399OB-I00).Peer reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins involvement in inflammatory and profibrotic processes through IL11 signaling

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    SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID19 pandemic, possesses eleven accessory proteins encoded in its genome. Their roles during infection are still not completely understood. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that both WNT5A and IL11 were significantly up-regulated in A549 cells expressing individual accessory proteins ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b or ORF9c from SARS-CoV-2 (Wuhan-Hu-1 isolate). IL11 signaling-related genes were also differentially expressed. Bioinformatics analysis disclosed that both WNT5A and IL11 were involved in pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic disease. Functional assays confirmed their association with profibrotic cell responses. Subsequently, data comparison with lung cell lines infected with SARS-CoV-2 or lung biopsies from patients with COVID19 evidenced altered gene expression that matched those obtained in this study. Our results show ORF6, ORF8, ORF9b and ORF9c involvement in inflammatory and profibrotic responses. Thus, these accessory proteins could be targeted by new therapies against COVID19 disease.N

    Metabolic and mitochondria alterations induced by SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins ORF3a, ORF9b, ORF9c and ORF10

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    Antiviral signaling, immune response and cell metabolism in human body are dysregulated by SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the COVID-19. Here, we show that SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins ORF3a, ORF9b, ORF9c and ORF10 induce a significant mitochondrial and metabolic reprogramming in A549 lung epithelial cells. While all four ORFs caused mitochondrial fragmentation and altered mitochondrial function, only ORF3a and ORF9c induced a marked structural alteration in mitochondrial cristae. ORF9b, ORF9c and ORF10 induced largely overlapping transcriptomes. In contrast, ORF3a induced a distinct transcriptome, including the downregulation of numerous genes for proteins with critical mitochondrial functions and morphology. Genome-Scale Metabolic Models predicted common and private metabolic flux reprogramming, notably a depressed amino acid metabolism, and an enhanced metabolism of specific lipids distinctly induced by ORF3a. These findings reveal metabolic dependencies and vulnerabilities prompted by SARS-CoV-2 accessory proteins that may be exploited to identify new targets for intervention.This research work was funded by the European Commission – NextGenerationEU (Regulation EU 2020/2094), through CSIC's Global Health Platform (PTI+ Salud Global) (COVID-19-117 and SGL2103015), Junta de Andalucía (CV20-20089), Spanish Ministry of Science project (PID2021-123399OB-I00), the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants from Generalitat de Catalunya-AGAUR (2020PANDE00048 and 2021SGR00350) and ICREA foundation (ICREA-Academia-2021 to MC) of Generalitat de Catalunya, and an AESi grant of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI20CIII-00014). TGG is recipient of a Ramón y Cajal contract funded by MCIN/AEU/10.13039/501100011033 and NextGeneration EU/PRTR.N