292 research outputs found

    Technological Innovation and Translation. Training Translators in the EU for the 21st century

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    ¿Están ligadas la formación necesaria para la integración en el mundo laboral y la formación recibida en la universidad? ¿Qué esperan las empresas de los nuevos traductores? El objetivo de este artículo es abordar este tema desde los resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo sobre la formación de los traductores en la Unión Europea y el mercado de la traducción, utilizando como marco el proyecto OPTIMALE, Optimising Professional Translator Training in a Multilingual Europe. En primer lugar presentaremos brevemente el proyecto; a continuación describiremos la metodología utilizada; y seguidamente mostraremos los resultados de los estudios y discusiones llevadas a cabo por los miembros del equipo sobre las competencias que las empresas requieren. Finalmente, a través del mapa interactivo producido por OPTIMALE sobre los programas de traducción en la UE, trataremos de dar respuesta a la pregunta de si las universidades están realmente tratando de unir las expectativas de las empresas con las competencias de traducción que los graduados adquieren en la universidad.Are young translation graduates still leaving university with a high level of translation skills, but lacking the specific, professional competence needed in the workplace, as has often been suggested? The aim of this paper is to approach this question through the results of research on advanced university translator education and training in the European Union, conducted under the framework of the OPTIMALE project (“Optimising Professional Translator Training in a Multilingual Europe”). The paper will briefly present the aims of the project, describe the methodology followed in an extensive survey of translation employer competence requirements and will outline the main results, describing how these were received and discussed in a series of regional joint workshops. Finally, the OPTIMALE map of European translation degree programmes will be used to ask whether universities are indeed trying to bridge the gap between employer expectations and translation graduate competences

    Critical phenomena in higher dimensional spaces: The hexagonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition in aperiodic n-nonadecane/urea

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    PACS number(s): 61.44.Fw, 64.60.−i, 61.05.cf.-- et al.Upon cooling, the aperiodic inclusion compound n-nonadecane/urea presents a hexagonal-to-orthorhombic group-subgroup phase transition at Tcl that increases the structure's superspace dimensionality from four to five. This paper reports on pretransitional phenomena in such a high-dimensional space, generalizing the critical results previously reported at a lower dimensionality. Very high-resolution diffraction data reveal anomalously large correlation lengths along the aperiodic direction, with all correlation lengths diverging at Tcl. This could be explained by low-frequency phason excitations that soften at Tcl at the critical wave vector, in accordance with an increase in the critical diffuse scattering intensity. © 2013 American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Turning the Tables in Nadine Gordimer’s The Pick Up

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    Dans son treizième roman The Pick Up (2001) Nadine Gordimer aborde les questions portant sur l’identité et l’insertion d’un individu dans une société postcoloniale : l’intégration, l’acculturation et le multiculturalisme. Cependant elle apporte des réponses nouvelles par l’intermédiaire de la protagoniste chez qui l’héritage colonial et la culture autochtone se fondent en une synthèse harmonieuse, illustrant là le passage d’une "déconstruction" à une reconstruction d’identit

    Kink plateau dynamics in finite-size lubricant chains

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    We extend the study of velocity quantization phenomena recently found in the classical motion of an idealized 1D model solid lubricant -- consisting of a harmonic chain interposed between two periodic sliding potentials [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 056101 (2006)]. This quantization is due to one slider rigidly dragging the commensurate lattice of kinks that the chain forms with the other slider. In this follow-up work we consider finite-size chains rather than infinite chains. The finite size (i) permits the development of robust velocity plateaus as a function of the lubricant stiffness, and (ii) allows an overall chain-length re-adjustment which spontaneously promotes single-particle periodic oscillations. These periodic oscillations replace the quasi-periodic motion produced by general incommensurate periods of the sliders and the lubricant in the infinite-size model. Possible consequences of these results for some real systems are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, ECOSS 200

    Poste du travail du traducteur et responsabilité : une question de perspective

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    Depuis l’article fondateur de Martin Kay (1980), décrivant la relation idéale entre le traducteur et la machine, l’ergonomie du poste de travail du traducteur s’est radicalement transformée, notamment sous l’effet de la révolution numérique. Dans le même temps, cette révolution a profondément modifié les rapports entre le traducteur, l’entreprise de traduction et le donneur d’ouvrage. Cet article cherche tout d’abord à définir le poste de travail idéal dans la perspective de chacun des acteurs de la chaîne de traduction. Il décrit ensuite l’évolution du poste de travail au cours des vingt dernières années et l’impact, réel ou perçu, de cette évolution sur les acteurs. Il examine enfin à travers un exemple, le rôle crucial que joue l’ergonomie des interfaces homme-machine dans la relation qu’entretient le traducteur avec sa traduction.In his seminal article on “The Proper Place of Men and Machines in Language Translation” (1980), Martin Kay described the ideal relation between the translator and the machine. Since then, radical changes have affected and are still affecting the translator’s work station, principally as a result of the digital revolution. This same revolution has profoundly changed the relationship between the translator, the translation service provider and the end-client. This article first of all attempts to define the “ideal” work station as seen from the perspective of each of the players in the translation process. It then describes the work station changes of the past twenty years and their real or perceived impact on the various players. Finally, on the basis of an example, it examines the crucial role played by man-machine interfaces in the relation between the translator and her/his translation

    Frustrated pretransitional phenomena in aperiodic composites

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    Citation: Mariette, C., Frantsuzov, I., Wang, B., Guerin, L., Rabiller, P., Hollingsworth, M. D., & Toudic, B. (2016). Frustrated pretransitional phenomena in aperiodic composites. Physical Review B, 94(18), 9. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.94.184105This paper reports on symmetry breaking in the aperiodic inclusion compound n-octadecane/urea and its isotopomer n-octadecane/urea-d(4). The high-symmetry phase is described by a hexagonal rank-4 superspace group. Pretransitional phenomena in this crystallographic superspace reveal competing short-range-ordering phenomena within the high-symmetry phase. Very high-resolution diffraction data show that critical scattering appears at inequivalent points within the four-dimensional Brillouin zone, although the first phase transition at T-c1 near 158 K implies the condensation at only one of those points. The resulting superspace group remains of dimension 4. Two other phase transitions are reported at T-c2 = 152.8(4) K and T-c3 = 109(4) K in n-octadecane/urea-d(4). The two low-symmetry phases that arise are described by rank-5 superspace groups