64 research outputs found

    On the reversed hazard rate of sequential order statistics

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    Sequential order statistics can be used to describe the lifetime of a system with n components which works as long as k components function assuming that failures possibly affect the lifetimes of remaining units. In this work, the reversed hazard rates of sequential order statistics are examined. Conditions for the reversed hazard rate ordering and the decreasing reversed hazard rate property of sequential order statistics are given

    Alexitimia e toxicodependência : contributos para o estudo de processos emocionais, da regulação afectiva e das interacções parentais precoces em indivíduos toxicodependentes

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    Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Desenvolvimento Humano), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2013A literatura tem pontuado ao longo de várias décadas a existência de perturbações da regulação das emoções e do afecto, em geral, nos indivíduos toxicodependentes. Numa discussão inacabada em torno da etiologia de tais dificuldades, as formulações subjacentes a diferentes modelos têm variado entre paradigmas de causalidade psicossocial, de tipo desenvolvimentista, situando predominantemente o défice em padrões sócio-emocionais precoces de fraco apoio afectivo e rejeição; e outras, que fundamentam os défices comportamentais e cognitivo-experienciais a nível emocional em paradigmas marcadamente neurobiológicos, tomando-os como consequências estritas do uso continuado de substâncias com potente reforço a nível central e promotor de efeitos de neuroplasticidade determinantes do percurso da toxicodependência. Na procura de um modelo compreensivo integrador, desenvolveu-se um estudo transversal comparativo de avaliação de défices na identificação, expressão e experiência emocionais, padrões relacionais percebidos num contexto de vinculação precoce com as figuras parentais e níveis de reactividade psicofisiológica face a estímulos emocionais. Os grupos em estudo (99 toxicodependentes integrados em programa de substituição opiácea; 43 controlos), homogéneos ao nível da idade, sexo e sem a presença de défice cognitivo, foram avaliados em duas sessões com recurso a medidas psicológicas e psicofisiológicas validadas. Neste âmbito foi desenvolvida a versão portuguesa da Escala de Níveis de Consciência Emocional (LEAS) para o estudo científico da consciência emocional, com qualidades psicométricas bastante adequadas. Os sujeitos foram entrevistados e avaliados com recurso às seguintes medidas: Exame do Estado Mental, Escala de Memórias da Infância, Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto, a LEAS, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, Escala de auto-avaliação de Maniquin e Teste de Nomeação de Emoções do Sistema CATS. A avaliação psicofisiológica decorreu com recurso ao Dispositivo BioPLUX para investigação e a imagens do Sistema IAPS. Os resultados para o grupo de toxicodependentes revelaram valores significativamente superiores de alexitimia e de reactividade cardiovascular face a estimulos emocionais, bem como valores significativamente inferiores de suporte emocional materno percebido durante a infância e adolescência, de consciência emocional e no reconhecimento de emoções a partir de expressões faciais. A estatística inferencial aponta para que as dificuldades no contacto com os estados emocionais denunciadas pelo grupo clínico correspondam a um fenómeno de natureza bidimensional. O padrão alexitímico encontrado parece ser determinado por relatos de rejeição parental precoce, sendo moderado por níveis de ansiedade na dimensão paterna. A alexitimia correlacionou-se fortemente com parâmetros de reactividade psicológica e fisiológica periférica face a estímulos emocionais, quer com uma menor reactividade electrodérmica, quer com apreciações menos finas da valência dos estímulos. Os níveis de consciência emocional encontrados, sendo compatíveis com os níveis mais elevados de alexitimia, não se associaram estatísticamente a esses, à presença de afecto negativo ou aos parâmetros fisiológicos de reactividade. Associaram-se contudo a variáveis do percurso de consumos e tratamento (idade do primeiro consumo, anos de consumos, dose de metadona prescrita) e a défices de reconhecimento de emoções a partir de expressões faciais. O modelo de equações estruturais desenvolvido parece evocar essa bidimensionalidade na perturbação nos processos emocionais dos toxicodependentes, de acordo com as variáveis descritas. Discutem-se as implicações dos resultados para um modelo integrador de compreensão dos défices emocionais nas toxicodependências e para uma perspectiva de tratamento.The literature has emphasized throughout the decades the presence of emotional regulation and affect regulation deficits, in general, among substance dependents. In an ongoing discussion about the etiology of those difficulties, different theoretical models have formulated considerations varying between paradigms of psychosocial causality with a developmental perspective, in which the deficit results from early interaction patterns of low emotional support and rejection; and others through markedly neurobiologically determined paradigms, sustaining that disturbed behavioral and cognitive dimensions of emotional functioning result strictly from the long-term use of drugs, which promotes a strong impact on the central nervous system and neuroplasticity effects which determine the drug addiction pathway. Towards a comprehensive and integrative model, a comparative cross-sectional study was carried out in order to assess deficits on emotional identification, expression and experience, perceived parental rearing interactions occurred in an early attachment context and psychophysiological reactivity levels when faced with emotional stimuli. The studied groups (99 drug addicted outpatients from opioid substitution programs; 43 controls), homogenous in age, gender and without cognitive deficit, were assessed in two sessions with well-validated psychological and psychophysiological measures. In this context the Portuguese version of The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS) was developed, allowing for the scientific study of emotional awareness and showing very adequate psychometric properties. Subjects were interviewed and assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination, the Inventory for Assessing Memories of Parental Rearing Behaviour, the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the LEAS, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Self-Assessment Maniquin and the CATS nominating emotions test. Psycophysiological assessment was provided by a BioPLUX research device and IAPS pictures. The drug dependents group showed significantly higher levels of alexithymia and cardiovascular reactivity in contact with emotional stimuli; and significantly lower levels of perceived emotional support from the mother in their childhood and adolescence, emotional awareness and abilities in recognizing facially expressed emotions. The inferential statistics suggested that difficulties to assess with the inner emotional states in this clinical group correspond to a two-dimensional phenomenon. The alexithymic pattern seems to be determined by self-reported early parental rejection, in which the paternal dimension is moderated by anxiety. Alexithymia correlated strongly with psychological and autonomic parameters of reactivity to emotional stimuli, with both less accurate reports of emotional valence and less electrodermal activity. The levels of emotional awareness were compatible with the higher levels of alexithymia but did not relate to them, as well as the presence of negative affect and physiological reactivity parameters. Nevertheless they were associated with drug use and treatment variables (onset age of drug use, years of drug use, prescribed methadone dose) and deficits in recognizing facially expressed emotions. A structural equations model was carried, suggesting this two-dimensionality in characterizing disturbed emotional processes in opiate dependents, taking into account the studied variables. Implications for an eclectic and comprehensive model of emotional deficits in drug addiction and for a treatment perspective are discussed.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH/BD/46902/2008, SFRH/BD/82451/2011

    Dolor y Modalidades Físicas: un Nuevo Paradigma en Fisioterapia

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    Las modalidades físicas son todas aquellas herramientas que posee el fisioterapeuta para intervenir con fines curativos; sin embargo, el aumento de las publicaciones científicas ha llevado a una necesidad de conocer la efectividad de estas modalidades en relación al tratamiento del dolor. El objetivo de esta revisión fue entregar al lector conocimientos actualizados,  referenciados y evidenciados sobre el dolor y la aplicación clínica de las modalidades físicas para su tratamiento. Se realizó una búsqueda de la mejor evidencia disponible, para intentar responder la pregunta de investigación, la cual se sustenta en el paradigma que trae consigo la aplicación de las modalidades físicas más utilizadas (Crioterapia y Termoterapia, Ultrasonido Terapéutico, Laserterapia y Electroterapia). Hasta ahora el número de ensayos clínicos y revisiones sistemáticas que avalan el uso de las modalidades físicas para el manejo del dolor es muy limitado, sumado a la baja calidad metodológica de los ensayos disponibles. Muchos de los sustentos del uso de las modalidades físicas vienen acompañados de difusos fundamentos fisiológicos y sustento científico con demostraciones in vitro, más no in vivo. A esto se le suma una limitada cantidad de información  sobre los parámetros que se aplican para el manejo del dolor por lo cual no es posible establecer conclusiones sobre la recomendación de la aplicación clínica de todas las modalidades físicas analizadas para el manejo del dolor

    Jogo responsável e saúde mental : tópicos para uma estratégia integrada na prevenção e redução de danos das adições comportamentais

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use.Problem gambling has become a major public health concern, with psychosocial and mental health consequences. Some efforts have been done in the last years by regulatory and health related bodies worldwide for assuring that betting can be safer and less harmful. A vast consensus concerning the need to promote Responsible Gambling strategies have been put forward, even though the implementation of policies in this domain is very broad, poorly systematized and often does not translate, in an evident manner, to consolidated and valid practices for promoting safe gambling and the prevention of morbidity. This paper aims to review theoretical and research‑based arguments supporting the need of investment in responsible gambling field, and to propose some recommendations for sponsoring strategic policies in which harm‑minimization and prevention tools are prioritized. A literature review was carried out through an intensive search of online electronic databases and collaborative contacts with researchers in the field of non‑substance addictive behaviors. Papers and documents from scientific and governmental boards, related to prevention and harm minimization or reduction of gambling problems and published between 1998 and 2018 were selected. Different tools in the field of responsible gambling are pointed as good and evidence‑based practices that need to be continuously implemented and replicated. Some others can be promising but need further research. The findings of this study may help many entities and stakeholders involved in this behavioral addiction field (researchers, governmental and health agencies, regulators and gambling industry) for strengthening responsible gambling national policies and strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Jogo Responsável e Saúde Mental: Tópicos para uma Estratégia Integrada na Prevenção e Redução de Danos das Adições Comportamentais

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    Problem gambling has become a major public health concern, with psychosocial and mental health consequences. Some efforts have been done in the last years by regulatory and health related bodies worldwide for assuring that betting can be safer and less harmful. A vast consensus concerning the need to promote Responsible Gambling strategies have been put forward, even though the implementation of policies in this domain is very broad, poorly systematized and often does not translate, in an evident manner, to consolidated and valid practices for promoting safe gambling and the prevention of morbidity. This paper aims to review theoretical and research‑based arguments supporting the need of investment in responsible gambling field, and to propose some recommendations for sponsoring strategic policies in which harm‑minimization and prevention tools are prioritized. A literature review was carried out through an intensive search of online electronic databases and collaborative contacts with researchers in the field of non‑substance addictive behaviors. Papers and documents from scientific and governmental boards, related to prevention and harm minimization or reduction of gambling problems and published between 1998 and 2018 were selected. Different tools in the field of responsible gambling are pointed as good and evidence‑based practices that need to be continuously implemented and replicated. Some others can be promising but need further research. The findings of this study may help many entities and stakeholders involved in this behavioral addiction field (researchers, governmental and health agencies, regulators and gambling industry) for strengthening responsible gambling national policies and strategies.Os problemas de jogo constituem uma preocupação crescente no domínio da saúde, com graves consequências psicossociais e na saúde mental. Alguns esforços a nível internacional têm sido empreendidos nas últimas décadas pelas entidades reguladoras e da saúde, visando práticas de jogo mais seguras e menos lesivas. Um vasto consenso em torno da promoção de estratégias de jogo responsável é atualmente aceite, não obstante a implementação de políticas neste domínio seja pouco sistematizada e não se traduza, frequentemente e de modo evidente, em práticas validadas de promoção do jogo responsável e de prevenção da morbilidade associada. Este artigo tem como objetivo uma revisão teórica e dos achados da investigação científica que dão suporte à necessidade de investimento no campo do jogo responsável, propondo recomendações que subsidiem o desenvolvimento de políticas estratégicas que priorizem a minimização de danos e a prevenção dos problemas de jogo. Foi desenvolvida uma revisão da literatura através de uma procura intensiva de conteúdos publicados nas bases de dados internacionais e por meio de contactos colaborativos com investigadores no domínio dos comportamentos aditivos sem substância. Foram selecionados artigos científicos e documentos conformadores produzidos por entidades científicas e governamentais, relacionados com prevenção e redução de riscos e minimização de danos dos problemas de jogo, publicados entre 1998 e 2018. Vários instrumentos no domínio do jogo responsável são identificados como boas práticas e devidamente baseados na evidência, sendo necessária a continuidade da sua implementação bem como a sua replicação noutros contextos. Outros ainda parecem ser promissores, mas requisitam investigação adicional

    Lessons-learned abroad:Exchanging knowledge, experience and inspiration between Dutch and Portuguese specialized clinical psychologists

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    Background: A Dutch delegation of 45 clinical psychologists (in training) and science-practitioners visited their colleagues in Lisbon, Portugal as part of their post academic education program. Hospitals, mental healthcare facilities, universities, start-ups and innovation centers were visited. Purpose: Comparing the differences in the organization of healthcare systems and exchanging information to find inspiration for innovations and solutions regarding the challenges within their own countries. Method: An extensive program of working visits covering the entire spectrum relevant to the work of a psychologist: the clinical evidence-based work, the profession and how to organize scientific research and (technological) innovations in the field. Results: There was agreement between the participants from both countries that these topics require constant attention to promote the relevance of psychology in different domains such as (public) healthcare and scientific research. In addition, the importance of uniformity in education and training, examination and implementation of the profession of psychologists in a European context was supported. Conclusion: The exchange paid off: agreement about future international exchanges to inspire young psychologists, exchanging experience in the clinical field and cooperating in international scientific research as positive outcomes

    Stress reactivity, distress and attachment in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients

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    © 2015 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Research on psycho-oncology increased across literature during the last decades, pointing to links between biological, psychosocial and behavioural factors in cancer beginning and progression. This study aimed to characterize a sample of recently breast-cancer-diagnosed women, compared to a control group, regarding their stress reactivity at a psychological and autonomic levels, anger regulation and attachment styles. Eighty-seven females (52 breast cancer patients and 33 controls) respectively from Portuguese public hospitals and general population were recruited. They were assessed through psychometric measures (distress, attachment styles and anger regulation) and psychophysiological parameters of reactivity were collected. The breast cancer patients studied seem to be less anxious in their attachment patterns compared to healthy people, but they report significant distress while facing a threatening situation. This clinical group also shows lower psychophysiological reactivity, both at the baseline and confronted with different emotional eliciting stimuli. Self-directed anger was associated with the presence of anxious attachment schemes and strictly linked to the appraised distress. A predictive model suggests the impact of this pattern of anger management and an anxious attachment style in the emotional disturbance reported by these patients. Findings suggest that insecure attachment schemes, dysfunctional anger regulation strategies and a lack of psychophysiological activation may be discussed as relevant factors that modulate emotional distress associated with the diagnosis of breast cancer.The research was granted by BIAL Foundation (Grant with the Reference no. 119/10

    Análise Fitolitica Aplicada na Reconstituição Paleoambiental na ESEC Caetetus – Gália (SP)

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    Nesta pesquisa a análise fitolítica foi aplicada em área de preservação ambiental da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual– FES, localizada no interior da Estação Ecológica de Caetetus, no município de Gália, Estado de São Paulo. O estudo foi realizado empregando uma abordagem multiproxy visando e um conjunto de dados inter-relacionados e complementares teve como objetivo organizar a coleção de referência de fitólitos modernos (CRFM) da FES e entender a trajetória evolutiva e cronológica da vegetação da área da ESEC Caetetus, no Planalto Ocidental Paulistas, durante o Holoceno, visando contribuir para o entendimento da história climática e da vegetação da região, subsídio para preservação desse fragmento de floresta. A reconstituição da vegetação ESEC permitiu identificar que durante o Holoceno inferior na área prevaleceu uma vegetação mais aberta que atual, que durante o Holoceno médio sofreu uma abertura ainda maior, associada a um período mais seco e quente que o anterior, que teria permitido a formação de uma vegetação semelhante a um Cerrado/Cerradão, com importante contribuição de plantas lenhosas. A atual Floresta Estacional Semicidual teria iniciada a sua formação em torno de 1.400 anos AP

    Soil profile, relief features and their relation to structure and distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rain forest trees

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    In tropical forests, the environmental heterogeneity can provide niche partitioning at local scales and determine the diversity and plant species distribution. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the variations of tree species structure and distribution in response to relief and soil profile features in a portion of the largest remnant of Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. All trees >= 5 cm diameter at breast height were recorded in two 0.99 ha plots. Topographic survey and a soil characterization were accomplished in both plots. Topsoil samples (0-20 cm) were taken from 88 quadrats and analyzed for chemical and particle size properties. Differences for both diversity and tree density were identified among three kinds of soils. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the specific abundance varied among the three kinds of soils mapped: a shallow Udept - Orthent / Aquent gradient, probably due to differences in soil drainage. Nutrient content was less likely to affect tree species composition and distribution than relief, pH, Al3+, and soil texture. Some species were randomly distributed and did not show restriction to relief and soil properties. However, preferences in niche occupation detected in this study, derived from the catenary environments found, rise up as an important explanation for the high tree species diversity in tropical forests.FAPESPFAPESP [95/9626-0]UNESPUNESPCNPqCNPqCAPESCAPESUNESP Rio ClaroUNESP Rio Clar

    Fingerprinting Fitolítico de Fitofisionomias Florestadas do Bioma Mata Atlântica

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    A interpretação de dados paleoambientais tem sido realizada por meio de comparações com ecossistemas atuais. Na tentativa de reconstituição e entendimento das condições (paleo)ambientais vários proxies têm sido empregados, como os fitólitos (microcorpúsculos de sílica amorfa produzidos por plantas), pois podem ser incorporados aos solos e permanecerem por longos períodos, formando a assinatura fitolítica (fingerprinting) da vegetação que ali se desenvolveu. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo que visou comparar a assembleia fitolítica preservada nos primeiros centímetros de solos de três fitofisionomias florestadas do Bioma Mata Atlântica: Ombrófila Alto-Montana, Estacional Semidecidual e Mata de Restinga e definir o seu fingerprinting. Observou-se bom nível de produção e preservação de fitólitos no solo, reforçando a importância deste proxy. Foram identificados e classificados 31 morfotipos. O fingerprinting das fitofisionomias se caracterizou a partir das assembleias preservada nos primeiros centímetros do solo (0-5 cm), marcando o predomínio de plantas Eudicotiledôneas