133 research outputs found

    Mass Spectrometric Study of the Negative Ion Formation of Nitroethylene at High Electron Energies

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    The formation of the molecular and the dimer negative ions of nitroethylene at high electron energies was studied. The intensity of the molecular negative ion showed a second order dependence on the pressure below 10⁻⁴ torr and a higher than second order dependence above 10⁻⁴ torr. The intensity of the dimer negative ion showed a second order dependence greater than that of the molecular negative ion. The intensity of the molecular negative ion was found to be dependent on the pressure of additional rare gases. This suggests that the collisional stabilization of excited ions is very important at high electron energies


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    The UVA and UVB components of sunlight can produce three classes of bipyrimidine DNA photolesions [cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts (6-4PPs) and related Dewar valence isomers (DewarPPs)]. The UVA/UVB ratio of sunlight is high in winter and low in summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Since UVB radiation produces 6-4PPs and UVA radiation converts them into DewarPPs through photoisomerization, it is expected that there may be differences in the photoisomerization of 6-4PPs between summer and winter, although that has never been documented. To determine that, isolated DNA was exposed to natural sunlight for 8 h in late summer and in winter, and absolute levels of the three classes of photolesions were quantified using calibrated ELISAs. It was found that sunlight produces CPDs and 6-4PPs in DNA at a ratio of about 9:1 and converts approximately 80% of 6-4PPs into DewarPPs within 3 h. Moreover, photoisomerization is more efficient in winter than in late summer after sunlight irradiation for the same duration, at similar solar UV doses and with the same induction level of CPDs. These results demonstrate that seasonal differences in the UVA/UVB ratio influence the efficiency of the photoisomerization of 6-4PPs into DewarPPs.博士(医学)・甲第775号・令和3年3月15日© 2020 The Authors. Photochemistry and Photobiology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Photobiology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    The Latent Risk of Acidosis in Commercially Available Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Products: a Randomized Clinical Trial in Postoperative Patients

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    To evaluate the latent risk of acidosis in commercially available total parenteral nutrition (TPN) products, three types of commercially available TPN products were compared in postoperative patients. Sixty-four hospitalized patients with gastro-intestinal disease who undertook curative gastro intestinal resection were studied prospectively and administered with TPN solutions. Three types of commercially available TPN products were assigned randomly to eligible patients. Serial studies of blood acid-base status, serum electrolytes, and urinary acid-base status were conducted in the three groups administered with different TPN solutions. Patients received appropriate electrolytic solutions on the operation day and TPN solution from 2 to 7 days after operation. There were no differences among any of the serum electrolytes in the three groups. In one group, urinary pH decreased slightly and urinary net acid excretion (NAE) increased significantly after administration. This TPN product contains about 40 mEq/L of non-metabolizable acid to avoid the Maillard reaction that produces a complex of glucose and amino acids. Urinary NAE did not change in the other two groups. These TPN products do not use non-metabolizable acid to adjust pH. The present results suggest that the non-metabolizable acid may be a risk factor of metabolic acidosis

    High levels of oxidatively generated DNA damage 8,5'-cyclo-2'-deoxyadenosine accumulate in the brain tissues of xeroderma pigmentosum group A gene-knockout mice.

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    Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic disorder associated with defects in nucleotide excision repair, a pathway that eliminates a wide variety of helix-distorting DNA lesions, including ultraviolet-induced pyrimidine dimers. In addition to skin diseases in sun-exposed areas, approximately 25% of XP patients develop progressive neurological disease, which has been hypothesized to be associated with the accumulation of an oxidatively generated type of DNA damage called purine 8,5'-cyclo-2'-deoxynucleoside (cyclopurine). However, that hypothesis has not been verified. In this study, we tested that hypothesis by using the XP group A gene-knockout (Xpa-/-) mouse model. To quantify cyclopurine lesions in this model, we previously established an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a monoclonal antibody (CdA-1) that specifically recognizes 8,5'-cyclo-2'-deoxyadenosine (cyclo-dA). By optimizing conditions, we increased the ELISA sensitivity to a detection limit of ˜one cyclo-dA lesion/106 nucleosides. The improved ELISA revealed that cyclo-dA lesions accumulate with age in the brain tissues of Xpa-/- and of wild-type (wt) mice, but there were significantly more cyclo-dA lesions in Xpa-/- mice than in wt mice at 6, 24 and 29 months of age. These findings are consistent with the long-standing hypothesis that the age-dependent accumulation of endogenous cyclopurine lesions in the brain may be critical for XP neurological abnormalities

    Big-Volume SliceGAN for Improving a Synthetic 3D Microstructure Image of Additive-Manufactured TYPE 316L Steel

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    A modified SliceGAN architecture was proposed to generate a high-quality synthetic three-dimensional (3D) microstructure image of TYPE 316L material manufactured through additive methods. The quality of the resulting 3D image was evaluated using an auto-correlation function, and it was discovered that maintaining a high resolution while doubling the training image size was crucial in creating a more realistic synthetic 3D image. To meet this requirement, modified 3D image generator and critic architecture was developed within the SliceGAN framework.Sugiura K., Ogawa T., Adachi Y., et al. Big-Volume SliceGAN for Improving a Synthetic 3D Microstructure Image of Additive-Manufactured TYPE 316L Steel. Journal of Imaging 9, 90 (2023); https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging9050090

    Estruturas de comunidades de animais de solo e sobrevivência dos caracóis terrestres numa ilha do Arquipélago Ogasawara

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    On Chichijima, one of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands located in the Western Pacific Ocean, land snails have declined, the suggested cause being predation pressure by an invasive flatworm (Platydemus manokwari). Soil fauna were investigated in areas where the snail survives, and where it has become extinct. Much of the fauna, dominated by introduced earthworms and ants, was undiminished, however, one undescribed but endemic carabid (Badister sp.), which selectively feeds on land snails, was absent in snail-extinct areas. The invasive flatworm P. manokwari has been reported to feed also on the carcasses of earthworms, as well as on live snails, and is therefore expected to occur in most parts of Chichijima Island. Among other groups, the density of isopods (also dominated by exotic species) was very low, in comparison with the reported ones 30 years ago. Community structure is currently reflected by dominance of earthworms and ants, decline of endemic isopods, and a high frequency of introduced or alien species.Em Chichijima, uma das ilhas do Arquipélago Ogasawara (Bonin), localizado no Oceano Pacífico Ocidental, o número de caracóis terrestres diminuiu, e a causa provável é a predação por uma planária invasora (Platydemus manokwari). A fauna edáfica foi avaliada nas áreas onde o caracol sobreviveu e onde se extinguiu. Grande parte da fauna, dominada inicialmente por minhocas e formigas, não diminuiu; contudo, um carabídeo endêmico e não descrito (Badister sp.), que se alimenta de caracóis terrestres, não estava presente nas áreas em que o caracol foi extinto. Sabe-se que a planária invasiva P. manokwari se alimenta não só das carcaças das minhocas, mas também de caracóis vivos, e por isso habita a maior parte da Ilha Chichijima. Entre outros grupos, a densidade de isópodos (também dominados por espécies exóticas) foi muita baixa, em comparação aos relatos feitos 30 anos antes. A estrutura da comunidade é refletida atualmente pela dominância de minhocas e formigas, declínio de isópodos endêmicos, e uma alta frequência de espécies introduzidas ou exóticas

    Implementasi Permendagri Nomor 15 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengarusutamaan Gender pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar di Kota Malang

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    Windra Rizkiyana1 & Wahyu Widodo21 Mahasiswa & 2Staf Pengajar Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Bandung No.1 MalangEmail: [email protected] education, still found a gender gap regarding both aspects of the expansion of educationalaccess and equity, quality and relevance of education and management. The purpose of this studywere: (1) describe the substance Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming; (2) describethe implementation of Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming in Elementary Educationin Malang; (3) Analyze the obstacles encountered in implementation Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 onGender Mainstreaming in Elementary Education in Malang. This type of research is a descriptiveanalysis, using a qualitative approach that is supported by a quantitative approach. And the techniquesof data acolllection through by interviews and the documents. Study sites are in Malang EducationDepartment. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative theorysupported by Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP), Content Analysis and Root Analysis. Implementationof Permendagri No 15 of 2008 about gender mainstreaming in basic education levels in Malang hasnot been optimal. These proved by the remains of gender inequality or gap that occurs in all threeaspects, that access and educational equity, quality and relevance of education, as well as accountabilityand governance. Constraints encountered in implementation Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on gendermainstreaming in elementary education in Malang include: (a) Outreach activities that are specificallyabout the PUG in primary education has not been done; (b) The budget is not specifically formainstreaming activities; (c) newly formed working group PUG.Key word: Permendagri No. 15 of 2008, gender mainstreaming, basic educatio

    Is Estrogen Effective for Full-Thickness Cutaneous Wound Healing in Young Male Mice ?

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    The aim of this study is to show the effects of estrogen upon its topical application on the wound healing process in young male mice. Fifty-six male mice aged 7 weeks old were divided into 4 groups: sham operation, castration, estrogen treatment after sham operation, and estrogen treatment after castration. Wound healing was observed daily until day 14 after wounding. Specimens were harvested on days 3, 7, 10, and 14, and stained to evaluate reepithelialization, inflammation, contraction, and collagen accumulation. Wound healing periods of all groups were almost the same, although the concentration of serum estrogen in the estrogen-applied mice was very high, and that in the nonapplied groups was low. The numbers of macrophages in the castrated, estrogen-treated after sham operation, and estrogen-treated after castration groups were significantly decreased compared with that in the sham group in the inflammatory phase; however, the ratio of wound area in these groups did not decrease, and other histological data did not reveal any effects of estrogen. These results indicate that estrogen may show limited effectiveness for full-thickness cutaneous wound healing in young male mice, and decreased inflammation may not always be associated with decreased wound area

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