264 research outputs found

    Diseño de un silo de fondo cónico para almacenar maíz con capacidad de 25 toneladas con carga y descarga

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    The silo is the most important form of storage the grain used in the agricultural industry, thanks to its efficiency for preserving the quality and nutrients of the grain of maize, nowadays maize is an essential part in the economy of our country the same form the maize also important for human consumption because of their excellent properties to stimulate the mind, strengthen the brain and help our organism. This project is oriented to the structural design of a cylindrical silo made of sheet metal with a capacity of twenty-five tons,has the advantage of being removable for easy transport of it, also it will store maize efficiently and safely. with this proyect developing not only we will get adecuate grain storage, but the transport and assembly of the container is also provided. In this degree work we know the ways to preserve the grain of corn in addition to its features in order to facilitate the storage of grain in the silo. The silo is designed based on the Eurocódigo1: Actions in silos and tanks structures (EN 1991-4), which gives rules for structural calculation, it is performed by the influence of various parameters such as the density of grain, pressures acting on the silo walls, specific gravity among others.Los silos son las formas de almacenamiento de grano más importantes utilizadas en la industria agrícola por su eficiencia al preservar la calidad y los nutrientes del grano de maíz, en la actualidad el maíz es parte fundamental en la economía de nuestro país como también es importante para el consumo humano debido a sus excelentes propiedades para estimular el ánimo y fortalecer al cerebro gracias a que contiene un gran número de proteínas asimilables por el organismo. Este proyecto está orientado al diseño estructural de un silo cilíndrico elaborado de chapa metálica de 25 toneladas tiene la ventaja de ser desmontable para su fácil transportación, Además almacenara maíz de forma eficiente y segura. Al desarrollar este proyecto no solo se obtendrá un adecuado almacenamiento del grano, sino también, se facilitará el transporte y armado del recipiente. En el trabajo de grado se conoce las formas para preservar al grano de maíz además de sus características con el fin de facilitar el almacenaje del grano en el silo. El silo se encuentra diseñado en base al Eurocódigo1: Acciones en estructuras silos y depósitos (UNE-EN 1991-4), la cual da unas reglas para el cálculo estructural que se realiza bajo la influencia de distintos parámetros como la densidad del grano, capacidad de almacenamiento, presiones que actúan sobre las paredes del silo, peso específico entre otras

    Propuesta teórico-metodológica de epidemiología crítica de la salud animal, primer acercamiento de aplicación en el caso de la fiebre aftosa en el Ecuador

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    La presente investigación parte de la iniciativa de construir una propuesta teóricometodológica de epidemiología crítica de la salud animal, que sea análoga a la de la epidemiología crítica en la salud humana, en la medida que rompa con el paradigma positivista dominante. Para lograrlo, se analizan las principales críticas de la epidemiología convencional veterinaria, remembrando sus fundamentos y limitaciones. Con base en diversas investigaciones en Ecuador, se revisan los postulados de la epidemiología crítica humana, aportes y logros alcanzados. Se repasan sus pilares fundamentales: determinación social, multidimensionalidad, procesos protectivos y destructivos, entre otros. Bajo esa concepción, la metodología consistió en esbozar las bases de una epidemiología animal crítica procediendo por analogía sistemática con los aportes teórico-conceptuales y metodológicos de la propuesta de la epicrítica en salud humana y de la salud colectiva. Es así que se llega a una propuesta en el campo de la salud animal, una herramienta análoga que comparte varios conceptos y métodos de la epicrítica en salud humana, pero adaptada a la salud animal que se nutre de aportes y reflexiones desde la práctica veterinaria. Todo ello permitió establecer cómo el concepto de multidimensionalidad puede ser aplicado y desemboca en la construcción de un esbozo de “matriz de los procesos críticos”, adaptada a este campo de la salud no humana. Esta propuesta teórico-metodológica de salud animal crítica fue aplicada en Ecuador al caso real de la fiebre aftosa. Toma cuatro ejes fundamentales para el análisis: brotes de la enfermedad, vacunación, centros de concentración de animales y movilización de animales. Este ejercicio permitió encontrar fortalezas como el identificar los procesos protectivos y destructivos en cada eje; por otro lado, la limitación más importante fue identificar un equivalente del concepto de “modos de vida” para la salud animal; de esta manera se definieron tareas claras como determinar prácticas que ejercen los seres humanos sobre los animales entre otros. Con esta base, se espera que futuras investigaciones puedan aplicar el marco teórico elaborado y seguir en la tarea planteada de superar los límites de la epidemiología clásica veterinaria

    A comparative study of biofuels and Fischer–Tropsch diesel blends on the engine combustion Performance for reducing exhaust gaseous and particulate emissions

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    The worldwide consumption of fossil hydrocarbons in the road transport sector in 2020 corresponded to roughly half of the overall consumption. However, biofuels have been discreetly contributing to mitigate gaseous emissions and participating in sustainable development, and thus leading to the extending of the commercial utilization of internal combustion engines. In this scenario, the present work aims at exploring the effects of alternative fuels containing a blend of 15% ethanol and 35% biodiesel with a 50% fossil diesel (E15D50B35) or 50% Fischer–Tropsch (F-T) diesel (E15FTD50B35) on the engine combustion, exhaust emissions (CO, HC, and NOx), particulate emissions characteristics as well as the performance of an aftertreatment system of a common rail diesel engine. It was found that one of the blends (E15FTD50B35) showed more than 30% reduction in PM concentration number, more than 25% reduction in mean particle size, and more than 85% reduction in total PM mass with respect to conventional diesel fuel. Additionally, it was found that the E15FTD50B35 blend reduces gaseous emissions of total hydrocarbons (THC) by more than 25% and NO by 3.8%. The oxidation catalyst was effective in carbonaceous emissions reduction, despite the catalyst light-off being slightly delayed in comparison to diesel fuel blends.This research received no external fundin

    Fischer-Tropsch diesel and biofuels exergy and energy analysis for low emissions vehicles

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    This research investigates the effects of a synthetic diesel-like fuel (Fischer-Tropsch diesel) and biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) fuel blends on the energy-exergy efficiencies and gaseous exhaust emissions characteristics of a compression ignition engine. Two blends of alternative fuels denoted as E15B35FTD50 (15% ethanol, 35% biodiesel, and 50% Fischer-Tropsch diesel) and E15B35D50 (15% ethanol, 35% biodiesel, and 50% diesel) were experimentally studied on a single-cylinder diesel engine and compared to diesel fuel. The results show that the energetic and the exergetic efficiencies of the alternative fuels are comparable to those of the engine fueled with diesel fuel. The unburnt HC, NO, N2O, and NH3 emissions were reduced for the two alternative fuel blends compared to diesel, while CO emissions increased. The light HC species were found to slightly increase for the alternative fuel blends in comparison with diesel fuel. However, the total HC was considerably reduced by the combustion of E15B35FTD50 not only when compared to the diesel fuel combustion, but also when compared to E15B35D50. Overall, these results may contribute to identifying advantages and limitations in terms of energetic-exergetic analysis and emissions for the new generation of conventional diesel and hybrid electric vehicles that aim to achieve future emissions regulations.The Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-Brasil (CAPES)-Finance Code 001 is also acknowledged for the scholarship (No. 88887.199341/2018-00) to pursue F.A.T. postgraduate studies under the International Cooperation Program with the University of Birmingham and CAPES (Ref. 40/2014)

    Viabilidad del modelo de confort térmico adaptativo bajo condiciones de clima cálido subhúmedo: Ahorro energético en refrigeración en Campeche, México

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    The conventional approach to achieve thermal comfort generally focuses on modifying the setpoint temperature in fully air-conditioned buildings. However, the adaptive thermal comfort approach is an alternative that considers the interaction between buildings, the local climate, and the users to allow significant improvements in energy savings. This paper analyzes the feasibility of implementing adaptive thermal comfort strategies, comparing adaptive models based on the ASHRAE 55-2020 Standard and a regional model for the tropical climate typology of Mexico, and contrasting the results with the static approach. Thirteen locations in the State of Campeche were thermally analyzed, seeing that the ventilation strategies are applicable throughout the State and that both models ensure improvements in energy consumption. In addition, the results suggest that it is necessary to develop more local adaptive models to propose strategies with better potential impact in the region.A abordagem convencional para alcançar o conforto térmico geralmente se concentra em modificar a temperatura de referência em edifícios totalmente climatizados. No entanto, a abordagem do conforto térmico adaptativo é uma alternativa que considera a interação entre os edifícios, o clima local e os usuários, a fim de permitir melhorias significativas na economia de energia. Este trabalho analisa a viabilidade de implementar estratégias de conforto térmico adaptativo, comparando modelos adaptativos baseados na norma ASHRAE 55-2020 e um modelo regional para a tipologia climática tropical do México, contrastando os resultados com a abordagem estática. Foram analisados termicamente 13 locais no estado de Campeche, concluindo-se que as estratégias de ventilação são aplicáveis em todo o estado e que ambos os modelos garantem melhorias no consumo de energia. Além disso, os resultados sugerem a necessidade de desenvolver mais modelos adaptativos locais para propor estratégias com maior potencial de impacto na região.El enfoque convencional para alcanzar el confort térmico generalmente se centra en modificar la temperatura de consigna en edificios totalmente climatizados. Sin embargo, el enfoque del confort térmico adaptativo es una alternativa que considera la interacción entre los edificios, el clima local y los usuarios para permitir mejoras significativas en el ahorro de energía. El trabajo analiza la viabilidad de implementar estrategias de confort térmico adaptativo, comparando modelos adaptativos basados en la norma ASHRAE 55-2020 y un modelo regional para la tipología climática tropical de México, contrastando los resultados respecto del enfoque estático. Se analizó térmicamente 13 locaciones del Estado de Campeche obteniendo que las estrategias de ventilación son aplicables en todo el Estado y que ambos modelos aseguran mejoras en el consumo de energía. Además, los resultaron siguieren que es necesario desarrollar más modelos adaptativos locales para proponer estrategias con mejor potencial de impacto en la región

    Diseño de un modelo de gestión de producción e inventarios para la empresa ESP Filters

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    ESP Filters es una empresa que aplica procesos de importación y producción para la comercialización de filtros para vehículos a nivel nacional. Los productos importados corresponden a tres categorías de filtros: aire, aceite y combustible, mientras que los productos fabricados corresponden a los filtros de aire. La empresa está ubicada en el sector Fontibón en Bogotá, Colombia, la fuerza comercial de ESP Filters es el mercado nacional, sin embargo, ha estado explorando el mercado internacional en países latinoamericanos durante un año con más de 500 referencias.ESP Filters is a company that applies processes of importation and production for the commercialization of filters for vehicles nationwide. The imported products correspond to three categories of filters: air, oil and fuel while the products manufactured correspond to the air filters. The company is located in Fontibón sector in Bogotá, Colombia, the commercial strength of ESP Filters is the national market, however, it has been exploring the international market in Latin American countries for a year with more than 500 references.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad


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    The present work aims to analyze the program authorized by ANEEL Resolution no. 4.385 / 2013 and Brazilian regulation, in particular the one affect distributed generation, in order to propose routes and alternatives that could enable the reconnection of the Praia do Rodeadouro and Morada do Salitre condominiums to the electricity grid of the COELBA concessionaire and the profit of benefits with the equipment received through the Income and Energy Generation Program, implemented by Caixa Econômica Federal in partnership with Empresa Brasil Solair, since this program was extremely relevant for the insertion of solar energy, via distributed generation, in the Brazilian electricity matrix. The methodology is qualitative, applied, descriptive and exploratory, with the case study of the Generation of Income and Energy Program in Juazeiro / BA. In order to perform the data collection, we used bibliographic and documentary research techniques. It was also used the interview of key actors to understand the issue. For the analysis of the data collected, the triangulation method was used. In the results, 5 different opportunities for condominiums are exposed and analyzed, such as direct sale of energy to COELBA, rental of roofs and equipment, or training of cooperatives with other beneficiaries of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program for remote energy compensation. The conclusions are understood as the need to reform the sector, with the adoption of the principles of energy efficiency, resilience and sustainable social and environmental development as pillars of sustainability, seeking to prevent situations such as those studied here from happening again.O presente trabalho visa analisar o programa autorizado pela Resolução ANEEL n. 4.385/2013 e a regulação nacional, em especial à afeta a geração distribuída, para propor rotas e alternativas que possam viabilizar a reconexão dos Condomínios Praia do Rodeadouro e Morada do Salitre à rede elétrica da concessionaria COELBA e a fruição de benefícios com os equipamentos recebidos por meio do Programa de Geração de Renda e Energia, implantado pela Caixa Econômica Federal em parceria com a Empresa Brasil Solair, visto que tal programa figurou como extremamente relevante para a inserção da energia solar, via geração distribuída, na matriz elétrica brasileira. A metodologia é aplicada, qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, com o estudo de caso do Programa de Geração de Renda e Energia em Juazeiro/BA. Para realizar a coleta dos dados utilizou-se as técnicas da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Recorreu-se também a entrevista de atores chaves para compreensão da questão. Para análise dos dados coletados, utilizou-se o método da triangulação. Nos resultados, são expostos e analisados 5 oportunidades diferentes para os condomínios, a exemplo venda direta da energia para a COLEBA, arrendamento dos telhados e equipamentos ou formação de cooperativa com outros beneficiários do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, para compensação remota da energia. Nas conclusões entende-se pela necessidade de reforma do setor, com a adoção dos princípios de eficiência energética, resiliência e do desenvolvimento socioambiental sustentável como pilares de sustentação, buscando prevenir que situações como aqui estudada voltem a se repetir


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of splitting in three different doses of phosphorus and potassium, combined with each other, and it was applied fertirrigation in watermelon crop, and to evaluate their effects on fruit quality. The statistical was in a complete randomized block design, and the treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme (3 x 3) in subdivided splits, resulting in 9 treatments with tree replications, totaling 27 plots in the experimental area. In the horizontal plots the three doses of phosphorus fertilization (100, 150 and 300 kg.ha-1 of P2O5) were randomly allocated, and in the subplots the three potassium doses (50, 100 and 200 kg.ha-1 of K2O), were applied in fertirrigation. The cultivar used was Crimson Sweet. Seventy-Six days after planting (DAP) the biochemical characteristics of watermelon fruits were evaluated: total soluble solids (TSS), total treatable acidity (TTA) and potential of hydrogen (pH). According to the results, it was verified that only the chemical value of the TSS fruits, presented significant statistical differences between the studied doses because of the different source of fertilization K and P increased the soluble solid contents, the content of reducing sugars, and decreased pH. It was observed the different doses of K and P did not influence in the fruit quality parameters when it was analyzed separated: TTA and pH but the TTA values are according to consumer market standards. The best doses in order to economy of fertilizer were (150 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e 50 kg ha-1 of K2O)