123 research outputs found

    The use of correspondence analysis in the study of beef quality ; a case study on Parda de Montaña breed

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    The present study shows the usefulness of a multivariate technique �correspondence analysis�- for simultaneously representing continuous and categorical variables in graphical form. A comparison was made of the results of sensory tests of beef quality performed by a trained panel and by consumers. The latter included the collection of data to produce consumers profiles and the recording of a number of consumers habits. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated independently for the variables measured in both the panel and consumer tests. Two correspondence analyses were then performed: the first one involving the consumer profiles and the values of the variables measured in the consumer test, the second one to determine the relationships between the panel and consumer test scores. In the plot corresponding to the first analysis, the two axes accounted for 52.2% of the inertia and showed that age did not have an important effect on any measured variable. Consumers previous experience has been shown to be an important factor defining consumer liking of the product. In the plot for the second analysis the two axes accounted for 82.3% of the inertia and showed that there was no correspondence between overall consumer liking of the product and any of the panel variables. These results therefore suggest that the panel test is not a good predictor of consumer behaviour.El presente estudio muestra la utilidad de una técnica multivariante, el análisis de correspondencias múltiples, para representar gráficamente de manera conjunta variables categóricas y continuas. Para ello se compararon los resultados obtenidos por un panel entrenado con los resultados dados por un grupo de consumidores, ambos con las mismas muestras de carne de ternera. La prueba de consumidores incluyó el perfil del consumidor y una breve encuesta sobre sus hábitos de consumo. Se calcularon correlaciones de Spearman de manera independiente para las variables utilizadas con el panel entrenado y las variables empleadas en la prueba de consumidores. Se realizaron dos análisis de correspondencias: el primero incluía el perfil del consumidor y los valores de las variables medidas en la prueba de consumidores; el segundo se utilizó para determinar la relación entre las notas dadas por el panel y las dadas por los consumidores. En el gráfico correspondiente al primer análisis, los dos ejes explicaron el 52,2% de la inercia y mostró que la edad no tiene un efecto significativo sobre ninguna de las variables medidas, mientras que la experiencia previa del consumidor fue una variable importante a la hora de definir la aceptación del producto por parte del consumidor. En el gráfico correspondiente al segundo análisis, los dos ejes explicaron el 82,3% de la inercia y mostró que no hay correlación entre las notas de apreciación global dadas por los consumidores y ninguna de las variables medidas por el panel. Estos resultados sugieren que el panel entrenado no es un buen predictor del comportamiento del consumidor. Palabras clave adicionales: comportamiento del consumidor, correlaciones, estadística, sensorial

    Milk production and lamb growth in Ojinegra sheep breed

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    El presente trabajo pretende caracterizar la capacidad productiva de las ovejas de la raza Ojinegra a dos niveles de condición corporal (CC; BAJA, ≤ 2.50 vs. ALTA, > 2.50) y evaluar el crecimiento de sus corderos para la producción de corderos del tipo lechal (10-12 kg de peso vivo a 45 días de edad máxima). Para el ensayo se utilizaron 58 ovejas Ojinegras de Teruel con parto en invierno. La ración provista fue de 1 kg de pienso al día y paja de cereal a voluntad. Se registró el peso vivo peso (PV) de ovejas y corderos semanalmente durante las seis semanas de lactación, y la CC de las ovejas en el parto, a mitad de lactación (3ª semana) y al destete (6ª semana). De estas ovejas se eligió al azar un grupo de 22 ovejas para llevar a cabo el estudio de la producción de leche y concentraciones de metabolitos en sangre relacionados con el balance energético (ácidos grasos no esterificados, AGNE, y β-hidroxibutirato, BHB). Los resultados mostraron que el PV de la oveja Ojinegra (49,0 ± 1,5 kg) se vio afectado por la semana de lactación (P 0,05). Los contenidos de AGNE y BHB en sangre durante la lactación no se vieron afectados por la CC al parto (p > 0,05), mostrando valores medios de AGNE y BHB de 0,30 ± 0,06 y 0,54 ± 0,02 mmol/l, respectivamente. Sin embargo, los AGNE sí decrecieron significativamente a medida que avanzaba la lactación (P 0,05), obteniéndose una producción media de leche de 813 g/día (producción estándar de 702 ml/día). La ganancia media diaria (GMD) de los corderos durante la lactación fue independiente de la CC de la oveja al parto (148 vs. 154 ± 9 g/día, en ALTA vs. BAJA, P > 0,05). El peso medio de los corderos en el momento del destete fue de 9,6 ± 0,3 kg. De este trabajo se puede concluir que la producción de leche de las ovejas de raza Ojinegra de Teruel es moderada, permitiendo un crecimiento limitado de los corderos que puede condicionar el cumplimiento de la edad máxima para alcanzar el peso de la categoría lechal (45 días hasta 10-12 kg). Estos resultados deberían ser contrastados con futuros estudios que evalúen la capacidad lechera y maternal de dicha oveja con distintos sistemas de manejo y alimentación.The aim of this study was to characterize the productive potential of the Ojinegra sheep breed at two levels of body condition score (BAJA, ≤ 2.50 vs. ALTA, > 2.50), so that to prospect the production of suckling lambs (10-12 kg live weight at a threshold of 45 days old). Fifty-eight winter-lambing Ojinegra ewes were used. Ewes were stalled indoors and fed 1 kg of concentrate per day and cereal straw ad libitum. Live weight (PV) of ewes and lambs were registered weekly during lactation (6 weeks). Body condition score (CC) of ewes was measured at lambing and at weeks 3 and 6 of lactation. Twenty-two ewes were randomly selected to evaluate milk production and blood metabolites related with energy balance (nonesterified fatty acids, AGNE, and β-hydroxybutyrate, BHB). Ewes’ PV after lambing was affected by the week of lactation (P 0.05). Blood AGNE and BHB contents were not affected by CC at lambing (P > 0.05), with mean values of 0.30 ± 0.06 and 0.54 ± 0.02 mmol/l for AGNE and BHB respectively. However, AGNE concentration decreased during lactation (P < 0.001). Week of lactation and CC at lambing had no effect on milk production (P > 0.05); with mean milk production of 813 g/day (mean standardized production 702 ml/day). The average daily gain (ADG) of lambs was not affected by ewes’ CC at lambing (148 vs. 154 ± 9 g/day, for ALTA vs. BAJA, respectively; P > 0.05). The average PV of lambs at weaning was 9.6 ± 0.3 kg. In conclusion, milk production of Ojinegra sheep breed is moderate and it might condition the attainment of target 10-12 kg live-weight for suckling lamb category at a maximum age of 45 days old. These results should be confirmed in future studies, assessing the maternal capacity of Ojinegra ewe under diverse management and feeding systems

    Efectos de la condición corporal al inicio de la gestación sobre la productividad

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    En condiciones de pastoreo, asegurar una condición corporal superior a 2,5 durante el primer mes de gestación garantizará unos adecuados rendimientos en el ciclo productivo siguient

    Performance and carcass quality of forage-fed steers as an alternative to concentratebased beef production

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    This paper studies the performance and carcass quality of Parda de Montaña cattle under different management systems to find alternatives to concentrate feed indoor beef production. Treatments were: i) Control, with 8 bulls (216±34.3 kg initial weight; 282±45.6 days) fed concentrate and straw ad libitum during winter housing period until reaching 500 kg; ii) G-supp, with 8 steers (204±31.2 kg initial weight; 271±47.5 days) fed a total mixed ration (TMR) (50% alfalfa hay, 10% straw, 40% corn) ad libitum during winter housing period (from mid-April steers rotationally grazed on a mountain meadow supplemented with 1.8 kg dry matter corn/d until reaching 500 kg); iii) TMR, with 8 steers (200±42.5 kg initial weight; 261±39.0 days) managed as G-supp steers until mid-July, when they were housed and fed TMR ad libitum until reaching 500 kg. Control bulls had 45% greater weight gain than TMR and G-supp steers during housing period (P<0.001). In the finishing period, TMR had 31% greater weight gain than steers finished on pasture (P<0.01). At slaughter, Controls were 97-127 days younger than others (P<0.001). Steers finished on TMR had worse conformed carcasses, greater fat and fewer edible meat proportions than G-supp and Control (P<0.01). Total cost of TMR and Gsupp was greater than Control, with a similar income for G-supp and Control. TMR steers were paid less because of their worse carcass quality. Hence, finishing of steers on pasture with a supplement can be a feasible alternative to fattening bulls on concentrates, depending on the relative availability and price of feedstuff.Publishe

    Le contenu du tractus digestif des agneaux légers influencé par l’inclusion de fourrage et par la sevrage

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    The effects of forage inclusion (alfalfa-fed with concentrate supplementation, ALF, vs concentratefed, CONC) and milk supply (suckling until 13 kg, W, vs until slaughter, S) on the digestive tract contents of Rasa Aragonesa light lambs (n=32, target slaughter weight of 23.0 kg) were analysed in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Immediately after slaughter (without fasting period), the contents of each gastrointestinal compartment were separated and weighed and pH of reticule-rumen and caecum were measured. Age at slaughter and empty body-weight did not differ (P>0.05) among treatments (94 days and 19.9 kg). Reticule-rumen content was similar in CONC lambs (1749 g) but it was higher (P<0.05) in ALF-W than in ALF-S (2174 vs 1385 g). The abomasum content did not differ (P>0.05) among treatments (188 g), nor did the small intestine content (421 g, P>0.05). The caecum content was similar in CONC (221 g) but it was greater (P<0.05) in ALFW than in ALF-S (408 vs 231 g). The large intestine content was lower (P<0.001) in CONC than in ALF (118 vs 181 g). Overall digestive tract content was similar in CONC (2667 g) but it was greater (P<0.05) in ALFW than in ALF-S (3581 vs 2378 g). Weaned but not suckling lambs raised on alfalfa filled more their digestive tracts than the rest, which also involved a more buffered digestive environment.Les effets de l’inclusion de fourrage (luzerne avec supplémentation en concentré, ALF, vs concentré, CONC) et de l’apport de lait (allaitement jusqu’à 13 kg, W, vs jusqu’à l’abattage, S) sur le contenu du tractus digestif d’agneaux légers (n=32, 23,0 kg) de race Rasa Aragonesa ont été analysés selon un dispositif factoriel 2 x 2. Immédiatement après l’abattage (sans période de jeûne), les contenus de chaque compartiment gastro-intestinal ont été séparés et le pH du réticulo-rumen et du caecum a été mesuré. L’âge à l’abattage et le poids de la carcasse n’ont pas été affectés (P>0,05) par les traitements (94 jours et 19,9 kg). Les agneaux soumis au régime CONC (1749 g) ont le même (P>0,05) contenu du réticulo-rumen qui a été plus important (P<0,05) avec ALF-W qu’avec ALF-S (2174 vs 1385 g). Le contenu de l’abomasum et de l’intestin grêle n’a pas varié (P>0,05) avec les différents traitements (188 g et 421 g). Le contenu du caecum n’a pas été affecté (P>0,05) par le régime (221 g) mais a été plus important (P<0,05) qu’avec ALF-W qu’avec ALF-S (408 vs 231 g). Le contenu du gros intestin est plus faible (P<0,001) avec CONC qu’avec ALF (118 vs 181 g). Le contenu du tractus digestif n’a pas été affecté avec CONC (2667 g) mais a été plus important (P<0,05) avec ALF-W qu’avec ALF-S (3581 vs 2378 g). Au contraise des agneaux sous-mères, les agneaux sevrés recevant des régimes à base de luzerne ont un taux de remplissage du tractus digestif plus élevé que celui des autres agneaux. Ils ont aussi un meilleur environnement digestif plus tamponé

    Desempenho do modelo 'Pampa-Corte' em diferentes sistemas de terminação de bovinos na Espanha

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    The Pampa-Corte model was developed to simulate the growth of beef cattle in grazing systems in a dynamic and mechanistic way. It was validated under Brazilian conditions. This paper aims to verify the performance of the model in conventional and alternative beef cattle finishing systems in Spain. An experimental dataset of 21 Parda de Montaña calves of similar age and weight at weaning was used to evaluate the model. They were slaughtered individually on reaching 450kg liveweight. The model considered genetic group maturity rather than breed, in order to adjust growth parameters, once Parda de Montaña breed is not contemplated by AFRC (1993). Parameters from late maturing group were initially used considering adult animal size of Parda de Montaña animals; however, the best fit was with values from the early maturing group. The model predicted accurately animal growth in grazing and conventional finishing systems in Spain, although estimates were less precise when changes in animal management involved physiologic modificationsO modelo Pampa Corte foi desenvolvido para simular de forma dinâmica e mecanistica o crescimento de bovinos de corte em sistemas de pastejo, sendo validado nas condições de produção brasileiras. Este trabalho tem como finalidade demonstrar a performance do modelo em situações de engorda tradicionais e alternativos de bovinos de corte na Espanha. Com essa finalidade, foram utilizados dados de 21 animais inteiros da raça Parda de Montanha com similar idade e peso de desmame e que foram abatidos individualmente quando atingiram o peso vivo de 450kg. O modelo considera grupos genéticos no ajuste de seus parâmetros conforme AFRC (1993), entretanto, a raça Parda de Montanha não é contemplada em suas tabelas. Devido ao seu tamanho adulto, inicialmente, foram considerados os parâmetros referentes ao grupo tardio de maturidade, entretanto, os melhores ajustes ocorreram ao serem utilizados os parâmetros de animais de maturidade precoce. O modelo prediz satisfatoriamente o crescimento e terminação dos animais nos sistemas convencionais e alternativos de produção. No entanto, essas predições são menos precisas quando envolve a troca de sistema de pastoreio para confinamento tota
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