55 research outputs found

    In-Vitro Comparative Evaluation of the Physical Properties of Three Dimensional-Printed and Milled High Performance Ceramics

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    Aim: to investigate the potential role of 3D printing to produce zirconia restorations and to assess the mechanical properties of the 3D printed zirconia. Hypotheses: 1) The flexural strength of 3D printed yttria-stabilized zirconia is comparable or superior to milled yttria-stabilized, isostatic pressed zirconia, and 2) thermocycling and chewing simulation does not affect the flexural strength of 3D printed yttria-stabilized zirconia. Material and methods: 30 bars of printed yttria-stabilized zirconia and 10 bars of milled yttria-stabilized, isostatic pressed zirconia were utilized in this study. Printed zirconia bars were divided in 3 groups (10 bars per group): untreated, thermocycling and chewing simulation. Flexural strength test was performed on all the samples using a three-point bend test. One-way ANOVA analysis compared the 3 groups of printed zirconia samples, and Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the non-treated printed zirconia group to the milled zirconia group. Results: No statistically significant difference between the three groups of printed zirconia samples was found (P = 0.119). No statistically significant difference between the non-treated printed zirconia group and non-treated samples of milled yttria- stabilized, isostatic pressed zirconia was found (P = 0.178). Conclusion: No statistically significant differences in flexural strength were detected between yttria-stabilized printed zirconia and milled yttria-stabilized, isostatic pressed zirconia, and non-treated, thermocycling and chewing simulation tested printed zirconia samples. These results indicate the promising role of 3D printing in the fabrication of zirconia. Additional studies are needed to explore the full potential of this technology

    Sludge management modeling to enhance P-recovery as struvite in wastewater treatment plants

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    [EN] Interest in phosphorus (P) recovery and reuse has increased in recent years as supplies of P are declining. After use, most of the P remains in wastewater, making Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) a vital part of P recycling. In this work, a new sludge management operation was studied by modeling in order to recover Pin the form of struvite and minimize operating problems due to uncontrolled P precipitation in WWTPs. During the study, intensive analytical campaigns were carried out on the water and sludge lines. The results identified the anaerobic digester as a "hot spot" of uncontrolled P precipitation (9.5 gP/kg sludge) and highlighted possible operating problems due to the accumulation of precipitates. A new sludge line management strategy was simulated therefore using DESASS (c) software, consisting of the elutriation of the mixed sludge in the mixing chamber, to reduce uncontrolled P precipitation and to obtain a P-rich stream (primary thickener supernatant) to be used in a crystallization process. The key operating parameters were found to be: the elutriation flow from the mixing chamber to the primary thickener, the digestion flow and the sludge blanket height of the primary thickener, with optimized values between 70 and 80 m(3)/d, 90-100 m(3)/d and 1.4-1.5 m, respectively. Under these operating conditions, the preliminary results showed that P concentration in the primary thickener overflow significantly increased (from 38 to 100 mg PO4-P/L), which shows that this stream is suitable for use in a subsequent crystallization reactor to recover P in the form of struvite. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was co-financed by the European Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE +) as part of the PHORWater Project (LIFE12 ENV/ES/000441).Martí Ortega, N.; Barat, R.; Seco Torrecillas, A.; Pastor Alcañiz, L.; Bouzas Blanco, A. (2017). Sludge management modeling to enhance P-recovery as struvite in wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Management. 196:340-346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.12.074S34034619

    The Influence of History of Severe Periodontitis on Estimated Long-Term Marginal Bone Loss around Implants Restored with Fixed Segmented Full-Arch Rehabilitation

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    The authors of this manuscript are partially supported by Research Groups #CTS-138, #CTS-176 and #CTS-1028 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain).The aim of this study was to analyze the long-term marginal bone level (MBL) of implants supporting fixed full-arch restoration in patients who had previously lost their dentition due to severe periodontitis. This retrospective study included 35 patients in whom 342 implants with internal tapered conical connections were placed. MBL was analyzed radiographically over time and a long-term estimation of MBL was calculated. A mixed linear model with abutment height, graft, diameter and location (maxilla/mandible) as factors and gender, age, implant length and prosthetic variables as covariates was used to evaluate the influence on MBL. MBL in these patients showed an estimator of predictions at 4108 days after loading of −0.307 mm, SE = 0.042. Only 0.15% of implants were radiographically affected with MBL of 3 mm or more. The mixed linear model results showed a main effect of the type of opposing dentition, gender, implant diameter, and abutment height. Particularly, an abutment height of 1 mm had associated larger MBL than the remaining heights. Thus, it can be concluded that dental implants restored with fixed segmented full-arch rehabilitation in patients with a history of severe periodontal disease do not suffer important marginal bone loss if some specific factors are considered, mainly the use of long transmucosal abutments (≥2 mm).Junta de Andalucía CTS-138, CTS-176, CTS-102

    The perception of parents about the digital empowerment of family in hyperconnected households

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    In this article we disseminate the results of a qualitative research project aimed at studying the household as a multi-device communication setting in which both children and parents are involved in a digital environment where parents act as mediators in the use of digital services by minors. The methodology used was the so-called “discussion group” technique, that involved parents whose children attend school in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. The results show that these households are hyper-connected settings that offer early access and intense use of IT devices in which both parents and children have equal access to technology but use it in different ways. In these households, technology facilitates family cohesion as a result of the emergence of new forms of digital communication, and in which certain mediation occurs as parents take measures to control the use and exposure to technology by minors

    The influence of history of severe periodontitis on estimated long-term marginal bone loss around implants restored with fixed segmented full-arch rehabilitation

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the long-term marginal bone level (MBL) of implants supporting fixed full-arch restoration in patients who had previously lost their dentition due to severe periodontitis. This retrospective study included 35 patients in whom 342 implants with internal tapered conical connections were placed. MBL was analyzed radiographically over time and a long-term estimation of MBL was calculated. A mixed linear model with abutment height, graft, diameter and location (maxilla/mandible) as factors and gender, age, implant length and prosthetic variables as covariates was used to evaluate the influence on MBL. MBL in these patients showed an estimator of predictions at 4108 days after loading of −0.307 mm, SE = 0.042. Only 0.15% of implants were radiographically affected with MBL of 3 mm or more. The mixed linear model results showed a main effect of the type of opposing dentition, gender, implant diameter, and abutment height. Particularly, an abutment height of 1 mm had associated larger MBL than the remaining heights. Thus, it can be concluded that dental implants restored with fixed segmented full-arch rehabilitation in patients with a history of severe periodontal disease do not suffer important marginal bone loss if some specific factors are considered, mainly the use of long transmucosal abutments (≥2 mm).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analizando el empleo de las localizaciones de los usuarios de la Red Andaluza de Posicionamiento en la actualización cartográfica

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    La Base Cartográfica de Andalucía 1:10.000, generada por el Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía, emplea actualmente tiempos para su actualización vinculados con la periodicidad de los vuelos del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (3-4 años). Además, su actualización suele seguir un recorrido hoja a hoja. Lo que se presenta en esta comunicación es la validación del empleo de las localizaciones de los usuarios de la Red Andaluza de Posicionamiento (RAP), un sistema de correcciones regionales, para la identificación de obras. Se han realizado dos análisis, uno centrado en el crecimiento urbano y, un segundo vinculado a la identificación de las obras asociadas a los patrones lineales. El estudio en las zonas urbanas permitió ver que la red está presente en las grandes obras de urbanización y las destinadas a servicios o equipamientos. Respecto a las obras lineales, ha conseguido detectar, superando el 85%, nuevos trazados de carreteras, ferrocarriles o líneas eléctricas. Estas cifras muestran estas conexiones a la RAP como un dato a tener en cuenta para detectar zonas donde se producen los mayores cambios realizados por el hombre, con la gran ventaja de la posibilidad de identificarlos con antelación a su materialización o construcción

    Propuestas Tecnológicas de Autocorrección de ejercicios de modelado 3D

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    En la actualidad, existen varios procedimientos contrastados y algunas otras propuestas [1] para realizar la autoevaluación de ejercicios o exámenes de materias que se evalúan mediante ejercicios numéricos. Se comparan los valores intermedios o finales y se asigna una calificación automática de autoevaluación. Este procedimiento clásico de corrección por parte del profesor se puede ampliar [2]. La evaluación automática de los ejercicios basados en textos resulta más complicada porque, aunque la apariencia de ciertas palabras clave o sus sinónimos podría ofrecer un posible acercamiento a la evaluación mecánica de esos ejercicios, la dificultad en la evaluación de éstos reside en la interpretación de su significado [3]. En el caso de los ejercicios gráficos en 2D, que son típicos del dibujo técnico, el problema es muy diferente, ya que no hay cadenas alfanuméricas para comparar. Las similitudes entre las imágenes y la comparación de entidades primitivas (objetos vectoriales) pueden ser posibles formas de evaluación [4]. El problema resulta más complicado cuando queremos evaluar mecánicamente los modelos 3D. En este artículo se presenta una compilación de posibles procedimientos a utilizar en la generación de una herramienta de autoevaluación para ejercicios de modelización industrial de sólidos, es decir, de piezas mecánicas [5]. En estos casos, ciertos parámetros como los volúmenes, las superficies, los centros de gravedad o los momentos de inercia pueden ser una primera aproximación a sus correcciones [6]. Estas evaluaciones podrían continuar con el análisis de las operaciones constructivas que existen en la modelización del objeto, tales como piezas sólidas, vaciados, agujeros, roscados, etc., todas ellas incluidas en sus árboles de modelización o listas de operaciones. La generación de una utilidad que ayude a la corrección de los ejercicios de modelización 3D sería de gran interés, ya que aportaría eficacia y agilidad al proceso de evaluación, así como una mayor objetividad al utilizar un sistema informático que aísla los factores de similitud y aplica automáticamente reglas de evaluación mensurablesNowadays, there are several contrasted procedures and other proposals [1] for the self-assessment of exercises or exams of subjects which are evaluated using numerical exercises. Intermediate or final values are compared, and an automatic qualification of self-assessment is assigned. It is possible to extend this classic correction procedure by the teacher [2]. The automatic assessment of exercises based on texts is more complicated because the appearance of certain keywords or their synonyms could offer a possible approach as a mechanical assessment of those exercises. However, the difficulty in the assessment of these exercises is the interpretation of their meaning [3]. In the case of 2D graphic exercises, which are typical of technical drawing, the problem is very different, since there are no alphanumeric chains to compare. Similarities between images and the comparison of primitive entities (vector objects) may be possible ways for evaluation [4]. The problem is more complicated when we want to evaluate 3D models mechanically. This article presents a compilation of possible procedures to use in the generation of a self-assessment tool for industrial solid modelling exercises, that is, of mechanical parts [5]. In these cases, certain parameters such as volumes, surfaces, centres of gravity or moments of inertia can be a first approximation to their corrections [6]. These evaluations could continue with the analysis of the constructive operations that exist in the modelling of the object, such as solid parts, emptying, holes, threading, etc., all of them included in their modelling trees or lists of operations. The generation of a utility that helps in the correction of 3D modelling exercises would be of great interest, since it would bring effectiveness and agility to the evaluation process, as well as greater objectivity when using a computer system that isolates similarity factors and implements rules of measurable evaluation automaticall

    Supervivencia global en pacientes con cáncer gástrico avanzado o metastásico en los últimos 10 años en el Centro Médico Nacional «20 de noviembre del ISSSTE»

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa introducción de nuevos fármacos para el tratamiento de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico irresecable, recurrente o metastásico ha reportado un modesto incremento en la supervivencia libre de progresión (SLP) y la supervivencia global (SG).ObjetivoDeterminar el impacto de la aplicación de los nuevos esquemas de quimioterapia paliativa en la SG de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico del Centro Médico Nacional 20 de noviembre, ISSSTE.Material y métodosEstudio retrospectivo, descriptivo. Analizamos expedientes de pacientes con cáncer gástrico irresecable o metastásico, tratados con quimioterapia paliativa de enero de 2002 a diciembre de 2012 en el Centro Médico Nacional 20 de noviembre, ISSSTE. Se evaluó la SG, SLP y los esquemas de quimioterapia más frecuentemente utilizados. Se asignaron los casos a 2 cohortes de acuerdo a la fecha de inicio de la quimioterapia, conformando la cohorte A los pacientes tratados de enero de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2006 y la cohorte B de enero de 2007 a diciembre de 2012. Se estableció estos periodos dado que representaba el cambio en los esquemas de tratamiento utilizados; es decir; la introducción de esquemas que incluyen antraciclinas, oxaliplatino, capecitabina y docetaxel.ResultadosRevisamos los expedientes de 291 pacientes con cáncer gástrico; excluimos a 221 pacientes por estar en etapas tempranas (i, ii o iii) resecables, recibir tratamiento con quimioterapia fuera de la unidad o no ser candidatos a quimioterapia. Finalmente incluimos 70 casos con tratamiento de primera línea. La mediana de SG para pacientes de la cohorte A fue de 11.2 vs. 10.5 meses para los pacientes de la cohorte B. La mediana de SLP en primera línea de tratamiento fue 8.5 vs. 5.2 meses respectivamente. Ambos resultados sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa.ConclusiónEn nuestro centro, no hay impacto de los nuevos esquemas de tratamiento en SLP o SG. Un tamaño de muestra pequeño y el hecho de que pacientes con pobre estado funcional recibieran quimioterapia podrían ser factores que influyeron en los resultados del estudio, en el cual se observó una tendencia a favor de los nuevos esquemas de quimioterapia, pero sin demostrar significación estadística.AbstractBackgroundThe introduction of new drugs for the treatment of patients with advanced, recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer has resulted in a small benefit in overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS).ObjectiveTo determine the impact of new chemotherapy schedules on the OS of patients with advanced or metastic gastric cancer treated at the Centro Medico Nacional 20 de noviembre, ISSSTE.Material and methodologyRetrolective, descriptive study, the clinical files of patients with advanced, recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer treated with chemotherapy at the Centro Medico Nacional 20 de noviembre, ISSSTE, from january 2002 to december 2012, were analyzed. Chemotherapy schedules, OS and PFS were evaluated. Patients were assigned to two cohorts: those treated from january 2002 to december 2006 were included in cohort A and those treated from january 2007 to december 2012 in cohort B. These time periods were determined based on the years when newer chemotherapy agents (anthracyclines, oxaliplatin, capecitabine and docetaxel) were introduced in our institution.Results291 clinical files were analyzed; 221 patients were excluded for they had clinical stage I, II or resectable III disease, started first line chemotherapy as outpatients of our institution or were not candidates for chemotherapy. 70 cases treated with first line chemotherapy were included. OS for patients in cohort A was 11.2 months vs 10.5 months for patients in cohort B. PFS was 8.5 months vs 5.2, respectively. There was no statistical difference in either comparison.ConclusionThere was no impact of the introduction of newer chemotherapy agents in OS or PFS in patients treated in our institution. A small sample size and the fact that patients with poor performance status received chemotherapy could have had influenced the results of our study, in which tendency towards a better outcome for patients treated with newer chemotherapy schemes was observed, although a statistically significant benefit was not proven

    Predictive Model and Mortality Risk Score during Admission for Ischaemic Stroke with Conservative Treatment

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    This work was supported by the "Fundacion Progreso y Salud", in the context of FPS 2020-R&I projects in Primary Care, Regional hospitals and CHARES. Grant number AP-0013-2020-C1-F1 and the APC was funded by the same.Background: Stroke is the second cause of mortality worldwide and the first in women. The aim of this study is to develop a predictive model to estimate the risk of mortality in the admission of patients who have not received reperfusion treatment. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted of a clinical–administrative database, reflecting all cases of non-reperfused ischaemic stroke admitted to Spanish hospitals during the period 2008–2012. A predictive model based on logistic regression was developed on a training cohort and later validated by the “hold-out” method. Complementary machine learning techniques were also explored. Results: The resulting model had the following nine variables, all readily obtainable during initial care. Age (OR 1.069), female sex (OR 1.202), readmission (OR 2.008), hypertension (OR 0.726), diabetes (OR 1.105), atrial fibrillation (OR 1.537), dyslipidaemia (0.638), heart failure (OR 1.518) and neurological symptoms suggestive of posterior fossa involvement (OR 2.639). The predictability was moderate (AUC 0.742, 95% CI: 0.737–0.747), with good visual calibration; Pearson’s chi-square test revealed non-significant calibration. An easily consulted risk score was prepared. Conclusions: It is possible to create a predictive model of mortality for patients with ischaemic stroke from which important advances can be made towards optimising the quality and efficiency of care. The model results are available within a few minutes of admission and would provide a valuable complementary resource for the neurologist.Fundacion Progreso y Salud AP-0013-2020-C1-F

    Dietary Debaryomyces hansenii promotes skin and skin mucus defensive capacities in a marine fish model

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    The present study explores the effects of two supplementation levels of Debaryomyces hansenii (1.1% and 2.2%) as a probiotic in a reference low fish meal-based diet on the skin mucosal tissue in Sparus aurata. This study includes the evaluation of fish performance coupled with a holistic study of the skin mucosa: i) a transcriptomic study of the skin tissue, and ii) the evaluation of its secreted mucus both in terms of skin mucosal-associated biomarkers and its defensive capacity by means of co-culture analysis with two pathogenic bacteria. Results showed that after 70 days of diet administration, fish fed the diet supplemented with D. hansenii at 1.1% presented increased somatic growth and a better feed conversion ratio, compared to fish fed the control diet. In contrast, fish fed the diet including 2.2% of the probiotic presented intermediate values. Regarding gene regulation, the probiotic administration at 1.1% resulted in 712 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), among which 53.4% and 46.6% were up- and down-regulated, respectively. In particular, D. hansenii modulated some skin biological processes related to immunity and metabolism. Specifically, D. hansenii administration induced a strong modulation of some immune biological-related processes (61 DEGs), mainly involved in B- and T-cell regulatory pathways. Furthermore, dietary D. hansenii promoted the skin barrier function by the upregulation of anchoring junction genes (23 DEGs), which reinforces the physical defense against potential skin damage. In contrast, the skin showed modulated genes related to extracellular exosome and membrane organization (50 DEGs). This modulated functioning is of great interest, particularly in relation to the increased skin mucus defensive capacity observed in the bacterial co-culture in vitro trials, which could be related to the increased modulation and exudation of the innate immune components from the skin cells into the mucus. In summary, the modulation of innate immune parameters coupled with increased skin barrier function and cell trafficking potentiates the skin's physical barrier and mucus defensive capacity, while maintaining the skin mucosa's homeostatic immune and metabolic status. These findings confirmed the advantages of D. hansenii supplementation in low fish meal-based diets, demonstrating the probiotic benefits on cultured marine species