2,684 research outputs found

    Observational evidence for buffeting induced kink waves in solar magnetic elements

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    The role of diffuse photospheric magnetic elements in the energy budget of the upper layers of the Sun's atmosphere has been the recent subject of many studies. This was made possible by the availability of high temporal and spatial resolution observations of the solar photosphere, allowing large numbers of magnetic elements to be tracked to study their dynamics. In this work we exploit a long temporal series of seeing-free magnetograms of the solar photosphere to study the effect of the turbulent convection in the excitation of kink oscillations in magnetic elements. We make use of the empirical mode decomposition technique (EMD) in order to study the transverse oscillations of several magnetic flux tubes. This technique permits the analysis of non-stationary time series like those associated to the horizontal velocities of these flux tubes which are continuously advected and dispersed by granular flows. Our primary findings reveal the excitation of low frequency modes of kink oscillations, which are sub-harmonics of a fundamental mode with a 7.6±0.27.6 \pm 0.2 minute periodicity. These results constitute a strong case for observational proof of the excitation of kink waves by the buffeting of the convection cells in the solar photosphere, and are discussed in light of their possible role in the energy budget of the upper Sun's atmosphere.Comment: A&A accepte

    Polarimetry and photometry of the peculiar main-belt object 7968 = 133P/Elst-Pizarro

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    133P/Elst-Pizarro is an object that has been described as either an active asteroid or a cometary object in the main asteroid belt. Here we present a photometric and polarimetric study of this object in an attempt to infer additional information about its origin. With the FORS1 instrument of the ESO VLT, we have performed during the 2007 apparition of 133P/Elst-Pizarro quasi-simultaneous photometry and polarimetry of its nucleus at nine epochs in the phase angle range 0 - 20 deg. For each observing epoch, we also combined all available frames to obtain a deep image of the object, to seek signatures of weak cometary activity. Polarimetric data were analysed by means of a novel physical interference modelling. The object brightness was found to be highly variable over timescales <1h, a result fully consistent with previous studies. Using the albedo-polarization relationships for asteroids and our photometric results, we found for our target an albedo of about 0.06-0.07 and a mean radius of about 1.6 km. Throughout the observing epochs, our deep imaging of the comet detects a tail and an anti-tail. Their temporal variations are consistent with an activity profile starting around mid May 2007 of minimum duration of four months. Our images show marginal evidence of a coma around the nucleus. The overall light scattering behaviour (photometry and polarimetry) resembles most closely that of F-type asteroids.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Possible Application of Three-Dimensional Modeling for Deep Lakes Hydrothermal Studies

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    Several phenomena relating to the ecology of deep lakes and reservoirs depend on the hydrothermal processes and circulation patterns in the specific site which are influenced by seasonal natural events as well as by urban and industrial pollutants sources. Moreover, the planning, design and control of cooling systems and/or pollutant effluents require predictive mathematical models in order to simulate the local and mesoscale effects of pollutants under normal and extreme environmental conditions and for the adoption of the most economical design parameters and control strategies. In this respect a multi-layer three-dimensional model (TRIMDI) has been recently investigated for use in ecological studies under complex geographic situations or when multiple releases result in interaction with the boundaries of the receiving water body

    Photometry and polarimetry of the nucleus of comet 2P/Encke

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    Broadband imaging photometry, and broadband and narrowband linear polarimetry was measured for the nucleus of 2P/Encke over the phase-angle range 4 - 28 deg. An analysis of the point spread function of the comet reveals only weak coma activity, corresponding to a dust production of the order of 0.05 kg/s. The nucleus displays a color independent photometric phase function of almost linear slope. The absolute R filter magnitude at zero phase angle is 15.05 +/- 0.05, and corresponds to an equivalent radius for the nucleus of 2.43 +/- 0.06 km (for an adopted albedo of 0.047). The nucleus color V - R is 0.47 +/- 0.07, suggesting a spectral slope of 11 +/- 8 %/100nm. The phase function of linear polarimetry in the V and R filters shows a widely color independent linear increase with phase angle (0.12 +/- 0.02%/deg). We find discrepancies in the photometric and polarimetric parameters between 2P/Encke and other minor bodies in the solar system, which may indicate significant differences in the surface material properties and light-scattering behavior of the bodies. The linear polarimetric phase function of 2P/Encke presented here is the first ever measured for a cometary nucleus, and its analysis encourages future studies of cometary nuclei in order to characterize the light-scattering behavior of comets on firm empirical grounds and provide suitable input to a comprehensive modeling of the light scattering by cometary surfaces.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Reduced lysosomal acid lipase activity: A new marker of liver disease severity across the clinical continuum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

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    Lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) plays a key role in intracellular lipid metabolism. Reduced LAL activity promotes increased multi-organ lysosomal cholesterol ester storage, as observed in two recessive autosomal genetic diseases, Wolman disease and Cholesterol ester storage disease. Severe liver steatosis and accelerated liver fibrosis are common features in patients with genetic LAL deficiency. By contrast, few reliable data are available on the modulation of LAL activity in vivo and on the epigenetic and metabolic factors capable of regulating its activity in subjects without homozygous mutations of the Lipase A gene. In the last few years, a less severe and non-genetic reduction of LAL activity was reported in children and adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), suggesting a possible role of LAL reduction in the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. Patients with NAFLD show a significant, progressive reduction of LAL activity from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and cryptogenic cirrhosis. Among cirrhosis of different etiologies, those with cryptogenic cirrhosis show the most significant reductions of LAL activity. These findings suggest that the modulation of LAL activity may become a possible new therapeutic target for patients with more advanced forms of NAFLD. Moreover, the measurement of LAL activity may represent a possible new marker of disease severity in this clinical setting

    A new photometric technique for the joint selection of star-forming and passive galaxies at 1.4<z<2.5

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    A simple two color selection based on B-, z-, and K- band photometry is proposed for culling galaxies at 1.4<z<2.5 in K-selected samples and classifying them as star-forming or passive systems. The method is calibrated on the highly complete spectroscopic redshift database of the K20 survey, verified with simulations and tested on other datasets. Requiring BzK=(z-K)-(B-z)>-0.2 (AB) allows to select actively star-forming galaxies at z>1.4, independently on their dust reddening. Instead, objects with BzK<-0.2 and (z-K)>2.5 (AB) colors include passively evolving galaxies at z>1.4, often with spheroidal morphologies. Simple recipes to estimate the reddening, SFRs and masses of BzK-selected galaxies are derived, and calibrated on K<20 galaxies. Based on their UV (reddening-corrected), X-ray and radio luminosities, the BzK-selected star-forming galaxies with K<20 turn out to have average SFR ~ 200 Msun yr^-1, and median reddening E(B-V)~0.4. Besides missing the passively evolving galaxies, the UV selection appears to miss some relevant fraction of the z~2 star-forming galaxies with K<20, and hence of the (obscured) star-formation rate density at this redshift. The high SFRs and masses add to other existing evidence that these z=2 star-forming galaxies may be among the precursors of z=0 early-type galaxies. Theoretical models cannot reproduce simultaneously the space density of both passively evolving and highly star-forming galaxies at z=2. In view of Spitzer Space Telescope observations, an analogous technique based on the RJL photometry is proposed to complement the BzK selection and to identify massive galaxies at 2.5<z<4.0. These color criteria should help in completing the census of the stellar mass and of the star-formation rate density at high redshift (abridged).Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, to appear on ApJ (20 December 2004 issue

    Magnetic field fluctuation features at Swarm's altitude: a fractal approach

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    The ESA Swarm mission provides a qualitatively new level of observational geomagnetic data, \textbf{which allows us to study the spatial features of magnetic field fluctuations}, capturing their essential characteristics and at the same time establishing a correlation with the dynamics of the systems responsible for the fluctuations. Our study aims to characterize changes in the scaling properties of the geomagnetic field's spatial fluctuations by evaluating the local Hurst exponent, and to construct maps of this index \textbf{at the Swarm's altitude (∼460\sim460 km)}. Since a signal with a larger Hurst exponent is more regular and less erratic than a signal with a smaller one, the maps permit us to localize spatial structures characterized by different scaling properties. This study is an example of the potential of Swarm data to give new insights into ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling; at the same time, it develops new applications where changes in statistical parameters can be used as a local indicator of overall magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling conditions

    Ground-based monitoring of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko gas activity throughout the <i>Rosetta</i> mission

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    Simultaneously to the ESA Rosetta mission, a world-wide ground-based campaign provided measurements of the large scale activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through measurement of optically active gas species and imaging of the overall dust coma. We present more than two years of observations performed with the FORS2 low resolution spectrograph at the VLT, TRAPPIST, and ACAM at the WHT. We focus on the evolution of the CN production, as a tracer of the comet activity. We find that it is asymmetric with respect to perihelion and different from that of the dust. The CN emission is detected for the first time at 1.34 au pre-perihelion and production rates then increase steeply to peak about two weeks after perihelion at (1.00±0.10) ×1025 molecules s−1, while the post-perihelion decrease is more shallow. The evolution of the comet activity is strongly influenced by seasonal effects, with enhanced CN production when the Southern hemisphere is illuminated

    On the nonstationarity of the decadal periodicities of the length of day

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    The Earth's rotation rate is not constant, but changes on all observable timescales, from subdaily to decadal and longer. These variations are usually discussed in terms of variations in the length of the day (LoD) and are caused by processes acting within the interior, at the surface and outside of the Earth. Here, we investigate the presence of long-standing decadal variations in yearly LoD data covering the period from 1832 to 2009 by applying the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT). The HHT has been slightly modified here to take into account the uncertainty of LoD values that has changed greatly in time due to the use of different LoD measurement techniques. The LoD time series has been completely decomposed into five intrinsic mode functions (IMF) and a residual trend. The estimation of instantaneous frequencies and related amplitudes of the obtained IMFs has allowed us to compute the Hilbert spectrum that has been used as the starting point for studying and discussing the stationarity of typical LoD timescale stationarity. The obtained results while showing the presence of multiple periodicities also indicate the absence of really stationary periodicities. Therefore, rather than considering the processes taking place in the Earth's core as the result of a superposition of oscillations (i.e. stationary mechanisms) occurring on a discrete number of different timescales, it would be better to think of a superposition of fluctuations that are intermittent in both frequency and amplitude
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