132 research outputs found

    Spinal fusion surgery for high-risk patients: a review of hospitals information

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    Background: Spinal fusion surgery (SFS) is commonly performed as an elective procedure in the United States that employs minimally invasive techniques; however, it possesses potential risks and side effects and is still considered an experimental treatment. As such, patients can often be hesitant when proposed SFS. In that regard, this study aimed to analyze and critique available SFS instructive materials, to account for the procedure’s potential risks for patients.   Methods: We have reviewed information concerning surgical procedures and policies (pre-operative to postoperative) on 20 hospitals and medical center websites. All possible keywords regarding SFS were systematically arranged and considered in various ways. The collected data was assessed and compared to identify common themes. Results: Our results indicate that, although some informational sources reaffirm each other’s materials, few provided key SFS details, such as potential candidates, outcomes, risks, and aftercare. Moreover, information was neither delivered systematically nor consistently, leading patients to feel anxious, fearful, or confused when making decisions involving SFS. Conclusion: This paper recommends a comprehensive and interactive information system (IS) with a patient-oriented approach, which will facilitate patient decision-making and help people discern between factual data and false information supplied through social media or word of mouth. This information system could then be used for other elective procedures

    Mineral and organic pollution in river Sabor (Northeastern Portugal): ecotoxicological effects on freshwater fauna

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    Mestrado com dupla diplomação com o High Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir (ISBM), TunisiaAquatic ecosystems are final collectors of all kinds of pollution as an outcome of anthropogenic inputs, such us untreated industrial and municipal sewage and agricultural pollutants. There are several aquatic ecosystems that are threatened by mineral and organic pollution. In Northeastern Portugal, near Bragança, different watercourses are suffering negative impacts of human activities. It has been developed several studies in the monitoring of environmental impacts in these river basins, namely in Rio Fervença, affected by organic pollution, and in Portelo stream, affected, since 2009, by the collapse and continuous input of mining deposits. In this sense, the present study aimed to continue the monitoring study of ecological status of freshwater ecosystems of Northeastern Portugal, namely the following objectives: a) mineral pollution effects of mining deposits sudden incorporated into Portelo stream; b) organic pollution due to domestic and industrial inputs in River Fervença. Also, since fish are useful experimental models to evaluate toxicological mechanisms of contaminants, c) acute toxicity tests with Cu were conducted in laboratory conditions. During 2015/2016, it was made abiotic and biotic characterization of 16 sampling sites distributed by both Portelo and Fervença rivers, tributaries of main River Sabor (Douro Basin). Several physicochemical parameters were determined and Riparian Quality (QBR Index) and Channel Quality (GQC) Indexes were determined for habitat evaluation. Fish and invertebrate communities were sampled, according to protocols of Water Framework Directive (WFD). Several metrics were determined, with particular emphasis on the Biotic Index IBMWP and the Northern Portuguese Invertebrate Index (IPtIN). Acute toxicity tests were conducted with an Iberian fish species, common barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) and some plasmatic electrolytes levels were evaluated, to assess their contribution to mitigate osmoregulatory adverse effects of Cu. Also, same electrolytes were measured after changing to clean water, in attempt to assess fish capacity to reverse this situation. Results obtained for both rivers showed a significant level of disturbance that affected decisively water, habitat and biological quality of aquatic ecosystems. Mineral and Organic Pollution in River Sabor (NE Portugal): Ecotoxicological Effects on Freshwater Fauna Due to this change of environmental conditions in Portelo stream (extreme pH values, high conductivity and presence of heavy metals), several biological metrics (e.g. taxonomic richness, abundance, diversity, evenness) confirmed, comparatively with reference sites, a substantial decrease on ecological integrity status. The same pattern was found for Fervença River; however other water parameters, namely the content of most limiting nutrients (e.g. N and P) seemed to have more influence in the composition and structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities. In fact, despite the operation of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Bragança, Fervença River presented significant levels of disturbance that affected decisively the quality and ecological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. The synergic effect of domestic and industrial pollution, intensive agriculture, regulation and degradation of aquatic and riparian habitats contributed to the decrease of ecological condition, namely in the downstream zones (after Bragança). The results for acute toxicity, showed that fish can change Na+ and K+ levels face to Cu exposition and, depending of Cu concentration tested, can also return to normal levels, providing some insights to that are believed to occurred in fish population, near the Portelo mines. The low ecological integrity status detected in the lotic ecosystems in NE Portugal as a result of mineral and organic pollution deserves the development of several measures for rehabilitation and improving of water quality. On the other hand, environmental education actions are needed to contribute to improvement of ecological integrity of the river and its conservation.Os ecossistemas aquáticos são os recetores finais de todos os tipos de poluição, caso dos esgotos industriais e urbanos não tratados e dos poluentes agrícolas. No Nordeste de Portugal, na proximidade de Bragança, diferentes cursos de água são alvo de impactos negativos resultantes de diferentes atividades humanas. Nos últimos anos têm sido desenvolvidos diversos estudos na monitorização dos impactos ambientais nessas bacias hidrográficas, seja no Rio Fervença, afetado pela poluição orgânica, seja na Ribeira do Portelo, afetado, a partir de 2009, pelo colapso das escombreiras e entrada contínua de depósitos de minério. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo continuar o estudo de monitorização do estado ecológico dos ecossistemas aquáticos do Nordeste Portugal, nomeadamente: a) efeitos da poluição mineral resultante do colapso e entrada na rede hídrica de depósitos de minério, outrora explorados nas minas do Portelo; b) efeitos da poluição orgânica devido às entradas de efluentes domésticos e industriais no rio Fervença. Para além da abordagem ecológica foi ainda realizada uma abordagem fisiológica baseada em testes de toxicidade aguda. Uma vez que os peixes são modelos experimentais úteis para avaliar mecanismos toxicológicos de contaminantes foram realizados c) testes de toxicidade aguda com cobre (Cu) em condições de laboratório. Durante 2015/2016, foi feita a caracterização abiótica e biótica em 16 locais de amostragem distribuídos por ambos os rios Portelo e Fervença, afluentes do rio Sabor (Bacia do Douro). Foram determinados vários parâmetros físico-químicos e avaliada a qualidade do habitat ribeirinho e aquático através de índices de Qualidade Ripária (Índice QBR) e do Canal (GQC). As comunidades de peixes e invertebrados foram amostrados de acordo com os protocolos da Directiva-Quadro da Água (DQA). Foram calculadas várias métricas, com particular destaque para o Índice IBMWP e o Índice de Invertebrados do Norte Português (IPtIN). Realizaram-se testes de toxicidade aguda numa espécie piscícola presente na bacia hidrográfica, caso do barbo comum (Luciobarbus bocagei) tendo sido avaliados alguns eletrólitos plasmáticos níveis, para avaliar a sua contribuição na mitigação dos efeitos adversos de osmorregulação associada ao Cu. Além disso, os mesmos eletrólitos plasmáticos foram medidos depois de mudar a água, na tentativa de avaliar a capacidade dos peixes para reverter esta situação. Os resultados obtidos em ambos os rios mostraram um nível significativo de perturbação que afetou decisivamente a qualidade da água, habitat e biota. Devido a essa mudança nas condições ambientais da ribeira do Portelo (e.g. valores de pH extremos, elevada condutividade e presença de metais pesados), várias métricas biológicas (e.g. riqueza taxonómica, abundância, diversidade, equitabilidade) confirmaram, comparativamente com os locais de referência, uma diminuição substancial na integridade ecológica dos ecossistemas. O mesmo padrão foi encontrado para o rio Fervença. No entanto, outros parâmetros da água, como por exemplo, a concentração de nutrientes limitantes (e.g. N e P) parecem ter mais influência na composição e estrutura das comunidades de macroinvertebrados e peixes. Na verdade, apesar do funcionamento da ETAR de Bragança, o rio Fervença apresentou níveis significativos de perturbação que afetaram decisivamente a qualidade e integridade ecológica do ecossistema aquático. O efeito sinérgico da poluição doméstica e industrial, agricultura intensiva, regulação e degradação de habitats aquáticos e ribeirinhos contribuiu para a diminuição da condição ecológica, especialmente nas zonas a jusante (depois de Bragança). Os resultados de toxicidade aguda, mostraram que os peixes podem mudar os níveis de Na+ e K+ para enfrentar a exposição ao Cu e, dependendo da concentração de Cu testado, podem também retornar aos níveis normais, fornecendo algumas informações acerca do que poderá ter ocorrido na população nativa de peixes, localizada na proximidade das minas do Portelo. A baixa integridade ecológica detetada nos ecossistemas lóticos do NE Portugal, afetados pela poluição mineral e orgânica merece o desenvolvimento de várias medidas para a reabilitação de habitats e melhoria da qualidade da água. Por outro lado, ações de educação ambiental são necessários para contribuir para a melhoria da integridade ecológica do rio e sua conservação

    Changes in plasma electrolytes and behavior of freshwater fish, Luciobarbus bocagei, as a function of acute copper exposure

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    Plasma levels of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ were evaluated in fish exposed / not exposed to sublethal concentrations of Cu to assess adverse effects on osmoregulation as well as their ability to reverse these levels. Acute toxicity tests were performed using barbells (Luciobarbus bocagei) under two different concentrations of Cu. Barbells exposed to Cu showed ionic imbalance, respiratory difficulties, mortality and reduced value of K. According to the results, plasma levels of K+ and Ca2+ increase, while plasma levels of Na+ decrease, allowing the fish an osmotic adjustment and a reduction in susceptibility to Cu. Under the conditions of this experiment, fish also showed the ability to reverse electrolyte levels when they are no longer exposed to Cu; however, dependent on exposure concentration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pour en lire plus : La communication environnementale : enjeux, acteurs et stratégies.

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    Il est difficile de dater avec précision l’émergence du champ de la communication environnementale. Certains spécialistes affirment, en lien avec le traitement médiatique de la catastrophe du naufrage du pétrolier Torrey Canyon le 18 mars 1967, que ce champ daterait d’environ une cinquantaine d’années. D’autres s’accordent pour situer son inscription dans le monde de la communication et de la sphère publique au milieu des années 1980, notamment à l’occasion de plusieurs crises comme la catast..

    The Initial Conceptions for Earthquakes Phenomenon for Moroccan Students of the First Year Secondary College

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    This work proposes initially to identify the initial conceptions of Moroccan students in the first year of secondary college about the notion of earthquakes. The used methodology is based on a questionnaire addressed to students of life science and Earth in Meknes city, before any official teaching about the said phenomenon. The obtained results showed that despite the non-responses, the majority of respondents have less accurate initial conceptions for earthquakes notion, and does not correctly write their answers, they are enough to write snippets of sentences and do not use scientific words. The student’s conceptions seem marked by the earthquakes effects. However, we have identified correlations between the initial conceptions of Moroccan students and those of other French, Turks and Tunisians students. Keywords: Initial designs, Concepts earthquakes, college Secondary cycle, Correlation

    Analysis and Design of "Dates Traceability System"

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    Food chain traceability verifies the breadth and depth characteristics to meet the production process and to reach desired objectives such as insuring food safety and providing consumers with added confidence in the food authenticity. Information technology is an attractive solution that helps achieve the traceability objectives. This is especially true with the wide spread of the Web technologies. This paper is intended   to enable any consumer for tracking dates products from its origin farm all the production stages to its final consumption. The functionalities of this system will include managing dates product data and their related actors, elaborating a way of coding dates product so that we can extract all traceability information using this code, helping/supporting finding anomalies (if any) in the chain of production and improving the dates quality. At any stage of the chain a product can be traced-back and offering services to health and government organizations to get better vision of the date's product history.

    Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Education for Life, Earth Sciences, Physical and Chemical Sciences Teachers of the Secondary and College Level in Morocco: Reality and Aspirations

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    This study focuses to clarify the current use situation of the Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICTE) by Moroccan teacher of Life and Earth Sciences, Physics and Chemistry sciences of the college and secondary level in their teaching practice, as well as the determinants these uses. The methodology is based on a questionnaire sent in the year 2013 to a sample of 350 teachers. The obtained results indicated that a large gap of the teachers use this technologies in teaching and learning. It is concluding that only a minority of respondents (14%) has integrating ICT in their classroom practice, although is be aware of the importance of the integration of this technology. Moreover, 37% of the population responded that the equipment is insufficient to meet their needs in classroom practice. In addition, the analysis revealed an almost total absence of pedagogical exploitation of ICT in teaching. There are several impediments to the successful use of ICT in teaching and learning. Keywords: ICTE, Integration, Teaching, Reality and aspiration

    Green approach to corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1 M HCl solutions by Monosaccharides derivatives

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    Effect of new synthesized monosaccharide derivatives, namely: D-mannose (M1), D-gluconic acid-γ-lactone (M2), D-galactono-γ-lactone (M3), monoacetoneglucose (M4), diacetoneglucose (M5), on mild steel corrosion inhibition in an aerated acidic solution of 1 M HCl was investigated using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization curves, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. The results indicate that the type of inhibition depends on the type of compounds. Impedance measurements showed that the charge transfer resistance increased and double layer capacitance values decreased with inhibitor’s concentration. It is seen that the M2 performed excellently as a corrosion inhibitor which its efficiency reaches 91 % at 10-3 M. Adsorption of M2 molecules on mild steel surface was also studied to examine basic information on the interaction between the inhibitors and the metal surface. It is found that the inhibitor adsorb on the metal surface following the Langmuir isotherm model. The temperature effect on the performance of mild steel in 1 M HCl in the absence and presence of the best compound was studied in the temperature range from 293 to 323 K. Also, some thermodynamic data for the adsorption and dissolution processes are calculated and discussed