33 research outputs found

    Pengertian dan Kedudukan Agen dalam suatu Hubungan Hukum (Analisis dalam Hukum Eropa Kontinental, Anglo Saxon, dan Hukum Islam)

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    The word 'agent' is a friendly word for our daily life. Where as, according to the Civil Code Procedure and the Criminal Code Procedure do not the least explain the word 'agent'. It needs to Investigate therefore deeply what Is meant by 'agent' In various kind of law system. It is important to do the Investigation because itwill givejuridical basefor the sides In deciding their right andresponsibility The agent that comes from thelaw concept withthe Anglo Saxon system turned out It can befound In the other law system although their names are different, namely in the Continental Europe and Islam. Agent Is only part of representative with difference in length of their scope. Besides that, the correlation of agence basically rises from negotiation concensually and the agent atau representative is only a mediator. Based on the custom the USAge ofword 'agent' so It Is better that Government with House of Representatives compile the completed and comprehensiveActs of Indonesia Agency as soon as possible

    Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional Yang Berbasis Nilai-nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia

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    Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Non-Performing Loan Melalui Mediasi Dalam Sistem Peradilan Perdata (Eksekusi Jaminan Hak Tanggungan)

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    Abstract This research talks about the implementation and barriers of non-performing loan dispute resolution by executing the object of collateral rights through mediation in the Indonesian Civil Justice System. The research method used is normative legal research and descriptive analysis. The results of this study are the implementation of non-performing loan dispute resolution through mediation in the civil justice system by executing mortgage collateral objects has identified of dualism process namely the integration of the mediation process into the litigation process, even though the mediation process can be carried out when resolving disputes in the non-litigation realm. Then, there are barriers to non-performing loan dispute resolution by executing the object of collateral rights through mediation in the Indonesian Civil Justice System, first, because of the parties factor; second, legal substance factor; third, legal apparatus; and fourth, processes dualism. There are dualism processes in the procedural law of the Indonesian civil justice system that must be taken by the parties has hampered the implementation of the process of executing the mortgage object guarantee (through an auction) as an attempt to resolve non-performing loan disputes through mediation in the civil justice system. So, the that's dualism process makes the execution process late, resulting in losses for the creditor (because of the cessation of financial circulation) and the debtor (because they have to bear interest and fines). Keywords: civil justice system; dispute resolution (meditation); non-performing loan Abstrak Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan dan hambatan penyelesaian sengketa non-performing loan dengan melakukan eksekusi jaminan hak tanggungan (hak atas tanah) secara mediasi dalam sistem peradilan perdata Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian hukum normatif dan deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian ini ialah pelaksanaan penyelesaian sengketa non-performing loan melalui mediasi dalam sistem peradilan perdata dengan melakukan eksekusi benda jaminan hak tanggungan (hak atas tanah) telah teridentifikasi adanya “dualisme proses” yaitu adanya pengintegrasian proses mediasi ke dalam proses beracara di ranah litigasi, padahal proses mediasi dapat dilakukan para pihak ketika hendak menyelesaikan sengketa pada ranah non litigasi. Kemudian terdapat beberapa faktor penghambat yang menyebabkan penyelesaian sengketa non-performing loan melalui mediasi dalam sistem peradilan perdata, yaitu pertama, faktor para pihak; kedua, faktor substansi hukum; ketiga, faktor aparatur hukum; dan keempat adanya dualisme proses dalam hukum acara sistem peradilan perdata Indonesia yang harus ditempuh para pihak telah menghambat pelaksanaan proses eksekusi objek jaminan hak tanggungan (melalui pelelangan umum), sebagai upaya untuk menyelesaikan sengketa non-performing loan melalui mediasi di dalam sistem peradilan perdata. Dalam artian dualisme proses itu membuat proses eksekusi terlambat dilaksanakan, sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian bagi kreditur (karena terhentinya perputaran keuangan) dan debitur (karena harus menanggung beban bunga dan denda). Kata kunci: non-performing loan; penyelesaian sengketa (mediasi); sistem peradilan perdat

    Problems with Complete Systematic Land Registration Regulations Perspective of Legal Certainty

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    One of the government's endeavors to promote legal clarity and maintain communal land rights is to register all land in Indonesia. The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency is in charge of a statewide program called Complete Systematic Land Registration, which aims to speed up the land registration process. In accordance with the directive issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency Director. A number of problems prevent the implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration, including inconsistencies in government regulations, the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning's regulations, and the Law on Regional Taxes and Regional Retributions. Legitimacy Theory, Legal Validity Theory, and Legal Certainty Theory all stipulate that statutory regulations may not conflict with other regulations in order to provide certainty; these theories should be followed if the government is serious about achieving the goal of Complete Systematic Land Registration. Legislation provides safeguards for those with title to land, free of normative conflicts and the potential for multiple interpretations at the administrative and judicial levels. Both the normative legal approach and the synchronization legal approach will be included into the analysis of the qualitative data used in this study


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    Dalam dunia industri, motor listrik selalu dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan segala aktifitas dan mempermudah proses produksi. Motor listrik digunakan sebagai media untuk membantu proses produksi dan pemakaiannya dibutuhkan secara terus menerus guna mendapatkan hasil produksi yang cepat dan berkualitas. Sehingga dalam pengoperasian motor listrik perlu didukung oleh sistem proteksi yang bisa menjamin keamanan dan kehandalan sistem yang sedang beroperasi. Salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada pengoperasian motor listrik adalah adanya arus beban lebih sehingga dibutuhkan pengamanan untuk mengamankan komponen-komponen yang digunakan, diantaranya adalah Thermal Over Load Relay (TOLR). Rahardja Salamet [1] telah membuat penelitian awal merancang dan membuat suatu alat untuk menguji karakteristik TOLR yang digunakan sebagai pengaman pada motor listrik. Alat yang dibuat memiliki spesifikais tegangan kerja 220 Volt, setting arus TOLR yang di uji 0,7 ampere. Tulisan ini merupakan pengembangan dari penelitian awal yang dikembangkan dengan memberikan faktor pembeda baik pada tegangan kerja, setting arus pada TOLR yang di uji dan metoda pengujian pada TOLR yang terdiri dari pengujian kondisi panas dan dingin. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan diperoleh nilai error dari hasil perbandingan pengujian dengan data sheet sebesar 3% - 8%

    Asas Keseimbangan dalam Perjanjian Kerja antara Pekerja dan Pengusaha dalam rangka Mewujudkan Keadilan bagi Para Pihak

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    Tujuan dari asas keseimbangan pada perjanjian kerja adalah tercapainya bargaining position yang seimbang antara pengusaha dan pekerja. Selama ini, perjanjian kerja dibuat oleh pengusaha dalam bentuk kontrak baku yang tidak memberikan kesempatan kepada pekerja untuk menegosiasikan bentuk dan isi perjanjian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan asas keseimbangan dalam perjanjian kerja antara pekerja dan pengusaha, serta konsep asas keseimbangan dalam perjanjian kerja dihubungkan dengan asas keadilan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan, menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan, didukung dengan data primer dari hasil wawancara, dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa eksistensi asas kesimbangan dalam perjanjian kerja atau kontrak kerja sering diabaikan oleh para pihak, mengingat adanya ketidakseimbangan posisi (bargaining position) antara pekerja dan pengusaha. Kurangnya penegakan hukum ketenagakerjaan, ketidakpastian hukum, dan kurang jelasnya aturan perundang-undangan menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para pihak terkait dalam mewujudkan perjanjian yang ideal

    Implementation of Mortgage Rights on the Position of Creditors of Second Mortgage Holders in the Application for Auction Submission

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    The binding of credit collateral with mortgage rights can be bound by several creditors with more than one mortgage. If the debtor is in default, only the creditor holding the first rank of mortgage rights can submit the auction, as stated in Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage Rights. At the time of the debtor's default, the binding of the first-ranked mortgage has been released by the creditor of the first mortgage holder, the second mortgage holder applies for a mortgage auction and is rejected based on the law. The purpose of this research is to find regulations that provide justice to creditors of second lien holders. Implementation based on the principle of justice to the position of the creditor of the second lien holder in the application for submission of the auction. The research method used in this research uses a normative juridical approach, descriptive analysis and prescriptive analysis specifications with secondary and primary data types, data collection through interviews and qualitative juridical analysis methods, comparative heurmeneutic data that interpret and understand the intent of the regulatory text. The results of this study, as well as updates to previous research, the application of the Mortgage Rights regulation has not been based on the principle of justice, based on the value of justice, it should be that if the debtor is in default, the holder of the mortgage right has the right to sell the object of the mortgage right on its own power through a public auction with the first mortgage right holder having the first right to take repayment of its debt from the proceeds of the sale

    Kedudukan Dan Pemenuhan Unsur Asuransi Pada BPJS Kesehatan Perspektif Teori Kepastian Hukum

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    Abstract This research is to find out the position and fulfillment of insurance elements at BPJS Health in Law No.40/2004 and its relation to insurance law according to the civil code and Law No.40/2014 (legal certainty theory perspective). The research method used is normative legal research and descriptive analysis. The results of this study are the position of BPJS Health in the national legislation system is that when viewed based on Law No.40/2004, BPJS Health is one of the guaranteed health social. However, when viewed based on insurance law according to the Civil Code and Law No. 40/2014, the position of BPJS Health is insurance, so based on that, legal uncertainty is identified regarding the position of BPJS Health in Indonesia. Then, according to the author, the fulfillment of the insurance element in BPJS Health which is related to the position of BPJS Health (the perspective of legal certainty theory), can be seen based on the fulfillment of constitutional rights in the health sector by BPJS Health which is carried out according to the class level chosen by BPJS Health participants. This proves that in implementation BPJS Health is insurance. So, based on that, the authors suggest that the BPJS Health regulations in Indonesia be overhauled by adhering to the premium restorno concept which states, for the sake of the principles of fairness and balance and taking into account the good faith of the parties, then the Insurer (government) must return the premium (which has been paid by the Insured) to the Insured (community) if the Insured party no longer pays the mandatory BPJS Health contribution. Keywords: guarantee; insurance; position of social guarantee administration for health Abstrak Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kedudukan dan pemenuhan unsur asuransi pada BPJS Kesehatan dalam UU No.40/2004 dihubungkan dengan hukum asuransi menurut KUHPerdata dan UU No.40/2014 (perspektif teori kepastian hukum). Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian hukum normatif dan deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian ini ialah pertama, kedudukan BPJS Kesehatan dalam sistem perundang-undangan nasional ialah apabila dilihat berdasarkan UU No.40/2004, maka BPJS Kesehatan merupakan salah satu jaminan sosial kesehatan. Namun, apabila dilihat berdasarkan hukum asuransi menurut KUHPerdata dan UU No.40/2014, maka kedudukan dari BPJS Kesehatan merupakan sebuah asuransi, sehingga berdasarkan hal tersebut teridentifikasi pula ketidakpastian hukum atas kedudukan BPJS Kesehatan di Indonesia. Kemudian, menurut penulis pemenuhan unsur asuransi pada BPJS Kesehatan yang dikaitkan dengan kedudukan BPJS Kesehatan (perspektif teori kepastian hukum), dapat dilihat berdasarkan pemenuhan hak konstitusional di bidang kesehatan oleh BPJS Kesehatan yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tingkatan kelas yang dipilih peserta BPJS Kesehatan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraannya BPJS Kesehatan merupakan sebuah asuransi. Oleh karena, unsur-unsur asuransi yang diatur dalam KUHPerdata dan UU No.40/2014 telah terpenuhi, maka penulis menyarankan hendaknya peraturan BPJS Kesehatan di Indonesia, dirombak dengan menganut konsep premi restorno yang menyatakan, demi asas keadilan dan kesimbangan serta memperhatikan itikad baik para pihak, maka pihak penanggung (pemerintah) harus mengembalikan premi (yang sudah dibayarkan oleh pihak tertanggung) kepada pihak tertanggung (masyarakat) apabila pihak tertanggung tidak lagi membayar iuran wajib BPJS Kesehatan. Kata kunci: asuransi; jaminan; kedudukan badan penyelenggara jaminan sosial kesehata

    Construction of BPJS National Health Insurance Membership Regulations in Indonesia

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    The issuance of the BPJS National Health Insurance Law was a government effort to enhance the welfare of citizens by making it mandatory for them to become BPJS health insurance participants, with a deadline set for January 2019. However, as of May 2022, around 13.79% (according to Worldometer) or 12.26% (according to the Home Ministry) of citizens have not yet joined, due to various factors, including issues related to the BPJS health insurance membership regulations. This paper aims to provide clarity on the construction of health insurance membership regulations as outlined in Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Agency connected to the National Social Security System. The research utilized a descriptive analysis with a statutory approach, along with secondary data obtained through a library study to collect data, and systematic and teleological analysis to analyze the data. The results of the study indicate that the construction of BPJS health insurance membership regulations follows the Stufen theory, which is in accordance with the hierarchy of occupying concrete norms (Hans Kelsen) or formalgezets (Hans Nawiasky). Keywords: construction, national health insurance, national social security system regulatio

    Design Construction and Training on Making Electric Wheelchairs for Instructors at SLB-D YPAC Bandung City to Improve the Mobility Orientation Ability of Physically Impaired Students

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    Paralympic students in grades 1 to 12 with permanent disabilities in the movement organs (bones, joints, muscles) in the Special School category D (SLB-D) YPAC Bandung City have been equipped with basic Mobility Orientation (OM) technical skills to be able to carry out activities and mobility. Independent. One of the OM techniques taught to people with quadriplegia in the categories of Paraplegia (abnormalities in both legs and feet) and Diplegia (abnormalities in both hands or paralyzed legs) is the use of a manual wheelchair. Even though all quadriplegic students already have OM abilities. However, many students are reluctant to use manual wheelchairs independently. The problem is because it is considered to drain stamina, difficulty controlling it, and fear of using it on uphill/downhill/sloping/potholed roads. So it was proposed that the mobile electric wheelchair be controlled by the physically disabled via a manual button, and as a safety measure, it is equipped with an anti-crash sensor. Anti-crash sensors help the wheelchair move automatically (slow down, stop) if an object is in the way. In implementing this PKM, the team carried out knowledge and technology transfer to Instructors/Teachers/Parents of Students and testing for the Physically Impaired. The results of this activity are in the form of electric wheelchairs that have been tested