365 research outputs found

    Global market: shellfish imports as a source of reemerging food-borne hepatitis A virus infections in Spain

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    A total of 16 mollusk imports from South America to Spain, including clam and scallop species, were analyzed for hepatitis A virus (HAV), due to the great concern about this type of food after an important hepatitis A outbreak in eastern Spain in September 1999. In addition, clams from the stock that had caused the outbreak were also tested. Of the 17 stocks, four were positive for the presence of HAV RNA as demonstrated by RT-PCR and Southern hybridization. Contradictory analyses confirmed the results of the primary tests in all cases. The findings obtained in this work strongly support the role of mollusk imports from endemic areas of HAV as an important vehicle of hepatitis A, and demonstrate the imperative need for sanitary control measures to prevent future outbreaks of this disease

    Jet-loop reactor with cross-flow ultrafiltration membrane system for treatment of olive mill wastewater

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    ABSTRACT: Olive oil extraction is one of the ancient agricultural industries all over the Mediterranean area and even today it is of fundamental economic importance for many industries found over the whole Mediterranean. However, this industry generates large amounts of olive mill wastewater (OMW) and due to its physicochemical characteristics it causes severe environmental concerns and management problems in the Mediterranean area, which is facing water scarcity. Technologies to reuse this wastewater will have a high impact at the economic and environmental level. The work presented aims to improve the use of jet-loop reactors technology for the aerobic biotreatment of OMW. A jet-loop reactor (100 L) coupled with an ultrafiltration (UF) membrane (MBR) system (JACTO.MBR_100 L) were tested for the influence of hydraulic parameters on OMW degradation and scale-up to 1,000 L. Chemical oxygen demand and total phenols (TP) decreased notably (up to 85% and 80% removal efficiency, respectively) after the biological treatment. The treated OMW (UF permeate) was evaluated as a source for irrigation and its impact on the soil and plant growth and their quality parameters.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La llicenciatura en Física: Perfil de la professió. Estudi d’inserció professional

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    Les oportunitats professionals dels llicenciats i llicenciades en Física han evolucionat molt en el passat immediat, i també s’ha ampliat els tipus de sectors laborals que enrolen físics. Fa just trenta anys, la major part dels titulats era absorbida pel sector de l’ensenyament secundari i superior. Una minoria aconseguia fer carrera de recerca, principalment en centres acadèmics. En l’actualitat el panorama ha canviat força ja que, com revelen algunes enquestes a graduats recents de mitjan els anys noranta, la sortida professional de l’ensenyament només representava un 50 % del total

    Análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la semipresencialidad del sistema universitario de Cataluña

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    En los últimos años se ha producido un rápido crecimiento en la implementación del Blended Learning o aprendizaje combinado como modalidad docente, así como en la investigación de las metodologías relacionadas con las mejoras en los resultados de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, en universidades no anglosajonas son escasas las investigaciones sobre la política institucional vinculada a este tipo de docencia. En dos trabajos anteriores, los autores han publicado resultados previos sobre esta modalidad, a nivel general, referidos a 20 universidades europeas; así como un estudio en profundidad a nivel de la Universidad de Barcelona. En esta investigación se analiza la implementación actual de la semipresencialidad en las doce universidades integradas en el sistema universitario de Cataluña (NE de España) con el objetivo de identificar los elementos clave que determinan la adopción estratégica de esta modalidad. Para tal fin, se realizaron encuestas semiestructuradas a los doce vicerrectores/as responsables de política docente en cada universidad. En el presente artículo se describe el estado actual del aprendizaje combinado en el sistema universitario catalán y se analiza en comparación a los datos de hace seis años. Se evidencia, por un lado, como en el nivel de grado, el aumento no ha sido el esperado con respecto a las expectativas previas. Por otro lado, se hace patente el cambio conceptual de la docencia semipresencial reglada, con acreditación de las autoridades académicas, hacia nuevos enfoques más flexibles de aprendizajes híbridos o combinados. Palabras clave: semipresencialidad; metodologías híbridas; adopción institucional; política de educación superior

    Influence of acute kidney injury on short- and long-term outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: risk factors and prognostic value of a modified RIFLE classification

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    Introduction: The development of acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with poor outcome. The modified RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, loss of kidney function, and end-stage renal failure) classification for AKI, which classifies patients with renal replacement therapy needs according to RIFLE failure class, improves the predictive value of AKI in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Our aim was to assess risk factors for post-operative AKI and the impact of renal function on short- and long-term survival among all AKI subgroups using the modified RIFLE classification. Methods: We prospectively studied 2,940 consecutive cardiosurgical patients between January 2004 and July 2009. AKI was defined according to the modified RIFLE system. Pre-operative, operative and post-operative variables usually measured on and during admission, which included main outcomes, were recorded together with cardiac surgery scores and ICU scores. These data were evaluated for association with AKI and staging in the different RIFLE groups by means of multivariable analyses. Survival was analyzed via Kaplan-Meier and a risk-adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression model. A complete follow-up (mean 6.9 ± 4.3 years) was performed in 2,840 patients up to April 2013. Results: Of those patients studied, 14% (n = 409) were diagnosed with AKI. We identified one intra-operative (higher cardiopulmonary bypass time) and two post-operative (a longer need for vasoactive drugs and higher arterial lactate 24 hours after admission) predictors of AKI. The worst outcomes, including in-hospital mortality, were associated with the worst RIFLE class. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed survival of 74.9% in the RIFLE risk group, 42.9% in the RIFLE injury group and 22.3% in the RIFLE failure group (P <0.001). Classification at RIFLE injury (Hazard ratio (HR) = 2.347, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.122 to 4.907, P = 0.023) and RIFLE failure (HR = 3.093, 95% CI 1.460 to 6.550, P = 0.003) were independent predictors for long-term patient mortality. Conclusions: AKI development after cardiac surgery is associated mainly with post-operative variables, which ultimately could lead to a worst RIFLE class. Staging at the RIFLE injury and RIFLE failure class is associated with higher short- and long-term mortality in our population

    Hydrogeophysical Assessment of the Critical Zone below a Golf Course Irrigated with Reclaimed Water Close to Volcanic Caldera

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    The geometry and the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone is often difficult to evaluate from traditional soil sampling techniques. Soil samples typically provide only data of the upper layers and boreholes are expensive and only provide spotted information. Non-destructive geophysical methods and among them, electrical resistivity tomography can be applied in complex geological environments such as volcanic areas, where lavas and unconsolidated pyroclastic deposits dominate. They have a wide variability of hydraulic properties due to textural characteristics and modification processes suh as compaction, fracturation and weathering. To characterize the subsurface geology below the golf course of Bandama (Gran Canaria) a detailed electrical resistivity tomography survey has been conducted. This technique allowed us to define the geometry of the geological formations because of their high electrical resistivity contrasts. Subsequently, undisturbed soil and pyroclastic deposits samples were taken in representative outcrops for quantifying the hydraulic conductivity in the laboratory where the parametric electrical resistivity was measured in the field. A statistical correlation between the two variables has been obtained and a 3D model transit time of water infiltration through the vadose zone has been built to assess the vulnerability of the aquifers located below the golf course irrigated with reclaimed water

    Seminari d’intercanvi d’experiències: El desenvolupament competencial i l’aprenentatge reflexiu a l’educació superior

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    Organitza el GIDC MideMe (13/148). Coordina Dra. Mercedes Torrado Fonseca. Amb el suport del Programa de Millora i Innovació Docent (PMID), l’ICE i el Departament Mètodes d’Investigació i Diagnòstic en Educació (MIDE)El Grup d’Innovació Docent Consolidat MideMe (GINDOC-UB/148) és el resultat del conjunt d’inquietuds compartides d’un grup de professors i professores del departament de Mètodes d’Investigació i Diagnòstic en Educació (MIDE) vers la millora de la docència a l’educació superior. Tota la seva activitat de recerca i d’innovació docent ha estat marcada per una preocupació constant vers la tasca docent. En aquests anys els membres del grup han participat i liderat projectes de recerca en docència que han permès conèixer millor quin és el desenvolupament competencial actual dels estudiants a l’educació superior. Amb l’objectiu principal de difondre i compartir els resultats obtinguts en les recerques finalitzades, el GIDC-MideMe ha organitzat un Seminari d’intercanvi d’experiències en el desenvolupament competencial i l’aprenentatge reflexiu. L'organització del Seminari inclou diferents formats de participació: taules rodones de presentació de recerques i experiències en format presencial. Així mateix, hi ha previst dins de la jornada un espai específic per presentar experiències mitjançant pòsters amb la possibilitat de debat amb els autors. El Seminari està dirigit a professorat, estudiants de màster i doctorat i professionals de l’àmbit de l’educació superior. Esperem que us sigui d’interès i que el resultat final sigui el creixement conjunt i la generació d’un espai d’intercanvi fructífer d’experiències docents i investigadores

    Procés de transició del batxillerat a la universitat: factors d’èxit

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    La problemàtica de la transició batxillerat-universitat és avui un fenomen de preocupació i un tema de debat. La revisió de la recerca posa de manifest que, en l’anàlisi de la transició a la universitat, s’han fet estudis que descriuen resultats acadèmics al final d’un determinat període i seguiments de cohorts específiques en referència a centres específics1 però, no s’ha produït, un plantejament comprensiu i profund que permeti constatar el conjunt de factors psicosocials relacionats amb la qualitat de les transicions acadèmiques. La transició a la universitat és un procés complex que comporta per a l’estudiant canvis personals i vitals significatius, amb conseqüències que afecten també el marc social

    The Influence of Body Mass Index on Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Does the Obesity Paradox Really Exist?

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    Purpose: Obesity influences risk stratification in cardiac surgery in everyday practice. However, some studies have reported better outcomes in patients with a high body mass index (BMI): this is known as the obesity paradox. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of diverse degrees of high BMI on clinical outcomes after cardiac surgery, and to assess the existence of an obesity paradox in our patients. Methods: A total of 2,499 consecutive patients requiring all types of cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass between January 2004 and February 2009 were prospectively studied at our institution. Patients were divided into four groups based on BMI: normal weight (18.524.9 kg∙m−2; n = 523; 21.4%), overweight (2529.9kg∙m−2; n = 1150; 47%), obese (≥30≤34.9kg∙m−2; n = 624; 25.5%) and morbidly obese (≥35kg∙m−2; n = 152; 6.2%). Follow-up was performed in 2,379 patients during the first year. Results: After adjusting for confounding factors, patients with higher BMI presented worse oxygenation and better nutritional status, reflected by lower PaO2/FiO2 at 24h and higher albumin levels 48h after admission respectively. Obese patients showed a higher risk for Perioperative Myocardial Infarction (OR: 1.768; 95% CI: 1.0353.022; p = 0.037) and septicaemia (OR: 1.489; 95% CI: 1.2821.997; p = 0.005). In-hospital mortality was 4.8% (n = 118) and 1-year mortality was 10.1% (n = 252). No differences were found regarding in-hospital mortality between BMI groups. The overweight group showed better 1-year survival than normal weight patients (91.2% vs. 87.6%; Log Rank: p = 0.029. HR: 1.496; 95% CI: 1.0622.108; p = 0.021). Conclusions: In our population, obesity increases Perioperative Myocardial Infarction and septicaemia after cardiac surgery, but does not influence in-hospital mortality. Although we found better 1-year survival in overweight patients, our results do not support any protective effect of obesity in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

    La gran erupción de hace 4.2 ka cal en Cerro Blanco, Zona Volcánica Central, Andes: nuevos datos sobre los depósitos eruptivos holocenos en la Puna sur y regiones adyacentes

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    The eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, in the southern Puna, NW Argentina dated at 4410–4150 a cal BP, was investigated to produce new information on stratigraphy, geomorphology, physical volcanology, radiocarbon dating, petrography, and geochemistry. Identification of pre–, syn–, and post–caldera products allowed us to estimate the distribution of the Plinian fallout during the paroxysmal syn–caldera phase of the eruption. The new results provide evidence for a major rhyolitic explosive eruption that spread volcanic deposits over an area of ~500,000 km2, accumulating > 100 km3 of tephra (bulk volume). This last value exceeds the lower threshold of Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) of 7. Ash-fall deposits mantled the region at distances > 400 km from source and thick pyroclastic-flow deposits filled neighbouring valleys up to 35 km away. This eruption is the largest documented during the past five millennia in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, and is probably one of the largest Holocene explosive eruptions in the world. We have also identified two additional rhyolitic eruptions in the region from two other eruptive sources: one during the Early–Holocene and another in the Late–Holocene. The identification and characterisation of these significant volcanic events provide new constraints into regional Holocene geological and archaeological records, and offer extensive regional chronostratigraphic markers over a wide geographical area of South America.La erupción del Complejo Volcánico Cerro Blanco en el sur de la Puna, noroeste de Argentina (4410–4150 a BP) se investigó para obtener nueva información sobre estratigrafía, geomorfología, volcanología física, dataciones por radiocarbono, petrografía y geoquímica. La caracterización de los productos en relación a la evolución de la caldera de Cerro Blanco permitió estimar la distribución de los depósitos de ceniza de la fase paroxísmica Plineana de la erupción. Estos novedosos resultados evidencian una gran erupción explosiva riolítica que generó depósitos cineríticos en un área de aproximadamente 500.000 km2, acumulando > 100 km3 de tefra (volumen total). Este último valor supera el umbral inferior del Índice de Explosividad Volcánica (IEV) de 7. Los depósitos de caída de ceniza cubrieron la región, llegando a más de 400 km desde el Complejo Volcánico de Cerro Blanco, y los potentes depósitos de flujos piroclásticos rellenaron los valles vecinos alcanzando una distancia de 35 km. Esta erupción es la más grande documentada durante los últimos cinco milenios en la Zona Volcánica Central de los Andes y es probablemente una de las mayores erupciones explosivas holocenas del mundo. Además, se han identificado otras dos erupciones riolíticas en la región procedentes de otros dos centros eruptivos: una durante el Holoceno temprano y otra en el Holoceno tardío. La identificación y caracterización de estos grandes eventos volcánicos proporcionan nuevas guías para los registros geológicos y arqueológicos regionales del Holoceno, siendo marcadores cronostratigráficos de aplicación a una extensa área geográfica de América del Sur