71 research outputs found

    Los recursos estilísticos en la traducción audiovisual de productos de animación. El caso de los juegos de palabras y las personificaciones en Bojack Horseman

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Investigació en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: SBK013. Curs acadèmic 2019/2020La cuestión de la traducibilidad de los juegos de palabras es una constante en los estudios de traducción. Supone un tema de interés dada la dificultad que entrañan debido a que un juego de palabras contiene varios significados y es necesario recogerlos todos en la traducción. Todo ello además se complica si tenemos en cuenta que en la traducción audiovisual la imagen ejerce una gran influencia. Así, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo comprobar qué técnicas de traducción se han empleado en la serie de animación Bojack Horseman para traducir los numerosos juegos de palabras basados en animales y personificaciones que aparecen en ella y dilucidar si existe una pérdida, preservación o ganancia de recursos estilísticos con respecto a la versión original. Para ello elaboraremos un corpus que recoja estos recursos, las técnicas de traducción empleadas y las restricciones que operan en cada caso, lo cual nos ayudará a determinar en qué medida las traducciones son fieles al original y cómo se relacionan las restricciones con las técnicas de traducción

    Valoración de salud en personas privadas de la libertad en una cárcel de Ecuador

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    Las personas privadas de la libertad están sometidas a varias condiciones que puedan afectar su salud, por lo que este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar la valoración de salud de las personas privadas de la libertad (PPL) en el Centro de Rehabilitación Social Ambato provincia Tungurahua, Ecuador (CRSA). Se utilizó una muestra de 150 adultos y 50 adultos mayores PPL, a los que se les realizó la valoración de salud en parámetros nutricionales, signos vitales y psicológicos. Según los datos, la distribución de los 200 PPL adultos y adultos mayores por sexo, es de 72% son hombres y el 28% corresponde a mujeres. En adultos el grado de IMC, predomina el sobrepeso más en mujeres (43.8%) que en hombres (31.5%). En adultos mayores se observa que el sobrepeso es mayor en mujeres (57.14%) que en hombres (22.22%) y que el grado de desnutrición incide más en hombres (33.33) que en mujeres (0%). En el examen físico y signos vitales se mostró que casi la totalidad está dentro de parámetros normales, ya que los prisioneros analizados no tenían signo ni síntomas de enfermedad aparente. Con respecto a la depresión es más incidente en mujeres (66.66%) que en hombres (56.76%). En adultos mayores se observa que la depresión se hace más incidente, y en relación al sexo es mayor en hombres (75%) que en mujeres (64.29%). Se realizó la valoración de salud de las personas privadas de la libertad donde resalta que los entornos de las prisiones a menudo están relacionados con los riesgos para la salud, destacando principalmente los problemas de malnutrición y de salud mental relacionados con la depresión

    SILAC-based phosphoproteomics reveals new PP2A-Cdc55-regulated processes in budding

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    Background: Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a family of conserved serine/threonine phosphatases involved in several essential aspects of cell growth and proliferation. PP2A(Cdc55) phosphatase has been extensively related to cell cycle events in budding yeast; however, few PP2A(Cdc55) substrates have been identified. Here, we performed a quantitative mass spectrometry approach to reveal new substrates of PP2A(Cdc55) phosphatase and new PP2A-related processes in mitotic arrested cells. Results: We identified 62 statistically significant PP2A(Cdc55) substrates involved mainly in actin-cytoskeleton organization. In addition, we validated new PP2A(Cdc55) substrates such as Slk19 and Lte1, involved in early and late anaphase pathways, and Zeo1, a component of the cell wall integrity pathway. Finally, we constructed docking models of Cdc55 and its substrate Mob1. We found that the predominant interface on Cdc55 is mediated by a protruding loop consisting of residues 84-90, thus highlighting the relevance of these aminoacids for substrate interaction. Conclusions: We used phosphoproteomics of Cdc55-deficient cells to uncover new PP2A(Cdc55) substrates and functions in mitosis. As expected, several hyperphosphorylated proteins corresponded to Cdk1-dependent substrates, although other kinases' consensus motifs were also enriched in our dataset, suggesting that PP2A(Cdc55) counteracts and regulates other kinases distinct from Cdk1. Indeed, Pkc1 emerged as a novel node of PP2A(Cdc55) regulation, highlighting a major role of PP2A(Cdc55) in actin cytoskeleton and cytokinesis, gene ontology terms significantly enriched in the PP2A(Cdc55)-dependent phosphoproteome

    Sphingolipid desaturase DEGS1 is essential for mitochondria-associated membrane integrity

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    Sphingolipids function as membrane constituents and signaling molecules, with crucial roles in human diseases, from neurodevelopmental disorders to cancer, best exemplified in the inborn errors of sphingolipid metabolism in lysosomes. The dihydroceramide desaturase Delta 4-dihydroceramide desaturase 1 (DEGS1) acts in the last step of a sector of the sphingolipid pathway, de novo ceramide biosynthesis. Defects in DEGS1 cause the recently described hypomyelinating leukodystrophy-18 (HLD18) (OMIM #618404). Here, we reveal that DEGS1 is a mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane-resident (MAM-resident) enzyme, refining previous reports locating DEGS1 at the endoplasmic reticulum only. Using patient fibroblasts, multiomics, and enzymatic assays, we show that DEGS1 deficiency disrupts the main core functions of the MAM: (a) mitochondrial dynamics, with a hyperfused mitochondrial network associated with decreased activation of dynamin-related protein 1; (b) cholesterol metabolism, with impaired sterol O-acyltransferase activity and decreased cholesteryl esters; (c) phospholipid metabolism, with increased phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine and decreased phosphatidylethanolamine; and (d) biogenesis of lipid droplets, with increased size and numbers. Moreover, we detected increased mitochondrial superoxide species production in fibroblasts and mitochondrial respiration impairment in patient muscle biopsy tissues. Our findings shed light on the pathophysiology of HLD18 and broaden our understanding of the role of sphingolipid metabolism in MAM function

    Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG): not only tau phosphorylation in astrocytes

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    Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG) is defined by the presence of two types of tau-bearing astrocytes: thorn-shaped astrocytes (TSAs) and granular/fuzzy astrocytes in the brain of old-aged individuals. The present study is focused on TSAs in rare forms of ARTAG with no neuronal tau pathology or restricted to entorhinal and transentorhinal cortices, to avoid bias from associated tauopathies. TSAs show 4Rtau phosphorylation at several specific sites and abnormal tau conformation, but they lack ubiquitin and they are not immunostained with tau-C3 antibodies which recognize truncated tau at Asp421. Astrocytes in ARTAG have atrophic processes, reduced glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and increased superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) immunoreactivity. Gel electrophoresis and western blotting of sarkosyl-insoluble fractions reveal a pattern of phospho-tau in ARTAG characterized by two bands of 68 and 64 kDa, and several middle bands between 35 and 50 kDa which differ from what is seen in AD. Phosphoproteomics of dissected vulnerable regions identifies an increase of phosphorylation marks in a large number of proteins in ARTAG compared with controls. GFAP, aquaporin 4, several serine-threonine kinases, microtubule associated proteins and other neuronal proteins are among the differentially phosphorylated proteins in ARTAG thus suggesting a hyper-phosphorylation background that affects several molecules, including many kinases and proteins from several cell compartments and various cell types. Finally, present results show for the first time that tau seeding is produced in neurons of the hippocampal complex, astrocytes, oligodendroglia and along fibers of the corpus callosum, fimbria and fornix following inoculation into the hippocampus of wild type mice of sarkosyl-insoluble fractions enriched in hyper-phosphorylated tau from selected ARTAG cases. These findings show astrocytes as crucial players of tau seeding in tauopathies

    Higher versus lower nut consumption and changes in cognitive performance over two years in a population at risk of cognitive decline: a cohort study

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    Background: Tree nuts and peanuts (henceforth, nuts) are nutrient-dense foods rich in neuroprotective components; thus, their consumption could benefit cognitive health. However, evidence to date is limited and inconsistent regarding the potential benefits of nuts for cognitive function. Objective: To prospectively evaluate the association between nut consumption and 2-y changes in cognitive performance in older adults at cognitive decline risk. Methods: A total of 6,630 participants aged 55 to 75 y (mean age 65.0±4.9 y, 48.4% women) with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome completed a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests at baseline and a 2-y follow-up. Composite cognitive scores were used to assess global, general, attention, and executive function domains. Nut consumption was categorized as Results: Nut consumption was positively associated with 2-y changes in general cognitive function (P-trend Conclusion: Frequent nut consumption was associated with a smaller decline in general cognitive performance over 2 y in older adults at risk of cognitive decline. Randomized clinical trials to verify our findings are warranted

    Epigenetic loss of RNA‑methyltransferase NSUN5 in glioma targets ribosomes to drive stress adaptive translational program

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    Tumors have aberrant proteomes that often do not match their corresponding transcriptome profiles. One possible cause of this discrepancy is the existence of aberrant RNA modification landscapes in the so-called epitranscriptome. Here, we report that human glioma cells undergo DNA methylation-associated epigenetic silencing of NSUN5, a candidate RNA methyltransferase for 5-methylcytosine. In this setting, NSUN5 exhibits tumor-suppressor characteristics in vivo glioma models. We also found that NSUN5 loss generates an unmethylated status at the C3782 position of 28S rRNA that drives an overall depletion of protein synthesis, and leads to the emergence of an adaptive translational program for survival under conditions of cellular stress. Interestingly, NSUN5 epigenetic inactivation also renders these gliomas sensitive to bioactivatable substrates of the stress-related enzyme NQO1. Most importantly, NSUN5 epigenetic inactivation is a hallmark of glioma patients with long-term survival for this otherwise devastating disease

    Mediterranean, DASH, and MIND Dietary Patterns and Cognitive Function: The 2-Year Longitudinal Changes in an Older Spanish Cohort

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    Background and Aims: Plant-forward dietary patterns have been associated with cardiometabolic health benefits, which, in turn, have been related to cognitive performance with inconsistent findings. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between baseline adherence to three a priori dietary patterns (Mediterranean, DASH, and MIND diets) with 2-year changes in cognitive performance in older adults with overweight or obesity and high cardiovascular disease risk. Methods: A prospective cohort analysis was conducted within the PREDIMED-Plus trial, involving 6,647 men and women aged 55-75 years with overweight or obesity and metabolic syndrome. Using a validated, semiquantitative 143-item food frequency questionnaire completed at baseline, the dietary pattern adherence scores were calculated. An extensive neuropsychological test battery was administered at baseline and 2-year follow-up. Multivariable-adjusted linear regression models were used to assess associations between 2-year changes in cognitive function z-scores across tertiles of baseline adherence to the a priori dietary patterns. Results: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet at baseline was associated with 2-year changes in the general cognitive screening Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE, β: 0.070; 95% CI: 0.014, 0.175, P-trend = 0.011), and two executive function-related assessments: the Trail Making Tests Part A (TMT-A, β: −0.054; 95% CI: −0.110, − 0.002, P-trend = 0.047) and Part B (TMT-B, β: −0.079; 95% CI: −0.134, −0.024, P-trend = 0.004). Adherence to the MIND diet was associated with the backward recall Digit Span Test assessment of working memory (DST-B, β: 0.058; 95% CI: 0.002, 0.114, P-trend = 0.045). However, higher adherence to the DASH dietary pattern was not associated with better cognitive function over a period of 2 years. Conclusion: In older Spanish individuals with overweight or obesity and at high cardiovascular disease risk, higher baseline adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern may be associated with better cognitive performance than lower adherence over a period of 2 years