2,362 research outputs found

    Central dark matter content of early-type galaxies: scaling relations and connections with star formation histories

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    We examine correlations between masses, sizes and star formation histories for a large sample of low-redshift early-type galaxies, using a simple suite of dynamical and stellar population models. We confirm an anticorrelation between the size and stellar age and go on to survey for trends with the central content of dark matter (DM). An average relation between the central DM density and galaxy size of 〈ρDM〉∝R−2eff provides the first clear indication of cuspy DM haloes in these galaxies – akin to standard Λ cold dark matter haloes that have undergone adiabatic contraction. The DM density scales with galaxy mass as expected, deviating from suggestions of a universal halo profile for dwarf and late-type galaxies. We introduce a new fundamental constraint on galaxy formation by finding that the central DM fraction decreases with stellar age. This result is only partially explained by the size–age dependencies, and the residual trend is in the opposite direction to basic DM halo expectations. Therefore, we suggest that there may be a connection between age and halo contraction and that galaxies forming earlier had stronger baryonic feedback, which expanded their haloes, or lumpier baryonic accretion, which avoided halo contraction. An alternative explanation is a lighter initial mass function for older stellar populations

    Evolution of central dark matter of early-type galaxies up to z ~ 0.8

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    We investigate the evolution of dark and luminous matter in the central regions of early-type galaxies (ETGs) up to z ~ 0.8. We use a spectroscopically selected sample of 154 cluster and field galaxies from the EDisCS survey, covering a wide range in redshifts (z ~ 0.4-0.8), stellar masses (logM/M\log M_{\star}/ M_{\odot} ~ 10.5-11.5 dex) and velocity dispersions (σ\sigma_{\star} ~ 100-300 \, km/s). We obtain central dark matter (DM) fractions by determining the dynamical masses from Jeans modelling of galaxy aperture velocity dispersions and the MM_{\star} from galaxy colours, and compare the results with local samples. We discuss how the correlations of central DM with galaxy size (i.e. the effective radius, ReR_{\rm e}), MM_{\star} and σ\sigma_{\star} evolve as a function of redshift, finding clear indications that local galaxies are, on average, more DM dominated than their counterparts at larger redshift. This DM fraction evolution with zz can be only partially interpreted as a consequence of the size-redshift evolution. We discuss our results within galaxy formation scenarios, and conclude that the growth in size and DM content which we measure within the last 7 Gyr is incompatible with passive evolution, while it is well reproduced in the multiple minor merger scenario. We also discuss the impact of the IMF on our DM inferences and argue that this can be non-universal with the lookback time. In particular, we find the Salpeter IMF can be better accommodated by low redshift systems, while producing stellar masses at high-zz which are unphysically larger than the estimated dynamical masses (particularly for lower-σ\sigma_{\star} systems).Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, MNRAS in pres

    Stellar population gradients from cosmological simulations: dependence on mass and environment in local galaxies

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    The age and metallicity gradients for a sample of group and cluster galaxies from N-body+hydrodynamical simulation are analyzed in terms of galaxy stellar mass. Dwarf galaxies show null age gradient with a tail of high and positive values for systems in groups and cluster outskirts. Massive systems have generally zero age gradients which turn to positive for the most massive ones. Metallicity gradients are distributed around zero in dwarf galaxies and become more negative with mass; massive galaxies have steeper negative metallicity gradients, but the trend flatten with mass. In particular, fossil groups are characterized by a tighter distribution of both age and metallicity gradients. We find a good agreement with both local observations and independent simulations. The results are also discussed in terms of the central age and metallicity, as well as the total colour, specific star formation and velocity dispersion.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Assessment of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry for Calibration of Atmospheric Variability in Spacecraft Tracking

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    In a suggested radio propagation experiment using a deep space antenna, accurate calibration of the propagation delay through the Earth’s atmosphere is essential. One or two microwave radiometers can be used for this purpose. Differences in precise locations of the radiometer(s) and antenna to be calibrated leave a residual wet path delay value. We computed the Allan Standard Deviation (ASD) of this residual, as well as the one resulting from different pointing positions in the plane of the sky, by simulations. Pointing offsets, e.g., to avoid solar radiation into the radiometer beam, lead in general to an increased ASD. However, for many observation geometries a deliberate pointing offset can compensate for the location differences. In the case studied we found a reduction of the ASD with up to 45% compared to the ASD obtained for a zero pointing offset. The size of the calculated ASD depends strongly on the model parameters used, e.g., the turbulence strength parameter C_n^2, which has a significant natural variation over a year

    Constraining decaying dark energy density models with the CMB temperature-redshift relation

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    We discuss the thermodynamic and dynamical properties of a variable dark energy model with density scaling as ρx(1+z)m\rho_x \propto (1+z)^{m}, z being the redshift. These models lead to the creation/disruption of matter and radiation, which affect the cosmic evolution of both matter and radiation components in the Universe. In particular, we have studied the temperature-redshift relation of radiation, which has been constrained using a recent collection of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature measurements up to z3z \sim 3. We find that, within the uncertainties, the model is indistinguishable from a cosmological constant which does not exchange any particles with other components. Future observations, in particular measurements of CMB temperature at large redshift, will allow to give firmer bounds on the effective equation of state parameter weffw_{eff} for such types of dark energy models.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 3rd Italian-Pakistani Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics, Lecce 20-22 June 2011, published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Finding Strong Gravitational Lenses in the Kilo Degree Survey with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The volume of data that will be produced by new-generation surveys requires automatic classification methods to select and analyze sources. Indeed, this is the case for the search for strong gravitational lenses, where the population of the detectable lensed sources is only a very small fraction of the full source population. We apply for the first time a morphological classification method based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for recognizing strong gravitational lenses in 255255 square degrees of the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS), one of the current-generation optical wide surveys. The CNN is currently optimized to recognize lenses with Einstein radii 1.4\gtrsim 1.4 arcsec, about twice the rr-band seeing in KiDS. In a sample of 2178921789 colour-magnitude selected Luminous Red Galaxies (LRG), of which three are known lenses, the CNN retrieves 761 strong-lens candidates and correctly classifies two out of three of the known lenses. The misclassified lens has an Einstein radius below the range on which the algorithm is trained. We down-select the most reliable 56 candidates by a joint visual inspection. This final sample is presented and discussed. A conservative estimate based on our results shows that with our proposed method it should be possible to find 100\sim100 massive LRG-galaxy lenses at z\lsim 0.4 in KiDS when completed. In the most optimistic scenario this number can grow considerably (to maximally \sim2400 lenses), when widening the colour-magnitude selection and training the CNN to recognize smaller image-separation lens systems.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures. Published in MNRA

    Nuclear constraints on non-Newtonian gravity at femtometer scale

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    Effects of the non-Newtonian gravity on properties of finite nuclei are studied by consistently incorporating both the direct and exchange contribution of the Yukawa potential in the Hartree-Fock approach using a well-tested Skyrme force for the strong interaction. It is shown for the first time that the strength of the Yukawa term in the non-Newtonian gravity is limited to log(α)<1.75/[λ(fm)]0.54+33.6\log(|\alpha|)<1.75/[\lambda(\rm fm)]^{0.54} + 33.6 within the length scale of λ=110\lambda=1-10 fm in order for the calculated properties of finite nuclei not to be in conflict with accurate experimental data available.Comment: Additional discussions and references added; related Lab Talk is available via http://iopscience.iop.org/0954-3899/labtalk-article/5229

    Stellar mass-to-light ratio gradients in galaxies: correlations with mass

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    We analyse the stellar mass-to-light ratio (M/L) gradients in a large sample of local galaxies taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, spanning a wide range of stellar masses and morphological types. As suggested by the well-known relationship between M/L values and colours, we show that M/L gradients are strongly correlated with colour gradients, which we trace to the effects of age variations. Stellar M/L gradients generally follow patterns of variation with stellar mass and galaxy type that were previously found for colour and metallicity gradients. In late-type galaxies M/L gradients are negative, steepening with increasing mass. In early-type galaxies M/L gradients are shallower, while presenting a twofold trend: they decrease with mass up to a characteristic mass of and increase at larger masses. We compare our findings with other analyses and discuss some implications for galaxy formation and for dark matter estimate

    Stellar population gradients from cosmological simulations: dependence on mass and environment in local galaxies

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    The age and metallicity gradients for a sample of group and cluster galaxies from N-body+hydrodynamical simulation are analysed in terms of galaxy stellar mass. Dwarf galaxies show null age gradient with a tail of high and positive values for systems in groups and cluster outskirts. Massive systems have generally zero-age gradients which turn to positive for the most massive ones. Metallicity gradients are distributed around zero in dwarf galaxies and become more negative with mass; massive galaxies have steeper negative metallicity gradients, but the trend flattens with mass. In particular, fossil groups are characterized by a tighter distribution of both age and metallicity gradients. We find a good agreement with both local observations and independent simulations. Interestingly, our results suggest that environment differently affects the gradients at low and high masses. The results are also discussed in terms of the central age and metallicity, as well as the total colour, specific star formation and velocity dispersio