5 research outputs found

    High status diet and health in Medieval Lisbon : a combined isotopic and osteological analysis of the Islamic population from S茫o Jorge Castle, Portugal

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    This paper presents the first bioarchaeological study of Islamic diet and lifeways in medieval Portugal. Stable isotopes of 未13C and 未15N and osteological and paleopathological analyses are combined to explore the diet and health status of 27 humans buried within S茫o Jorge Castle, Lisbon (eleventh to twelfth century), interpreted as a high status population. Human isotopic data are considered alongside an animal baseline comprised of 30 specimens sampled from nearby Pra莽a da Figueira, including the main domesticates and fish. Isotopic data indicate an age- and sex-related difference in diet among the population, suggesting a difference in food access between females and children compared to males. Palaeopathological analysis indicates a low prevalence of non-specific stress indicators such as Harris lines (HL), linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) and cribra orbitalia (CO) in this population in comparison to other medieval populations. LEH is only present in adults. These results suggest the presence of socio-cultural patterning relating to the organisation of the Islamic family, where women and men occupied different places in the household and society. This paper demonstrates the utility of a combined osteological and isotopic approach to understand the lifeways of Islamic populations in Medieval Iberia, as well as illuminates the lifeways of understudied segments of the population

    Middle Holocene plant cultivation on the Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil?

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    This work provides robust oral pathology and stable isotope evidence on Bayesian mixing model for an unexpectedly high consumption of carbohydrates by a Middle Holocene coastal population of the Atlantic Forest of South America, an area traditionally viewed as peripheral to early centres of food production on the continent. A diversified economy with substantial consumption of plant resources was in place at the shellmound (or sambaqui) of Morro do Ouro, in Babitonga Bay, and supported a dense population at ca 4500 cal BP. This dietary composition is unique when compared with that of other contemporary and later groups in the region, including peoples who used ceramics and domesticated crops. The results corroborate independent dietary evidence, such as stone tool artefacts for plant processing and plant microremains in dental calculus of the same individuals, and suggest plant cultivation possibly took place in this region at the same time as the development of early agriculture in Amazonia and the La Plata Basin. Our study situates the Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil on the map of early plant management in the Neotropics

    Multidisciplinary approach to the study of the rock art.: A case of study from Susa Valley, Italy.

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    Azken mendean zehar labar-artearen ikerketa modu adierazgarrian aldatu da, batez ere, ekarpen berritzaileei esker, eta bide luzea ibili da labar-artearen lehenengo ikerketak egin zirenetik. Artikulu honek alor honetan zientzia neurologiko eta kognitiboaren ekarpenaren ikuspegi orokor eta labur bat eskaintzen du. Geroago, teknologi berrien garapena labar-artearen erregistroan gogoan hartzen da, baita bere erabilpenak kultur ondarearen babespenean duen onuretan arreta jarri ere. Azkenik, Italiako mendebaldean dagoen Susa Haranean burututako ikerketa kasu bat aurkezten da. Hemen aurkezten diren aurretiazko emaitzak geo-erreferentzia kanpainaren ondorioak dira, Geografia-informazioko Sistemaren teknologiari esker sartu diren Rochemelon aztarnategian dauden grabatutako hamahiru taula. Azken hauen kokalekua eta antolamendua eskualde bereko beste antzeko hiru kasuekin duten erlazioa eztabaidatzen da.Throughout the last century the study of the rock art has changed significantly thanks to the contribution of cutting edge studies and it has come a long way since the first studies on rock art. This paper provides a brief overview of the input that the neurological and cognitive sciences have done to the field. Subsequently the involvement of the new technologies in the recording of the rock art is considered, focusing on the benefits of their application in relation to the preservation of the cultural heritage as well. Finally a case of study from the Susa Valley, in the western part of Italy, is presented. The preliminary results introduced here are the outcome of a georeferencing campaign, realized thanks to the GIS technology, on 13 engraved panels included in the rock art site of the Rochemelon. The location and the distribution of the former is discussed in relation to other three similar cases in the same region.Durante el 煤ltimo siglo el estudio del arte rupestre ha cambiado de forma significativa gracias a la contribuci贸n de estudios innovadores y se ha recorrido un largo camino desde las primeras aproximaciones al arte rupestre. Este art铆culo hace un breve repaso a la contribuci贸n que las ciencias neurol贸gica y cognitiva han hecho a este campo. A continuaci贸n se considera la introducci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as para el registro del arte rupestre, centr谩ndose en sus ventajas para la conservaci贸n del patrimonio cultural. Por 煤ltimo se presenta un caso de estudio del Valle de Susa, al oeste de Italia. Los resultados preliminares que aqu铆 se presentan son el resultado de una campa帽a de georreferenciaci贸n de 13 paneles grabados incluidos dentro del yacimiento de arte rupestre de Rochemelon, llevada a cabo con el soporte de la tecnolog铆a SIG. Se discute sobre su localizaci贸n y distribuci贸n en relaci贸n a otros tres casos de estudio similares en la regi贸n

    Labar-artearen ikerketaren diziplina anitzeko hurbilketa: Susa Haranaren (Italia) ikerketa kasua

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    [EN] Throughout the last century the study of the rock art has changed significantly thanks to the contribution of cutting edge studies and it has come a long way since the first studies on rock art. This paper provides a brief overview of the input that the neurological and cognitive sciences have done to the field. Subsequently the involvement of the new technologies in the recording of the rock art is considered, focusing on the benefits of their application in relation to the preservation of the cultural heritage as well. Finally a case of study from the Susa Valley, in the western part of Italy, is presented. The preliminary results introduced here are the outcome of a georeferencing campaign, realized thanks to the GIS technology, on 13 engraved panels included in the rock art site of the Rochemelon. The location and the distribution of the former is discussed in relation to other three similar cases in the same region.[ES] Durante el 煤ltimo siglo el estudio del arte rupestre ha cambiado de forma significativa gracias a la contribuci贸n de estudios innovadores y se ha recorrido un largo camino desde las primeras aproximaciones al arte rupestre. Este art铆culo hace un breve repaso a la contribuci贸n que las ciencias neurol贸gica y cognitiva han hecho a este campo. A continuaci贸n se considera la introducci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as para el registro del arte rupestre, centr谩ndose en sus ventajas para la conservaci贸n del patrimonio cultural. Por 煤ltimo se presenta un caso de estudio del Valle de Susa, al oeste de Italia. Los resultados preliminares que aqu铆 se presentan son el resultado de una campa帽a de georreferenciaci贸n de 13 paneles grabados incluidos dentro del yacimiento de arte rupestre de Rochemelon, llevada a cabo con el soporte de la tecnolog铆a SIG. Se discute sobre su localizaci贸n y distribuci贸n en relaci贸n a otros tres casos de estudio similares en la regi贸n.[EUS] Azken mendean zehar labar-artearen ikerketa modu adierazgarrian aldatu da, batez ere, ekarpen berritzaileei esker, eta bide luzea ibili da labar-artearen lehenengo ikerketak egin zirenetik. Artikulu honek alor honetan zientzia neurologiko eta kognitiboaren ekarpenaren ikuspegi orokor eta labur bat eskaintzen du. Geroago, teknologi berrien garapena labar-artearen erregistroan gogoan hartzen da, baita bere erabilpenak kultur ondarearen babespenean duen onuretan arreta jarri ere. Azkenik, Italiako mendebaldean dagoen Susa Haranean burututako ikerketa kasu bat aurkezten da. Hemen aurkezten diren aurretiazko emaitzak geo-erreferentzia kanpainaren ondorioak dira, Geografia-informazioko Sistemaren teknologiari esker sartu diren Rochemelon aztarnategian dauden grabatutako hamahiru taula. Azken hauen kokalekua eta antolamendua eskualde bereko beste antzeko hiru kasuekin duten erlazioa eztabaidatzen da

    Labar-artearen ikerketaren diziplina anitzeko hurbilketa: Susa Haranaren (Italia) ikerketa kasua

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    [EN] Throughout the last century the study of the rock art has changed significantly thanks to the contribution of cutting edge studies and it has come a long way since the first studies on rock art. This paper provides a brief overview of the input that the neurological and cognitive sciences have done to the field. Subsequently the involvement of the new technologies in the recording of the rock art is considered, focusing on the benefits of their application in relation to the preservation of the cultural heritage as well. Finally a case of study from the Susa Valley, in the western part of Italy, is presented. The preliminary results introduced here are the outcome of a georeferencing campaign, realized thanks to the GIS technology, on 13 engraved panels included in the rock art site of the Rochemelon. The location and the distribution of the former is discussed in relation to other three similar cases in the same region.[ES] Durante el 煤ltimo siglo el estudio del arte rupestre ha cambiado de forma significativa gracias a la contribuci贸n de estudios innovadores y se ha recorrido un largo camino desde las primeras aproximaciones al arte rupestre. Este art铆culo hace un breve repaso a la contribuci贸n que las ciencias neurol贸gica y cognitiva han hecho a este campo. A continuaci贸n se considera la introducci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as para el registro del arte rupestre, centr谩ndose en sus ventajas para la conservaci贸n del patrimonio cultural. Por 煤ltimo se presenta un caso de estudio del Valle de Susa, al oeste de Italia. Los resultados preliminares que aqu铆 se presentan son el resultado de una campa帽a de georreferenciaci贸n de 13 paneles grabados incluidos dentro del yacimiento de arte rupestre de Rochemelon, llevada a cabo con el soporte de la tecnolog铆a SIG. Se discute sobre su localizaci贸n y distribuci贸n en relaci贸n a otros tres casos de estudio similares en la regi贸n.[EUS] Azken mendean zehar labar-artearen ikerketa modu adierazgarrian aldatu da, batez ere, ekarpen berritzaileei esker, eta bide luzea ibili da labar-artearen lehenengo ikerketak egin zirenetik. Artikulu honek alor honetan zientzia neurologiko eta kognitiboaren ekarpenaren ikuspegi orokor eta labur bat eskaintzen du. Geroago, teknologi berrien garapena labar-artearen erregistroan gogoan hartzen da, baita bere erabilpenak kultur ondarearen babespenean duen onuretan arreta jarri ere. Azkenik, Italiako mendebaldean dagoen Susa Haranean burututako ikerketa kasu bat aurkezten da. Hemen aurkezten diren aurretiazko emaitzak geo-erreferentzia kanpainaren ondorioak dira, Geografia-informazioko Sistemaren teknologiari esker sartu diren Rochemelon aztarnategian dauden grabatutako hamahiru taula. Azken hauen kokalekua eta antolamendua eskualde bereko beste antzeko hiru kasuekin duten erlazioa eztabaidatzen da