528 research outputs found

    Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la elaboración de cápsulas vitamínicas en base a cereales andinos

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    Los usos de la quinua, kiwicha y cañihua son variados, siendo los más importantes para contrarrestar casos de anemia, desnutrición y cansancio mental. Por tal razón, se quiere dar a conocer las ventajas nutritivas y energizantes de los cereales andinos, dándole valor agregado a través de cápsulas vitamínicas (compuestas por los tres cereales). El mercado objetivo del proyecto va a ser la población de Lima Metropolitana, (niveles socioeconómicos B y C). El producto a presentar se compone de un frasco de cápsulas vitamínicas de quinua, kiwicha y cañihua de 500mg. Cada frasco contiene 150 cápsulas y el precio del producto va ser de S/.20 soles, distribuido a través de cadenas de farmacias. Cabe resaltar que las proyecciones de demanda confirman una tendencia creciente del consumo de productos vitamínicos en el Perú, siendo la participación del proyecto dentro del mercado interno del 1.0%. Con relación a la Planta, esta va estar ubicada en el distrito de Ate Vitarte, en Lima. El proceso productivo se compone de la recepción de la materia prima e insumos, selección de granos, procesamiento en máquina extrusora y molino de martillos para pasar a la mezcladora, obteniendo la base extruida que se ingresa a la máquina encapsuladora, obteniendo el producto final que va ser envasado en frascos de plástico. Para ello se necesita una planta de 216 metros cuadrados, basándose en una distribución de planta con flujo lineal. La inversión inicial del proyecto en activos fijos es de S/. 423,626.55 soles sin IGV. El capital de trabajo necesario es de S/.63,086.89 sin IGV. Para el financiamiento, se ha estructurado en 40% capital propio y 60% de deuda. El costo ponderado de capital antes de impuestos va ser del 24.58%. Finalmente, el Valor Actual Neto Financiero del proyecto es de S/.207,729.75 soles y la Tasa Interna de Retorno Financiero es de 40.74%, por lo que el proyecto es rentable.Tesi

    Differences in competition statistics between winners and losers in male and female tennis players in Olympic Games

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    The aim of this study was to examine differences in the performance indicators between winners and losers in male and female high-level tennis players. A total of 128 tennis singles matches played on grass court surface at the London 2012 Olympic Games were analyzed. Data were collected from the official website of the Olympics and the following groups of variables were analyzed: serve variables (n= 7), serve return variables (n= 3) and game-related variables (n= 5). The results showed that winners had greater (p< 0.05) values of second serve (%), aces, first and second serve points won (%), points won on first and second serve return (%), break points played and break points won (%). Furthermore, they get more winners with both groundstrokes and net points won (%) than losers in both sexes. Losers also committed more doubles faults than winners, and in the male category more unforced errors, whereas female winners get higher serve maximum speed (p< 0.05). Performance indicators according to the result of the match predicted that break points won, first serve points won (%) and first serve return points won (%) are the most relevant variables in males (SC= 0.434; SC= 0.340; SC= 0.327), whereas it was the break points won (SC= -0.372) in females. Therefore, coaches should consider the variation of the competition statistics by gender if they want to enhance the chances of success of their players

    High Phenotypic Diversity Does Not Always Hide Taxonomic Diversity: A Study Case with Cheilosia soror (Zetterstedt, 1843) (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Comprising nearly 500 species worldwide, Cheilosia Meigen is the largest genus of Syrphidae in the Palaearctic region. Within Cheilosia, phenotypic diversity has been assessed in different species groups, including the group of Cheilosia longula (Zetterstedt, 1838). However, the phenotypic variability of Cheilosia soror (Zetterstedt, 1843), a highly variable member of the C. longula group, has never been assessed in western Europe. In the present work, morphological and molecular analyses were conducted to assess the phenotypic variability found in 300+ specimens of C. soror from the Iberian Peninsula. A total of 16 variable characters were identified and defined for the C. soror morphology, with the highest variation found in the colour of the mesonotum pilosity and the metatibia colour. Morphological variation was assessed against molecular variation based on two molecular markers, one mitochondrial, the 5 end of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI-5), and one nuclear, the large subunit ribosomal DNA (28S). Phylogenetic analyses rendered trees with topologies in disagreement with the defined morphological variation. Two haplotypes were identified amongst the analysed specimens of C. soror, together with a haplotypic variant exclusive to the Iberian region. Potential distributions were used to identify unexplored areas of occurrence of C. soror and other species of the C. longula group in the Iberian Peninsula. Unassessed areas of occurrence of C. soror should be surveyed in the future to confirm the absence of hidden taxonomic diversity within the range of phenotypic variation for this species. Phenotypic variation of the other two Iberian species of the C. longula group, C. longula and C. scutellata (Fallén, 1817), was also assessed to find that they are species with less-variable morphology than C. soror and with molecular characters in accordance with other conspecific populations in Europe. New distributional data are provided for C. soror and C. scutellata from Spain, and a leg abnormality is identified for the first time in C. soror.This research was funded by the “Fauna Ibérica” project (PGC2018-095851-A-C65) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Spain. Antonio Ricarte’s position (Ref. UATALENTO17-08) at the University of Alicante is funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento.” The positions of Zorica Nedeljković and Iván Ballester-Torres at the University of Alicante are funded by the above-mentioned Fauna Ibérica project

    Differences in Grand Slam competition statistics between professional and U-18 players according to the sex

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    The aim of the study was to determine the differences in competition statistics between professional and under-18 (U-18) players by sex. A total of 546 official matches of Grand Slam were selected (268 male and 278 female). The data was obtained from the official website of the tournaments. Different variables related to match time, serve, return and winners-unforced errors were analysed. Descriptive analysis and a Mann-Whitney U test to analyse the differences between professional players and U-18 players were performed. Likewise, to estimate which variables obtained the greatest significant differences was conducted a discriminant analysis. ATP players played longer sets and matches, had a better serve performance and hitting more winners than U-18 male players. Junior male players increased their return effectivity and hit fewer unforced errors than ATP players (p<0.001). WTA players hit less double faults, had a better percentage of first serve-in and hit more winners than U-18 female players. Junior female hit less unforced errors than WTA players (p< 0.001). Moreover, the key differences between professional and junior players both males and females were the number of winners and unforced errors per set. Further, the match time and aces hitting were key factors that differentiated ATP players from U-18 male players. These data would be help coaches to design junior’s trainings programs, improving their performance based on key professional stage factors

    Statistical Differences in Set Analysis in Badminton at the RIO 2016 Olympic Games

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    The aim of the present study was to determine statistical differences in a set of badminton competition matches in five different modalities with regard to competition level (Group Phase vs. Eliminatory Phase). Data from 453 sets (125 in men’s singles; 108 sets in women’s singles; 77 sets in men’s doubles; 73 in women’s doubles and 70 in mixed doubles) from the RIO 2016 Olympics Games were recorded and classified in two groups of variables to analyze variables related to match (5) and set (15). A descriptive analysis and univariate test (Mann–Whitney U) for non-parametric data were conducted. The results show in men’s and women’s singles all the variables related to match were higher in the Elimination Phase than in the Group Phase (p < 0.01). In Sets 1 and 3, the longest set duration, rally and average rally were found in the Elimination Phase than Group Stage (p < 0.05). In women’s singles, these differences were also recorded in Set 2. For doubles, the results are more stable among groups. Men’s doubles had a longer duration of the match and set (sets 1 and set 2) (p < 0.01), and also scored highest for average rally strokes (sets 1 3) (p < 0.05) and shuttles used in the Elimination Phase vs. the Group Phase along the match (p < 0.01). In women’s doubles, more shuttles were used in a match in the Elimination than in the Group Phase. Moreover, the same results are established for Set 2, including for average rally. Mixed doubles saw no match going to three sets. However, the greatest differences showed a longer rally and average rally being registered in the Elimination than in the Group Phase. In conclusion, the timing factors of the badminton singles and doubles games were different in the Elimination and Group Phases. This information may help players and coaches prepare and administer different types of workouts or, more specifically, competition schedules adapted to the characteristics of modern badminton

    Análisis de las variables estadísticas relacionadas con el servicio en tenis masculino de alto rendimiento en categoría junior y absoluto

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    The aim of the study was to show the differences in the game statistics related to the service in professional and junior category in three surfaces and to determine statistical differences during the game regarding both categories. A total of 269 individual Grand Slam tennis matches (Australian Open, Wimbledon and Roland Garros) were selected on three different surfaces (hard court, grass and clay). The data was collected from the official websites of the tournaments. A total of 10 variables were analyzed in professional category and 7 in junior. Absolute players obtained higher values (p <0.05) of aces, aces per set, percentage of 1st Services and points won with 1st and 2nd Service and committed fewer double faults per set than juniors in all surfaces. It is concluded that the increase in performance in the variables related to the service plays a decisive role in order to achieve a professional status.El objetivo del estudio fue conocer las diferencias en las estadísticas de juego relacionadas con el servicio en función de la categoría y la superficie de juego. Se selec-cionaron un total de 269 partidos de tenis individuales de Grand Slam (Open de Australia, Wimbledon y Roland Garros) en tres superficies distintas (pista dura, hierba y tierra batida). Los datos fueron recogidos de las pági-nas webs oficiales de los torneos. Se analizaron todas las variables existentes relacionadas con las estadísticas del servicio. Los resultados indican que los jugadores absolutos obtienen valores más altos en aces, aces por set, porcentaje de primeros servicios y puntos ganados tanto en el primer como en el segundo servicio, mos-trando además, menores valores de dobles faltas por set, aspecto que ocurre en todas las superficies. Se con-cluye que el incremento del rendimiento en las variables relacionadas con el servicio juega un papel decisivo a la hora de alcanzar el profesionalismo.Actividad Física y Deport

    Análisis de las variables estadísticas relacionadas con el servicio en tenis masculino de alto rendimiento en categoría junior y absoluto

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    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer las diferencias en las estadísticas de juego relacionadas con el servicio en función de la categoría y la superficie de juego. Se seleccionaron un total de 269 partidos de tenis individuales de Grand Slam (Open de Australia, Wimbledon y Roland Garros) en tres superficies distintas (pista dura, hierba y tierra batida). Los datos fueron recogidos de las páginas webs oficiales de los torneos. Se analizaron todas las variables existentes relacionadas con las estadísticas del servicio. Los resultados indican que los jugadores absolutos obtienen valores más altos en aces, aces por set, porcentaje de primeros servicios y puntos ganados tanto en el primer como en el segundo servicio, mostrando además, menores valores de dobles faltas por set, aspecto que ocurre en todas las superficies. Se concluye que el incremento del rendimiento en las variables relacionadas con el servicio juega un papel decisivo a la hora de alcanzar el profesionalismo. The aim of the study was to show the differences in the game statistics related to the service in professional and junior category in three surfaces and to determine statistical differences during the game regarding both categories. A total of 269 individual Grand Slam tennis matches (Australian Open, Wimbledon and Roland Garros) were selected on three different surfaces (hard court, grass and clay). The data was collected from the official websites of the tournaments. A total of 10 variables were analyzed in professional category and 7 in junior. Absolute players obtained higher values (p <0.05) of aces, aces per set, percentage of 1st Services and points won with 1st and 2nd Service and committed fewer double faults per set than juniors in all surfaces. It is concluded that the increase in performance in the variables related to the service plays a decisive role in order to achieve a professional status

    Development of a novel epoxy resin based on epoxidized chia oil as matrix and maleinized chia oil as bio-renewable crosslinker

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    [EN] In this work novel thermosetting resins with high bio-based content have been developed derived from chia seed oil (CO). Epoxidized chia seed oil (ECO) was used as bio-based epoxy matrix with different mixtures of crosslinker agents, that is, methyl nadic anhydride (MNA) as petroleum-derived and maleinized chia seed oil (MCO) as bio-based crosslinker. The chemically modified oils from CO, that is, ECO and MCO, and MNA were analyzed by titration and FT-IR. Additional 1H NMR analysis was performed to characterize MCO structure. Two different behaviors were observed using the mixtures of crosslinkers. On one hand, MNA increases the rigidity with bio-based content of 54.2%. On the other hand, the addition of MCO provides higher ductility with bio-based content up to 98%. The same trend was observed by DMTA analysis. The novel cured resins were successfully crosslinked as demonstrated by the mechanical properties, FT-IR analyses, and gel content. Based on the results, it is concluded that MCO presents higher reactivity than MNA, decreasing curing time with possible energy saving at industrial level. In general, the results showed that adding the appropriate amount of MCO, green thermosetting resins with the desired thermal and mechanical properties can be manufactured with high bio-based content.Ministry of Science and Innovation,Grant/Award Number: PID2020-119142RA-I00; Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Grant/Award Number: PAID-2019-SP20190013; Generalitat Valenciana,Grant/Award Number: ACIF/2020/233. This research work was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation-¿Retos de la Sociedad¿. Project references: PID2020-119142RA-I00. I. Dominguez-Candela wants to thank Universitat Politècnica de València for his FPI grant (PAID-2019-SP20190013) and Generalitat Valenciana-GVA (ACIF/2020/233). Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politècnica de València.Domínguez-Candela, I.; Perez-Nakai, A.; Torres-Roca, E.; Lora-García, J.; Fombuena, V. (2023). Development of a novel epoxy resin based on epoxidized chia oil as matrix and maleinized chia oil as bio-renewable crosslinker. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 140(10):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.535741141401

    Cacao theobroma.

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    The following business plan contains all the crucial information y data necessary for the creation of a company designed to elaborate an Ecuadorian chocolate made of fine cacao and natural national fruits. The analysis considered all the factors that may influence the performance of the new business. The market behavior shows opportunities and possible threats to the company. Based on the market characteristics the strategy or direction of the business completed the original idea of the author. About marketing, the basic principles were developed in a detail way to give the investor a complete idea of how the business will run at first. From a finance perspective, the five projections were based in administrative expenses, direct and indirect costs, raw materials, and the marketing campaign.El presente trabajo es la recopilación de información y datos necesarios para la creación de una empresa enfocada a producir un chocolate a base de cacao fino ecuatoriana combinado con frutas nacionales. Se han planteado las ideas básicas para que el negocio se aplique a la realidad del mercado y sea rentable en el corto y largo plazo. Es un emprendimiento que busca innovar y relacionar la cultura ecuatoriana en un chocolate con el mundo. Desde una perspectiva general se han analizado los comportamientos del mercado, las oportunidades y amenazas. Además, se han establecido las estrategias de marketing y financieras necesarias para que el éxito de la empresa no encuentre obstáculos. Las estrategias de promoción junto con la imagen del producto se analizan de forma detallada. En el aspecto financiero se han tomado en cuenta los costos administrativos para la planificación del proyecto, junto con los costos de materia prima, la inversión en activos y en la campaña de marketing en el primer periodo. Finalmente, se proyectaron los costos estimados para cinco años y obtener los valores que comprueben la rentabilidad del emprendimiento