149 research outputs found

    Muids – Le Gorgeon des Rues, Les Pendants, Les PrĂ©s Malmains

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    PremiĂšre tranche Le projet d’extension d’une carriĂšre sur la commune de Muids dans une zone ayant dĂ©jĂ  livrĂ© des vestiges a motivĂ© la prescription d’un diagnostic. Ce projet d’une surface de 20,65 ha, prĂ©voit plusieurs phases d’exploitation successives, qui donneront lieu Ă  plusieurs diagnostics. La premiĂšre tranche, rĂ©alisĂ©e en fĂ©vrier et mars 2012, a permis de sonder les 6 premiers hectares situĂ©s sur des parcelles jouxtant directement l’exploitation actuelle. Ce diagnostic a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un palĂ©..

    Out of the Orient: Post-Tethyan transoceanic and trans-Arabian routes fostered the spread of Baorini skippers in the Afrotropics

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    The origin of taxa presenting a disjunct distribution between Africa and Asia has puzzled biogeographers for more than a century. This biogeographic pattern has been hypothesized to be the result of transoceanic long-distance dispersal, Oligocene dispersal through forested corridors, Miocene dispersal through the Arabian Peninsula or passive dispersal on the rifting Indian plate. However, it has often been difficult to pinpoint the mechanisms at play. We investigate biotic exchange between the Afrotropics and the Oriental region during the Cenozoic, a period in which geological changes altered landmass connectivity. We use Baorini skippers (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) as a model, a widespread clade of butterflies in the Old World tropics with a disjunct distribution between the Afrotropics and the Oriental region. We use anchored phylogenomics to infer a robust evolutionary tree for Baorini skippers and estimate divergence times and ancestral ranges to test biogeographic hypotheses. Our phylogenomic tree recovers strongly supported relationships for Baorini skippers and clarifies the systematics of the tribe. Dating analyses suggest that these butterflies originated in the Oriental region, Greater Sunda Islands, and the Philippines in the early Miocene c. 23 Ma. Baorini skippers dispersed from the Oriental region towards Africa at least five times in the past 20 Ma. These butterflies colonized the Afrotropics primarily through trans-Arabian geodispersal after the closure of the Tethyan seaway in the mid-Miocene. Range expansion from the Oriental region towards the African continent probably occurred via the Gomphotherium land bridge through the Arabian Peninsula. Alternative scenarios invoking long-distance dispersal and vicariance are not supported. The Miocene climate change and biome shift from forested areas to grasslands possibly facilitated geodispersal in this clade of butterflies.Directorate for Biological Sciences. Grant Numbers: DEB‐1541500, DEB‐1541560.Peer reviewe

    Time-resolved single-cell RNA-seq using metabolic RNA labelling

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    Single-cell RNA sequencing offers snapshots of whole transcriptomes but obscures the temporal RNA dynamics. Here we present single-cell metabolically labeled new RNA tagging sequencing (scNT-seq), a method for massively parallel analysis of newly transcribed and pre-existing mRNAs from the same cell. This droplet microfluidics-based method enables high-throughput chemical conversion on barcoded beads, efficiently marking newly transcribed mRNAs with T-to-C substitutions. Using scNT-seq, we jointly profiled new and old transcriptomes in ~55,000 single cells. These data revealed time-resolved transcription factor activities and cell-state trajectories at the single-cell level in response to neuronal activation. We further determined rates of RNA biogenesis and decay to uncover RNA regulatory strategies during stepwise conversion between pluripotent and rare totipotent two-cell embryo (2C)-like stem cell states. Finally, integrating scNT-seq with genetic perturbation identifies DNA methylcytosine dioxygenase as an epigenetic barrier into the 2C-like cell state. Time-resolved single-cell transcriptomic analysis thus opens new lines of inquiry regarding cell-type-specific RNA regulatory mechanisms

    To What Extent Do Food Preferences Explain the Trophic Position of Heterotrophic and Mixotrophic Microbial Consumers in a Sphagnum Peatland?

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    Although microorganisms are the primary drivers of biogeochemical cycles, the structure and functioning of microbial food webs are poorly studied. This is the case in Sphagnum peatlands, where microbial communities play a key role in the global carbon cycle. Here, we explored the structure of the microbial food web from a Sphagnum peatland by analyzing (1) the density and biomass of different microbial functional groups, (2) the natural stable isotope (ÎŽ 13C and ÎŽ 15N) signatures of key microbial consumers (testate amoebae), and (3) the digestive vacuole contents of Hyalosphenia papilio, the dominant testate amoeba species in our system. Our results showed that the feeding type of testate amoeba species (bacterivory, algivory, or both) translates into their trophic position as assessed by isotopic signatures. Our study further demonstrates, for H. papilio, the energetic benefits of mixotrophy when the density of its preferential prey is low. Overall, our results show that testate amoebae occupy different trophic levels within the microbial food web, depending on their feeding behavior, the density of their food resources, and their metabolism (i.e., mixotrophy vs. heterotrophy). Combined analyses of predation, community structure, and stable isotopes now allow the structure of microbial food webs to be more completely described, which should lead to improved models of microbial community functio

    BCR-associated factors driving chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells proliferation ex vivo

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    International audienceA chronic antigenic stimulation is believed to sustain the leukemogenic development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and most of lymphoproliferative malignancies developed from mature B cells. Reproducing a proliferative stimulation ex vivo is critical to decipher the mechanisms of leukemogenesis in these malignancies. However, functional studies of CLL cells remains limited since current ex vivo B cell receptor (BCR) stimulation protocols are not sufficient to induce the proliferation of these cells, pointing out the need of mandatory BCR co-factors in this process. Here, we investigated benefits of several BCR co-stimulatory molecules (IL-2, IL-4, IL-15, IL-21 and CD40 ligand) in multiple culture conditions. Our results demonstrated that BCR engagement (anti-IgM ligation) concomitant to CD40 ligand, IL-4 and IL-21 stimulation allowed CLL cells proliferation ex vivo. In addition, we established a proliferative advantage for ZAP70 positive CLL cells, associated to an increased phosphorylation of ZAP70/SYK and STAT6. Moreover, the use of a tri-dimensional matrix of methylcellulose and the addition of TLR9 agonists further increased this proliferative response. This ex vivo model of BCR stimulation with T-derived cytokines is a relevant and efficient model for functional studies of CLL as well as lymphoproliferative malignancies. Like in most mature lymphoproliferative malignancies, an antigenic stimulation is believed to drive the leukemo-genic process in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) 1-3. A restricted use of IGHV genes and the existence of ste-reotypic B cell receptor (BCR) on CLL cells 4-6 provides evidence in favor of antigenic stimulation where different microbial antigens, as well as auto-antigens, have been suspected as actors of this chronic stimulation 7. In addition , a chronic BCR self-activation has been shown in subtypes of CLL cells 8. Moreover, several signaling aberrations have been described downstream of the BCR, notably in aggressive CLL with unmutated IGHV (UM-CLL), in which the expression of ZAP70 reinforces BCR responsiveness 9-12. BCR activation, which is essential for the physiological development of lymphocytes 13 would also be indispensable for the survival and proliferation of CLL cells in vivo 2. Accordingly, withdrawal of this stimulation is believed to be responsible for the rapid spontaneous apoptosis of CLL cells ex vivo 14. The cellular consequences of this BCR activation has been extensively studied an

    Progressive Structural Defects in Canine Centronuclear Myopathy Indicate a Role for HACD1 in Maintaining Skeletal Muscle Membrane Systems

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    Mutations in HACD1/PTPLA cause recessive congenital myopathies in humans and dogs. Hydroxyacyl-coA dehydratases are required for elongation of very long chain fatty acids, and HACD1 has a role in early myogenesis, but the functions of this striated muscle-specific enzyme in more differentiated skeletal muscle remain unknown. Canine HACD1 deficiency is histopathologically classified as a centronuclear myopathy (CNM). We investigated the hypothesis that muscle from HACD1-deficient dogs has membrane abnormalities in common with CNMs with different genetic causes. We found progressive changes in tubuloreticular and sarcolemmal membranes and mislocalized triads and mitochondria in skeletal muscle from animals deficient in HACD1. Furthermore, comparable membranous abnormalities in cultured HACD1-deficient myotubes provide additional evidence that these defects are a primary consequence of altered HACD1 expression. Our novel findings, including T-tubule dilatation and disorganization, associated with defects in this additional CNM-associated gene provide a definitive pathophysiologic link with these disorders, confirm that dogs deficient in HACD1 are relevant models, and strengthen the evidence for a unifying pathogenesis in CNMs via defective membrane trafficking and excitation-contraction coupling in muscle. These results build on previous work by determining further functional roles of HACD1 in muscle and provide new insight into the pathology and pathogenetic mechanisms of HACD1 CNM. Consequently, alterations in membrane properties associated with HACD1 mutations should be investigated in humans with related phenotypes

    LTCC and thick-film ceramic magnetic sensors for tokamak nuclear fusion

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    The present contribution gives an overview of our work on non-conventional magnetic coil sensors for diagnostics and plasma stability control of nuclear fusion experiments in tokamaks. Instead of wire wound around a core, these devices consist of printed conductor wire coils on ceramic substrates, and are based on LTCC (low-temperature co-fired ceramic) and thick-film technology, which allow creation of monolithic multilayer coils with excellent stability. For 3D sensing, an innovative modular design combining LTCC coils and an alumina base has been developed. Finally, the important aspects of integration, manufacturing, mounting and interconnection are discussed

    High frequency of central nervous system involvement in transformed Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia

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    Histologicaltransformation (HT) to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a rare event in Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM) and is associated with a poor prognosis.1-4 It confers an inferior outcome compared with WM patients without HT.2,3 Most transformed WM patients present with elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels and extranodal disease.1 Among extranodal sites, the central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most frequently involved sites identified at diagnosis of transformed WM (ranging from 13% to 18%).1,3 However, the prognostic value of CNS involvement is unknown, and the rate of CNS involvement at relapse has not been previously reported in this setting.This work was supported by Cancer Research UK [C355/A26819], FC AECC, and AIRC under the “Accelerator Award Program” [EDITOR] to M.A. and R.G.-S

    Construire des politiques alimentaires urbaines

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    PortĂ© par les industries agroalimentaires, le systĂšme alimentaire dominant actuellement n’est pas durable. Les Ă©tudes et les expertises se multiplient pour en montrer les limites en termes d’usage des ressources, de distanciation, de santĂ©, d’équitĂ©, d’emploi etc
 Face Ă  ces constats, des acteurs publics ou privĂ©s se mobilisent et l’on voit Ă©merger des initiatives oĂč les « gouvernements urbains » apparaissent comme de plus en plus actifs et puissants. Écrit par un collectif de chercheurs, cet ouvrage dĂ©crit les cadres conceptuels existants pour une dĂ©marche d’analyse des politiques alimentaires urbaines, au croisement des concepts de systĂšme alimentaire et de ville durable. Il constitue une base de travail pour identifier des questions de recherche, en relation avec les initiatives des gouvernements locaux urbains, au Nord et au Sud. Il est issu des travaux menĂ©s au sein d’Agropolis International dans le cadre du programme Surfood (Sustainable urban food systems) ainsi que d’une recherche-action menĂ©e en appui Ă  Montpellier MĂ©diterranĂ©e MĂ©tropole pour la construction de sa politique agroĂ©cologique et alimentaire. Les auteurs s’adressent aux scientifiques et aux experts qui analysent et accompagnent les politiques alimentaires urbaines. Les experts de politiques locales dans leur globalitĂ© trouveront Ă©galement un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  la lecture de l’ouvrage
