242 research outputs found

    Electronic Structure of Carotenoids in Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis

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    This chapter is about a theoretical study applied to six carotenoids present in vegetables containing carotenes and xanthophylls. Electronic properties are analyzed such as energy in frontier orbitals and the first molecular orbitals to work in the UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. Electronic structure methodologies were used within the frame of the density functional theory (DFT) using the theoretical methods B3LYP/6-31G(d)//B3LYP/6-31G+(d,p) for ground states and B3LYP/6-31G(d)//CAM-B3LYP/6-31G+(d,p) for excited states. Results for the main absorption peak are in agreement with experimental results with a difference between zeaxanthin and violaxanthin results of 0.1 eV, approximately. The UV-Vis absorption spectra obtained for carotenoids are in good agreement with the experimental results. The possible use in energy generation systems is discussed for these systems. Diade chlorophyllide a-zeaxanthin was formed, and calculation results predicted energy transfer for these photosynthetic systems

    Induced Negative Mood Increases Dictator Game Giving

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    The study examines the influence of induced negative mood on dictator game giving (DGG) with two recipients. Participants (N = 63) played the role of a dictator in a three-player dictator game. They could choose among two options: an altruistic option, where two receivers receive 10 Euros and the dictator himself receives nothing, or a selfish option, where the dictator himself receives 5 Euros and both receivers receive nothing. For half of the participants, the second option entailed that only one receiver receives nothing and the other receives 10 Euros. After four rounds, participants were randomly assigned to look at 10 pictures with either positive or negative emotional content with the purpose of inducing positive or negative mood. The results show that looking at pictures with negative emotional content increases anxiety and skin conductance and increases DGG in the remaining four rounds of the game. On the other hand, whether the selfish option would imply that one or both recipients receive nothing does not seem to have a strong influence on DGG.PsycINFO Classification code: 2340; 2360

    Land Cover Classification of Complex Agroecosystems in the Non-Protected Highlands of the Galapagos Islands

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    The humid highlands of the Galapagos are the islands’ most biologically productive regions and a key habitat for endemic animal and plant species. These areas are crucial for the region’s food security and for the control of invasive plants, but little is known about the spatial distribution of its land cover. We generated a baseline high-resolution land cover map of the agricultural zones and their surrounding protected areas. We combined the high spatial resolution of PlanetScope images with the high spectral resolution of Sentinel-2 images in an object-based classification using a RandomForest algorithm. We used images collected with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to verify and validate our classified map. Despite the astounding diversity and heterogeneity of the highland landscape, our classification yielded useful results (overall Kappa: 0.7, R2: 0.69) and revealed that across all four inhabited islands, invasive plants cover the largest fraction (28.5%) of the agricultural area, followed by pastures (22.3%), native vegetation (18.6%), food crops (18.3%), and mixed forest and pioneer plants (11.6%). Our results are consistent with historical trajectories of colonization and abandonment of the highlands. The produced dataset is designed to suit the needs of practitioners of both conservation and agriculture and aims to foster collaboration between the two areas

    Afectaciones en la producción de cerdos en una granja comercial en el noreste de México

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    ESPAÑOL: Al evaluar la productividad de cerdas de una granja comercial en el noreste de México para el número de parto, solamente se presentó un efecto (P< 0.05) sobre el intervalo destetecelo. Se presentó un efecto significativo (P <0.05) de la línea materna sobre el intervalo destete-celo y el intervalo entre partos. El grupo de año influyó sobre el intervalo destetecelo, y se obtuvieron los valores más bajos en los grupos 1992 -1994, 1995-1997 y 2004-2006. En cuanto a la época de servicio, no se encontraron efectos significativos para las variables estudiadas. Con relación a los factores ambientales es importante considerarlos desde el punto de vista reproductivo en este tipo de granja comercial. ENGLISH: In assessing the productivity of sows from a commercial farm in northeastern Mexico for parity number, only the effect on the interval from weaning to estrus was significant (P <0.05). There was a significant effect (P <0.05) in the maternal line on weaning-estrus interval and calving interval. Year group influenced the weaning-estrus interval, obtaining the lowest values in the groups 1992 -1994, 1995-1997, and 2004-2006. As for the time of service, no significant effects were found for the variables studied. With regard to environmental factors it is important to consider them from the point of view in this kind of commercial farms

    Toxoplasma gondii Seropositivity Interacts with Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val105/158Met Variation Increasing the Risk of Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous and severe psychotic disorder. Epidemiological findings have suggested that the exposure to infectious agents such as Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia. On the other hand, there is evidence involving the catechol- O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val105/158Met polymorphism in the aetiology of schizophrenia since it alters the dopamine metabolism. A case–control study of 141 patients and 142 controls was conducted to analyse the polymorphism, the prevalence of anti-T. gondii IgG, and their interaction on the risk for schizophrenia. IgG were detected by ELISA, and genotyping was performed with TaqMan Real- Time PCR. Although no association was found between any COMT genotype and schizophrenia, we found a significant association between T. gondii seropositivity and the disorder ( 2 = 11.71; p-value < 0.001). Furthermore, the risk for schizophrenia conferred by T. gondii was modified by the COMT genotype, with those who had been exposed to the infection showing a different risk compared to that of nonexposed ones depending on the COMT genotype ( 2 for the interaction = 7.28, p-value = 0.007). This study provides evidence that the COMT genotype modifies the risk for schizophrenia conferred by T. gondii infection, with it being higher in those individuals with the Met/Met phenotype, intermediate in heterozygous, and lower in those with the Val/Val phenotype.Junta de Andalucia P06-CTS-01686Spanish Ministry of Health via the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS PS09/01671 PI13/01967 PI18/00467Programa Operativo FEDER B-CTS-361-UGR1

    Next Generation Probiotics for Neutralizing Obesogenic Effects: Taxa Culturing Searching Strategies

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    This work was carried out within the frame of GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04: OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers. This research was also funded by FEDER-Infrastructure: IE_2019-198. A.L-M Incentivacion de la Investigacion. Plan Propio-UGR. K. Cerk is collaborating with UGR under the EU-FORA Programme (2020/2021).The combination of diet, lifestyle, and the exposure to food obesogens categorized into "microbiota disrupting chemicals" (MDC) could determine obesogenic-related dysbiosis and modify the microbiota diversity that impacts on individual health-disease balances, inducing altered pathogenesis phenotypes. Specific, complementary, and combined treatments are needed to face these altered microbial patterns and the specific misbalances triggered. In this sense, searching for next-generation beneficial microbes or next-generation probiotics (NGP) by microbiota culturing, and focusing on their demonstrated, extensive scope and well-defined functions could contribute to counteracting and repairing the effects of obesogens. Therefore, this review presents a perspective through compiling information and key strategies for directed searching and culturing of NGP that could be administered for obesity and endocrine-related dysbiosis by (i) observing the differential abundance of specific microbiota taxa in obesity-related patients and analyzing their functional roles, (ii) developing microbiota-directed strategies for culturing these taxa groups, and (iii) applying the successful compiled criteria from recent NGP clinical studies. New isolated or cultivable microorganisms from healthy gut microbiota specifically related to obesogens' neutralization effects might be used as an NGP single strain or in consortia, both presenting functions and the ability to palliate metabolic-related disorders. Identification of holistic approaches for searching and using potential NGP, key aspects, the bias, gaps, and proposals of solutions are also considered in this review.OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04FEDER-Infrastructure IE_2019-19

    Diseño de un sistema de control de gestión, basado en la metodología del cuadro de mando integral, para el área comercial de la constructora e inmobiliaria Malpo

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    149 p.Constructora e Inmobiliaria Malpo es una empresa con más de 29 años de experiencia en el rubro de la construcción de soluciones habitacionales, con proyectos desde la V a la VIII regiones, y con un alto grado de reconocimiento en la VII región, donde se considera una de las 3 constructoras más importantes. El presente proyecto se desarrolla en el área comercial de Malpo, la cual concentra las actividades de marketing, venta, escrituración, cobranza y post-venta. El área comercial lleva a cabo entre otras actividades: la realización de estrategias publicitarias y elaboración de estudios de mercado, en el departamento de marketing; cotizaciones, promesas y ventas; regulación de escrituras y seguimiento de documentos con bancos; gestión de créditos, leasing y control de gastos internos del área; y la post-venta relacionada a problemas de edificación. Existen muchos procesos y procedimientos que necesitan ser controlados y principalmente una herramienta que permita la unificación de la información y la automatización de ésta. Para ello se diseña un sistema de control de gestión basado en la metodología del cuadro de mando integral. El cuadro de mando integral o balanced scorecard es una herramienta de control de gestión que mediante cada una de sus 4 perspectivas (financiera, clientes, procesos internos, aprendizaje y desarrollo) establece indicadores que permiten medir el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos para una empresa o un área de ésta. La metodología de solución de la problemática considera en primer lugar la formalización y diagnóstico de la organización y del área, luego se realiza un análisis estratégico, seguido de un análisis FODA y definición de objetivos estratégicos, para luego diseñar el cuadro de mando con sus respectivos indicadores y finalmente desarrollar el prototipo y realizar el plan de implementación. Como resultado se obtiene una herramienta desarrollada en Excel utilizando el complemento PowerPivot que permite obtener y relacionar información directamente de las distintas fuentes de datos, de modo de tener datos prácticamente en tiempo real los que se reflejan finalmente en un tablero de comand

    Cambios en la calidad de turiones de espárrago verde irradiados con UV-C

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    El espárrago es una hortaliza importante por su valor comercial. Es un producto altamente perecedero, debido a que en el ápice presenta una actividad metabólica alta. Para extender su vida postcosecha, existen tecnologías como la refrigeración y atmósferas controladas y modificadas con resultados inconsistentes. Por otro lado, la radiación UV-C se ha empleado en papa, rábano y zanahoria para disminuir la brotación y mantener su calidad postcosecha. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la radiación UV-C sobre la calidad postcosecha en turiones de espárrago cv. Brock. Se irradiaron turiones con UV-C sobre el meristemo apical durante 5 y 10 min y se incluyó un testigo. Posteriormente, los espárragos se almacenaron a 2 y 5°C a 90% HR por 20 días. Se evaluó cada 4 días la curvatura del turión (°), crecimiento (mm), apariencia (brotación de yemas), color (L*, °Hue y croma), acidez titulable (AT, % de ácido cítrico), pH, y contenido de sólidos solubles totales (SST). El color, AT, pH y SST se determinaron en las zonas basal y apical. La radiación UVC no tuvo un efecto significativo en el curveado, crecimiento, ángulo Hue°, AT y pH de los turiones después de 20 días de almacenamiento. Por otro lado, los tratamientos con UV-C (5 y 10 min) mostraron valores de L* (brillo) y croma más bajos con respecto al control en ambas zonas. Los SST fueron mayores en la parte apical que en la basal y disminuyeron con el tiempo, sin efecto significativo. Hubo mayor brotación de las yemas laterales en el testigo que en los tratados. Se concluyó que la radiación UV-C aplicada al meristemo apical del turión no presentó efectos importantes en todas las variables a excepción de L* del espárrago en ambas zonas, además de disminuir la brotación de yemas laterales

    Cross-cultural validation of the patient-practitioner orientation scale among primary care professionals in Spain

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    In recent decades, many self-report instruments have been developed to assess the extent to which patients want to be informed and involved in decisions about their health as part of the concept of person-centred care (PCC). The main objective of this research was to translate, adapt and validate the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) using a sample of primary care health-care professionals in Spain. Baseline analysis of PPOS scores for 321 primary care professionals (general practitioners and nurses) from 63 centres and 3 Spanish regions participating in a randomized controlled trial. We analysed missing values, distributions and descriptive statistics, item-to-scale correlations and internal consistency. Performed were confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the 2-factor model (sharing and caring dimensions), scale depuration and principal component analysis (PCA). Low inter-item correlations were observed, and the CFA 2-factor model only obtained a good fit to the data after excluding 8 items. Internal consistency of the 10-item PPOS was acceptable (0.77), but low for individual subscales (0.70 and 0.55). PCA results suggest a possible 3-factor structure. Participants showed a patient-oriented style (mean = 4.46, SD = 0.73), with higher scores for caring than sharing. Although the 2-factor model obtained empirical support, measurement indicators of the PPOS (caring dimension) could be improved. Spanish primary care health-care professionals overall show a patient-oriented attitude, although less marked in issues such as patients' need for and management of medical information