22 research outputs found

    Una nova generació de catalans (I)

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    Una nova generació de catalans (II)

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    Economic considerations play only a limited role in explaining support for Catalonian independence, but could be crucial in deciding the final outcome

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    The Scottish independence referendum saw economic considerations prove decisive, with the Yes campaign never fully convincing the electorate that voting for independence would bring with it greater prosperity. In Catalonia, a similar debate is under way, but this time economic considerations are set to play a smaller role – though they could yet be decisive in deciding whether independence eventually happens, according to Jordi Muñoz and Raül Tormos

    Does Contextual Change Affect Basic Human Values? : A Dynamic Comparative Multilevel Analysis Across 32 European Countries

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    This article examines the relationship of stable contextual differences and contextual change with the endorsement of Schwartz’s (1992) two basic value dimensions—Openness-to-Change versus Conservation and Self-Enhancement versus Self-Transcendence. Using six waves of the European Social Survey, an extension of multilevel analysis is used which combines both a cross-national comparative and a dynamic analysis of values. The hierarchical data structure and the covariates for value endorsement are defined at three distinct levels: a first level for individuals (with sociodemographic variables, such as age and gender), a second level for country-waves (with time-varying covariates), and a third level for country (with time-invariant covariates). The main aim is to determine if changes in contextual covariates over time are related to value differences between countries over and above contextual time-invariant covariates. High national wealth and low income inequality predicted high Self-Transcendence values and low Conservation values. Low national unemployment rates were associated with less conservatism. When entered simultaneously into the model, only time-invariant differences in gross domestic product (GDP) remained to be a significant predictor of Schwartz’s two basic value dimensions. Finally, we found that an increase in income inequality over time has a certain incremental effect on the endorsement of Conservation over Openness-to-Change values. There were no associations for changes in national wealth and unemployment rates, suggesting that for value endorsement, time-varying contextual effects are less important overall than time-invariant contextual effects.Peer reviewe

    UPCEO, connecting statistics and people using R

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    A methodology and a tool that implements this methodology are developed using R to construct a web site that allows a lay user to consult statistical information owned by an institution and stored in a cloud database. This methodology was developed followin g the open - data philosophy and was implemented with open -source software using R as a key element. The proposed methodology was applied successfully to develop a tool to manage the data of the Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió, but it can be applied to another sta tistical center to enable open access to its data. The system is deployed on a cloud infrastructure that scales according to demand, implementing a 24/7 solution. A user (or a computer program) can access the information on the website using the R language as a communication channel or using a programming application interface. Additionally, in the R language, a common framework can be defined to structure the various processes involved in any statistical operation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    In-person school reopening and the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the second wave in Spain

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    We investigate the effects of school reopening on the evolution of COVID-19 infections during the second wave in Spain studying both regional and age-group variation within an interrupted time-series design. Spain's 17 Autonomous Communities reopened schools at different moments in time during September 2020. We find that in-person school reopening correlates with a burst in infections in almost all those regions. Data from Spanish regions gives a further leverage: in some cases, pre-secondary and secondary education started at different dates. The analysis of those cases does not allow to conclude whether reopening one educational stage had an overall stronger impact than the other. To provide a plausible mechanism connecting school reopening with the burst in contagion, we study the Catalan case in more detail, scrutinizing the interrupted time-series patterns of infections among age-groups and the possible connections between them. The stark and sudden increase in contagion among older children (10–19) just after in-person school reopening appears to drag the evolution of other age-groups according to Granger causality. This might be taken as an indirect indication of household transmission from offspring to parents with important societal implications for the aggregate dynamics of infections.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Podem canviar les nostres idees socio-polítiques un cop som adults?

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    Contràriament a l'enfocament tradicional, que diu que les variacions en els valors i orientacions socio-polítiques es donen principalment durant l'adolescència i principi de l'edad adulta, aquesta tesi doctoral llegida a la UAB ha intentat mostrar com els adults ajustem constantment les nostres idees i creences polítiques al temps en què vivim. El treball conclou que els models vigents fins ara eren clarament insuficients per explicar les variacions que s'han donat durant els últims trenta anys en les democràcies industrials.Contrariamente al enfoque tradicional, que dice que las variaciones en los valores y orientaciones sociopolíticas se dan principalmente durante la adolescencia y principio de la edad adulta, esta tesis doctoral leída en la UAB ha intentado mostrar cómo los adultos ajustamos constantemente nuestras ideas y creencias políticas al tiempo en que vivimos. El trabajo concluye que los modelos vigentes hasta ahora eran claramente insuficientes para explicar las variaciones que se han dado durante los últimos treinta años en las democracias industriales

    Patterns of change in the justifiability of euthanasia across OECD countries

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    IntroductionThe public's justifiability of euthanasia has increased as more countries have adopted laws permitting a range of end-of-life practices. Despite this trend, there is a dearth of longitudinal and comparative studies investigating attitudes toward euthanasia. Consequently, it remains unclear whether this rise in justifiability is a period-specific trend or generational change.MethodsWe analyzed data from the European and World Values Survey from 1981 to 2021 to examine period variations, between-cohort differences, and within-cohort changes across 35 affluent countries. This analysis was conducted using dynamic comparative multilevel regression and a comparative version of the cross-classified random effects regressions.ResultsOur descriptive results supported our hypotheses, indicating an increase in euthanasia's justifiability in virtually all surveyed countries, with both overall and within-cohort changes gravitating toward higher degrees of justifiability. Furthermore, newer periods and younger cohorts were found to be more permissive than their older counterparts. These consistent increases in the justifiability of euthanasia were verified by the multilevel models.DiscussionOur results were in line with modernization theory, observing a gradual change in attitudes between cohorts due to generational replacement. However, we also identified intra-cohort changes related to the processes of human development across various countries. Some robustness checks produced ambiguous results in distinguishing period and cohort effects, yet the combination of these components aligns with substantive theory.ConclusionOur findings indicate a more complex pattern of change than predicted by the impressionable years model, a leading approach in political socialization research. This study contributes significantly to our understanding of evolving attitudes toward euthanasia, bridging the gap in longitudinal and comparative studies on the subject

    Postmaterialist Values and Adult Political Learning. Intracohort Value Change in Western Europe

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    Research on value change and stability tends to underline the importance of generational effects, Inglehart's theory of post-materialism being an example of this. According to his theory, formative experiences shape the values of each age-cohort, and social change takes place progressively due to the force of generational replacement. This article analyzes survey data covering a wider period of observations than the one Inglehart used to draw his conclusions. By applying time series techniques, I find signifi cant changes within each generation over time. I show how an important adult learning process in the field of post-materialist values has taken place, which has been neglected by the empirical literature. Contrary to Inglehart's point of view, I conclude that period effects are not just minor short-term infl uences affecting the "normal" change due to generational replacement, but a systematic intracohort trend linked to the European economic prosperity of recent decades

    Valores postmaterialistas y aprendizaje político adulto. El cambio de valores intracohorte en Europa Occidental

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    La investigación sobre estabilidad y cambio de valores tiende a subrayar la importancia de los efectos generacionales, siendo la teoría del postmaterialismo de Inglehart un ejemplo de ello. En su teoría, las experiencias formativas confi guran los valores de cada cohorte de edad, y el cambio social tiene lugar de forma gradual mediante el reemplazo generacional. En este artículo se analizan datos de encuestas que abarcan un período de tiempo más amplio que el que utilizó Inglehart para sacar sus conclusiones. Aplicando técnicas de series temporales se identifi can cambios relevantes en cada generación a lo largo del tiempo. Se demuestra que ha tenido lugar un importante proceso de aprendizaje adulto en el ámbito de los valores postmaterialistas, obviado en la literatura empírica. Contradiciendo a Inglehart, se concluye que los efectos del período no son sólo de carácter menor y cortoplacista, sino que toman la forma de una tendencia sistemática de tipo intracohorte. Esta tendencia se vincula a la creciente prosperidad económica europea de las últimas décadas