195 research outputs found

    Effects of dust scattering halos on timing properties of galactic black hole transients

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    Sources with high column density of absorption have also been known to have high column density of dust along the line of sight. The process of small angle scattering of X-rays by the dust grains in the molecular clouds can produce delays on the order of days. Moreover, the scattering cross-section scales as E{u100000}2 where E is the energy of the X-ray photon, which means the low energy photons are heavily scattered. The di erential delays caused by the scattering process may cause loss of coherence and a decrease in the rms amplitude of variability, therefore may impact the studies that use the correlations between the rms amplitude of variability and energy. We observed the Galactic black hole 1E 1740.7{u100000}2742 which has very high column density (NH 1023) for 20 ks with XMM-Newton and RXTE simultaneously. We also used an archival Chandra observation to diagnose if the dust scattering halo (DSH) is present. We characterized the DSH emission in 2:11{u100000}5:86 keV energy band by spectral means and also by comparing the power spectra from XMM-Newton and RXTE. We also investigated the possible location of the HCO+ cloud relative to the source. Finally, we propose a correction method to obtain the \intrinsic" power spectra and rms amplitude of variability values for XMM-Newton and RXTE observations that are behind ample amount of interstellar mediu

    Güneydoğu Türkiye Yarasaları (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

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    Southeastern Turkey is an important geographical region where the bat species spreading especially in Arabian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East enter in Turkey and have an intense population. The aim of this study was to identify the bat species in this region, which has glacial mountains, arid steppes, river valleys and vast plains. As a result of the field studies conducted between 2004 and 2017, totally 15 species belonging to Emballonuridae, Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae families of Microchiroptera suborder were identified in the study area. The habitat characteristics of the species and their locality records were presented. In this study, Myotis nattererii, M. aurescens, and Rhinolophus mehelyi were firstly recorded in the study area. Also, two new locations were determined for Taphozous nudiventris known from one location in Turkey up to the present.Güneydoğu Türkiye özellikle Arap yarım adası, kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu bölgesinde yayılış gösteren yarasa türlerinin Türkiye’ye giriş yaptığı ve yoğun olarak bulunduğu önemli bir coğrafik bölgedir. Buzul dağlardan, kurak steplere, ırmak vadilerinden geniş düzlüklere sahip bu bölgedeki yarasa türlerini tespit etmek bu çalışmanın amacı oluşturmaktadır. 2004-2017 yılları arasında yapılan arazi çalışmaları sonucunda araştırma bölgesinden Microchiroptera alt takımının Emballonuridae, Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae ve Molossidae familyalarına mensup toplam 15 tür tespit edilmiştir. Türlere ait habitat özellikleri ve lokalite kayıtları verilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile Myotis nattererii, M. aurescens ve Rhinolophus mehelyi’nin araştırma bölgesinden ilk kez kaydı verilmiştir. Bununla birlikte bugüne kadar ülkemizden tek bir lokaliteden bilinen Taphozous nudiventris için iki yeni lokalite daha tespit edilmiştir

    Cancer frequency: Kars province

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    Background: Malignant tumors are important causes of mortality and morbidity in the world. It is known that the incidence of tumors- in which a large number of etiologic agents are identified and continued to be investigated- varies according to age, gender and geographical location. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and localization distributions of malignant tumors in Kars.Methods: The study included 17012 patients whose biopsy materials were evaluated in the Department of Pathology of Kafkas University Health Research and Practice Hospital between 2014-2017.Results: The mean age of all cancer cases was 63.3±14.8 and the median age was 63. The cancer frequency was detected 22.6% in 2014, 23.3% in 2015, 26.9% in 2016 and 27.2% in 2017 with general slight male dominance.Conclusions: The incidence of cancer in our country is found to be lower compared to the world data. It is necessary to examine and take into account the regional and city-based cancer statistics that serve as an important key stone in the planning of health policies and health investments in our country. Regional data is not only important for treatment services, but also for preventive health services and early diagnosis

    Infrared spectroscopic studies on the dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine bilayer interactions with calcium phosphate: Effect of vitamin D 2

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    Abstract. In the present work, the interaction of calcium-phosphate with DPPC (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine) model membranes has been studied in the presence and absence of vitamin D2 by using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Calcium and phosphorus are the most abundant elements in the body. They combine in the form of calcium phosphate salt, called hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is the major structural component of the bone. Calcium phosphate assists with the digestion and absorption of food and is vitally important for the building of sturdy bone and body structures and a robust constitution. Phosphorus is extracted from foods and its use is controlled by vitamin D and calcium. FTIR spectral analysis results suggested that, calcium-phosphate complex, which is the major component of the bones, decreases the phase transition temperature to lower values, causes a loss in cooperativity of the acyl chains, decreases the order of the membrane in both phases and decreases the dynamics of the membrane in the liquid crystalline phase, increases the flexibility of the chains in the center of the bilayer in both phases, and increases the mobility of the head group of DPPC in the gel phase. The effect of calcium-phosphate on DPPC liposomes diminishes with the addition of vitamin D2 into the liposomes. Our results suggest how calcium-phosphate and/or vitamin D2, which have indispensable role for the functioning of the bone tissue, affect the thermal behaviour of DPPC liposomes at molecular level

    Textbook usage at schools in the UK: current status, studies, future plans

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    Bu çalışma, Birleşik Krallık eğitim sisteminde ders kitabı kullanımı konusuna ışık tutmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dünyanın birçok ülkesinde ders kitapları başlıca eğitim materyali olmasına rağmen, Birleşik Krallık eğitim sisteminde geçtiğimiz yüzyılın son yarısında ders kitabı kullanımı ortadan kalkmıştır. Bunda farklılaştırılmış öğretim ve öğrenmeyi öğretme yaklaşımları etkili olmuştur. Ancak, ders kitabı kullanımının başat olduğu Uzak Doğu ülkelerinin PISA gibi uluslararası sınavlarda elde ettiği başarılar, İngiliz eğitim otoritelerini Birleşik Krallık’taki ders kitabı karşıtlığı kültürünü sorgulamaya yöneltmiştir. Eğitim Bakanlığı, nitelikli ders kitaplarını kullanıma sunarak ders kitabı karşıtlığını zayıflatmak üzere çeşitli adımlar atmıştır. Şimdiye kadar matematik ders kitaplarında oldukça önemli bir mesafe kat edilebilmiştir. Eğitim otoriteleri, Birleşik Krallık’taki okullarda ders kitabı kullanımını yaygınlaştırma yolunda çaba sarf etmekle birlikte, eğitimin bireysel olması gerektiği yönündeki köklü düşünce, bütün tarafları ikna etmenin uzun zaman alacağını göstermektedir.This study aims to shed a light on textbook use in the UK education system. Although being the primary course material in many countries through the World, textbooks have fallen out of use in the UK during the last quarter of the century. The philosophy of differentiated teaching and “teach how to learn” have played a great part in shaping this change. However, the success of Far East countries, where the textbook use is dominant, in international exams such as PISA urged British educational authorities to question the anti-textbook culture in the UK. Ministry of Education has taken a step to counteract against this antitextbook culture by introducing high quality textbooks to the UK schools. So far, considerable progress has been made in maths textbooks. The authorities aim to widen the use of textbooks in the UK schools, but it seems this will take a long time to persuade all parties in the educational system due to the deepseated view that education must be individualized

    A new chromosomal race (2n=44) of Nannospalax xanthodon from Turkey (Mammalia: Rodentia)

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    This study was supported by Omer Halisdemir University (FEB2011/35, FEB2013/01)A new karyotype for blind mole rats was recorded in Tunceli province in Eastern Turkey. The karyotype contained 44 chromosomes, including 13 biarmed pairs, 7 acrocentric pairs, and one heteromorphic pair with a submetacentric and an acrocentric homologue in the autosomal complement (FNa=69). The X chromosome was submetacentric and the Y chromosome medium-sized subtelocentric (FN=73). Distinct dark centromeric C-bands were observed on most of the biarmed and three pairs of the acrocentric autosomes. The NORs were detected on short arms of three subtelocentric pairs and one acrocentric pair of autosomes. The diploid number of chromosomes and the karyotype characteristics observed are obviously unique among hitherto studied populations of blind mole rats and the complement can be evaluated as a new chromosome race of Nannospalax xanthodon. The distribution ranges of individual chromosome races of the species recorded in Eastern Anatolia are revised and possible interracial hybridization is discussed in respect of the finding of a new race

    Dietary elimination of children with food protein induced gastrointestinal allergy – micronutrient adequacy with and without a hypoallergenic formula?

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    Background: The cornerstone for management of Food protein-induced gastrointestinal allergy (FPGIA) is dietary exclusion; however the micronutrient intake of this population has been poorly studied. We set out to determine the dietary intake of children on an elimination diet for this food allergy and hypothesised that the type of elimination diet and the presence of a hypoallergenic formula (HF) significantly impacts on micronutrient intake. Method: A prospective observational study was conducted on children diagnosed with FPIGA on an exclusion diet who completed a 3 day semi-quantitative food diary 4 weeks after commencing the diet. Nutritional intake where HF was used was compared to those without HF, with or without a vitamin and mineral supplement (VMS). Results: One-hundred-and-five food diaries were included in the data analysis: 70 boys (66.7%) with median age of 21.8 months [IQR: 10 - 67.7]. Fifty-three children (50.5%) consumed a HF and the volume of consumption was correlated to micronutrient intake. Significantly (p <0.05) more children reached their micronutrient requirements if a HF was consumed. In those without a HF, some continued not to achieve requirements in particular for vitamin D and zinc, in spite of VMS. Conclusion: This study points towards the important micronutrient contribution of a HF in children with FPIGA. Children, who are not on a HF and without a VMS, are at increased risk of low intakes in particular vitamin D and zinc. Further studies need to be performed, to assess whether dietary intake translates into actual biological deficiencies