1,590 research outputs found

    Aquatic Coleoptera from two protected areas of the Humid Chaco eco-region (Chaco Province, Argentina)

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    A list of the species of aquatic Coleoptera inhabiting Chaco National Park and El Cachapé Wildlife Refuge, two protected areas located in the Humid Chaco eco-region, is presented for the first time. One hundred and twenty-two species included in 45 genera and 10 families were identified. Two species are new for Argentina: Ora atroapicalis Pic and Ora semibrunnea Pic (Scirtidae). Ten genera (Dytiscidae: Anodocheilus Babington, Bidessonotus Régimbart, Hemibidessus Zimmermann; Noteridae: Mesonoterus Sharp, Notomicrus Sharp; Hydraenidae: Hydraena Kugelann, Gymnochthebius Orchymont; Hydrophilidae: Chasmogenus Sharp, Chaetarthria Stephens; Scirtidae: Ora Clark, Scirtes Illiger) and 41 species are first cited from Chaco Province. The high diversity of aquatic Coleoptera recorded highlights the importance of these protected areas.RESUMEN. Se presenta por primera vez una lista de las especies de coleópteros acuáticos que habitan en el parque nacional Chaco y en el refugio de vida silvestre El Cachapé, dos áreas protegidas pertenecientes a la ecorregión Chaco Húmedo. Se identificaron 122 especies incluidas en 45 géneros y 10 familias. Dos especies se citan por primera vez para la Argentina: Ora atroapicalis Pic y Ora semibrunnea Pic (Scirtidae). Diez géneros (Dytiscidae: Anodocheilus Babington, Bidessonotus Régim- bart, Hemibidessus Zimmermann; Noteridae: Mesonoterus Sharp, Notomicrus Sharp; Hydraenidae: Hydraena Kugelann, Gymnochthebius Orchymont; Hydrophilidae: Chasmogenus Sharp, Chaetarthria Stephens; Scirtidae: Ora Clark, Scirtes Illiger) y 41 especies son citados por primera vez en la provincia del Chaco. La alta diversidad de coleópteros acuáticos registrados destaca la importancia de estas áreas protegidas.Fil: Libonatti, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biologia Experimental y Aplicada; Argentina;Fil: Michat, Mariano Cruz. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biologia Experimental y Aplicada; Argentina;Fil: Torres, Patricia Laura Maria. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biologia Experimental y Aplicada; Argentina

    Clave para los adultos de las subfamilias, tribus y géneros de Dytiscidae de la Argentina (Coleoptera: Adephaga)

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    Los ditíscidos constituyen la familia más numerosa de escarabajos acuáticos a nivel mundial, cuya identifi cación en la Argentina resulta problemática con las claves actuales. En este trabajo, se presenta una clave (en inglés y español) para los adultos de las ocho subfamilias, 16 tribus y 31 géneros de Dytiscidae de la Argentina. La clave fue construida priorizando la inclusión de caracteres cualitativos estables de la morfología externa y quetotaxia, fácilmente visibles e interpretables. También, se utilizaron caracteres como el tamaño y la forma del cuerpo, el patrón de coloración y la distribución geográfi ca. Se incluyeron ilustraciones de un gran número de estructuras morfológicas y fotografías tomadas con el microscopio electrónico, para ayudar a la interpretación del texto. Se citan, por primera vez para la Argentina, una subfamilia (Hydrodytinae) y cinco géneros (Agaporomorphus Zimmermann, Bidessodes Régimbart, Hydrodytes Miller, Queda Sharp y un género inédito de la subfamilia Laccophilinae).Dytiscids constitute the world's most speciose family of water beetles, whose identifi cation in Argentina is problematic with current keys. In this work, a key (both in English and Spanish) to the eight subfamilies, 16 tribes and 31 genera of adult Dytiscidae of Argentina is presented. The key was constructed using stable qualitative characters of the external morphology and chaetotaxy, easily visualizable and interpretable. Characters such as size and shape of the body, color pattern and geographic distribution were also used. Illustrations of a great number of morphological structures as well as SEM micrographs were included to aid in the interpretation of the text. One subfamily (Hydrodytinae) and fi ve genera (Agaporomorphus Zimmermann, Bidessodes Régimbart, Hydrodytes Miller, Queda Sharp and an unpublished genus of the subfamily Laccophilinae) are cited for the fi rst time for Argentina.Fil: Libonatti, María Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental. Laboratorio de Entomología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria; ArgentinaFil: Michat, Mariano Cruz. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental. Laboratorio de Entomología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Patricia Laura Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental. Laboratorio de Entomología; Argentin

    Los coleópteros acuáticos de la Reserva Natural El Cristal (Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina)

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    A list of the aquatic Coleoptera collected in El Cristal Natural Reserve is presented. Seventy-seven species included in 35 genera and six families were recorded. Ten genera are first cited from Santa Fe Province: Copelatus Erichson, Anodocheilus Babington, Bidessodes Régimbart, Bidessonotus Régimbart, Pachydrus Sharp, Laccomimus Toledo & Michat (Dytiscidae), Mesonoterus Sharp (Noteridae), Pelonomus Erichson (Dryopidae), Chaetarthria Stephens and Paracymus Thomson (Hydrophilidae). In addition, 17 species are recorded for the first time from Santa Fe Province: Thermonectus succinctus (Aubé), Anodocheilus maculatus Babington, Bidessonotus obtusatus Régimbart, Pachydrus globosus (Aubé), P. obesus Sharp (Dytiscidae), Hydrocanthus paraguayensis Zimmermann, Mesonoterus laevicollis Sharp, Suphis freudei  Mouchamps, Suphisellus curtus (Sharp), S. grammicus (Sharp), S. nigrinus (Aubé), S. remator (Sharp) (Noteridae), Chaetarthria bruchi Balfour-Browne, Enochrus sublongus (Fall), Berosus paraguayanus Knisch, Derallus altus (Leconte) and Phaenonotum regimbarti Bruch (Hydrophilidae).Se presenta una lista de los coleópteros acuáticos colectados en la Reserva Natural El Cristal. Se identificaron 77 especies incluidas en 35 géneros y seis familias. Diez géneros se citan por primera vez de la provincia de Santa Fe: Copelatus Erichson, Anodocheilus Babington, Bidessodes Régimbart, Bidessonotus Régimbart, Pachydrus Sharp, Laccomimus Toledo & Michat (Dytiscidae), Mesonoterus Sharp (Noteridae), Pelonomus Erichson (Dryopidae), Chaetarthria Stephens y Paracymus Thomson (Hydrophilidae). Además, 17 especies se registran por primera vez de la provincia de Santa Fe: Thermonectus succinctus (Aubé), Anodocheilus maculatus Babington, Bidessonotus obtusatus Régimbart, Pachydrus globosus (Aubé), P. obesus Sharp (Dytiscidae), Hydrocanthus paraguayensis Zimmermann, Mesonoterus laevicollis Sharp, Suphis freudei Mouchamps, Suphisellus curtus (Sharp), S. grammicus (Sharp), S. nigrinus (Aubé), S. remator (Sharp) (Noteridae), Chaetarthria bruchi Balfour-Browne, Enochrus sublongus (Fall), Berosus paraguayanus Knisch, Derallus altus (Leconte) y Phaenonotum regimbarti Bruch (Hydrophilidae).Fil: Macchia, Gabriel Alejandro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental. Laboratorio de Entomología; ArgentinaFil: Libonatti, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Michat, Mariano Cruz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Patricia Laura Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; Argentin

    Knowledge associated with the support provided by couples to climacteric women in Mexican population

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    The support that couples provide to women during the climacteric is essential for a less complex transition. One of the factors that could influence is the knowledge they have about the physical, psychological and social manifestations, hence the importance of this study, from which it is based on a proposal about nursing educational intervention programs. Objective of this study: To analyze the correlation between the knowledge and support provided by couples of women during the climacteric. Methodology: Quantitative, correlational and transversal research. The sample includes 100 participants, a couple of women aged 45 to 59 years old. The instrument was a questionnaire validated by experts, where a reliability of .758 was obtained. The application was by google.doc (https://goo.gl/forms/xJykXtbxiFGNS5yq2). The results are: the level of knowledge among the couples of women was regular to deficient 82%; The level of support was 49% among deficient and regular. Significant statistical correlation was found (p≥0.05) with Chi2 test. Conclusion The level of knowledge is deficient in the couples of women during climacteric and only half of it, provide support, which supports nursing educational interventions climacteric social support, women, couplesS/

    Los coleópteros acuáticos del Parque Nacional Mburucuyá (Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina)

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    A list of the species of aquatic Coleoptera collected in Mburucuyá National Park is presented. One hundred and twenty-eight species included in 44 genera and seven families were identified. Ten species are new for Argentina: Agaporomorphus mecolobus Miller and Bidessonotus obtusatus Régimbart (Dytiscidae); Mesonoterus laevicollis Sharp, Suphisellus hyeroglyphicus Zimmermann, S. rufulus Zimmermann, S. sexnotatus (Régimbart), and Notomicrus traili Sharp (Noteridae); Berosus pluripunctatus Mouchamps, Enochrus guarani Fernández and Helobata corumbaensis Fernández & Bachmann (Hydrophilidae). Two families (Scirtidae and Spercheidae), 12 genera and 69 species are first cited for Corrientes Province.Se presenta una lista de las especies de coleópteros acuáticos colectadas en el Parque Nacional Mburucuyá. Se identificaron 128 especies, incluidas en 44 géneros y siete familias. Diez especies se citan por primera vez para la Argentina: Agaporomorphus mecolobus Miller y Bidessonotus obtusatus Régimbart (Dytiscidae); Mesonoterus laevicollis Sharp, Suphisellus hyeroglyphicus Zimmermann, S. rufulus Zimmermann, S. sexnotatus (Régimbart) y Notomicrus traili Sharp (Noteridae); Berosus pluripunctatus Mouchamps, Enochrus guarani Fernández y Helobata corumbaensis Fernández & Bachmann (Hydrophilidae). Dos familias (Scirtidae y Spercheidae), 12 géneros y 69 especies son citados por primera vez para la provincia de Corrientes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Los coleópteros acuáticos del Parque Nacional Mburucuyá (Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina)

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    A list of the species of aquatic Coleoptera collected in Mburucuyá National Park is presented. One hundred and twenty-eight species included in 44 genera and seven families were identified. Ten species are new for Argentina: Agaporomorphus mecolobus Miller and Bidessonotus obtusatus Régimbart (Dytiscidae); Mesonoterus laevicollis Sharp, Suphisellus hyeroglyphicus Zimmermann, S. rufulus Zimmermann, S. sexnotatus (Régimbart), and Notomicrus traili Sharp (Noteridae); Berosus pluripunctatus Mouchamps, Enochrus guarani Fernández and Helobata corumbaensis Fernández & Bachmann (Hydrophilidae). Two families (Scirtidae and Spercheidae), 12 genera and 69 species are first cited for Corrientes Province.Se presenta una lista de las especies de coleópteros acuáticos colectadas en el Parque Nacional Mburucuyá. Se identificaron 128 especies, incluidas en 44 géneros y siete familias. Diez especies se citan por primera vez para la Argentina: Agaporomorphus mecolobus Miller y Bidessonotus obtusatus Régimbart (Dytiscidae); Mesonoterus laevicollis Sharp, Suphisellus hyeroglyphicus Zimmermann, S. rufulus Zimmermann, S. sexnotatus (Régimbart) y Notomicrus traili Sharp (Noteridae); Berosus pluripunctatus Mouchamps, Enochrus guarani Fernández y Helobata corumbaensis Fernández & Bachmann (Hydrophilidae). Dos familias (Scirtidae y Spercheidae), 12 géneros y 69 especies son citados por primera vez para la provincia de Corrientes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Impact of Maturation and Vitrification Time of Human GV Oocytes on the Metaphase Plate Configuration

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    The combination of in vitro maturation (IVM) techniques and oocyte vitrification (OV) could increase the number of useful oocytes in different types of patients. IVM and subsequent OV is the most widely used clinical strategy. Would the results improve if we reverse the order of the techniques? Here, we evaluated survival, in vitro maturation, time to extrude the first polar body (PB), and the metaphase plate configuration of human prophase I (GV) oocytes before or after their vitrification. Specific, 195 GV oocytes from 104 patients subjected to controlled ovarian stimulation cycles were included. We stablished three experimental groups: GV oocytes vitrified and IVM (Group GV-Vit), GV oocytes IVM and vitrified at MII stage (Group MII-Vit), and GV oocytes IVM (Group not-Vit). All of them were in vitro matured for a maximum of 48 h and fixed to study the metaphase plate by confocal microscopy. According to our results, the vitrification of immature oocytes and their subsequent maturation presented similar survival, maturation, and metaphase plate conformation rates, but a significantly higher percentage of normal spindle than the standard strategy. Additionally, the extension of IVM time to 48 h did not seem to negatively affect the oocyte metaphase plate configuration.This research was funded by Department of Biotechnology of the University of Alicante (VIGROB-186)

    Estandarización de una técnica de RT-PCR anidada para detección de alfavirus

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    El género Alphavirus está constituido por virus de ARN de los cuales, varias especies son causantes de enfermedades humanas y animales como los virus chikungunya, Mayaro y los virus de encefalitis equinas, por lo que son considerados un problema de salud pública a nivel regional. En Paraguay han sido reportadas infecciones humanas por chikungunya pero son necesarios más estudios para ampliar conocimientos sobre circulación y ecoepidemiología de los alfavirus. La transcripción reversa de ARN seguida de una reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (RT-PCR) anidada es de gran utilidad como herramienta diagnóstica y en la vigilancia epidemiológica. El objetivo de este estudio fue definir las condiciones óptimas de reacción y determinar el límite de detección para una RT-PCR anidada para la detección genérica de alfavirus. El límite de detección obtenido, de 0,47 UFP/mL, indica una alta sensibilidad, pudiéndose aplicar la técnica a muestras humanas y animales de suero, líquido cefalorraquídeo, órganos y a pooles de mosquitos. Este trabajo servirá de base a otros estudios de detección e identificación de especies de alfavirus circulantes en nuestro país, lo que contribuiría a fortalecer su vigilancia y prevención

    Cyclooxygenase 2 effector genes as potential inflammation-related biomarkers for colorectal cancer circulating tumor cells detection by liquid biopsy

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    Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) has been implicated in cancer development and metastasis. We have identified several COX2-regulated inflammation-related genes in human colorectal cancer cells and shown that some of them play important roles in tumor progression. In this work, we have studied the COX2-regulated genes in the mouse colorectal cancer cell line CT26, to find that many are also regulated by COX2 over-expression. On the other hand, we generated a CT26 cell line expressing Gfp and Luciferase, to study tumor growth and metastasis in immunocompetent Balb/c mice. We then collected solid tissue, and blood samples, from healthy and tumor-bearing mice. Using the Parsortix® cell separation system and taking advantage of the fact that the tumor cells expressed Gfp, we were able to identify circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in some of the mice. We compared the mRNA expression levels of Ptgs2 and effector genes in the samples obtained from tumor-bearing or healthy mice, namely, tumor or healthy colon, Ficoll purified buffy coat, and Parsortix-isolated cells to find different patterns between healthy, tumor-bearing mice with or without CTCs. Although for genes like Il15 we did not observe any difference between healthy and tumor-bearing mice in Ficoll or Parsortix samples; others, such as Egr1, Zc3h12a, Klf4, or Nfat5, allowed distinguishing for cancer or CTC presence. Gene expression analysis in Ficoll or Parsortix processed samples, after liquid biopsy, may offer valuable diagnostic and prognostic information and thus should be further studie

    Hyperphosphatemia Promotes Senescence of Myoblasts by Impairing Autophagy Through Ilk Overexpression, A Possible Mechanism Involved in Sarcopenia

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    In mammalians, advancing age is associated with sarcopenia, the progressive and involuntary loss of muscle mass and strength. Hyperphosphatemia is an aging-related condition involved in several pathologies. The aim of this work was to assess whether hyperphosphatemia plays a role in the age-related loss of mass muscle and strength by inducing cellular senescence in murine myoblasts and to explore the intracellular mechanism involved in this effect. Cultured mouse C2C12 cells were treated with 10 mM beta-glycerophosphate (BGP] at different periods of time to induce hyperphosphatemia. BGP promoted cellular senescence after 24 h of treatment, assessed by the increased expression of p53, acetylated-p53 and p21 and senescence associated beta-galactosidase activity. In parallel, BGP increased ILK expression and activity, followed by mTOR activation and autophagy reduction. Knocking-down ILK expression increased autophagy and protected cells from senescence induced by hyperphosphatemia. BGP also reduced the proliferative capacity of cultured myoblasts. Old mice (24months-old] presented higher serum phosphate concentration, lower forelimb strength, higher expression of p53 and ILK and less autophagy in vastus muscle than young mice (5-months-old]. In conclusion, we propose that hyperphosphatemia induces senescence in cultured myoblasts through ILK overexpression, reducing their proliferative capacity, which could be a mechanism involved in the development of sarcopenia, since old mice showed loss of muscular strength correlated with high serum phosphate concentration and increased levels of ILK and p53