20 research outputs found

    Cost of hospitalizations for dental focal infections in a city in southern Brazil

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    Infecções focais dentárias podem causar complicações sistêmicas e resultar em internação hospitalar. Conduziu-se estudo descritivode casos de infecções focais dentárias, perfil dos pacientes internados no Pronto Socorro de Pelotas-RS,e estimativa dos custos dessas internações, no período de 2008/2013 com dados provenientes da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFPel. A descrição das variáveis foi realizada por frequências absolutas e relativas, mediana, média/desvio-padrão. A estimativa do custo foi realizada através da média dos valores das Autorizações de Internações Hospitalares com CID K04/K05, repassados pela SMS-Pel. Dos 417 registros coletados, 52,8% eram mulheres, tinham entre 18-39 anos de idade (55,9%) e oriundos de Pelotas-RS (95%). A média etária foi de 25,5 anos (± 13,7 anos). Dos 417 indivíduos atendidos, 88,5% foram medicados, prevalecendo combinações de medicamentos (67,6%). A falta de registros foi observada para todas as variáveis, exceto sexo. Foram identificadas 63 internações. O custo médio para o município foi de R$ 347,67. Das urgências observadas 6,9% eram decorrentes de infecções focais dentárias, sensíveis a intervenções na Atenção Básica. Considerando custos em internações de urgências odontológicas, e sendo possível preveni-las, sugerem-se novas abordagens sobre o tema. É necessário qualificar registros paraadequado monitoramento desta demanda, verificando seu impacto na redução das internações.Sem bols

    Estudo de prevalência das fraturas buco-maxilo-faciais na região de Pelotas

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    We analyzed 745 cases of Buco-Maxilo-facial fractures registered in SAME (Service of Statistical Medical File) of Saint House of Mercy of Pelotas and in the Center of Studies and Buco-Maxilofacial Rehabilitation of Pelotas (CERBMF), in the period of january 1, 1996 to December 31, 2000. The data were selected and scored in records, which totalized 745 cases of patients submitted to the surgery. The nose was the most affected local. The aggressions were the main causes of fractures. The male gender was, in a proportion of 8:2 in relation to the females. The age group ranged from 21 to 30 years of age.Analisamos 745 casos de fraturas Buco-Maxilo-Faciais registrados no SAME (Serviço de Arquivo Médico Estatístico) da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas e no Centro de Estudos e Reabilitação Buco-Maxilo-Facial de Pelotas (CERBMF), no período de 1° de janeiro de 1996 a 31 de dezembro de 2000. Os dados foram colhidos e anotados em fichas, as quais totalizaram 745 casos de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia. O nariz foi o local mais atingido. As agressões foram as principais causas de fraturas. O gênero masculino foi o mais atingido, numa proporção de 8/2 em relação ao feminino. A faixa etária mais atingida foi a de 21 a 30 anos de idade

    Infecções odontogênicas : complicações severas associadas à diabetes mellitus

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    Objective: Ludwig’s angina is a severe form of diffuse cellulitis occurring in the cervicofacial region, with aggressive characteristics that systemically affect the patient and can lead to death. Disease severity is due to the formation of extensive laryngeal cellulitis, which evolves to edema of the glottis and consequently acute respiratory obstruction. The rapid progression of infection and the establishment of a severe general medical condition requires fast diagnosis and adequate management in order to improve prognosis. Case Report: This paper describes two cases of Ludwig’s angina in patients with diabetes mellitus treated at public hospitals in southern Brazil, with a focus on clinical characteristics, disease evolution, and treatment. Conclusion: Depending on the patient’s systemic conditions and the kind of established treatment, it may guide the diseased prognosis. One of the patients had a favorable outcome, whereas the other developed mediastinitis and died.Objetivo: A angina de Ludwig é uma das formas mais graves de celulite difusa da região cervicofacial, apresentando características agressivas que comprometem sistemicamente o paciente, podendo levá-lo ao óbito. Isso ocorre devido à intensa celulite na região de laringe, podendo evoluir para um edema de glote, com consequente obstrução respiratória aguda. Sua disseminação ainda pode ter um trajeto descendente envolvendo estruturas torácicas, caracterizando uma mediastinite. Esta agressividade na evolução do processo infeccioso e no estabelecimento de uma condição geral grave exige um diagnóstico rápido e uma conduta adequada visando favorecer o prognóstico. Relato de Caso: Este trabalho apresenta dois casos de Angina de Ludwig, em pacientes com Diabetes Melittus, atendidos em dois hospitais do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, analisando as características clínicas, bem como a evolução da doença e a terapêutica utilizada para cada caso. Conclusão: Dependendo da condição clínica do paciente, assim como, do tratamento de escolha utilizado, favorecerá ou não o prognóstico do paciente. Verificou-se um resultado favorável com a cura do paciente e o outro evoluiu para medistinite e óbito

    Combined orthognathic surgery and prosthetic treatment for class III skeletal malocclusion

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    This clinical report discusses the case of a partially edentulous patient with class III skeletal malocclusion, suffering from poor masticatory function and esthetic appearance caused by severe anteroposterior discrepancy between the dental arches and loss of occlusal vertical dimension. The functional and esthetic rehabilitation was performed with orthognathic surgery followed by prosthetic treatment using an overlay removable partial denture. At the end of the treatment, the patient was successfully rehabilitated, both functionally and esthetically, through reestablishment of the occlusal vertical dimension and correction of the anteroposterior discrepancy between the dental arches. The overlay removable partial denture is a simple and time-efficient alternative in the treatment of partially edentulous patients with class III skeletal malocclusions and small anteroposterior discrepancies between dental arches. Additionally, an esthetic smile and functional rehabilitation of the stomatognathic system was satisfactorily obtained with orthognathic surgery followed by prosthetic treatment

    Mandibular fracture cases in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Objectives: To analyze the data in the literature, which show a high incidence of mandibular fractures. The aim of this research was to elucidate the context in which these fractures occur among patients attended at the first aid center of “Pronto Socorro Municipal de Pelotas”, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: From the records referring to the period of June, 2001 to August, 2007, there were 1 345 patients with facial fractures. Of this total, 116 patients with mandibular fracture were selected for this study and the items analysed were: age, gender, mandibular fracture site, etiology and period of the year. Results: It was found that 86.2% of the sample were men. The most prevalent age was 20 to 29 years old representing 36.2%, and the most affected mandibular sites were the body, with 29 cases (25%), and the condyle, with 26 cases (22.4%). The most common cause of fractures was the physical aggression representing 37.1%. The period of the year with the highest incidence of mandibular fractures was the summer, with 38 cases (32.8%). Conclusion: It was therefore observed that the patients with mandibular fracture assisted at Pronto-Socorro Municipal de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were generally men, 20 to 29 years old with mandibular body fracture and they were victims of physical aggression

    Treatment of dento-alveolar trauma: knowledge evaluation from southern Brazilian dentists

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    is study aimed to evaluate through a specific survey the knowledge of dentists on dental trauma in Southern Brazil regarding their conduct facing some dental trauma injuries. Methods: A survey with five personal and five specific questions on knowledge about dental trauma was carried out with all dentists regularly registered in Pelotas, Brazil (n=276). The data was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and associations were tested by Chi-square test (p&#8805;0.05). Results: There were a higher number of dentists with up to 10 years since graduation (45.4%) who worked in private dental office (66.1%) and with some specialization (63.7%). Dentists with more years since graduation were associated to less knowledge on dental trauma management (p<0.001). Conclusions: The knowledge of the dentists related to dento-alveolar trauma is lowered with higher time in clinical practice. Continuing education courses should be offered to the dentists by educational institutions