222 research outputs found

    A New SJ* Value Based on Sievers' J-Miniature Drill Tests to Determine the Drillability of Limestones

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    [EN] This research presents a new drillability value (SJ*) that corrects the most-used Sievers¿ J-value (SJ) by removing the accommodation effect of the drill bit in the first tenths of a millimetre to better represent the real drillability of limestones. Moreover, this research demonstrates how such an effect is more notable when porosity and micro-cracking increase, which in this study has been achieved by inducing thermal damage in the samples. To do so, limestone samples from the Prada formation were subjected to temperatures of 105, 300 and 600 °C and then cooled at fast and slow rates to induce porosity and micro-cracking. Two characteristic zones were identified in the penetration¿time plots: (a) a shallow region (Zone 1) with a variable drilling rate including an initial peak and (b) a deeper region (Zone 2) where the drilling rate stabilises. These drilling rates increase with thermally induced porosity and mi-cro-cracking, and the authors propose a new method to delimit Zones 1 and 2. Zone 1 is attributed to the time it takes for the drill bit to adjust and settle in the rock surface, while Zone 2 more realistically represents the drillability of the material. The above influ-ences the SJ value derived from Sievers¿ J-miniature drill tests, so a new drillability value SJ* is proposed that corrects SJ by ex-cluding Zone 1 and giving more weight to Zone 2. The novel SJ* presented in this research constitutes a more accurate tool to assess and predict the drilling performance in limestones.This research received no external funding. The author, Roberto Tomas, is supported by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital within the framework of the CIAICO/2021/335 project.Martínez Ibáñez, V.; Garrido De La Torre, ME.; Hidalgo Signes, C.; Tomás, R.; Álvarez-Fernández, M. (2023). A New SJ* Value Based on Sievers' J-Miniature Drill Tests to Determine the Drillability of Limestones. Sustainability. 16(1):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1601000811716

    Religious tourism in Los Altos de Jalisco and Andalucía: comparison of the supply and demand between two Marian sanctuaries

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    En los últimos años se asiste a un redescubrimiento turístico de lugares y eventos de carácter religioso y espiritual, generando una nueva modalidad de turismo, el religioso, siendo esta una opción estratégica de desarrollo económico sostenible de las zonas donde se ubican los centros de peregrinación. Los Altos de Jalisco en México, es una Región ubicada al centro occidente del país que cuenta con un importante flujo de turistas con motivo del peregrinaje religioso que miles de personas realizan cada año para visitar el segundo Santuario Mariano más visitado de México, el de la Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos, así como varios otros dedicados a los mártires de la Guerra Cristera, canonizados por la Iglesia Católica en el año 2000. En este estudio se pretende hacer una comparativa a partir de la experiencia española en la creación de productos turísticos y determinar cuáles son los elementos que existen en Los Altos de Jalisco, para la creación de una Ruta Religiosa de características similares a las que actualmente se ofertan en la Península Ibérica, especialmente en Andalucía.In recent years there has been a touristic rediscovery of religious and spiritual places and events, creating a new kind of tourism, the religious, this being a strategic option for sustainable economic growth on the areas where pilgrimage centers are located. Los Altos de Jalisco in Mexico, it a Region located in the west central part of the country and has an important influx of tourists on religious pilgrimages. Every year thousands of people come to the second most popular Marian Sanctuary in Mexico, the Sanctuary of The Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, and to several other sanctuaries dedicated to the martyrs of the Cristera War, canonized by the Catholic Church in the year 2000. This research will make a comparison between the Spanish way of creating tourist interests and determine which elements exists in Los Altos de Jalisco for creating a Religious Route with similar characteristics to those that are found today on the Iberian Peninsula, especially in Andalucía

    Change in Nasal Airflow, Associated with the Treatment of Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Children with Maxillary Compression

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    Purpose: To determine the change of nasal airflow (ANF) in children with maxillary compression after performing rapid expansion treatment. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 30 patients who attended the Orthodontics Postgraduate Program of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL). They underwent clinical history, study models, lateral cephalogram and orthopantomography. Those who presented maxillary compression were referred to the Regional Center of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CRAIC) of the University Hospital, UANL., Where a rhinomanometry (T1) was performed to know the values of nasal airflow (NAD) and nasal resistance (RN). before starting the maxillary expansion treatment (ERM). ERM was performed with a Hyrax type expansion screw. Three subsequent registrations were performed with rhinomanometry, the first was one month after starting the ERM (T2), the second to the third month (T3) and the third to the ninth month (T4). Changes in the nasal airflow were compared after of the maxillary rapid expansion, with the student’s t test, with p≤0.05, for related samples. Results: The values of the FAN increased as the measurements were made, on the other hand, the RN decreased progressively. The results were not statistically significant from one time to another. We did not find a statistically significant difference in relation to gender, nor to the present symptomatology. The group of 9 to 10 years was especially favored in relation to the two groups of greater age. Conclusion: The treatment of MRS is an effective treatment to relieve maxillary compression, helps improve nasal capacity, increasing FAN and decreasing the NR; however, it is not recommended in order to improve nasal permeability exclusively

    Design of a low-cost equipment for optical hyperthermia

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    [EN] A laser equipment is presented which has been specifically designed for optical hyperthermia. Such specificity in the design has allowed implementation at costs significantly lower than other options currently available in the market. The developed equipment includes a 808 nm laser whose output power is up to 500 mW. It also incorporates additional devices that help the user in calibrating the system and supervising it while functioning. The performance of a prototype is tested by running two hyperthermia experiments: one involving gold nanorods, and the other using gold nanostars. The specific set-up of this prototype has allowed laser irradiation with radiated power densities up to 4W/cm(2). (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been carried out in the context of project "Development of electronic devices and equipment for detection and actuation based on new electronic technologies. Applications in the field of biomedicine" (grant number: MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R) and in coordination with project number MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R, both of them financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness in the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2013-2016. Financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/047) and from the UPV (Erasmus Mundus EuroInkaNet project, 2013 call) are gratefully acknowledged too.Montes-Robles, R.; Hernández-Montoto, A.; Ibáñez Civera, FJ.; Masot Peris, R.; De La Torre-Paredes, C.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Garcia-Breijo, E.... (2017). Design of a low-cost equipment for optical hyperthermia. Sensors and Actuators A Physical. 255:61-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2016.12.018S617025

    1,3-diphenylpropan-1-ones as allosteric modulators of α7 nACh receptors with analgesic and antioxidant properties

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    Nicotine acethylcholine receptors (nAChRs) play critical roles in cognitive processes, neuroprotection and inflammation. Results: According to their substituents, 1,3-diphenylpropan-1-one derivatives act as α7 nAChRs negative allosteric modulators (NAM, OMe) or Type I positive allosteric modulators (PAMs, OH). Compounds 7 and 31 were the most effective (989 and 666% enhancement of ACh-induced currents) and potent (EC: 12.9 and 6.85 μM) PAMs. They exhibited strong radical scavenging values. Compound 31, selective over other neuronal nAChR subtypes and with acceptable pharmacokinetic profile, showed antinociceptive effects in a model of inflammatory pain. Conclusion: Compound 31 is a novel, potent and selective α7 nAChR PAM, displaying antioxidant and analgesic activities. The 1,3-diphenylpropan-1-one scaffold could be the base toward more advanced type I PAMs for the treatment of nAChR-mediated diseases.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO: CSD2008-00005, The Spanish Ion Channel Initiative-CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010, SAF2011-22802 and BFU2012-39092-C02. The Instituto de Neurociencias is a “Centre of Excellence Severo Ochoa”. We thank Susana Cámara Garrido for her assistance in the synthesis of some starting compounds and Susana Gerber for technical assistance. BBP thanks the CSIC for a predoctoral fellowship (JAE-Predoc from Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios, co-financed by FSE). Alpha7 nAChRPeer Reviewe

    Péptidos bloqueantes de termoreceptores y sus usos

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    La invención se relaciona con péptidos helicoidales capaces de modular la activación de canales termosensoriales y con sus aplicaciones. Más concretamente, la invención se relaciona con péptidos con capacidad de bloquear la activación de los canales TRPV1 y TRPVA por parte de sus ligandos, con composiciones farmacéuticas que comprenden dichos péptidos y con el uso de dichos péptidos y dichas composiciones farmacéuticas para el tratamiento de dolor, inflamación, prurito, enfermedades de las vías respiratorias, enfermedades de la piel, mucosa y/o uñas y desórdenes asociados con desequilibrios del calcio.Peer reviewedUniversidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasR Informe sobre el estado de la técnica publicado separadament

    Generation of Molecular Diversity from Amino Acids. A Source for the Discovery of New TRP Channel Modulators

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    Trabajo presentado en el IV RECI: New Horizons in Ion Channel Research, celebrado en Cuenca (España) del 12 al 13 de febrero de 2013.Ion channels are central and challenging targets in medicinal chemistry but, because of the scarce structural knowledge, rational approaches to ion channel modulators are still rare. Moreover, the multimodal activation of some channels, like TRPs, complicates still more the scenario for rational discovery programs. Due to these facts, most strategies directed to identify ion channel modulators rely on the screening of peptide and small-molecule libraries. In this context, we have been involved in the development of synthetic pathways for the generation of diverse, chiral, highly functionalized linear and heterocyclic scaffolds from amino acids, and in the production of discrete libraries from them. The screening of these libraries on different TRP channels has allowed the discovery of some innovative hits that have progressed to hit-to-lead optimization programs. This communication will deal with the synthesis, structural characterization, and biological evaluation of a collection of β,γ–diaminoester derivatives that display significant activity at TRPV1, TRPM8 and TRPA1 channels. Compound RGM04-7, a selective.Supported by MICINN grants: Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (CSD2008-00005 and CSD2006-00015), SAF2009-09323 and BFU2009-08346, and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2010/046)

    Precocidad y productividad según número de ramas por planta en tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) injertado y sin injertar

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    El tomate sin injertar se conduce normalmente a un tallo, aunque existen antecedentes de buenas respuestas productivas con conducción a dos ramas. Las plantas injertadas, por su vigor, pueden sostener más fácilmente la conducción a más tallos; reduciéndose la densidad de plantación, y consecuentemente, los costos de implantación, condición favorable dado el mayor precio de los plantines injertados. Sin embargo, en plantas injertadas puede producirse un retraso en las fases reproductivas, repercutiendo en la precocidad, mientras que a mayor número de ramas, el aumento en cantidad de frutos formados puede generar competencia y reducción de su tamaño. En tomate, la producción puede ser modificada por el cultivar, la práctica del injerto, el portainjerto y el número de ramas por planta. Sin embargo, en general, el planteo de los trabajos no permite diferenciar respuestas atribuibles al uso de injertos, la forma de conducción o a la interacción de estos factores. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo estudiar el efecto del injerto y número de ramas por planta sobre la precocidad y productividad en tomate.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Blood culture-negative infective endocarditis: a worse outcome? Results from a large multicentre retrospective Spanish cohort study

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    [Background] To assess the impact of blood cultures negative infective endocarditis (BCNIE) on in-hospital mortality.[Methods] Prospective multicentre study with retrospective analysis of a Spanish cohort including adult patients with definite IE. Cardiac implantable devices infection were excluded. Comparisons between blood cultures positive and BCNIE groups were performed to analyse in-hospital mortality.[Results] 1001 cases were included of which 83 (8.3%) had BCNIE. Alternative microbiological diagnosis was achieved for 39 (47%) out 83 cases. The most frequent identifications were: Coxiella burnetii (11; 28.2%), Tropheryma whipplei (4; 10.3%), Streptococcus gallolyticus (4;10.3%) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (3; 7.7%). Surgery was performed more frequently in BCNIE group (57.8 vs. 36.9%, p < .001). All-cause in-hospital mortality rate was 26.7% without statistical difference between compared groups. BCNIE was not associated to worse mortality rate in Cox regression model (aHR = 1.37, 95% CI 0.90–2.07, p = .14). Absence of microbiological diagnosis was also not associated to worse in-hospital prognosis (aHR = 1.62, 95% CI 0.99–2.64, p = .06).[Conclusions] In our cohort, BCNIE was not associated to greater in-hospital mortality based in multivariate Cox regression models. The variables most frequently associated with mortality were indicated but not performed surgery (aHR = 2.48, 95% CI 1.73–3.56, p < .001), septic shock (aHR = 2.24, 95% CI 1.68–2.99, p < .001), age over 65 years (aHR = 1.88, 95% CI 1.40-2.52, p < .001) and complicated endocarditis (aHR = 1.79, 95% CI 1.36–2.37, p < .001).Peer reviewe

    Relación de compresión maxilar y rinitis alérgica en niños

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    Relacionar la compresión maxilar en niños con rinitis alérgica del Centro Regional de Alergias e Inmunología Clínica (C.R.A.I.C) del Hospital Universitario, U.A.N.L. Métodos: A pacientes con diagnóstico de Rinitis Alérgica (RA), se les tomaron modelos de estudio de la arcada superior dental, mediante el Índice de Pont se verificó la presencia de compresión maxilar, se relacionaron las variables con X2 y correlación de Pearson para obtener el grado de dependencia y asociación ABSTRACT Relate the maxilla compression in kids with allergic rhinitis in C.R.A.I.C Hospital Universitario U.A.N.L. Materials and Methods: Patients diagnosed with Allergic rhinitis (RA) underwent medical records, study models of superior dental arch, by Pont classification we verify the presence of maxillary compression, relate variables with X2 and Pearson to obtain a dependence degree and associate with p=0.05