3,084 research outputs found

    Factores de calidad del servicio en el transporte público de pasajeros: estudio de caso de la ciudad de Toluca, México

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    En este artículo se identifican, ponderan y valoran los factores que intervienen en la percepción de la calidad de servicio del transporte público en un corredor urbano que se caracteriza por una gestión delegada con tarifa fija y competencia en calidad. Mediante un modelo logit con especificación lineal de la función de utilidad, se estiman los coeficientes de cada factor de calidad de servicio para diferentes segmentos y estratos de la población. Los resultados de la estimación econométrica determinan la importancia, peso y valor de cada factor en términos de utilidad. De esta manera se obtiene que los factores principales que determinan la calidad del servicio son: el estado físico de los autobuses, la forma de manejo del conductor, la tarifa (costo del viaje), el tiempo que está dentro del autobús (tiempo de viaje) y el trato al usuario

    Percepción de la satisfacción del servicio en el transporte público solo para mujeres

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    Debido a las necesidades y la inclusión de las mujeres en distintas actividades laborales, ellas deben desplazarse para realizar, entre otras actividades, trabajos redituables, crianza de los hijos, atención y cuidado de los integrantes de la familia, y en algunos casos como sostén económico. El transporte público es la forma más utilizada por las mujeres para realizar sus desplazamientos. Por lo que es necesario revisar las condiciones en que ellas efectúan sus viajes, específicamente en el transporte solo para mujeres en la Ciudad de México, cuya implementación surgió para protegerlas de las agresiones sufridas durante sus viajes en el transporte público; sin embargo existe evidencia de que ese servicio no está cumpliendo con esa finalidad. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados emanados de la aplicación de la técnica de grupos focales, que permitió obtener las percepciones de la satisfacción del servicio solo para mujeres, en relación con tres factores: disponibilidad de asientos, cobertura y agresiones sufridas. Además, se obtuvieron las emociones originadas en las mujeres ante los niveles de satisfacción del servicio y se propuso una escala para su valoració

    La satisfacción del servicio en el transporte público exclusivo para mujeres

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    Como parte del desarrollo del sistema de transporte público, este ha presentado problemas de sobrecupo, lo cual se ha traducido en impactos negativos particularmente sobre las mujeres, en especial en lo relativo a los niveles de seguridad, en relación con lo que aquellas han reportado diferentes agresiones. Entre las medidas para reducir lo anterior se implementaron los servicios de transporte exclusivos para mujeres (TEPM) –etiquetados como “transporte rosa”–. En este documento se muestran los resultados de cuantificar la satisfacción de las usuarias del TEPM para el caso del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo (metro) de la ciudad de México. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se diseñó y aplicó una encuesta de satisfacción, a partir de la cual se obtuvo información acerca de los niveles de satisfacción de tres factores del TEPM: cobertura, disponibilidad de asientos, y agresiones sufridas. Los resultados muestran que las características del TEPM no están alineadas con las necesidades de las usuarias, y esto lleva a redefinir los objetivos del transporte exclusivo. Palabras clave: satisfacción del servicio, transporte exclusivo para mujere

    Pansharpening of High and Medium Resolution Satellite Images Using Bilateral Filtering

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    We provide and evaluate a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a panchromatic (PAN) image with a multi-spectral (MS) image using bilateral filtering, applied to images of three different sensors: SPOT 5, Landsat ETM+ and Quickbird. To assess the fusion process, we use six quality indexes, that confirm, along with visual analysis, good overall results for the three sensors

    Automatic Image Segmentation Optimized by Bilateral Filtering

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    The object-based methodology is one of the most commonly used strategies for processing high spatial resolution images. A prerequisite to object-based image analysis is image segmentation, which is normally defined as the subdivision of an image into separated regions. This study proposes a new image segmentation methodology based on a self-calibrating multi-band region growing approach. Two multispectral aerial images were used in this study. The unsupervised image segmentation approach begins with a first step based on a bidirectional filtering, in order to eliminate noise, smooth the initial image and preserve edges. The results are compared with ones obtained from Definiens Developper software

    Real-time 3D magnetometer calibration for embedded systems based on ellipsoid fitting

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    Magnetometers are massively diffused in a variety of instruments for different applications. However, these sensors are affected by non-idealities, especially bias and hard/soft-iron interference. Even though a number of calibration approaches could be adopted to compensate for magnetic interferences, their implementation on resources-constrained platforms is still problematic due to the highly complex, computationally intensive mathematical operations involved. The present work demonstrates the possibility to develop a fast and efficient 3D magnetometer calibration for real-time embedded systems with limited system resources. A number of techniques and approaches are discussed to mitigate the computational burden. Results confirm that this is achievable by preserving the same level of accuracy reached with more computationally intensive approaches. Results are also promising regarding the adoption of the discussed method on low-power real-life systems in several applications

    El Transporte Público Y Desigualdad Socioeconómica Territorial En La Zona Metropolitana De Toluca

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    capitulo de transporte publicoLa desigualdad socioeconómica y su relación con el transporte público en la Zona Metropolitana de Toluca, ha tomado mayor auge con la descentralización de la población y actividades socioeconómicas hacia zonas periféricas, originando necesidades de traslado más complejas; por lo tanto es importante que el sistema de transporte público sea compatible con las necesidades de la sociedad urbana-periférica, de no ser así se acentuará aún más la desigualdad que existe geográficamente en la Zona Metropolitana del Estado de México

    Experiences and recommendations in deploying a real-time, water quality monitoring system

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    Monitoring of water quality at a river basin level to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) using conventional sampling and laboratory-based techniques poses a significant financial burden. Wireless sensing systems offer the potential to reduce these costs considerably, as well as provide more useful, continuous monitoring capabilities by giving an accurate idea of the changing environmental and water quality in real time. It is unlikely that the traditional spot/grab sampling will provide a reasonable estimate of the true maximum and/or mean concentration for a particular physicochemical variable in a water body with marked temporal variability. When persistent fluctuations occur, it is likely only to be detected through continuous measurements, which have the capability of detecting sporadic peaks of concentration. Thus, in situ sensors capable of continuous sampling of parameters required under the WFD would therefore provide more up-to-date information, cut monitoring costs and provide better coverage representing long-term trends in fluctuations of pollutant concentrations. DEPLOY is a technology demonstration project, which began planning and station selection and design in August 2008 aiming to show how state-of-the-art technology could be implemented for cost-effective, continuous and real-time monitoring of a river catchment. The DEPLOY project is seen as an important building block in the realization of a wide area autonomous network of sensors capable of monitoring the spatial and temporal distribution of important water quality and environmental target parameters. The demonstration sites chosen are based in the River Lee, which flows through Ireland's second largest city, Cork, and were designed to include monitoring stations in five zones considered typical of significant river systems-these monitor water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, depth, conductivity, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. Over one million data points have been collected since the multi-sensor system was deployed in May 2009. Extreme meteorological events have occurred during the period of deployment and the collection of real-time water quality data as well as the knowledge, experience and recommendations for future deployments are discussed

    Ultrasound intensification of Ferrochelatase extraction from pork liver as a strategy to improve ZINC-protoporphyrin formation

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    [EN] The enzyme Ferrochelatase (FeCH), which is naturally present in pork liver, catalyses the formation of Zincprotoporphyrin (ZnPP), a natural pigment responsible for the typical color of dry-cured Italian Parma ham. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using high power ultrasound in continuous and pulsed modes to intensify the extraction of the enzyme FeCH from pork liver. US application during FeCH extraction led to an improved enzymatic activity and further increase in the formation of ZnPP. The optimal condition tested was that of 1 min in continuous US application, in which time the enzymatic activity increased by 33.3 % compared to conventional extraction (30 min). Pulsed US application required 5 min treatments to observe a significant intensification effect. Therefore, ultrasound is a potentially feasible technique as it increases the catalytic activity of FeCH and saves time compared to the conventional extraction methodThe authors acknowledge the financial support from the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)" in Spain (Project RTA2017-00024-C04-03). The authors acknowledge the contribution of the undergraduate student Jose V. Pedrero-Gonzalez to the experimental work.Abril-Gisbert, B.; Sanchez-Torres, E.; Bou, R.; Garcia-Perez, J.; Benedito Fort, JJ. (2021). Ultrasound intensification of Ferrochelatase extraction from pork liver as a strategy to improve ZINC-protoporphyrin formation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 78:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105703S177