2,722 research outputs found

    Factors that explain the use of ICT in secondary-education classrooms: the role of teacher characteristics and school infrastructure

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    Paradoxically, in Spain, schools have relatively ample information and communication technology (ICT)infrastructure but low levels of classroom ICT use. In this study, we analyse the role of school ICTinfrastructure and teacher characteristics to explain ICT use in education. We use data from the Spanishsample in the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Study (TALIS), which consists of 3339 teachersfrom 192 secondary education centres. The analysis was conducted using multilevel logistic regressionmodels. The principal results indicate that the availability of educational software, teacher ICT training,collaboration among teachers, perceived self-efficacy, and teaching concepts influence classroom ICT use.School hardware and internet-connection infrastructure are less significant. Based on thefindings,recommendations are presented to orient Spanish educational policy to encourage the use of ICT in classroom

    Diseño de materiales y tecnología. Itinerarios hacia la innovación

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    Our particular educational path sheet of certainties and uncertainties of trial and error in the use of ICT and design materials. We are convinced that education with global and incardinated in today’s culture need of ideas , motifs, projects and career paths that lead for some time placing value your expertise in the everyday sense. From the approach to the work of M. Foucault and the analysis thereof, enables us to analyze ourselves educationally tools. Similarly, it has allowed systematize as teachers: how we think , how we act and how we feel (Foucault , 1973, 1975, 1979). Our teaching action continues to be a succession of routine practices that Foucault means a subtle process of standardization, production of individuals (teachers, in our case) standards compliant , docile and perhaps in the process of domestication. However, the continued rethinking and reflection on practice routine will make us rediscover essential aspects of them , for obvious need of a new way of seeing , perhaps a ‘ socio- cultural glasses’ as noted elsewhere ( Rodríguez Torres, 2009) , we mean changing the way we play , read , relate to a world of constant change. We are suggesting that the use of ICT in education transcends the instructional approaches and focus our teaching efforts toward more comprehensive approaches around the possible relationships between the processes of social change and their particular concretions in the curriculum (Area 2001 , Rayon 1998, 2000 ) . This line of work we have been doing has to do with the joint review of teachers , their pedagogical knowledge , taking as reference the “knowing” and “doing” in their daily task ( Cohran - Smith and Lytle, 2002) , we mean our goal is to move to a new stage in the use of ICT to enable us to improve the processes and rediscover its role with regard to global and transversal ( R Rayon and Torres, 2006).Nuestra particular hoja de ruta educativa parte de certezas e incertidumbres, de aciertos y errores en el uso y diseño de materiales TIC. Estamos convencidos que la educación con sentido global e incardinado en la cultura de hoy necesita de las ideas, motivos, proyectos y trayectorias profesionales de los que durante algún tiempo llevan poniendo en valor su saber hacer en el día a día. Desde el acercamiento a la obra de M. Foucault y el análisis de la misma, nos posibilita herramientas de visionarnos y revisarnos educativamente. De igual manera, ha permitido sistematizar como docentes: cómo pensamos, cómo actuamos y cómo nos sentimos (Foucault, 1973; 1975; 1979). Nuestra acción docente no deja de ser una sucesión de prácticas rutinarias, que para Foucault significan un proceso sutil de normalización, producción de individuos (profesores, en nuestro caso) cumplidores de normas, dócil y quizás en proceso de domesticación. No obstante, el replanteamiento y la reflexión continuada sobre prácticas rutinarias, harán que redescubramos aspectos esenciales de las mismas, que por evidentes necesitan de una nueva forma de mirar, tal vez de unas «gafas socio-culturales» como señalábamos en otro lugar (Rodríguez Torres, 2009), queremos decir, cambiar la forma en que interpretamos, leemos, nos relacionamos con un mundo en constante cambio. Estamos sugiriendo que el uso de las TIC en la educación trascienda los planteamientos instructivos y orientar nuestros esfuerzos docentes hacia planteamientos más comprensivos en torno a las relaciones posibles entre los procesos de cambio social y sus particulares concreciones en los planes de estudio [currículum] (Área 2001; Rayón 1998, 2000). Esta línea de trabajo que venimos desarrollando tiene que ver con la revisión conjunta del profesorado, de su conocimiento pedagógico, tomando como referente su «saber» y su «hacer» en su tarea cotidiana (Cohran – Smith y Lytle, 2002), queremos decir, nuestro objetivo es pasar a una etapa nueva en uso de las TIC que nos permita mejorar los procesos y redescubrir su papel con sentido de globalidad y transversalidad (Rayón y R Torres, 2006

    Job-search strategies of individuals at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Spain

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    In Spain, the issue of unemployment or precarious employment worsen with globalization, leading to an expansion of the so-called working poor in the labour market.According to previous literature, the economic poverty that is characteristic of this group may accompany poverty competency.In particular, the working poor resort to informal and poorly developed job-searchstrategies.This study addresses the job search methods used by people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. It provides evidence on the subject and serves as a basis for the adaptation of socio-labour intermediation programmes to this group.The hypothesis of this study is that people at high risk will predominantly use informal strategies that require a low level of job-searchs kills.A survey-based correlational study is conducted using a questionnaire completed by 279 people participating in socio-labourinter mediation programmes developed by the Action against Hunger Foundation(AaHF) in Spain.Information on poverty indicators and on job-search strategies is collected.Data are analysed through cluster analysis,which distinguish two groups of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion(high risk and low risk),followed by a comparison of means(t-test)with a subsequent calculation of effect size using Cohen’s d. Results show statistically significant differences with a medium effect size(between 0.45 and 0.50)for the typology of job-search strategies used,confirming the initial hypothesis.These results offer relevant information that should be considered when developing programmes aimed at improving social and labour issues for people at risk of poverty and social exclusion.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO- Government of Spain)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER

    Emozioni ed empatia durante la pandemia in una Scuola internazionale a Madrid: Uno studio di caso

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    Emotions and empathy contribute to the development and formation of all people. These factors are most decisive in the developmental stages where the role of stimuli from the environment is also a determining factor. From this maxim, we present a paper that investigates a group of school pupils’ process of transformation regarding their emotional perspective of themselves and the situation that they have had to live through: that of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Taking into account that the focus of this research is the most significant moments in terms of emotional perception and the primary school students themselves, we deduce that evaluations can be carried out repeatedly and specific situations can be analysed. Consequently, we opt for a qualitative methodology with a single case study method. From this point and the data collected, the results relate to the dif-ferent phases that correspond with the most important events which steer us inevitably towards a “new normality”. Here we refer to events from the ceasing of all activities and free movement (March 2020) to the new situation one year later of inoculations by different vaccines (March 2021).Le emozioni e l’empatia contribuiscono allo sviluppo e alla formazione delle persone, risultando più incisive nelle tappe di sviluppo, dove il ruolo degli stimoli procedenti dall’ambiente sono anche significativi. Partendo da questo assunto, presentiamo un lavoro che indaga il processo di trasformazione in un gruppo di studenti rispetto alla loro percezione emotiva e alla situazione della pandemia, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Tenendo in considerazione che l’oggetto della ricerca riguarda i momenti più significativi nella percezione emotiva e gli stessi studenti di scuola primaria, deduciamo che si possono realizzare valutazioni ripetute e che le stesse si possono analizzare in deter-minate situazioni per le quali scegliamo una metodologia qualitativa con metodo di studio di caso unico. Dai dati ottenuti, i risultati si mettono in relazione con fasi diverse che corrispondono agli eventi più significativi che ci direzionano inevitabilmente verso una “nuova normalità”, ossia, dalla chiusura totale delle attività e della libera circolazione (marzo, 2020), passando attraverso la ripresa delle attività  scolastiche (settembre, 2020), fino a terminare con la nuova situazione, un anno dopo, con l'avvio delle vaccinazioni (marzo, 2021).&nbsp

    Redimensión de las ideas pedagógicas de Lorenzo Luzuriaga desde una visión educativa aplicada.

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    To speak nowadays about the pedagogic figure of Lorenzo Luzuriaga (1889-1959),it means to go beyond the theories, experiences and educational principles proposed by him and the organizational model which he defended (Luzuriaga 1928, 1931, 1946).It implies valuing a many- sided profile that contains his facets as a pedagogue as well as these of publisher, translator, ideologist, teacher, tertullian, father, etc. in several contexts: the Spanish one and those from each of the countries where he lived and had to go into exile: England and Argentina (1936- 1959). His educational ideals were embodied in Spain through different documents as: “Basis for a public instruction program” (1918), publications and educational practices. Let’s take as an example of the above mentioned, the Pedagogic Missions in which he took part in (1931-1936). Out of his mother land, he did not stop working on the idea of the Only School in the different countries where he stayed at, in spite of the difficult economic circumstances that he had to deal with. In this article Lorenzo Luzuriaga’s figure is presented with an applied and practical dimension. We will discover the pedagogic mark that he left in those people to whom he dedicated a great part of his life in his last Argentine exile (1939-1959), with them he coexisted, worked and those who he instructed in Tucuman and Buenos Aires (Argentina) providing them the firm ideal that the progress of a country, inevitably, has to settle itself in the education based on the equality of opportunities, on the social justice and on the access to culture of the whole population. The main contribution of the work is his methodology, that is to say, the interviews as a kind of stories that we have realized to the pedagogue’s pupils and relatives, people, some of them very linked to Luzuriaga and who they have never been interviewed till now. His opinions and experiences were gathered during the summer of the year 2010 in Madrid (Spain), Tucuman and Buenos Aires (Argentina) and through them is revealed the enormous influence exercised by the pedagogue’s ideas in institutional and educational practices that continue being in force nowadays. These narrative interviews are part of a wide project of investigation: Didactic Records: itineraries and socio- historical signs in the teaching of the psychology in the educational formation. The influences in the teachers of psychology graduated from the UBA (1960-1976).Being a relevant instrument, since the informants put emphasis in the temporary, social and meaning structures very claimed in this type of studies (Kvale, 2011). In each of the stories a biographical history sustained by experiences was delivered from the double dimension; personal and professional. Across them, we obtained cognitive and linguistic approximations on the important figure of the pedagogueHablar actualmente de la figura pedagógica de Lorenzo Luzuriaga (1889-1959), significa ir más allá de las teorías, experiencias y principios educativos que propuso y del modelo organizativo que defendió (Luzuriaga, 1928, 1931, 1946). Implica, valorar un perfil multifacético que recoge tanto su faceta como pedagogo como la de editor, traductor, ideólogo, docente, tertuliano, padre, etc. en varios contextos: el español y el de cada uno de los países donde vivió y tuvo que exiliarse: Inglaterra y Argentina (1936-1959). Sus ideales educativos quedaron plasmados en España a través de los distintos documentos como “Bases para un programa de instrucción pública” (1918). También mediante publicaciones y prácticas educativas. Tomemos como ejemplo de esto último, las Misiones Pedagógicas en las que participó (1931-1936). Desubicado de su patria, no dejó de trabajar sobre la idea de la Escuela Única en los distintos países en los que estuvo, pese a las difíciles circunstancias económicas que soportó. En este artículo, presentamos la figura de Lorenzo Luzuriaga con una dimensión aplicada y práctica. Descubriremos la huella pedagógica que dejó en aquellas personas a las que dedicó gran parte de su vida en el último exilio argentino (1939-1959), con las que convivió, trabajó e instruyó en Tucumán y Buenos Aires (Argentina) y a las que aportó el firme ideal de que el progreso de un país, inevitablemente, ha de asentarse en la educación basada en la igualdad de oportunidades, en la justicia social y en el acceso a la cultura de toda la población. Las principales aportaciones aquí presentadas son las entrevistas a modo de narraciones que hemos realizado a las alumnas y familiares del pedagogo, personas, algunas de ellas muy vinculadas a Luzuriaga y que nunca hasta ahora han sido entrevistadas. Sus opiniones y experiencias se recogieron durante en verano del año 2010 en Madrid (España), Tucumán y Buenos Aires (Argentina), y a través de ellas se desvela la enorme influencia ejercida por las ideas de pedagogo en prácticas institucionales y docentes que hoy día siguen estando vigentes. Estas entrevistas narrativas forman parte de un amplio proyecto de investigación: Registros didácticos: itinerarios y trazas socio históricas en la enseñanza de la psicología en la formación docente. Las marcas en los profesores de psicología egresados de la UBA (1960 - 1976). Siendo un instrumento relevante, ya que las informantes ponen énfasis en las estructuras temporales, sociales y de significado muy reclamadas en este tipo de estudios (Kvale, 2011). En cada una de las narraciones se entregó una historia biográfica sustentada por vivencias desde la doble dimensión; personal y profesional. A través de ellas, obtuvimos aproximaciones cognitivas y lingüísticas sobre la importante figura del pedagogo

    Automatic Text Summarization Approaches to Speed up Topic Model Learning Process

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    The number of documents available into Internet moves each day up. For this reason, processing this amount of information effectively and expressibly becomes a major concern for companies and scientists. Methods that represent a textual document by a topic representation are widely used in Information Retrieval (IR) to process big data such as Wikipedia articles. One of the main difficulty in using topic model on huge data collection is related to the material resources (CPU time and memory) required for model estimate. To deal with this issue, we propose to build topic spaces from summarized documents. In this paper, we present a study of topic space representation in the context of big data. The topic space representation behavior is analyzed on different languages. Experiments show that topic spaces estimated from text summaries are as relevant as those estimated from the complete documents. The real advantage of such an approach is the processing time gain: we showed that the processing time can be drastically reduced using summarized documents (more than 60\% in general). This study finally points out the differences between thematic representations of documents depending on the targeted languages such as English or latin languages.Comment: 16 pages, 4 tables, 8 figure

    La evaluación orientada al aprendizaje: aplicaciones en la práctica

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    En la presente comunicación exponemos la puesta en práctica de un sistema de evaluación, orientado al aprendizaje, destinado a cuatro grupos clase del primer curso del grado de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla (España).A través del proyecto desarrollado se perseguía, como finalidad general, optimizar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, mediantela introducción de innovaciones en el sistema de evaluación. Esta finalidad general se concretó en los siguientes objetivos específicos:-Completar el sistema de evaluación utilizado en la asignatura, desarrollando el proceso desde el inicio de curso. -Aplicar la estrategia de autoevaluación como medio para facilitar el aprendizaje por parte de los alumnos y una mejor preparación de estos para superar los requisitos de la materia.-Hacer más transparente y útil el sistema de evaluación de las prácticas realizadas durante el curso mediante la elaboración de rúbricas.Respecto al proceso didáctico desarrollado, ha consistido en el desarrollo de un sistema de autoevaluación y en la confección de rúbricas o matrices de evaluación para distintos contenidos temáticos.En lo referente a la metodología de investigación, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio no experimental o ex-post-facto;concretamente, lo que en la literatura se conoce como metodología de encuesta. Las opiniones valorativas de los estudiantes que han participado en esta experiencia han sido recogidas mediante una escala de estimación, compuesta de una serie de enunciados relativos al uso de las pruebas de autoevaluación y a las rúbricas empleadas. Con objeto de completar y triangular esta información, se efectuaron también preguntas abiertas referentes a las bondades y debilidades apreciadas con respecto a cada uno de esos sistemas de evaluación.Con los datos obtenidos de los 155 sujetos (muestra significativa a un α = .05, E +3,7% y p = q) que se sometieron al instrumento,se ha efectuado un análisis descriptivo (media y desviación típica), comparativo (prueba T de Student) y documental (categorización y codificación) que nos han permitido satisfacer los objetivos de partida y establecer conclusiones con respecto a las bondades y limitaciones del sistema de evaluación orientado al aprendizaje que habíamos desarrollado

    Rubric system: a practical example

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    En el presente artículo se recogen los resultados obtenidos tras la puesta en práctica de un sistema de evaluación, orientado al aprendizaje, en la asignatura El conocimiento científico educativo, perteneciente al primer curso del Grado de Pedagogía. Se han recogido valoraciones del alumnado en torno a las rúbricas, empleadas por el profesorado de la asignatura para orientar su aprendizaje.This paper presents the results of the implementation of a learning-oriented assessment system in the subject Scientific Knowledge in Education (first year of Pedagogy Degree). The students' valuations about rubrics have been obtained to identify their influences on learning

    The First World War in the rear: The protagonism of Women

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    Este estudio pretende revivir una parte obviada y silenciada de la historia de la Primera Guerra Mundial: el papel de la mujer. Para ello, se han consultado fuentes especializadas que hablaran de las mujeres en la línea de guerra y en la retaguardia, en los puestos de trabajo que abandonaron forzosamente los hombres para ir a combatir. El conflicto bélico paralizó algunos adelantos conseguidos hasta entonces, sobre todo en materia de sufragio universal. Sin embargo, las consecuencias sociales y políticas de la guerra también modificaron los estereotipos tradicionales de género y dieron paso a una nueva mujer moderna, que no se limitaba a vivir en el ámbito privado del hogar.This study aims to revive an overlooked and silenced part of the history of World War I: the role of women. To this end, specialized sources have been consulted to speak of women in war line and in the rear, in jobs that men left necessarily to go fight. The war halted some progress made so far, especially in terms of universal suffrage. However, the social and political consequences of the war also changed the traditional gender stereotypes and gave way to a new modern woman, which was not confined to living in the private sphere of home