1,065 research outputs found

    Disinformation: the European approach

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    Abstract. This article deepens the phenomenon of disinformation, providing an all-encompassing definition (proposed by the EU experts group) and subsequently analysing the actions put in place from 2018 until now by the European Commission to tackle its spread. The EU strategy consists of two opposed instruments: regulation and communication. Both have some opportunities and some challenges that involve the risk of crossing the limits of the freedom of expression and the need of citizens active participation and commitment. The effort by the European Commission of developing a wise regulation will be introduced soon, whereas the media literacy campaign is enforced every year with the support of civil society organisations. The article lists the pros and cons of all the initiatives proposed, together with some reflections of non-EU experts.Keywords: disinformation, Internet, European Union, citizens, freedom of expressionAbstract. This article deepens the phenomenon of disinformation, providing an all-encompassing definition (proposed by the EU experts group) and subsequently analysing the actions put in place from 2018 until now by the European Commission to tackle its spread. The EU strategy consists of two opposed instruments: regulation and communication. Both have some opportunities and some challenges that involve the risk of crossing the limits of the freedom of expression and the need of citizens active participation and commitment. The effort by the European Commission of developing a wise regulation will be introduced soon, whereas the media literacy campaign is enforced every year with the support of civil society organisations. The article lists the pros and cons of all the initiatives proposed, together with some reflections of non-EU experts.Abstract. This article deepens the phenomenon of disinformation, providing an all-encompassing definition (proposed by the EU experts group) and subsequently analysing the actions put in place from 2018 until now by the European Commission to tackle its spread. The EU strategy consists of two opposed instruments: regulation and communication. Both have some opportunities and some challenges that involve the risk of crossing the limits of the freedom of expression and the need of citizens active participation and commitment. The effort by the European Commission of developing a wise regulation will be introduced soon, whereas the media literacy campaign is enforced every year with the support of civil society organisations. The article lists the pros and cons of all the initiatives proposed, together with some reflections of non-EU experts

    Análise do perfil clínico dos pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia radical ou radioterapia em Florianópolis

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Clinica Medica

    Nefs d’Or, Nefs d’Argent Between Space and Power

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    The so-called nefs were an important ‘presence’ in the European courts starting from the Late Middle Ages. They were precious miniature ships, shown during banquets held in the halls of the nobility. In addition to delighting the sight of diners thanks to their ornamental richness, they were used as containers of spices, drinks, or luxury silverware. The preciousness of the vessel and of its content were just some of the elements that determined the function of ostentation of power through the nefs. Taking into consideration sources and examples ranging from the fourteenth century to the early sixteenth century, the purpose of this contribution is to investigate both the spatial relationships in the practices of use of the object and those intrinsic to the object itself. The main trajectories of analysis refer to three spatial relationships: that of container and content, that of long-distance travel embedded in the object, and the geography of power in noble banqueting rituals. These spatial relationships reflect power relationships that will be investigated on a case-by-case basis in the course of our study

    Extremely low-mass white dwarfs in interacting binary systems

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    Extremely low-mass white dwarfs (ELM WDs) are understood to be the result of binary evolution in which a low-mass donor star — mass of the order of that of the Sun — is stripped by its companion, leaving behind a helium-core white dwarf with a mass below 0.2–0.3 solar masses and with surface gravity ten to a thousand times smaller than a canonical white dwarf. The overall objective of this work is to obtain ELM models compatible with the observed distribution of ELMs and pre-ELMs. Prior to the interaction (i.e., the mass transfer), the binary evolution is thought to be dominated by the magnetic braking mechanism, which is the main uncertainty in modelling such systems. In published models of the formation of the ELM WDs orbiting millisecond pulsars in very compact orbits (2–9 hours), a severe fine-tuning of the initial orbital period was necessary, suggesting that standard magnetic braking formulation needs to be revised. A modification to the traditional treatment of magnetic braking has been proposed by Van & Ivanova (2019), named Convection And Rotation Boosted (CARB). This recipe for the magnetic braking law includes two recent improvements in understanding stellar magnetic fields and magnetised winds, introducing changes in the evolution of low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) systems due to the magnetic field strength and the rotation. Computing model sequences using the stellar evolutionary code MESA, we apply the CARB formulation to the formation of ELM WDs in LMXB systems and find that fine-tuning of the initial periods is not required. In particular, we find that for initial orbital periods in the range of 4–250 days, the final product of the evolution are ELM and low mass WDs with masses in the range 0.15–0.40 solar masses. Also, the bifurcation period — the initial orbital period that separates the systems which, at the end of evolution, will have their components close together or far apart — is shifted to longer ones (from 2.75–2.8 to 20–25 days) when the CARB magnetic braking is considered. As a result, we obtain ELM white dwarf models with masses as low as 0.26 solar mass in converging binary systems even with initial orbital periods as long as 20 days. We expand the model grid to study the effects of different initial parameters. The following scenarios were considered: increase of the donor star mass from 1.0 to 1.2 times the solar mass to decrease the main sequence lifetime; study different metallicities (Z = 0.02, 0.01 and 0.001) because there are progenitors from different parts of the Galaxy; study high (70%) and low (20%) efficiencies in mass transfer since this is a very uncertain parameter. We then repeat the same setups described above but considering a massive white dwarf (0.8 solar mass) accretor, compatible with cataclysmic variable (CV) systems. Our conclusion indicates that the CARB prescription is adequate to reproduce the observed LMXBs and CVs properties, even in the regime of short initial orbital periods. Comparing our models with observational data from He-WDs in binary systems with millisecond pulsars, the use of CARB magnetic braking is shown to be compatible with the formation of ELM WDs in LMXBs. In addition to the LMXB and CV systems, the use of CARB magnetic braking makes it possible to form ultra-compact X-ray binaries (UCXB) systems and wide-orbit binary millisecond pulsars, as well as detached ELM WDs companions to neutron stars and massive white dwarfs. Nevertheless, data from ELM WDs in systems with white dwarf companions present great dispersion in mass and orbital period of the binary system, suggesting that other formation channels are also present. Note that we do not simulate Common Envelope models. In addition, we found that the observational properties such as effective temperature and surface gravity of these new models are compatible with the majority of confirmed or candidate ELM WDs. The combined result of the more than three hundred models we calculated makes it clear that the final mass of ELM WDs is a highly degenerate quantity in the studied parameter space, as there are numerous interdependencies between metallicity, hydrogen shell flash occurrence, efficiency of mass transfer, the initial mass of the stars, initial orbital period, and the reaction of the orbital separation regarding the mass transfer.Anãs brancas de massa extremamente baixa (ELM WDs) são entendidas como o resultado da evolução binária na qual uma estrela doadora de baixa massa — massa da ordem da do Sol — é despida por sua companheira, deixando para trás uma anã branca com núcleo de hélio de massa de 0,2–0,3 massas solares e gravidade superficial de dez a mil vezes menor do que a de uma anã branca canônica. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é obter modelos de ELM compatíveis com a distribuição observada de ELMs e pré-ELMs. Antes da interação, (i.e., da transferência de massa), acredita-se que a evolução binária é dominada pelo mecanismo do freamento magnético, o qual é a maior fonte de incertezas na modelagem desse tipo de sistema. Nos modelos de formação de ELM WDs orbitando pulsares de milissegundos em órbitas muito compactas (2–9 horas) publicados, um severo ajuste fino no período orbital inicial foi necessário, sugerindo que a formulação do freamento magnético utilizado precisava ser revisada. Uma modificação ao tratamento do freamento magnético tradicional foi proposta por Van & Ivanova (2019), nomeada Convection And Rotation Boosted (CARB). Essa receita para a lei do freamento magnético inclui duas novas melhorias no entendimento dos campos e ventos magnéticos, introduzindo modificações na evolução de sistemas binários de raios-X de baixa massa (LMXB) devido à força do campo magnético e à rotação. Computando sequências de modelos usando o código de evolução estelar MESA, nós aplicamos a formulação CARB em modelos de formação de ELM WDs em sistemas binários compactos e encontramos que o ajuste fino severo no período orbital inicial não é mais necessário. Em particular, nós encontramos que para períodos orbitais no intervalo de 4–250 dias os produtos finais da evolução são ELMs e anãs brancas de baixa massa com massas no intervalo 0,15–0,40 massas solares. Também, o período de bifurcação — o período orbital inicial que separa os sistemas em que, ao final da evolução, terão seus componentes aproximados ou afastados — é deslocado para valores maiores (de 2,75–2,8 para 20–25 dias) quando o freamento magnético CARB é levado em conta. Como resultado, obtivemos modelos de ELM WDs com massas tão baixas quando 0,26 massas solares em sistemas convergentes mesmo com períodos orbitais iniciais tão longos quanto 20 dias. Nós expandimos a nossa grade de modelos para estudar os efeitos de diferentes parâmetros iniciais. Os seguinte cenários foram considerados: o aumento da massa da estrela doadora de 1,0 para 1,2 vezes a massa do Sol a fim de diminuir o tempo na sequência principal; diferentes metalicidades (Z = 0.02, 0.01 and 0.001) pois há progenitores em diferentes partes da Galáxia; e estudar alta (70%) e baixa (20%) eficiência na transferência de massa, já que é um parâmetro bastante incerto. Nós então repetimos as mesmas configurações descritas acima mas considerando como acretora uma anã branca massiva (0,8 massa solar), compatível com sistemas de variáveis cataclísmicas (CV). As nossas conclusões indicam que a prescrição CARB é adequada para reproduzir as propriedades de LMXBs e CVs observadas, mesmo no regime de períodos orbitais iniciais curtos. Comparando nossos modelos com dados observacionais de He-WDs em sistemas binários com pulsares de milissegundos, o uso do freamento magnético CARB se mostra compatível com a formação de ELM WDs em LMXBs. Em adição aos sistemas LMXB e CV, o freamento CARB torna possível a formação de binários de raios-X ultra-compactos (UCXB) e pulsares de milissegundos de órbita ampla, bem como ELM WDs separadas em companhia de estrelas de nêutrons e de anãs brancas massivas. Todavia, dados de ELM WDs em sistemas com anãs brancas apresentam grande dispersão em massa e no período orbital do sistema binário, sugerindo que outros canais de formação também estão presentes. Nota-se que não simulamos modelos de Envelope Comum (CE). Além disso, nós encontramos que as propriedades observacionais como temperatura efetiva e gravidade superficial desses novos modelos são compatíveis com a maioria das ELM WDs confirmadas ou candidatas. Os resultados combinados dos mais de trezentos modelos que calculamos deixam claro que a massa final das ELM WDs é uma quantidade extremamente degenerada no espaço de parâmetros estudado, já que existem inúmeras interdependências entre metalicidade, ocorrência de flashes de hidrogênio, eficiência na transferência de massa, a massa inicial das estrelas, o período orbital inicial, e a reação do sistema binário quanto à transferência de massa

    Motor skill delays in pre-school children with leukemia one year after treatment: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation therapy as an important risk factor

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    CNS-directed therapies for the treatment of leukemia can adversely affect the acquisition of new skills, such as reading/writing and math. Two years after the end of treatments, children show gross and fine motor skill delays that may persist even when patients are considered healed. The goal of the present study was to assess motor skills difficulties in pre-school children with leukemia one year after treatment. Particular attention has been paid to those patients who had undergone Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) and to the relationship between motor delays and age bands. Participants were 60 children (median age of 5; inter quartile range: 3.07-5.76), including 31 females and 29 males, 91.7% of them were affected by acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and 8.3% by acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Five children had undergone HCST. Parents were interviewed by Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) on children\u2019s motor skills and filled in the Italian Temperament Questionnaire (QUIT). VABS\u2019s total scores were converted into equivalent mental age scores (EMA). A score difference of at least three months between current age and equivalent mental age was considered a developmental delay. Non-parametric analyses were run to understand if HSCT treatment and a specific age band influence children\u2019s motor skills. Significant delays were found in global motor skills (56.7%) as well as in fine and gross motor domains. Mann Whitney U tests showed that children with HSCT were reported to have lower gross motor mean ranks (U = 62; p=0.004; Mean rank =15.40) than peers without HSCT (Mean rank = 31.87) and lower mean rank values on motor temperament scale (U = 9; p = 0.003; HSCT Mean rank = 4.75 versus no HSCT Mean rank = 27.81). Kruskal Wallis\u2019 tests identified the high risk treatment showing that HSCT experience negatively impacted the motor skills and temperamental motor activity of pre-school children one year after the diagnosis of leukemia

    Los derechos humanos en el imaginario social mendocino de jóvenes universitarios

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    Consideramos que los procesos de subjetivación, apuntalados individual y colectivamente, son procesados y transmitidos en el ámbito de las Instituciones. Las mismas son comprendidas como parte indispensable del imaginario social efectivo, ya que son el soporte activo de las significaciones centrales dentro del mismo. El modo en el que accedemos a los mecanismos de subjetivación es analizando en el trabajo de los grupos y sus productos, las expresiones que responden a determinadas instituciones y en consecuencia, a las significaciones activadas en esa experiencia concreta. En este caso los grupos estudiados son de jóvenes universitarios a través de la técnica de grupos focales adaptada a nuestro esquema teórico, proponiéndoles trabajar dentro de este modelo los temas: Justicia, DDHH, Delitos de Lesa Humanidad y Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. A partir de observar el estado de la Institución Justicia en Mendoza como puerta de entrada, ingresamos a las derivaciones relacionadas con los DDHH y los Juicios por Delitos de Lesa Humanidad. De esta forma podremos dar cuenta de estos temas en el imaginario social mendocino y su grado de incorporación en la subjetividad de los jóvenes universitarios.Fil: López, Humberto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y SocialesFil: Rodríguez, Cecilia Inés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y SocialesFil: Frasca Tosetto, Sol. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Analisi LCA di una turbina eolica ad asse orizzontale

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    Il lavoro di tesi verte sull'analisi del ciclo di vita della tubina FX EVO 16-20, di proprietà dell'azienda ESPE Srl. L'analisi è stata svolta tramite l'utilizzo del software SimaPro; si sono analizzati due siti, Candela in provincia di Foggia e Monte d'Aria in provincia di Macerata, confrontandone poi i risultati ottenuti.openEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di segretezza e/o di proprietà dei risultati e informazioni di enti esterni o aziende private che hanno partecipato alla realizzazione del lavoro di ricerca relativo alla tes
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