231 research outputs found

    La importancia de los Derechos Humanos en la Consolidación de la Paz en Guatemala

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    [ES] Hasta 1996 se firmaron en Guatemala doce Acuerdos de Paz, de los cuales tres versan sobre derechos humanos: El Acuerdo Global sobre Derechos Humanos, el Acuerdo sobre el Establecimiento de la Comisión de Esclarecimiento Histórico y el Acuerdo sobre Identidad y Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas. La totalidad de los Acuerdos constituye el pilar para conseguir la desmovilización y reinserción de los guerrilleros, el desmonte de grupos paramilitares, el desarrollo humano integral, el desarrollo humano sostenible y el fortalecimiento y la modernización del Estado democrático, además de establecer el marco de acción de la Misión de las Naciones Unidas para Guatemala con el fin de verificar el cumplimiento de estos Acuerdos y promover la construcción de la paz después del conflicto. El proceso de paz en Guatemala duró 8 años, con la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz se puso fin al conflicto más antiguo de Centroamérica, sin embargo, los notables avances conseguidos hasta ahora se enfrentan a los intereses partidarios surgidos por la proximidad de las elecciones presidenciales. Aún así, la forma de negociación de los Acuerdos de Paz ha permitido la implementación de otras modalidades de participación política, el fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil y el reconocimiento de la mayoritaria población indígena del país.[EN] Until 1996, 12 peace agreements were agreed upon in Guatemala. Three of them deal with human rights: the global agreement on human rights, the agreement on the establishement of a committee for the "Esclarecimiento Historico" and the agreement on the identity and the rights of the indigenous peoples. All these agreements constitute the basis for the demobilization and reintegration into civic life of the guerrilla members, the elimination of paramilitary groupings, global human develepment, sustained development and for the strengthening and modernization of the democratic state. They also establish the framework for the reaction of the United Nations mission for Guatemala, which aims at monitoring the fulfillment of these agreemtns and promoting peace after military conflict. The peace process lasted 8 years in Guatemala. The signature of the peace agreements put an end to the oldest military conflict in Central America. However, current achievements are meeting their limits due to party interests and pending electoral processes. The negotiation process of the peace agreements made it possible to establish channels for political participation, the strengthening of civic society and the recognition of the majoritarian indigenous population in Guatemala

    A comparison of the marginal adaptation of composite overlays fabricated with silicone and an intraoral scanner

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    Intraoral scanners have been developing during last years. The aim of this study was to know if digital impressions achieve a marginal adaptation in overlays as well as conventional impressions with silicone. Sixty-two extracted molars were selected. Th

    Utilización por cuenta propia de los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarias: razones que dan las personas con problemas de salud de baja complejidad para utilizar estos servicios

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    Objectives: The objectives of this study are: 1) To understand the reasons of non-urgent non-referred patients to use the Emergency Department (ED), 2) To understand the “urgency” and “concern” perceptions of non-urgent non-referring patients. 3) To determinate the associated factors with the use the ED for non-urgent non-referred patients. Methods: Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Setting: Emergency Department (ED) of “Infanta Cristina” General Hospital, Parla, Madrid, Spain. Patients: non-referred non-urgent adult patients were selected by Emergency Department Triage system in levels IV and V, on weekdays between 10:00 and 22:00 hours, from April 26 to July 30, 2010, to be surveyed using a structured face-to-face interview. Main outcome measures: sociodemographic characteristics, personal experience with the health care centre (HCC) and ED, urgency and concern of symptoms, previous health care use regarding current health problem, reasons to visit the ED, comparative evaluation of ED and HCC. Results: 73% of the patients came directly to the ED. More efficient technical services (42%), the HCC was closed in this time (35%), promptly resolution of the health problem (22%) and more accessibility (20%) were the most important reasons to come directly to ED. 27% of the patients went previously to the HCC and then they came to the ED because they did not get better with the treatment prescribed (71%) and they went to know a second opinion (39%). 70% of the patients considered that their health problem was not serious but they thought this situation had to be resolved promptly. 63% of the patients were very worried for their health problem and the same proportion considered that their family doctor could not resolve this problem. Finally, 50% considered that the ED had more technical capacity to resolve their health problem. conclusions: High efficacy and effectiveness, in terms of technical resources and promptness, were the main reasons of non-referred non-urgent adult patients to use the ED. The high preoccupation, but not the perception of seriousness perception, of the health problem was the most important factor to seek care in an active and quickly way. The previous institutional experience in HCC could influence those reasons.Objetivos: Los objetivos de este estudio son: 1) Comprender las razones y los motivos que impulsan a las personas con problemas de salud de baja complejidad (PSBC) para acudir, por cuenta propia y sin ser remitidos por su médico de cabecera (MC), al servicio de urgencias de un hospital general (SUH). 2) Conocer la percepción sobre el grado de gravedad y preocupación atribuidos por las personas a su problema de salud. 3) Determinar los factores que influyen en la decisión de acudir por cuenta propia al SUH. Metodología. Diseño: Estudio transversal a través de entrevista personal con cuestionario estructurado, mediante muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas. Contexto: SUH del Hospital Infanta Cristina de Parla, Madrid, España. Participantes: Se entrevistaron a pacientes seleccionados por los niveles IV y V de la Escala Española de Triaje, que acudieron por cuenta propia al SUH, de lunes a domingo, entre las 10:00 y las 22:00 horas, desde el 26 de abril al 30 de Julio de 2010. Principales aspectos considerados: Características socio económicas; experiencia previa con su centro de salud (CS) y con el SUH; gravedad y preocupación percibidos en relación con el problema de salud actual; utilización previa de asistencia sanitaria en relación con su problema actual de salud; razones para la utilización del SUH en relación con su problema actual de salud, evaluación comparativa entre el SUH y el CS. Resultados: Se entrevistaron a 492 pacientes de 8.558 elegibles. El 73% acudió directamente a las urgencias sin consultar al MC. El 44% consideró que el SUH contaba con mejores medios técnicos para resolver el problema de salud, el 35% porque a esa hora ya no les atendían en el CS, el 22% porque le resolvía más rápidamente el problema de salud y el 20% acudió por comodidad. El 27% restante había acudido previamente al MC y posteriormente decidió acudir a urgencias porque no mejoró con el tratamiento que le prescribió el MC (71%) y porque no estaba satisfecho con el tratamiento y quería una segunda opinión (39%). El 70% consideró que su problema de salud no era grave pero pensaba que sí era merecedor de atención urgente o rápida. El 63% expresó alta preocupación por su problema. El 63% consideró que el actual problema de salud no podía ser resuelto por su MC en caso de ser atendido en ese momento. Finalmente el 50% consideró que el SUH tenía más capacidad para resolver los problemas de salud que el CS. Conclusión: La mejor eficacia y efectividad, en términos de uso y gestión de recursos técnicos y del tiempo para resolver el problema de salud, y la comodidad, en términos de horarios, disponibilidad y accesibilidad, parecen ser las principales razones por las cuales las personas con problemas de salud de baja complejidad utilizan por cuenta propia los SUH. La preocupación, más que la gravedad, parece movilizar activamente la búsqueda de solución al problema de salud de manera rápida y urgente. Estas razones parecen estar condicionadas en la experiencia institucional previa con el CS

    Implementación de la interculturalidad desde el enfoque de derechos humanos a través de la capacitación a los profesionales de la intervención social

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    [ES] La diversidad cultural, enriquecedora de valores y capacidades para la humanidad, como destaca el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Cultural de la UNESCO (2005), precisa de una necesaria gestión intercultural para garantizar la interacción equitativa de culturas y la posibilidad de generar expresiones culturales compartidas, adquiridas por medio del diálogo y de una actitud de respeto mutuo.Esta obra colectiva e interdisciplinar, a la que han contribuido investigadores procedentes de diversos países e instituciones, aborda la interculturalidad desde la perspectiva del respeto y la promoción de los Derechos Humanos. De este modo, se tratan las políticas públicas y la tutela judicial de la interculturalidad, afrontando la discriminación y odio vinculados a la cultura, el uso del Derecho Penal como elemento represor de la diferencia, los conflictos territoriales y la protección frente a la discriminación en el ámbito laboral. Así mismo, se presta especial atención a los colectivos vulnerables, la integración de segundas y posteriores generaciones y a los modelos de intervención para la convivencia intercultural, destacando la diversidad cultural en el contexto educativo y las diferentes estrategias comunicativas. Todo ello, sin olvidar el análisis desde una perspectiva cuantitativa de la interculturalidad y los Derechos Humanos y su abordaje crítico desde el enfoque interseccional

    Neuropathic post-COVID pain symptomatology is not associated with serological biomarkers at hospital admission and hospitalization treatment in COVID-19 survivors

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    OBJECTIVE: Evidence suggests that individuals who had survived to coronavirus disease, 2019 (COVID-19) could develop neuropathic post-COVID pain. This study investigated the association of serological biomarkers and treatments received during hospitalization with development of neuropathic-associated symptoms.METHODS: One hundred and eighty-three (n = 183) previously hospitalized COVID-19 survivors during the first wave of the pandemic were assessed in a face-to-face interview 9.4 months after hospitalization. Nineteen serological biomarkers, hospitalization data, and treatment during hospitalization were obtained from medical records. Neuropathic pain symptoms (Self-Report Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Scale), sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), pain catastrophizing (Pain Catastrophizing Scale) and anxiety/depressive levels (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) were assessed.RESULTS: The prevalence of post-COVID pain was 40.9% (n = 75). Fifteen (20%) patients reported neuropathic symptoms. Overall, no differences in hospitalization data and serological biomarkers were identified according to the presence or not of neuropathic-associated symptoms. Patients with post-COVID pain had the highest neutrophil count, and post hoc analysis revealed that patients with neuropathic post-COVID associated symptoms had lower neutrophil count (p = 0.04) compared with those without neuropathic pain, but differences were small and possible not clinically relevant. No differences in fatigue, dyspnea, brain fog, anxiety or depressive levels, poor sleep, or pain catastrophism between patients with and without neuropathic symptoms were found.CONCLUSION: It seems that neuropathic-like post-COVID pain symptoms are not associated with neither of assessed serological biomarkers at hospital admission nor hospitalization treatments received in this cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 survivors.</p

    Headache as a COVID-19 onset symptom and post-COVID-19 symptom in hospitalized COVID-19 survivors infected with the Wuhan, Alpha, or Delta SARS-CoV-2 variants

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    OBJECTIVE: This study looked at differences in the presence of headache as an onset symptom of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) and as a post‐COVID‐19 symptom in individuals previously hospitalized owing to infection with the Wuhan, Alpha, or Delta variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2). BACKGROUND: Headache can be present in up to 50% of individuals during the acute phase of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and in 10% of subjects during the post‐COVID‐19 phase. There are no data on differences in the occurrence of headache in the acute‐ and post‐COVID‐19 phase according to the SARS‐CoV‐2 variants. METHODS: A cross‐sectional cohort study was conducted. Unvaccinated subjects previously hospitalized for COVID‐19 caused by the Wuhan (n = 201), Alpha (n = 211), or Delta (n = 202) SARS‐CoV‐2 variants were scheduled for a telephone interview 6 months after hospital discharge. Hospitalization data were collected from hospital medical records. RESULTS: The presence of headache as a COVID‐19 onset symptom at hospitalization was higher in subjects with the Delta variant (66/202, 32.7%) than in those infected with the Wuhan (42/201, 20.9%; odds ratio [OR] 1.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.17–2.88) or Alpha (25/211, 11.8%; OR 3.61, 95% CI, 2.16–6.01) variants. The prevalence of post‐COVID‐19 headache 6 months after hospital discharge was higher in individuals infected with the Delta variant (26/202, 12.9%) than in those infected with the Wuhan (11/201, 5.5%; OR 2.52, 95% CI 1.22–5.31) or Alpha (eight of 211, 3.8%; OR 3.74, 95% CI 1.65–8.49) variants. The presence of headache as a COVID‐19 onset symptom was associated with post‐COVID‐19 headache in subjects infected with the Wuhan (OR 7.75, 95% CI 2.15–27.93) and Delta variants (OR 2.78, 95% CI 1.20–6.42) but not with the Alpha variant (OR 2.60, 95% CI 0.49–13.69). CONCLUSION: Headache was a common symptom in both the acute‐ and post‐COVID‐19 phase in subjects infected with the Wuhan, Alpha, and Delta variants but mostly in those infected with the Delta variant

    HIV screening and retention in care in people who use drugs in Madrid, Spain: a prospective study

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    Background: The burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in people who use drugs (PWUD) is significant. We aimed to screen HIV infection among PWUD and describe their retention in HIV care. Besides, we also screen for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among HIV-seropositive PWUD and describe their linkage to care. Methods: We conducted a prospective study in 529 PWUD who visited the "Cañada Real Galiana" (Madrid, Spain). The study period was from June 1, 2017, to May 31, 2018. HIV diagnosis was performed with a rapid antibody screening test at the point-of-care (POC) and HCV diagnosis with immunoassay and PCR tests on dried blood spot (DBS) in a central laboratory. Positive PWUD were referred to the hospital. We used the Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests, as appropriate, to compare rates between groups. Results: Thirty-five (6.6%) participants were positive HIV antibodies, but 34 reported previous HIV diagnoses, and 27 (76%) had prior antiretroviral therapy. Among patients with a positive HIV antibody test, we also found a higher prevalence of homeless (P < 0.001) and injection drug use (PWID) (P < 0.001), and more decades of drug use (P = 0.002). All participants received HIV test results at the POC. Of the 35 HIV positives, 28 (80%) were retained in HIV medical care at the end of the HIV screening study (2018), and only 22 (62.9%) at the end of 2020. Moreover, 12/35 (34.3%) were positive for the HCV RNA test. Of the latter, 10/12 (83.3%) were contacted to deliver the HCV results test (delivery time of 19 days), 5/12 (41.7%) had an appointment and were attended at the hospital and started HCV therapy, and only 4/12 (33.3%) cleared HCV. Conclusions: We found almost no new HIV-infected PWUD, but their cascade of HIV care was low and remains a challenge in this population at risk. The high frequency of active hepatitis C in HIV-infected PWUD reflects the need for HCV screening and reinforcing the link to care.This work was funded by a research grant from Merck Sharpe & Dohme (Grant Number MISP IIS#54846) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII; Grant Numbers PI20CIII/00004, and RD16CIII/0002/0002 to SR). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    ¿Fuerza el mercado de trabajo a autoemplearse?. Emprendimiento en población migrante en España

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    [ES] La importancia del factor laboral en la afluencia y asentamiento de las personas inmigrantes en España se evidencia en la alta participación laboral que muestran en el periodo 2002-2018. Pese a su peor posición en comparación con la población autóctona (un 21% de paro en 2018, frente al 14,1%) la participación laboral de los inmigrantes es más alta que la de los españoles en 14,8 puntos (Consejo Económico y Social de España, 2019), rondando su tasa de actividad el 72,5% (Anuario de la Inmigración, CIDOB, Fundación FOESSA, 2018) Además de las diferencias de empleo entre inmigrantes y autóctonos por ocupación, cualificación y sexo, también encontramos diferencias en el empleo por cuenta propia, siendo menor en la población inmigrante; 14,1%, frente al 72,5% (CES, 2019). El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las motivaciones que impulsan a la población inmigrante en España a emprender y la tipología de emprendimientos que acomete. [EN] The importance of the labour factor in the influx and settlement of immigrants in Spain is evidenced by the high labour participation shown in the period 2002-2018. Despite their worse position in comparison with the native population (21% unemployment in 2018, compared to 14.1%), immigrants' labour participation is higher than that of Spaniards by 14.8 points (Economic and Social Council of Spain, 2019), with their activity rate standing at around 72.5% (Immigration Yearbook, CIDOB, FOESSA Foundation, 2018) In addition to the differences in employment between immigrants and natives by occupation, qualification, and sex, we also found differences in self-employment, which was lower among immigrant population; 14.1%, as compared with 72.5% (CES, 2019). The objective of this work is to show the motivations that drive the immigrant population in Spain to undertake and the type of undertakings that they undertake

    ¿Es el autoempleo una opción viable para la población reclusa femenina?

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo se hace una aproximación a la problemática de la inserción laboral de las mujeres que se encuentran cumpliendo condena. En concreto a la capacitación por la que optan en prisión buscando una oportunidad laboral al salir. Este acercamiento puede realizarse desde distintos puntos de vista y enfoques diversos. Centra nuestro interés las limitaciones que llevan a estas mujeres a elegir el autoempleo o emprendimiento como salida laboral y las dificultades que pueden hallar para materializar tales aspiraciones en proyectos reales

    Prediction Accuracy of Serial Lung Ultrasound in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients (Pred-Echovid Study)

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    The value of serial lung ultrasound (LUS) in patients with COVID-19 is not well defined. In this multicenter prospective observational study, we aimed to assess the prognostic accuracy of serial LUS in patients admitted to hospital due to COVID-19. The serial LUS protocol included two examinations (0–48 h and 72–96 h after admission) using a 10-zones sequence, and a 0 to 5 severity score. Primary combined endpoint was death or the need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Calibration (Hosmer–Lemeshow test and calibration curves), and discrimination power (area under the ROC curve) of both ultrasound exams (SCORE1 and 2), and their difference (DIFFERENTIAL-SCORE) were performed. A total of 469 patients (54.2% women, median age 60 years) were included. The primary endpoint occurred in 51 patients (10.9%). Probability risk tertiles of SCORE1 and SCORE2 (0–11 points, 12–24 points, and ≥25 points) obtained a high calibration. SCORE-2 showed a higher discrimination power than SCORE-1 (AUC 0.72 (0.58–0.85) vs. 0.61 (0.52–0.7)). The DIFFERENTIAL-SCORE showed a higher discrimination power than SCORE-1 and SCORE-2 (AUC 0.78 (0.66–0.9)). An algorithm for clinical decision-making is proposed. Serial lung ultrasound performing two examinations during the first days of hospitalization is an accurate strategy for predicting clinical deterioration of patients with COVID-19