5 research outputs found

    Exploring the experiences of being an ethnic minority student within undergraduate nurse education: A qualitative study

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: Students studying in a country where another language is spoken face multiple challenges including their ability to fully integrate with peers and academic pressures in trying to obtain an undergraduate nursing degree. The aim of the study was to explore the lived experiences of students, from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds, undertaking an undergraduate nursing degree. Methods: The study adopted a qualitative design and eight individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews were analysed using manifest content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results: Students reported feelings of isolation and the lack of opportunities to integrate with native students within academia and practice. The need for personal support was a crucial factor that was independent of gender and students reported challenges related to both language and culture during the programme. Conclusions: Suggestions arising from this study includes appropriate support systems within academia and practice. It is imperative that universities and practice settings promote and integrate cultural awareness within academia and practice in meeting the needs of students and providing culturally appropriate nursing care, thereby providing opportunities for all students to become competent and professional practitioners

    The karst site of Las Palomas (Guadalteba County, Málaga, Spain): A preliminary study of its MiddleeLate Pleistocene archaeopaleontological record

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    Cleaning works in the cave of Las Palomas in Teba (Málaga, Spain), developed by the Guadalteba Consortium, have provided a number of lithic tools and knapping products that may be ascribed to the Mode III technotypological tradition as well as remains of a number of large mammal species typical of MiddleeLate Pleistocene times. Topographic measurements help to place this ancient cave within a karst landform. This discovery opens up new perspectives in the research on the Neanderthal groups that inhabited the valleys of Guadalteba and Turón rivers in the middle basin of the Guadalhorce River, and thus in the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula

    Financial match at San Miguel Academy: A case study

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    This case study involves the finances of a school, a school caught up in a political skirmish, and a parochial school in the province where the parish priest acts as both the director and principal. The teachers of San Miguel Academy petitioned the Bishop to intervene and let Fr. Luis Hayag, SJ, the Director come out with a formula for computing the teachers\u27 salaries and also to look into the books of the school. Fr. Luis argued the petition was unfair and that it would set a bad precedent. The Mayor takes the opportunity of helping the school, but is criticized by his rival Judge, who is incidentally the owner of the land where the school is established. The alternatives and consequences of the case are: 1. Father Luis may be transferred to a new parish. For this, the school might lose the support and cooperation of the civic organizations, the Philippine Packing Corporation, and the Mayor. 2. Let Father Luis take a scholarship in the U.S. With this alternative, the school would be left to the mercy of the teachers. The parents might transfer their children to the barangay high school. 3. A sweeping revamp from Father Luis to the recently appointed Principal, Mr. Rodolfo Renante. This action will lead the judge to recompose the land and bring the matter to court. The mayor, together with the Philippine Tomato Corporation and other civic organizations will withdraw the support for the school. 4. Father Luis resigns as Director to devote all his time in the parish, and give the school to any interested religious congregation. So far, no religious congregation showed interest in the school having a big deficit and such kind of teachers. If Father Luis resigns, he would demand reimbursement of his personal funds plus interest and salary for ten years considering that he run the school without salary. 5. Give the teachers what they want. There is no proper book of account. To create an accounting office would add to the cost of operation. Father Luis believed that he should render report only to the Board of Directors and not to the teachers. He also demanded that that if there will be an audit, it must include the entire diocese, including the Bishop himself. The Bishop himself, had no records and had not submitted to any audit since his assignment to the province

    An analysis of the students\u27 evaluation of the student services in Holy Cross High School for the year 1977-1978

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    This study determines the present status of the student services offered by Holy Cross High School (HCHS) in Phillips, Del Monte, province of Bukidnon, as evaluated by the students themselves. This research is a descriptive analysis of the present status of the student services of HCHS. The research instrument used in the study was a survey questionnaire adopted from the PAASCU form, but modified to suit the mental capacity of the respondents. The questionnaire was divided into three parts--guidance and counseling services, health and safety services and food and nutrition services. All the three parts had ten items each. Statistical treatment used were the analysis of variance and Scheffe\u27s method test. From the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The guidance and counseling services of the school was rated average but ranked first among the three student services evaluated in this study. There was no significant difference in the students\u27 level of satisfaction. 2. The health and safety services of the school was also rated average but ranked second only to guidance and counseling services. There was no significant difference in the students\u27 level of satisfaction in this particular student service. 3. The food and nutrition services was rated also average. However, it was ranked last among the three student services under study. There was a significant difference in the level of student satisfaction. The fourth year students clearly expected more than what has been offered to them

    An analysis of Holy Cross High school\u27s extent of delegation of authority against a model for the year 1977-1978

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    This study designs a model that would present a maximum level of delegation of authority, and to make a comparison of Holy Cross High School\u27s extent of delegated authority against this model. The descriptive method of research was used in analyzing the present set-up, and the comparison of Holy Cross High School against a model. The material used in this study was the survey questionnaire which was answered by the principal concerned, personal interviews, observations, and the long experience of the researcher having stayed in this school for a number of years. The questionnaire was divided into four major areas of the principal\u27s function, namely: planning, decision making, reporting, and supervision. Findings of the study revealed that in the area of planning, the functions delegated were the preparation of supervisory program, where this was delegated to the faculty and final decision was in the group where the principal was a member and the orientation program for students and teachers. The model suggested six of the seven functions be delegated except for the setting of the priority objectives of the school year, which was not delegated. The decision making functions delegated were the admission and discipline of students. Requisition and purchases and books to be used were also delegated, however the final decision was still with the principal. The hiring and dismissal of faculty and staff members, expulsion of students and the elective courses to be used were not delegated. The model suggested six of the seven major functions to be delegated. Only the expulsion of students was not delegated. The reporting functions delegated were in the preparation of reports to the DEC, BIR, SSS, DOL, and other entities. The annual report to the Board of Trustees has never been done. The model suggested that out of the four functions, three were proposed to be delegated. Only the presentation of annual report to the Board of Trustees was not suggested to be delegated. In the area of supervision, the evaluation of faculty members was delegated but the final say was still in the hands of the principal. The tasks of implementing classroom visitations and checking of lesson plan books were not delegated. The model suggested that of the three functions, only the checking of lesson plan books was suggested to be delegated. Based on the findings the following conclusions were made: 1. The organizational structure of Holy Cross High School is too centralized. Too much work and decision making is done by the principal. 2. The principal is overworked. 3. There is a necessity for re-organizing the present structure, giving more leadership role to some experienced and qualified teachers