141 research outputs found

    A scoping review on the practices of open innovation

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    The growing pressure for innovation has led companies to seek new ways to manage and acquire knowledge. Thus, innovation management is a critical activity for all companies and open innovation is a means that aims to commercially exploit innovation opportunities. The literature on open innovation has grown, however, there are still research gaps in terms of practices, their operationalization and results in organizations. This article aims to identify the main OI practices, characteristics and barriers for its implementation and its impact on the company's performance. As a result, this study helps managers to implement OI practices, taking into account their barriers and contextual factors, in addition to generating research opportunities

    Digital Transformation of Health Services Value Streams

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    This research proposes the use of value stream mapping to guide the choice of Healthcare 4.0 (H4.0) digital applications that are more prone to support the enhancement of value flows in health services. A three-step approach is developed, beginning with mapping the current and future state of the value streams, identifying improvement kaizen bursts, and finally evaluating H4.0 digital applications that best underpin improvements and comply with attributes that characterize well-succeeded technological innovations. This method is illustrated through a case study in the sterilization unit of a large university hospital. With the advent of Industry 4.0, the accelerated pace at which digital transformation has been conducted challenges healthcare organisations to prioritise the digital applications with the largest positive impact in their operations assertively. Our propositions provide means to integrate H4.0 into healthcare towards more effective health services values streams

    Industry 4.0 as a moderator on the relationship between lean and operational performance

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    Due to both convergent and divergent characteristics of Industry 4.0 and Lean Production (LP), it is unclear whether their concurrent implementation may increase performance. This paper examines the moderating effect of Industry 4.0 on the relationship between LP and operational performance improvement within a developing economy. A survey was distributed among 147 Brazilian manufacturing companies that had implemented both LP and Industry 4.0. Findings indicate that, although LP’s low setup practices enhance performance, its effect varies when Industry 4.0 practices are also adopted. Managers should thus carefully prioritize the parallel adoption of different bundles of Industry 4.0 and LP practices

    Identification of the relationships between critical success factors, barriers and practices for lean implementation in a small company

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    This article aims to identify how the critical success factors (CSF), barriers and practices for lean manufacturing (LM) implementation in a small company are related. For this, the CSF, barriers and practices of LM related to small companies were initially consolidated from a literature review. Through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with the leaders of a small electronics manufacturing company in lean implementation, the relationships were evaluated and ranked through the incorporation of a multi-criteria analysis tool. The integration of a multi-criteria analysis tool into qualitative research methods (focused groups, semi-structured interviews and participatory observation) allowed quantifying these relationships in order to identify convergent efforts for a successful LM implementation. Existing frameworks for lean implementation are targeted at larger companies, disregarding the specific small company context. This study provides a guide to assist LM implementation in small manufacturing companies. Furthermore, the greater understanding of these relationships enables managers to anticipate potential problems, allowing a more successful implementation

    Lean leadership behaviors in healthcare organizations:A systematic literature review

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    This systematic literature review compares contextual similarities and differences of leader behaviours across various hierarchical levels and lean maturity levels. Since healthcare organisations are generally unique, the successful implementation of Lean Healthcare likely demands typical supportive leader behaviours at all hierarchical levels. However, the 107 reviewed articles indicate that most of the healthcare leader behaviours are similar to those of manufacturing leaders, but more relations-oriented in the early lean stages, rather than task-oriented. As most healthcare studies examined leaders at the operational and tactical levels, future multi-level research should also study strategical managers and the longitudinal effects of their behaviours


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    Leaders’ behavioural change throughout a hospital’s lean implementation

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    This article empirically examines the relationship between leadership behaviours and the implementation level of Lean Healthcare (LH). At three points in time, with a six-month interval between each point, we surveyed and interviewed 12 leaders from a Brazilian public hospital adopting LH. Our findings indicate that leaders who actively adopt LH practices also demonstrate more task- and relations-oriented behaviours, whereas low LH adopters may drop their display of those behaviours over time. This finding parallels with Kübler-Ross’s change curve that describes how an individual’s confidence, morale and effectiveness levels may vary as a change process, such as LH implementation, unfolds

    Fatores críticos de sucesso da cadeia de ajuda em uma implementação enxuta: uma pesquisa exploratória sobre a qualidade e eficiência de desempenho

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    Um dos principais pilares da manufatura enxuta (ME) é a capacidade de parar processos sempre que problemas são identificados, corrigi-los antes que afetem a produção; isto é chamado de jidoka. Neste artigo propomos uma pesquisa para avaliar as relações entre os fatores críticos de sucesso (FCS) que promovem a Cadeia de Ajuda (CA). As relações foram determinadas e validadas através de uma pesquisa realizada com 50 empresas brasileiras. Objetivando identificar as relações relevantes entre os indicadores de desempenho dos FCS e poder contribuir em contextos que possam ocorrer problemas. Além disso, o estudo se concentra em duas variáveis conceituais: (i) número de funcionários e (ii) tempo de implementação lean. Nossos resultados evidenciam que o tamanho da empresa e FCS possuem uma relação significativa com a qualidade. Sobretudo, para o OEE, o tempo de implementação enxuta parece ser significativamente importante para prever o desempenho da empresa