329 research outputs found

    Tendencias del desarrollo del hidrógeno verde para la optimización de la matriz energética peruana

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    El hidrógeno verde es un término que se utiliza para describir el hidrógeno producido a partir de fuentes de energía renovable, como la energía solar o eólica, en un proceso llamado electrólisis del agua. En este proceso, se utiliza electricidad para separar las moléculas de agua (H2O) en hidrógeno (H2) y oxígeno (O2), sin generar emisiones de carbono. El desarrollo del hidrógeno verde es cada vez más importante debido a su potencial para desempeñar un papel clave en la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono y libre de combustibles fósiles. A continuación, se presentan algunos aspectos importantes relacionados con el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde: Producción: La producción de hidrógeno verde implica el uso de energía renovable para alimentar la electrólisis del agua. Los sistemas de energía solar y eólica son las fuentes más comunes de energía utilizadas para este fin. A medida que la capacidad de generación de energía renovable continúa aumentando y los costos disminuyen, se espera que la producción de hidrógeno verde sea cada vez más viable a gran escala. Almacenamiento y distribución: El hidrógeno verde puede ser almacenado y distribuido para su uso posterior en una variedad de aplicaciones. Se pueden utilizar tecnologías de almacenamiento como la compresión, la licuefacción o la absorción en materiales sólidos para almacenar hidrógeno. Además, se están desarrollando infraestructuras para su distribución, incluyendo gasoductos y estaciones de carga de hidrógeno. Aplicaciones: El hidrógeno verde se puede utilizar en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, como la producción de electricidad y calor en pilas de combustible, la movilidad a través de vehículos de hidrógeno, la producción de productos químicos y la descarbonización de la industria pesada. También puede utilizarse como un medio de almacenamiento de energía para equilibrar la intermitencia de la energía renovable. Desafíos: Aunque el hidrógeno verde tiene un gran potencial, también enfrenta ix desafíos significativos. Uno de los principales desafíos es el costo de producción, ya que la electrólisis del agua todavía es relativamente cara en comparación con otros métodos de producción de hidrógeno. Además, se requiere una infraestructura adecuada para su almacenamiento y distribución, lo que requiere inversiones significativas. Iniciativas y políticas: Muchos gobiernos y organizaciones en todo el mundo están promoviendo activamente el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde a través de iniciativas y políticas. Se están implementando incentivos fiscales y programas de financiamiento para apoyar la investigación, el desarrollo y la implementación de tecnologías relacionadas con el hidrógeno verde. En resumen, el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde es una parte fundamental de la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono. A medida que se superan los desafíos técnicos y económicos, se espera que el hidrógeno verde desempeñe un papel cada vez más importante en la descarbonización de múltiples sectores y contribuya a la mitigación del cambio climático

    Collision-free navigation of N-trailer vehicles with motion constraints

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    In this work, a collision-free navigation strategy for N-trailer vehicles is proposed. This approach is based on a scalable cascaded control scheme to perform several tasks simultaneously: trajectory tracking control, off-track error reduction, external obstacles avoidance, and inter-vehicle collision avoidance. To validate the proposed strategy, a Generalized N-trailer (GNT) structure with a car-like tractor and 10 trailers is tested in simulation to track an U-shape trajectory in presence of unknown obstacles, similar to the trajectories that agricultural vehicles must perform in real applications. The well-known information about external infrastructure is also considered to reduce unsafe trailers off-track errors in turning scenarios. Moreover, the motion constraints imposed by the car-like tractor physical limitations and the interconnections between trailers are also considered by restricting the control input in order to avoid collision between trailers. The simulation results obtained showed a safe navigation which performed feasible maneuvers without collisions between the vehicles' chain and any trailer or external obstacle

    Evaluación de la Estructura Funcional del Servicio de Alimentación y Dietas del Hospital Nacional Rosales San Salvador, abril a septiembre 2016.

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    TÍTULO: Evaluación de la Estructura Funcional del Servicio de Alimentación y Dietas del Hospital Nacional Rosales San Salvador, abril a septiembre 2016. PROPÓSITO: Elaborar una propuesta técnica para el mejoramiento de la estructura funcional del Servicio de Alimentación y Dietas de dicha institución. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio evaluativo, transversal, basado en lo normado en el “Reglamento Técnico Centroamericano de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura de Alimentos y Bebidas, referidos a un momento en el tiempo. No se requirió cálculo de muestra, porque se evaluó la estructura funcional. La técnica utilizada fue la inspección directa y revisión documental aplicando las variables, características, criterios y puntajes establecidos en la ficha de inspección de buenas prácticas de manufactura. RESULTADOS: De las 26 variables evaluadas, 6 (23%) no cumplieron con los criterios requeridos, 5 (19%) cumplieron parcialmente y 15 (58%) cumplen. Se identifican limitantes a nivel de la ubicación, confort, funcionabilidad higiénico-sanitaria del diseño; condiciones de los equipos y utensilios, capacitación y control de salud del personal. Dos variables prioritarias no se cumple: equipos y utensilios y capacitaciones. El puntaje global fue de 70 puntos. CONCLUSIÓN: La estructura se clasifica con condiciones de deficiencia para garantizar las buenas prácticas de manufactura de alimentos y bebidas. Incumple dos variables prioritarias del reglamento, las cuales urge corregir. RECOMENDACIONES: Priorizar de manera urgente las intervenciones correctivas del servicio de alimentación y dietas para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos y generar la confianza de los consumidores

    Comparison of 3D scan matching techniques for autonomous robot navigation in urban and agricultural environments

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    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is the standard solution for solving the localization problem in outdoor environments, but its signal might be lost when driving in dense urban areas or in the presence of heavy vegetation or overhanging canopies. Hence, there is a need for alternative or complementary localization methods for autonomous driving. In recent years, exteroceptive sensors have gained much attention due to significant improvements in accuracy and cost-effectiveness, especially for 3D range sensors. By registering two successive 3D scans, known as scan matching, it is possible to estimate the pose of a vehicle. This work aims to provide in-depth analysis and comparison of the state-of-the-art 3D scan matching approaches as a solution to the localization problem of autonomous vehicles. Eight techniques (deterministic and probabilistic) are investigated: iterative closest point (with three different embodiments), normal distribution transform, coherent point drift, Gaussian mixture model, support vector-parametrized Gaussian mixture and the particle filter implementation. They are demonstrated in long path trials in both urban and agricultural environments and compared in terms of accuracy and consistency. On the one hand, most of the techniques can be successfully used in urban scenarios with the probabilistic approaches that show the best accuracy. On the other hand, agricultural settings have proved to be more challenging with significant errors even in short distance trials due to the presence of featureless natural objects. The results and discussion of this work will provide a guide for selecting the most suitable method and will encourage building of improvements on the identified limitations.This project has been supported by the National Agency of Research and Development (ANID, ex-Conicyt) under Fondecyt grant 1201319, Basal grant FB0008, DGIIP-UTFSM Chile, National Agency for Research and Development (ANID)/PCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2020-21200700, Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (grant 2017 SGR 646), the Span ish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (project RTI2018- 094222-B-I00) for partially funding this research. The Spanish Ministry of Education is thanked for Mr. J. Gene’s pre-doctoral fellowships (FPU15/03355). We would also like to thank Nufri (especially Santiago Salamero and Oriol Morreres) for their support during data acquisitio

    Numerical comparison and efficiency analysis of three vertical axis turbine of H-Darrieus type

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    Hydropower is an important source of energy in Latin America. Many countries in the region, including Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Chile, rely heavily on hydropower plants to meet their energy needs. However, there are also challenges related to the use of hydropower in the region, such as the construction of dams that can have negative impacts on ecosystems and local communities. A new alternative is the production of energy through hydrokinetic turbines because they are a clean and renewable energy source that does not emit greenhouse gases. In addition, its production is predictable and can be generated in a variety of environments, from coasts to rivers and canals. Within the hydrokinetic turbines are the H-Darrieus turbines although they are still under development, they are seen as an important opportunity to diversify the energy matrix and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The main purpose of this study is to determine and compare the efficiency of three Darrieus H-type vertical axis hydrokinetic turbines numerically. The turbines were configured with different solidities. The NACA 0018 profile was used for the turbine design. The study was carried out using the ANSYS® Fluent 2022R2 software, two-dimensional (2D) simulations set up constant operating conditions. Rotation speed variations have been set between 21 and 74 RPM with 10 rpm increments. Furthermore, the General Richardson extrapolation method is used for the analysis of mesh convergence, monitoring the turbine power coefficient as a convergence parameter. The numerical results show that the turbine H-Darrieus with a solidity of 1.0, a wider operating range, and lower power and torque coefficient. At low TRS, the largest solidity provided the best efficiency and the greatest self-starting capability, but it also had the smallest operating rang

    Biosensors Used for Quantification of Nitrates in Plants

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    Nitrogen is essential for the plant because it is used for the production of chlorophyll, proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids, and other cellular compounds; nitrogen is available in two forms: ammonium and nitrate. Several tools have been used to quantify nitrates in plants such as the Kjeldahl method and Dumas combustion digestion; however, they are destructive and long time-consuming methods. To solve these disadvantages, methods such as selective electrodes, optical sensors, reflectometers, and images based sensors have been developed; nonetheless, all these techniques show interference when carrying out measurements. Currently, biosensors based on genetic constructions, based on the response of promoter gene fused to Gene Fluorescent Protein (GFP), are gaining popularity, because they improve the accuracy of measurements of nitrate by avoiding the interference of carriers ion, high salt conditions, and other factors. The present review shows the different methods to quantify the nitrogen in plants; later, a biosensors perspective is presented, mainly focused on biosensors based on organism genetically modified. The review presents a list of promoter and reporter genes that could be used to develop different kind of sensors, and a perspective of sensors to measure quantitatively the nitrogen is presented

    Fitotoxicidade em águas residuárias domésticas utilizando sementes como bioindicadores

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    Este estudo objetivou verificar a toxicidade de águas residuárias domésticas em diferentes etapas do tratamento por meio de ensaios de fitotoxicidade, utilizando sementes de alface e pepino como bioindicadores. Para isso, avaliaram-se as etapas de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto doméstico mediante amostragens nos pontos: Afluente (esgoto bruto), Efluente do Reator UASB e Efluente (esgoto tratado). As amostras foram submetidas a análises químicas e os bioindicadores ao ensaio de fitotoxicidade. As águas residuárias domésticas nas três etapas de tratamento da estação se caracterizaram como não fitotóxicos para os bioindicadores testados (p<0,05), embora se tenha observado uma diminuição significativa do índice de germinação no efluente tratado para sementes de alface, enquanto que no efluente do reator UASB para sementes de pepino. Foi possível concluir que os efluentes domésticos gerados durante as etapas de tratamento podem ser dispostos no ambiente por não apresentarem riscos potencialmente toxicológicos

    FPGA-based Fused Smart Sensor for Real-Time Plant-Transpiration Dynamic Estimation

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    Plant transpiration is considered one of the most important physiological functions because it constitutes the plants evolving adaptation to exchange moisture with a dry atmosphere which can dehydrate or eventually kill the plant. Due to the importance of transpiration, accurate measurement methods are required; therefore, a smart sensor that fuses five primary sensors is proposed which can measure air temperature, leaf temperature, air relative humidity, plant out relative humidity and ambient light. A field programmable gate array based unit is used to perform signal processing algorithms as average decimation and infinite impulse response filters to the primary sensor readings in order to reduce the signal noise and improve its quality. Once the primary sensor readings are filtered, transpiration dynamics such as: transpiration, stomatal conductance, leaf-air-temperature-difference and vapor pressure deficit are calculated in real time by the smart sensor. This permits the user to observe different primary and calculated measurements at the same time and the relationship between these which is very useful in precision agriculture in the detection of abnormal conditions. Finally, transpiration related stress conditions can be detected in real time because of the use of online processing and embedded communications capabilities