476 research outputs found

    Application of Stereo Imaging to Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Metrological data from sample surfaces can be obtained by using a variety of profilometry methods. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), which relies on contact inter-atomic forces to extract topographical images of a sample, is one such method that can be used on a wide range of surface types, with possible nanometer range resolution. However, AFM images are commonly distorted by convolution, which reduces metrological accuracy. This type of distortion is more significant when the sample surface contains high aspect ratio features such as lines, steps or sharp edges - structures commonly found in semiconductor devices and applications. Aiming at mitigating these distortions and recovering metrology soundness, we introduce a novel image deconvolution scheme based on the principle of stereo imaging. Multiple images of a sample, taken at different angles, allow for separation of convolution artifacts from true topographic data. As a result, perfect sample reconstruction and probe shape estimation can be achieved in certain cases. Additionally, shadow zones, which are areas of the sample that cannot be probed by the AFM, are greatly reduced. Most importantly, this technique does not require a priori probe characterization. It also reduces the need for slender or sharper probes, which, on one hand, induce less convolution distortion but, on the other hand, are more prone to wear and damage, thus decreasing overall system reliability.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Open circuit fault diagnosis for a five-level neutral point clamped inverter in a grid-connected photovoltaic system with hybrid energy storage system

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    Introduction. Recently, the number of high and medium voltage applications has increased dramatically. The connection between these different applications requires series-parallel combinations of power semiconductors. Multilevel converter topologies provide major advantages to these applications. In this paper, a grid-connected photovoltaic system with a hybrid energy storage system using a five-level neutral point clamped inverter is studied. Although the multilevel inverter has many advantages over the two-level inverter, it has a high probability of experiencing an open circuit fault. In this context, the five-level inverter has 24 controllable switches, one of which may experience an open circuit fault at any time. Therefore, it plays an important part in the reliability and robustness of the whole system. The novelty of this paper presents an approach to accurately detect the open circuit fault in all insulated gate bipolar transistors of a five-level neutral point clamped inverter in a photovoltaic power generation application with a hybrid energy storage system. Purpose. Before using fault-tolerant control to ensure service continuity, fault diagnosis techniques must first be used, which are the crucial phase of reliability. Methods. A detection method based on the maximum and minimum error values is proposed. These errors are calculated using the expected and measured line-to-line pole voltages. Results. The open circuit fault detection method is implemented using MATLAB/Simulink. Simulation results showed the accuracy of detecting the open circuit fault in all insulated gate bipolar transistors in a short time. Moreover, this method is adaptable to several applications and is also robust to transient regimes imposed by solar irradiation and load variations.Вступ. Останнім часом різко зросла кількість застосувань високої та середньої напруги. З’єднання між цими різними використаннями вимагає послідовно-паралельних комбінацій силових напівпровідників. Топології багаторівневих перетворювачів надають цим додаткам великі переваги. У цій статті вивчається фотоелектрична система, підключена до мережі, з гібридною системою зберігання енергії, яка використовує п’ятирівневий інвертор із фіксуванням нейтральної точки. Хоча багаторівневий інвертор має багато переваг, порівняно з дворівневим інвертором, він має високу ймовірність виникнення обриву кола. У зв’язку з цим п’ятирівневий інвертор має 24 керовані перемикачі, один з яких будь-якої миті може зіткнутися з обривом кола. Таким чином, він відіграє важливу роль у надійності та стійкості всієї системи. Новизна цієї статті являє собою підхід до точного виявлення несправності розімкнутого кола у всіх біполярних транзисторах із ізольованим затвором п’ятирівневого інвертора з фіксуванням нейтральної точки у фотоелектричних додатках для вироблення електроенергії з гібридною системою зберігання енергії. Мета. Перш ніж використовувати відмовостійкий контроль для забезпечення безперервності обслуговування, необхідно спочатку використовувати методи діагностики несправностей, які є вирішальним етапом надійності. Методи. Запропоновано метод виявлення, заснований на максимальному та мінімальному значеннях помилок. Ці помилки розраховуються з використанням очікуваних та виміряних міжфазних напруг на полюсах. Результати. Метод виявлення обриву кола реалізовано з використанням MATLAB/Simulink. Результати моделювання показали точність виявлення обриву кола у всіх біполярних транзисторах із ізольованим затвором за короткий час. Більш того, цей метод адаптується до кількох застосувань, а також стійкий до перехідних режимів, викликаних сонячним випромінюванням та змінами навантаження


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    Imaging at the Nano-scale: State of the Art and Advanced Techniques

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    Surface characteristics such as topography and critical dimensions serve as important indicators of product quality and manufacturing process performance especially at the micrometer and the nanometer scales. This paper first reviews different technologies used for obtaining high precision 3-D images of surfaces, along with some selected applications. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of such methods. These images are commonly distorted by convolution effects, which become more prominent when the sample surface contains high aspect ratio features. In addition, data artifacts can result from poor dynamic response of the instrument used. In order to achieve reliable data at high throughput, dynamic interactions between the instrument's components need to be well understood and controlled, and novel image deconvolution schemes need to be developed. Our work aims at mitigating these distortions and achieving reliable data to recover metrology soundness. A summary of our findings will be presented.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    PMH66 Growth in Antidepressant Use in 10 Countries in the Last Decade

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    Humanistic burden in schizophrenia: a literature review.

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    Abstract Objectives of the study and background Schizophrenia is a complex disease that affects 1% of the population. This disease has a considerable impact not only on patients' health and well-being but also on their surrounding environment. The costs of the disease's management remain large for individuals and society. While literature on the economic impact of schizophrenia is abundant, few studies have focused on its humanistic burden. This does not only concern patients, but also caregivers, relatives, neighbours and others in a patient's daily life. This burden appears through several dimensions, including treatment side effects and the impact on caregivers and features of the patient's environment. The aim of this review is to consider, compile and describe the humanistic burden of schizophrenia as documented in the literature. Materials and methods We conducted a literature review assessing the worldwide disease burden of schizophrenia, taking into account all humanistic burden topics. The search considered several databases, including Embase, Medline, Cochrane Library, The German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) and the ISPOR conference websites. Results The search identified 200 literature reviews, covering several dimensions of humanistic burden and documenting many issues. Main findings included the high death rates that may be explained by long-lasting negative health habits, disease- and treatment-related metabolic disorders, and consequent increased frequencies of cardiovascular diseases. Co-existing depression was found to have adverse consequence on the course of schizophrenia progression, morbidity and mortality. Cognitive impairment also adds to the burden of schizophrenia. Social impairment is worsened by underestimated stigmatisation and lack of corresponding awareness within the professional and social spheres. Finally, caregiver burden was found to be considerable. Discussion Humanistic burden among patients with schizophrenia is substantial potentially impacted by co-morbid depressive symptoms, caregiver burden and cognitive impairment. Effects of treatment on humanistic burden in addition to economic burden need to be explored in future trials