41 research outputs found

    Human corneal cell culture models for drug toxicity studies

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    In vivo toxicity and absorption studies of topical ocular drugs are problematic, because these studies involve invasive tissue sampling and toxic effects in animal models. Therefore, different human corneal models ranging from simple monolayer cultures to three-dimensional models have been developed for toxicological prediction with in vitro models. Each system has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Use of non-corneal cells, inadequate characterization of gene-expression profiles, and accumulation of genomic aberrations in human corneal models are typical drawbacks that decrease their reliability and predictive power. In the future, further improvements are needed for verifying comparable expression profiles and cellular properties of human corneal models with their in vivo counterparts. A rapidly expanding stem cell technology combined with tissue engineering may give future opportunities to develop new tools in drug toxicity studies. One approach may be the production of artificial miniature corneas. In addition, there is also a need to use large-scale profiling approaches such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics for understanding of the ocular toxicity.Peer reviewe

    Release of functional dexamethasone by intracellular enzymes: A modular peptide-based strategy for ocular drug delivery

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    Tissue barriers limit drug delivery in the eye. Therefore, retinal diseases are treated with intravitreal injections. Delivery systems with reduced dosing frequency and/or cellular drug delivery properties are needed. We present here a modular peptide-based delivery system for cell targeted release of dexamethasone in the retinal pigment epithelial cells. The peptide–dexamethasone conjugates consist of cell penetrating peptide, enzyme cleavable linker and dexamethasone that is conjugated with hydrazone bond. The conjugates are chemically stable in the vitreous, internalize into the retinal pigment epithelial cells and release dexamethasone intracellularly by en- zymatic action of cathepsin D. In vitro binding assay and molecular docking confirm binding of the released dexamethasone fragment to the human glucocorticoid receptor. In vivo rabbit studies show increased vitreal retention of dexamethasone with a peptide conjugate. Modular peptide conjugates are a promising approach for drug delivery into the retinal cells.Peer reviewe

    Corneal and conjunctival drug permeability: Systematic comparison and pharmacokinetic impact in the eye

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    On the surface of the eye, both the cornea and conjunctiva are restricting ocular absorption of topically applied drugs, but barrier contributions of these two membranes have not been systemically compared. Herein, we studied permeability of 32 small molecular drug compounds across an isolated porcine cornea and built a quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model for the permeability. Corneal drug permeability (data obtained for 25 drug molecules) showed a 52-fold range in permeability (0.09-4.70x10(-6) cm/s) and the most important molecular descriptors in predicting the permeability were hydrogen bond donor, polar surface area and halogen ratio. Corneal permeability values were compared to their conjunctival drug permeability values. Ocular drug bioavailability and systemic absorption via conjunctiva were predicted for this drug set with pharmacokinetic calculations. Drug bioavailability in the aqueous humour was simulated to be <5% and trans-conjunctival systemic absorption was 34-79% of the dose. Loss of drug across the conjunctiva to the blood circulation restricts significantly ocular drug bioavailability and, therefore, ocular absorption does not increase proportionally with the increasing corneal drug permeability.Peer reviewe

    Characterization, Stability, and In Vivo Efficacy Studies of Recombinant Human CNTF and Its Permeation into the Neural Retina in Ex Vivo Organotypic Retinal Explant Culture Models

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    Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is one of the most studied neuroprotective agents with acknowledged potential in treating diseases of the posterior eye segment. Although its efficacy and mechanisms of action in the retina have been studied extensively, it is still not comprehensively understood which retinal cells mediate the therapeutic effects of CNTF. As with therapeutic proteins in general, it is poorly elucidated whether exogenous CNTF administered into the vitreous can enter and distribute into the retina and hence reach potentially responsive target cells. Here, we have characterized our purified recombinant human CNTF (rhCNTF), studied the protein’s in vitro bioactivity in a cell-based assay, and evaluated the thermodynamic and oligomeric status of the protein during storage. Biological activity of rhCNTF was further evaluated in vivo in an animal model of retinal degeneration. The retinal penetration and distribution of rhCNTF after 24 h was studied utilizing two ex vivo retina models. Based on our characterization findings, our rhCNTF is correctly folded and biologically active. Moreover, based on initial screening and subsequent follow-up, we identified two buffers in which rhCNTF retains its stability during storage. Whereas rhCNTF did not show photoreceptor preservative effect or improve the function of photoreceptors in vivo, this could possibly be due to the used disease model or the short duration of action with a single intravitreal injection of rhCNTF. On the other hand, the lack of in vivo efficacy was shown to not be due to distribution limitations; permeation into the retina was observed in both retinal explant models as in 24 h rhCNTF penetrated the inner limiting membrane, and being mostly observed in the ganglion cell layer, distributed to different layers of the neural retina. As rhCNTF can reach deeper retinal layers, in general, having direct effects on resident CNTF-responsive target cells is plausible

    Understanding dexamethasone kinetics in the rabbit tear fluid : Drug release and clearance from solution, suspension and hydrogel formulations

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    Rapid precorneal loss of topically applied eye drops limits ocular drug absorption. Controlling release and precorneal residence properties of topical formulations may improve ocular drug bioavailability and duration of action. In this study, we evaluated in vivo ocular pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone in rabbits after application of a drug solution (0.01%), suspension (Maxidex (R) 0.1%), and hydrogels of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and acrylic acid (AAc) copolymers. The rabbits received a single eyedrop (solution or suspension) or dexamethasone-loaded hydrogel topically. Dexamethasone in tear fluid was sampled with glass capillaries and quantitated by LC-MS/MS. Higher dexamethasone exposure (AUC) in the tear fluid was observed with the suspension (approximate to 3.6-fold) and hydrogel (12.8-fold) as compared to the solution. During initial 15 min postapplication, the highest AUC of dissolved dexamethasone was seen after hydrogel application (368 min*mu g/ mL) followed by suspension (109.9 min*mu g/mL) and solution (28.7 min*mu g/mL. Based on kinetic simulations, dexamethasone release from hydrogels in vivo and in vitro is comparable. Our data indicate that prolonged exposure of absorbable dexamethasone in tear fluid is reached with hydrogels and suspensions. Pharmacokinetic understanding of formulation behavior in the lacrimal fluid helps in the design of dexamethasone delivery systems with improved ocular absorption and prolonged duration of action.Peer reviewe

    Role of retinal pigment epithelium permeability in drug transfer between posterior eye segment and systemic blood circulation

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    Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a major part of blood-retinal barrier that affects drug elimination from the vitreous to the blood and drug distribution from blood circulation into the eye. Even though drug clearance from the vitreous has been well studied, the role of RPE in the process has not been quantified. The aim of this work was to study the role of RPE clearance (CLRpE) as part of drug elimination from the vitreous and ocular drug distribution from the systemic blood circulation. We determined the bidirectional permeability of eight small molecular weight drugs and bevacizumab antibody across isolated bovine RPE-choroid. Permeability of small molecules was 10(-6) -10(-5)cm/s showing 13-15 fold range of outward and inward permeation, while permeability of bevacizumab was lower by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Most small molecular weight drugs showed comparable outward (vitreous-to-choroid) and inward (choroid-to-vitreous) permeability across the RPEchoroid, except ciprofloxacin and ketorolac that had an over 6 and 14-fold higher outward than inward permeability, respectively, possibly indicating active transport, Six of seven tested small molecular weight drugs had outward CLRPE values that were comparable with their intravitreal clearance (CLIvr) values (0.84-2.6 fold difference). On the contrary, bevacizumab had an outward CLRPE that was only 3.5% of the CLIvt, proving that its main route of elimination (after intravitreal injection) is not RPE permeation. Experimental values were used in pharmacokinetic simulations to assess the role of the RPE in drug transfer from the systemic blood circulation to the vitreous (CLBv). We conclude that for small molecular weight drugs the RPE is an important route in drug transfer between the vitreal cavity and blood, whereas it effectively hinders the movement of bevacizumab from the vitreous to the systemic circulation.Peer reviewe

    Intravitreal Polymeric Nanocarriers with Long Ocular Retention and Targeted Delivery to the Retina and Optic Nerve Head Region

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    Posterior eye tissues, such as retina, are affected in many serious eye diseases, but drug delivery to these targets is challenging due to various anatomical eye barriers. Intravitreal injections are widely used, but the intervals between invasive injections should be prolonged. We synthesized and characterized (1H NMR, gel permeation chromatography) block copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol), poly(caprolactone), and trimethylene carbonate. These polymers self-assembled to polymersomes and polymeric micelles. The mean diameters of polymersomes and polymeric micelles, about 100 nm and 30–50 nm, respectively, were obtained with dynamic light scattering. Based on single particle tracking and asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation, the polymeric micelles and polymersomes were stable and diffusible in the vitreous. The materials did not show cellular toxicity in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells in the Alamar Blue Assay. Pharmacokinetics of the intravitreal nanocarriers in the rabbits were evaluated using in vivo fluorophotometry. The half-lives of the polymersomes (100 nm) and the micelles (30 nm) were 11.4–32.7 days and 4.3–9.5 days. The intravitreal clearance values were 1.7–8.7 µL/h and 3.6–5.4 µL/h for polymersomes and polymeric micelles, respectively. Apparent volumes of distribution of the particles in the rabbit vitreous were 0.6–1.3 mL for polymeric micelles and 1.9–3.4 mL for polymersomes. Polymersomes were found in the vitreous for at least 92 days post-dosing. Furthermore, fundus imaging revealed that the polymersomes accumulated near the optic nerve and retained there even at 111 days post-injection. Polymersomes represent a promising technology for controlled and site-specific drug delivery in the posterior eye segment

    Partitioning and Spatial Distribution of Drugs in Ocular Surface Tissues

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    Ocular drug absorption after eye drop instillation has been widely studied, but partitioning phenomena and spatial drug distribution are poorly understood. We investigated partitioning of seven beta-blocking drugs in corneal epithelium, corneal stroma, including endothelium and conjunctiva, using isolated porcine tissues and cultured human corneal epithelial cells. The chosen beta-blocking drugs had a wide range (-1.76-0.79) of n-octanol/buffer solution distribution coefficients at pH 7.4 (Log D-7.4). In addition, the ocular surface distribution of three beta-blocking drugs was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) after their simultaneous application in an eye drop to the rabbits in vivo. Studies with isolated porcine corneas revealed that the distribution coefficient (K-p) between the corneal epithelium and donor solution showed a positive relationship and good correlation with Log D-7.4 and about a 50-fold range of K-p values (0.1-5). On the contrary, K-p between corneal stroma and epithelium showed an inverse (negative) relationship and correlation with Log D-7.4 based on a seven-fold range of K-p values. In vitro corneal cell uptake showed a high correlation with the ex vivo corneal epithelium/donor K-p values. Partitioning of the drugs into the porcine conjunctiva also showed a positive relationship with lipophilicity, but the range of K-p values was less than with the corneal epithelium. MALDI-IMS allowed simultaneous detection of three compounds in the cornea, showed data in line with other experiments, and revealed uneven spatial drug distribution in the cornea. Our data indicate the importance of lipophilicity in defining the corneal pharmacokinetics and the K-p values are a useful building block in the kinetic simulation models for topical ocular drug administration.Peer reviewe