843 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo es un caso del servicio Gineco-obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meóz de Cúcuta (HUEM), donde se realizó el proceso de valoración, diagnóstico y plan de atención de enfermería con una puérpera de 42 años de edad que ingresó al servicio de urgencias (sala de partos) en estado de embarazo de 36 semanas por FUR concordante con historia de hipertensión gestacional, mediante una metodología de estudio de caso, de tipo cualitativo observacional descriptiva-narrativo con el que se obtuvo información objetiva acerca de la forma como se aplican las etapas del proceso de enfermería en la práctica formativa del programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de Pamplona. Se utilizaron varias técnicas de recolección de datos: entrevista, valoración objetiva y subjetiva e instrumentos como la inspección, medición, percusión, palpación y auscultación, APGAR familiar, familiograma, eco mapa y diferentes escalas que nos otorgo como resultados, la forma en que la madre define y percibe los acontecimientos está determinada por un núcleo del sí mismo relativamente estable, adquirido a través de la socialización a lo largo de su vida. Las percepciones sobre su hijo y otras respuestas referentes a su maternidad están influidas además de la socialización, por las características innatas de su personalidad y por su nivel evolutivo concluyendo así que el proceso de enfermería permite brindar atención integral al individuo y colectivo en desequilibrios de salud reales o potenciales y los diagnósticos orientan sobre las alteraciones de los individuos abordados con autonomía desde nuestro propio criterio

    Mean structure and dynamics of the shelfbreak jet in the Middle Atlantic Bight during fall and winter

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    Using a collection of high-resolution shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) velocity sections that cross the Middle Atlantic Bight shelfbreak jet near 70°W, the mean structure of the frontal jet is described and the dominant modes of variability of the jet are examined. A mean section is constructed in a translating coordinate frame whose origin tracks the instantaneous position of the core of the jet, thereby minimizing variability associated with the lateral meandering of the current. The mean jet so constructed extends to the bottom, tilting onshore with depth, with near-bottom flow exceeding 0.10 m s-1. The corresponding cross-stream flow reveals a clear pattern of convergence that extends along the tilted axis of the jet, with enhanced convergence both near the surface and near the bottom. This convergence is largely attributed to the locally convergent topography and is shown to drive an ageostrophic circulation dominated by downwelling at, and offshore of, the jet core. The collection of ADCP sections also suggests a previously undetedted mode of variability, whereby the jet systematically fluctuates between a convergent, bottom-reaching state and a surface-trapped state with weaker cross-stream velocities. This variability is associated with significant variations in the southwestward transport of the jet and does not seem to be related to simple meandering of the current

    Pumping in quantum dots and non-Abelian matrix Berry phases

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    We have investigated pumping in quantum dots from the perspective of non-Abelian (matrix) Berry phases by solving the time dependent Schr{\"o}dinger equation exactly for adiabatic changes. Our results demonstrate that a pumped charge is related to the presence of a finite matrix Berry phase. When consecutive adiabatic cycles are performed the pumped charge of each cycle is different from the previous ones

    Transversality Conditions for Infinite Horizon Variational Problems on Time Scales

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    We consider problems of the calculus of variations on unbounded time scales. We prove the validity of the Euler-Lagrange equation on time scales for infinite horizon problems, and a new transversality condition.Comment: Submitted 6-October-2009; Accepted 19-March-2010 in revised form; for publication in "Optimization Letters"

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues

    Bounded version vectors

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    Version vectors play a central role in update tracking under optimistic distributed systems, allowing the detection of obsolete or inconsistent versions of replicated data. Version vectors do not have a bounded representation; they are based on integer counters that grow indefinitely as updates occur. Existing approaches to this problem are scarce; the mechanisms proposed are either unbounded or operate only under specific settings. This paper examines version vectors as a mechanism for data causality tracking and clarifies their role with respect to vector clocks. Then, it introduces bounded stamps and proves them to be a correct alternative to integer counters in version vectors. The resulting mechanism, bounded version vectors, represents the first bounded solution to data causality tracking between replicas subject to local updates and pairwise symmetrical synchronization.FCT project POSI/ICHS/44304/2002, FCT under grant BSAB/390/2003

    Scalable and accurate causality tracking for eventually consistent stores

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8460, 2014In cloud computing environments, data storage systems often rely on optimistic replication to provide good performance and availability even in the presence of failures or network partitions. In this scenario, it is important to be able to accurately and efficiently identify updates executed concurrently. Current approaches to causality tracking in optimistic replication have problems with concurrent updates: they either (1) do not scale, as they require replicas to maintain information that grows linearly with the number of writes or unique clients; (2) lose information about causality, either by removing entries from client-id based version vectors or using server-id based version vectors, which cause false conflicts. We propose a new logical clock mechanism and a logical clock framework that together support a traditional key-value store API, while capturing causality in an accurate and scalable way, avoiding false conflicts. It maintains concise information per data replica, only linear on the number of replica servers, and allows data replicas to be compared and merged linear with the number of replica servers and versions.(undefined

    The Atomic Physics Underlying the Spectroscopic Analysis of Massive Stars and Supernovae

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    We have developed a radiative transfer code, CMFGEN, which allows us to model the spectra of massive stars and supernovae. Using CMFGEN we can derive fundamental parameters such as effective temperatures and surface gravities, derive abundances, and place constraints on stellar wind properties. The last of these is important since all massive stars are losing mass via a stellar wind that is driven from the star by radiation pressure, and this mass loss can substantially influence the spectral appearance and evolution of the star. Recently we have extended CMFGEN to allow us to undertake time-dependent radiative transfer calculations of supernovae. Such calculations will be used to place constraints on the supernova progenitor, to place constraints on the supernova explosion and nucleosynthesis, and to derive distances using a physical approach called the "Expanding Photosphere Method". We describe the assumptions underlying the code and the atomic processes involved. A crucial ingredient in the code is the atomic data. For the modeling we require accurate transition wavelengths, oscillator strengths, photoionization cross-sections, collision strengths, autoionization rates, and charge exchange rates for virtually all species up to, and including, cobalt. Presently, the available atomic data varies substantially in both quantity and quality.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Quadruple abnormal protein aggregates in brainstem pathology and exogenous metal-rich magnetic nanoparticles (and engineered Ti-rich nanorods). The substantia nigrae is a very early target in young urbanites and the gastrointestinal tract a key brainstem portal

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    Fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) exposures are linked with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases (AD,PD). AD and PD neuropathological hallmarks are documented in children and young adults exposed lifelong to Metropolitan Mexico City air pollution; together with high frontal metal concentrations (especially iron)–rich nanoparticles (NP), matching air pollution combustion- and friction-derived particles. Here, we identify aberrant hyperphosphorylated tau, ɑ synuclein and TDP-43 in the brainstem of 186 Mexico City 27.29 ± 11.8y old residents. Critically, substantia nigrae (SN) pathology seen in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and neuromelanin (NM) is co-associated with the abundant presence of exogenous, Fe-, Al- and Ti-rich NPs.The SN exhibits early and progressive neurovascular unit damage and mitochondria and NM are associated with metal-rich NPs including exogenous engineered Ti-rich nanorods, also identified in neuroenteric neurons. Such reactive, cytotoxic and magnetic NPs may act as catalysts for reactive oxygen species formation, altered cell signaling, and protein misfolding, aggregation and fibril formation. Hence, pervasive, airborne and environmental, metal-rich and magnetic nanoparticles may be a common denominator for quadruple misfolded protein neurodegenerative pathologies affecting urbanites from earliest childhood. The substantia nigrae is a very early target and the gastrointestinal tract (and the neuroenteric system) key brainstem portals. The ultimate neural damage and neuropathology (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and TDP-43 pathology included) could depend on NP characteristics and the differential access and targets achieved via their portals of entry. Thus where you live, what air pollutants you are exposed to, what you are inhaling and swallowing from the air you breathe,what you eat, how you travel, and your occupational longlife history are key. Control of NP sources becomes critical. © 2020 Elsevier Inc