89 research outputs found

    Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. strains against pea (Pisum sativum L.) Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi.

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    The antagonistic effectiveness of native strains of Trichoderma spp. on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi. in vitro, greenhouse and field conditions, were evaluated. in vitro conditions, the antagonistic capacity of 12 strains of Trichoderma spp., C2, C7, C12 and C21 strains, exhibited a better behavior measured by the following variables: inhibition halo and mycelial growth. In greenhouse conditions, the four strains, which showed the best in vitro antagonistic behavior, were evaluated using a DIA experimental design with factorial arrangement for three factors, which corresponded to strain, concentration and dose. The results of this evaluation, showed that C12 and C21 strains at doses of 20 mL, and at concentrations of 108 and 106 conidia.mL-1, respectively. The best antagonistic response was determined by variables as follows: plant height, fresh root weight and incidence. Under field conditions, the evaluations were carried out in the municipalities of Ipiales, Pupiales and Gualmatán, in the department of Nariño, Colombia. In each location, a BCA experimental design was used with four treatments and five replicates, treatments were as follows: C12 strains at 108 concentration, C21 at 106 concentration, chemical control and absolute control. In Gualmatan location, C12 and C21 strains, showed no antagonistic capacity, whereas in Ipiales and Pupiales locations, strain C12, presented a lower incidence of F. oxysporum than the control, but with no effect on yields. In Pupiales location, C21 strain surpassed in performance to the control treatment, even though the two treatments had similar incidence

    El desarrollo temprano de las habilidades comunicativas en los infantes y su influencia en el desempeño socioafectivo durante su vida

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    Aprender a leer y escribir desde temprana edad puede incidir en la forma de establecer relaciones socio-afectivas con los demás, pero esta situación no siempre es positiva, por ello en esto proyecto se pretende analizar la influencia, los pro y los contra, así como también la responsabilidad de la familia, la escuela y la sociedad en el proceso de perfeccionamiento de destrezas comunicativas y sociales conservando un adecuado equilibrio entre unas y otras. De igual forma, se establecen semejanzas y diferencias entre habilidades comunicativas y sociales y los componentes de cada competencia, además se presentan recomendaciones para aplicar desde el aula de clase con miras a mejorar las experiencias de los estudiantes

    El desarrollo temprano de las habilidades comunicativas en los infantes y su influencia en el desempeño socioafectivo durante su vida

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    Aprender a leer y escribir desde temprana edad puede incidir en la forma de establecer relaciones socio-afectivas con los demás, pero esta situación no siempre es positiva, por ello en esto proyecto se pretende analizar la influencia, los pro y los contra, así como también la responsabilidad de la familia, la escuela y la sociedad en el proceso de perfeccionamiento de destrezas comunicativas y sociales conservando un adecuado equilibrio entre unas y otras. De igual forma, se establecen semejanzas y diferencias entre habilidades comunicativas y sociales y los componentes de cada competencia, además se presentan recomendaciones para aplicar desde el aula de clase con miras a mejorar las experiencias de los estudiantes

    Evaluación de la melaza en diferentes niveles (5, 10,15 %) como aditivo en la alimentación de los Cobayos (Cavia porcellus) en la Fase Crecimiento - Engorde en el CEYPSA, Cantón Latacunga

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    El cobayo es un mamífero roedor originario de la zona andina del Perú, Ecuador, Colombia y Bolivia. Como animal productor de carne se le conoce también como Curí. Constituye un producto alimenticio, de alto valor biológico. Contribuye en dar seguridad alimentaria a la población rural de escasos recursos.(ARÉVALO, 2001) La crianza y manejo de cobayos es una actividad tradicional en la región andina de nuestro continente, esto se debe a varios factores como su fácil adaptación a varios ecosistemas, su tipo de alimentación, su valor nutricional, su ciclo reproductivo, así como también ésta especie ofrece una dieta abundante en proteínas, vitaminas y minerales que nos ayuda a complementar los requerimientos nutricionales del ser humano.(CACERES, 2011)

    Resiliencia y agresividad en estudiantes de secundaria de Instituciones Educativas Públicas del distrito de Comas, 2018

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    La finalidad de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre resiliencia y agresividad en estudiantes de secundaria de instituciones educativas públicas del distrito de Comas, 2018. La investigación tiene un nivel básico, de diseño no experimental-transversal, de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 323 estudiantes de ambos sexos, las edades fluctuaban entre los 12 y 17 años, los cuales cursaban de primer a quinto año de secundaria. Los instrumentos empleados fueron la escala de resiliencia de Wagnilg, G. y Young de 1993 adaptada por H. Castilla, T. Caycho, M. Shimabukuro, A. Valdivia y M. Torres en el 2014 y el cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringo, Uceda, Fernández, Huari, Campos en el 2012. Los resultados indican que existe correlación inversa y no significativa en las variables resiliencia y agresividad (Rho= - 0.042; p > 0,05) donde se muestra que a mayor características resilientes menores conductas agresivas

    Propuesta del modelo Eraberritu para el nivel de innovación de la escuela académico profesional de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, 2016

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    RESUMEN El presente documento analiza el nivel de innovación en la Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Civil de la Ciudad de Cajamarca, desde un punto de vista descriptivo. Primero que todo se analiza bajo el enfoque del modelo de gestión; por lo que, se tomó como referencia el modelo de innovación ERABERRITU, que cumple con las características de ver la innovación como un todo dentro de las organizaciones y con la participación de todas las personas. La Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Civil, hace muchos años no cuenta con un plan de innovación; por ello, en la investigación se realizaron encuestas y entrevistas que nos ayudaron a identificar y a definir algunos puntos de nivel de innovación, teniendo como resultado un 38.94 %, lo cual es muy poco favorable para el desarrollo académico de la Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Civil. A nivel de institución, la innovación, el uso y desarrollo de las tecnologías; son consideradas una fuente singular de competitividad, pues permiten generar capacidades para desarrollar ventajas competitivas sostenibles en el tiempo; asimismo, las empresas que innovan en forma efectiva crecen de manera continua, poseen herramientas que les permiten incrementar el nivel de innovación y llegar a ser competitivos. La Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Civil, no solo se beneficiaría con la innovación; sino todos los que lo conforman, quienes son: alumnos, docentes y usuarios del servicio educativo; porque logran mayor satisfacción a sus necesidades y encuentran una oferta educativa; por ende, también se benefician los colaboradores, puesto que, consiguen mayores y mejores resultados, aumentando su motivación, obteniendo reconocimiento. Finalmente, también se beneficia la sociedad Cajamarquina y Nacional. Todos estos beneficios permiten a las instituciones educativas conseguir algo aún más importante: tener control sobre su destino, gracias a la capacidad que desarrollan para modificar las reglas competitivas y crear nuevos Profesionales acorde a las nuevas necesidades del País.ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the level of innovation in the Cajamarca's Academic Professional School of Civil Engineering, from a descriptive point of view. First, analysis is carried under the approach of the management model; so, ERABERRITU was taken as a reference model about innovation, for it fulfills the characteristics of conceptualizing innovation as a whole within organizations and as impliying everyone's participation. For many years now, Academic Professional School of Civil Engineering has not had an innovation plan; therefore, research surveys and interviews were useful in order to identify and define some aspects about the institution's level of innovation. Results being 38.94%, current situation is very unfavorable for the academic development of the For many years now, Escuela Académico-Profesional de Ingeniería Civil. In an institutional level, innovation, use and development of technologies, are considered a unique source of competitiveness, as they allow capacity improvement and developing sustainable competitive advantages across time. Also, companies that innovate effectively grow in a continuous way, and have tools that allow them to increase the level of innovation and become competitive. Not only Academic Professional School of Civil Engineering would benefit from innovation; but everyone who gets involved in it (including students, teachers and educational services users) would benefit too. That being so precisely because those involved increase their life necesities satisfaction and find educational offers; consequently, employees benefit, since by increasing their motivation and getting recognition they get better and mayor results. Last, Cajamarca and Perú civil societies also benefit. All these benefits enable educational institutions to get something even more important: having control over their destiny, in virtue of the ability to develop competitive rules to modify and create new professionals according to the new needs of the country

    Diseño de una propuesta de transferencia de los recursos del sistema general de participaciones a las entidades territoriales en Colombia a través de los institutos de fomento y desarrollo regionales a partir del año 2006

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    Este trabajo investigativo comprende una propuesta que permita transferir los Recursos del Sistema General de Participaciones a los Entes Territoriales en Colombia a través de los Institutos de Fomento y Desarrollo regionales del País – INFIS-, en igualdad de condiciones a las Entidades Financieras que actualmente realizan la intermediación de éstos recursos, y responde al sentir de tiempo atrás, de los INFIS, que han venido gestionando, ante instancias del Gobierno Nacional, la posibilidad de transferir los recursos del Sistema General de Participaciones SGP a través de cuentas que los Institutos manejan en el sistema financiero a nombre de las entidades territoriales. De acuerdo a la legislación actual, los ordenadores territoriales del gasto pueden disponer de los recursos del Sistema General de Participaciones, para ejecutarlos según lo establecido por la Ley 715 de 2001, solamente después que la Nación ha efectuado el correspondiente giro a cuentas bancarias debidamente registradas en el Tesoro Nacional, de las cuales deben ser titulares los Distritos, Municipios y Departamentos. Los INFIS, han venido generando en gran parte el desarrollo de las regiones en todo el país. Una forma de coadyuvar en el desarrollo es que se les permita recibir el giro de los Recursos del Sistema General de Participaciones, gestión que han venido realizando de tiempo atrás; pero no ha sido posible llevarla a feliz término porque la regulación en el manejo de cuentas corrientes y de ahorros de entidades vigiladas por la Superintendencia Financiera, no le permite a esta clase de entidades tramitar la vinculación al Sistema de Transferencias CENIT del Banco de la República, medio necesario para realizar las transferencias del Sistema General de Participaciones; no obstante, INFIS como el IDEA, tiene cuentas corrientes y de ahorro en Bancos Comerciales que si están vinculados al sistema de transferencia CENIT, y a través de ellos se podrían realizar las transferencias a las cuentas de los INFIS y luego distribuirlas en las cuentas de depósitos que los municipios y el Departamento de Antioquia tienen aperturadas en el IDEA con las denominaciones que obligan el manejo de los recursos del Sistema General de Participaciones. Lo anterior se facilita y garantiza con el Sistema Integrado de Información Financiera (SIIF) con que cuenta institutos como el IDEA y que es utilizado también por la banca, lo que permite un manejo ágil y eficiente en las operaciones y servicios financieros a nombre de las entidades territoriales. Dentro de este proyecto se abordan las argumentaciones de la Dirección del Tesoro Nacional, de no ha acceder a las peticiones de los INFIS; pero las razones expuestas por aquella no son irremediables, es por esto que se decidió realizar esta investigación, con los debidos fundamentos legales, sociales y económicos, para finalmente realizar una propuesta, que sirva como insumo a los INFIS en la búsqueda de ajustes a las normas y requisitos que hoy impiden que las transferencias se giren con su intermediación. Es así como en el presente trabajo investigativo se enuncian las diferentes características que distinguen a los Institutos de Fomento y Desarrollo y su posicionamiento a nivel nacional; para esta caracterización se tomó como referencia la naturaleza jurídica, la misión, la visión y objeto social, igualmente se informan de estos el portafolio de servicios y estados financieros, que permitan determinan el posicionamiento y alcance que tienen en todo el país, incluso varios de estos con proyección internacional. Finalmente, las argumentaciones expuestas en esta investigación, permiten el diseño de una propuesta, a través de un proyecto de ley que podrá servir para que el Gobierno Nacional transfiera los recursos del Sistema General de Participaciones de las entidades territoriales a través de los INFIS.This investigative work includes proposal that allows to transfer the Resources of the General System of Participation to the Territorial Beings in Colombia through the Institutes of regional Promotion and Development of the Country - INFIS -, in the same conditions of the Financial Institutions that currently develop the intermediation of these resources, and responds to the long-time-ago-feeling that the INFIS, that have negotiated, before branches of the National Government, the possibility of transferring the resources of the General System of Participation SGP through accounts that these Institutes manage in the financial system on the name of the territorial organizations. According to the present legislation, the territorial computers of the cost can have the resources of the General System of Participation, to execute them according to the established thing by Law 715 of 2001, after the Nation has only carried out the corresponding turn to banking accounts properly registered in the National Treasure, of which the Districts, Municipalities and Departments must be titular. The INFIS, have originated most of the development in the regions throughout the country. One way to collaborate in the development is that the INFIS get to transfers of the Resources of the General System of Participation, negotiation that has been taking place for a long time now, but which has not been possible to successfully conclude, because the regulation on the management of current and saving accounts provided by the institutions watched over the Supervisory Financial Authority, does not allow this class of institutions (INFIS) to process the entailment to the System of Transferences CENIT from the Bank of the Republic, means necessary to make the transferences from the General System of Participation resources; however, INFIS such as IDEA, own current and saving accounts, with Commercial Banks that are actually linked to the System of Transferences CENIT, and through them, it could be possible to perform the transferences to the accounts of the INFIS and then distributed in the accounts that municipalities and the Department of Antioquia at IDEA with the denominations related to the management of the resources of the General System of Participation. The mentioned above can easily be accomplished and guaranteed with the Integrated System of Financial Information (SIIF) whereupon counts institutes like IDEA and that is also used by the commercial banks, which allows an agile and efficient management in the operations and financial services on behalf of the territorial organizations. Trough this project it is approached the argumentations of the Direction of the National Treasure, on not allowing the requests of the INFIS; but the reasons exposed by that government branch are not absolute, and that is why we decided to develop this research, based on legal, social and economic foundations related to the matters, to finally make a proposal, that becomes an income to the INFIS in the search of adjustments to the norms and requirements that today prevent the transferences to take place under their intermediation. So, in the present investigative work, we enunciate the different characteristics are that distinguish the Institutes of Promotion and Development and their position in the national market; in order to make this characterization the legal nature, the mission, the vision and social object, were taken into account, as well as their portfolio of services and financial statements, that allow determine their position and physical reach throughout the regions of the country, even several of these with international projection. Finally, the argumentations exposed in this research, allow the design of a proposal, through a law project so that the National Government transfers the resources of the General System of Participation of the territorial organizations through the INFIS

    Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. strains against pea (Pisum sativum L.) Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi.

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    The antagonistic effectiveness of native strains of Trichoderma spp. on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi. in vitro, greenhouse and field conditions, were evaluated. in vitro conditions, the antagonistic capacity of 12 strains of Trichoderma spp., C2, C7, C12 and C21 strains, exhibited a better behavior measured by the following variables: inhibition halo and mycelial growth. In greenhouse conditions, the four strains, which showed the best in vitro antagonistic behavior, were evaluated using a DIA experimental design with factorial arrangement for three factors, which corresponded to strain, concentration and dose. The results of this evaluation, showed that C12 and C21 strains at doses of 20 mL, and at concentrations of 108 and 106 conidia.mL-1, respectively. The best antagonistic response was determined by variables as follows: plant height, fresh root weight and incidence. Under field conditions, the evaluations were carried out in the municipalities of Ipiales, Pupiales and Gualmatán, in the department of Nariño, Colombia. In each location, a BCA experimental design was used with four treatments and five replicates, treatments were as follows: C12 strains at 108 concentration, C21 at 106 concentration, chemical control and absolute control. In Gualmatan location, C12 and C21 strains, showed no antagonistic capacity, whereas in Ipiales and Pupiales locations, strain C12, presented a lower incidence of F. oxysporum than the control, but with no effect on yields. In Pupiales location, C21 strain surpassed in performance to the control treatment, even though the two treatments had similar incidence.The antagonistic effectiveness of native strains of Trichoderma spp. on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi. in vitro, greenhouse and field conditions, were evaluated. In laboratory conditions, the antagonistic capacity of 12 strains of Trichoderma spp., strains C2, C7, C12 and C21, exhibited a better behavior measured by the following variables: inhibition halo and mycelial growth. In greenhouse conditions, the four strains, which showed the best in vitro antagonistic behavior were evaluated using a DIA experimental design with factorial arrangement for three factors which corresponded to strain, concentration and dose. The results of this evaluation, showed that strains C12 and C21 at doses of 20 mL, and at concentrations of 108 and 106 conidia.mL-1, respectively. The best antagonistic response was determined by variables as follows: plant height, fresh root weight and incidence. Under field conditions, the evaluations were carried out in the municipalities of Ipiales, Pupiales and Gualmatán, in the Department of Nariño, Colombia. In each location, a BCA experimental design was used with four treatments and five replicates, treatments were as follows: C12 strains at 108 concentration, C21 at 106 concentration, chemical control and absolute control. In Gualmatan location, C12 and C21 strains, showed no antagonistic capacity, whereas in Ipiales and Pupiales locations, strain C12, presented a lower incidence of F. oxysporum than the control, but with no effect on yields. In Pupiales location, C21 strain surpassed in performance to the control treatment, even though the two treatments had similar incidence

    Plasma microrna expression profile for reduced ejection fraction in dilated cardiomyopathy

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    The left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) is key to prognosis in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Circulating microRNAs have emerged as reliable biomarkers for heart diseases, included DCM. Clinicians need improved tools for greater clarification of DCM EF categorization, to identify highrisk patients. Thus, we investigated whether microRNA profiles can categorize DCM patients based on their EF. 179-differentially expressed circulating microRNAs were screened in two groups: (1) non-idiopathic DCM; (2) idiopathic DCM. Then, 26 microRNAs were identified and validated in the plasma of ischemic-DCM (n = 60), idiopathic-DCM (n = 55) and healthy individuals (n = 44). We identified fourteen microRNAs associated with echocardiographic variables that differentiated idiopathic DCM according to the EF degree. A predictive model of a three-microRNA (miR-130b-3p, miR-150-5p and miR-210-3p) combined with clinical variables (left bundle branch block, left ventricle end-systolic dimension, lower systolic blood pressure and smoking habit) was obtained for idiopathic DCM with a severely reduced-EF. The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis supported the discriminative potential of the diagnosis. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that miR-150-5p and miR-210-3p target genes might interact with each other with a high connectivity degree. In conclusion, our results revealed a three-microRNA signature combined with clinical variables that highly discriminate idiopathic DCM categorization. This is a potential novel prognostic biomarker with high clinical value

    Elderly Population with COVID-19 and the Accuracy of Clinical Scales and D-Dimer for Pulmonary Embolism: The OCTA-COVID Study

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    Background: Elderly COVID-19 patients have a high risk of pulmonary embolism (PE), but factors that predict PE are unknown in this population. This study assessed the Wells and revised Geneva scoring systems as predictors of PE and their relationships with D-dimer (DD) in this population. Methods: This was a longitudinal, observational study that included patients 75 years old with COVID-19 and suspected PE. The performances of theWells score, revised Geneva score and DD levels were assessed. The combinations of the DD level and the clinical scales were evaluated using positive rules for higher specificity. Results: Among 305 patients included in the OCTA-COVID study cohort, 50 had suspected PE based on computed tomography pulmonary arteriography (CTPA), and the prevalence was 5.6%. The frequencies of PE in the low-, intermediate- and high-probability categories were 5.9%, 88.2% and 5.9% for the Geneva model and 35.3%, 58.8% and 5.9% for the Wells model, respectively. The DD median was higher in the PE group (4.33 mg/L; interquartile range (IQR) 2.40–7.17) than in the no PE group (1.39 mg/L; IQR 1.01–2.75) (p < 0.001). The area under the curve (AUC) for DD was 0.789 (0.652–0.927). After changing the cutoff point for DD to 4.33 mg/L, the specificity increased from 42.5% to 93.9%. Conclusions: The cutoff point DD > 4.33 mg/L has an increased specificity, which can discriminate false positives. The addition of the DD and the clinical probability scales increases the specificity and negative predictive value, which helps to avoid unnecessary invasive tests in this population