97 research outputs found

    GPS radio sources: new optical observations and an updated master list

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    * Aims. Identify optical counterparts, address uncertain identifications and measure previously unknown redshifts of the host galaxies of candidate GPS radio sources, and study their stellar populations. * Methods. Long slit spectroscopy and deep optical imaging in the B, V and R bands, obtained with the Very Large Telescope. * Results. We obtain new redshifts for B0316+161, B0407-658, B0904+039, B1433-040, and identify the optical counterparts of B0008-421 and B0742+103. We confirm the previous identification for B0316+161, B0407-658, B0554-026, and B0904+039, and find that the previous identification for B0914+114 is incorrect. Using updated published radio spectral information we classify as non GPS the following sources: B0407-658, B0437-454, B1648+015. The optical colors of typical GPS sources are consistent with single instantaneous burst stellar population models but do not yield useful information on age or metallicity. A new master list of GPS sources is presented.Comment: 10 pages + GPS master list. Accepeted for publication by A&

    The parsec-scale jet of PKS 1749+096

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    PKS 1749+096 is a BL Lac object showing weak extended jet emission to the northeast of the compact VLBI core on parsec scales. We aim at better understanding the jet kinematics and variability of this source and finding clues that may applicable to other BL Lac objects. The jet was studied with multi-epoch multi-frequency high-resolution VLBI observations. The jet is characterized by a one-sided curved morphology at all epochs and all frequencies. The VLBI core, located at the southern end of the jet, was identified based on its spectral properties. The equipartition magnetic field of the core was investigated, through which we derived a Doppler factor of 5, largely consistent with that derived from kinematics (component C5). The study of the detailed jet kinematics at 22 and 15 GHz, spanning a period of more than 10 years, indicates the possible existence of a bimodal distribution of the jet apparent speed. Ballistic and non-ballistic components are found to coexist in the jet. Superluminal motions in the range of 5-21 c were measured in 11 distinct components. We estimated the physical jet parameters with the minimum Lorentz factor of 10.2 and Doppler factors in the range of 10.2-20.4 (component C5). The coincidence in time of the component's ejection and flares supports the idea that, at least in PKS 1749+096, ejection of new jet components is connected with major outbursts in flux density. For the best-traced component (C5) we found that the flux density decays rapidly as it travels downstream the jet, accompanied by a steepening of its spectra, which argues in favor of a contribution of inverse Compton cooling. These properties make PKS 1749+096 a suitable target for an intensive monitoring to decipher the variability phenomenon of BL Lac objects.Comment: Replaced to match published versio

    Radio-to-UV monitoring of AO 0235+164 by the WEBT and Swift during the 2006--2007 outburst

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    The blazar AO 0235+164 was claimed to show a quasi-periodic behaviour in the radio and optical bands. Moreover, an extra emission component contributing to the UV and soft X-ray flux was detected, whose nature is not yet clear. A predicted optical outburst was observed in late 2006/early 2007. We here present the radio-to-optical WEBT light curves during the outburst, together with UV data acquired by Swift in the same period. We found the optical outburst to be as strong as the big outbursts of the past: starting from late September 2006, a brightness increase of 5 mag led to the outburst peak in February 19-21, 2007. We also observed an outburst at mm and then at cm wavelengths, with an increasing time delay going toward lower frequencies during the rising phase. Cross-correlation analysis indicates that the 1 mm and 37 GHz flux variations lagged behind the R-band ones by about 3 weeks and 2 months, respectively. These short time delays suggest that the corresponding jet emitting regions are only slightly separated and/or misaligned. In contrast, during the outburst decreasing phase the flux faded contemporaneously at all cm wavelengths. This abrupt change in the emission behaviour may suggest the presence of some shutdown mechanism of intrinsic or geometric nature. The behaviour of the UV flux closely follows the optical and near-IR one. By separating the synchrotron and extra component contributions to the UV flux, we found that they correlate, which suggests that the two emissions have a common origin.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, in press for Astronomy and Astrophysic

    WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 454.3 during the post-outburst phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps

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    The blazar 3C 454.3 underwent an unprecedented optical outburst in spring 2005. This was first followed by a mm and then by a cm radio outburst, which peaked in February 2006. We report on follow-up observations by the WEBT to study the multiwavelength emission in the post-outburst phase. XMM-Newton observations on July and December 2006 added information on the X-ray and UV fluxes. The source was in a faint state. The radio flux at the higher frequencies showed a fast decreasing trend, which represents the tail of the big radio outburst. It was followed by a quiescent state, common at all radio frequencies. In contrast, moderate activity characterized the NIR and optical light curves, with a progressive increase of the variability amplitude with increasing wavelength. We ascribe this redder-when-brighter behaviour to the presence of a "little blue bump" due to line emission from the broad line region, which is clearly visible in the source SED during faint states. Moreover, the data from the XMM-Newton OM reveal a rise of the SED in the UV, suggesting the existence of a "big blue bump" due to thermal emission from the accretion disc. The X-ray spectra are well fitted with a power-law model with photoelectric absorption, possibly larger than the Galactic one. However, the comparison with previous X-ray observations would imply that the amount of absorbing matter is variable. Alternatively, the intrinsic X-ray spectrum presents a curvature, which may depend on the X-ray brightness. In this case, two scenarios are possible.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Roma-BZCAT: A multifrequency catalogue of Blazars

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    We present a new catalogue of blazars based on multi-frequency surveys and on an extensive review of the literature. Blazars are classified as BL Lacertae objects, as flat spectrum radio quasars or as blazars of uncertain/transitional type. Each object is identified by a root name, coded as BZB, BZQ and BZU for these three subclasses respectively, and by its coordinates. This catalogue is being built as a tool useful for the identification of the extragalactic sources that will be detected by present and future experiments for X and gamma-ray astronomy, like Swift, AGILE, Fermi-GLAST and Simbol-X. An electronic version is available from the ASI Science Data Center web site at http://www.asdc.asi.it/bzcatComment: 7 pages, 3 figures; A&A, in pres

    The Treatment In Morning versus Evening (TIME) study:Analysis of recruitment, follow-up and retention rates post-recruitment

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    Abstract Background The use of information technology (IT) is now the preferred method of capturing and storing clinical research data. The Treatment In Morning versus Evening (TIME) study predominantly uses electronic data capture and IT to compare morning dosing of hypertensive medication against evening dosing. Registration, consent, participant demographics and follow-up data are all captured via the study website. The aim of this article is to assess the success of the TIME methodology compared with similar studies. Methods To assess the TIME study, published literature on similar clinical trials was reviewed and compared against TIME recruitment, follow-up and email interaction data. Results The TIME website registered 31,695 individuals, 21,116 of whom were randomised. Recruitment cost per randomised participant varied by strategy: ÂŁ17.40 by GP practice, ÂŁ3.08 by UK Biobank and ÂŁ58.82 for GoShare. Twelve-month follow-up retention rates were 96%. A total of 1089 participants have withdrawn from their assigned time of dosing, 2% of whom have declined follow-up by record linkage or further contact. When the TIME data are compared with similar study data, study recruitment is very successful. However, TIME suffers difficulties with participant follow-up and withdrawal rates similar to those of conventional studies. Conclusions The TIME study has been successful in recruitment. Follow-up, retention rates and withdrawal rates are all acceptable, but ongoing work is required to ensure participants remain engaged with the study. Various recruitment strategies are necessary, and all viable options should be encouraged to maintain participant engagement throughout the life of studies using IT

    Contribution of rare and common variants to intellectual disability in a sub-isolate of Northern Finland

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    The contribution of de novo variants in severe intellectual disability (ID) has been extensively studied whereas the genetics of mild ID has been less characterized. To elucidate the genetics of milder ID we studied 442 ID patients enriched for mild ID (>50%) from a population isolate of Finland. Using exome sequencing, we show that rare damaging variants in known ID genes are observed significantly more often in severe (27%) than in mild ID (13%) patients. We further observe a significant enrichment of functional variants in genes not yet associated with ID (OR: 2.1). We show that a common variant polygenic risk significantly contributes to ID. The heritability explained by polygenic risk score is the highest for educational attainment (EDU) in mild ID (2.2%) but lower for more severe ID (0.6%). Finally, we identify a Finland enriched homozygote variant in the CRADD ID associated gene.Peer reviewe

    Reaction Time and Visual Memory in Connection to Hazardous Drinking Polygenic Scores in Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and Bipolar Disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the association of cognition with hazardous drinking Polygenic Scores (PGS) in 2649 schizophrenia, 558 schizoaffective disorder, and 1125 bipolar disorder patients in Finland. Hazardous drinking PGS was computed using the LDPred program. Participants performed two computerized tasks from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB) on a tablet computer: the 5-choice serial reaction time task, or Reaction Time (RT) test, and the Paired Associative Learning (PAL) test. The association between hazardous drinking PGS and cognition was measured using four cognition variables. Log-linear regression was used in Reaction Time (RT) assessment, and logistic regression was used in PAL assessment. All analyses were conducted separately for males and females. After adjustment of age, age of onset, education, household pattern, and depressive symptoms, hazardous drinking PGS was not associated with reaction time or visual memory in male or female patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and bipolar disorder

    Reaction Time and Visual Memory in Connection to Alcohol Use in Persons with Bipolar Disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the association of cognition with hazardous drinking and alcohol-related disorder in persons with bipolar disorder (BD). The study population included 1268 persons from Finland with bipolar disorder. Alcohol use was assessed through hazardous drinking and alcohol-related disorder including alcohol use disorder (AUD). Hazardous drinking was screened with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Consumption (AUDIT-C) screening tool. Alcohol-related disorder diagnoses were obtained from the national registrar data. Participants performed two computerized tasks from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB) on A tablet computer: the 5-choice serial reaction time task, or reaction time (RT) test and the Paired Associative Learning (PAL) test. Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Mental Health Inventory with five items (MHI-5). However, no assessment of current manic symptoms was available. Association between RT-test and alcohol use was analyzed with log-linear regression, and eÎČ with 95% confidence intervals (CI) are reported. PAL first trial memory score was analyzed with linear regression, and ÎČ with 95% CI are reported. PAL total errors adjusted was analyzed with logistic regression and odds ratios (OR) with 95% CI are reported. After adjustment of age, education, housing status and depression, hazardous drinking was associated with lower median and less variable RT in females while AUD was associated with a poorer PAL test performance in terms of the total errors adjusted scores in females. Our findings of positive associations between alcohol use and cognition in persons with bipolar disorder are difficult to explain because of the methodological flaw of not being able to separately assess only participants in euthymic phase. </p
