35 research outputs found
Food Education, Cookery Books and School Canteens in the Fight against Malnutrition: The Case of the Spanish Edalnu Programme (1961–1986)
The Spanish population completed its nutritional transition in the 1960s and 1970s, when it overcame the problems of malnutrition. Among the initiatives that made this possible, the Food and Nutrition Education Programme (Edalnu) (1961–1986) stands out. In addition to correcting the negative influence exerted by ignorance to nourish oneself correctly, it was intended to prevent the problems of overfeeding that most developed countries showed. The objective of this research addresses, in this context and from the parameters of applied history, the condition of the complementary pedagogical instrument that the Edalnu awarded to the school canteen in the fight against malnutrition, as well as the nutritional, dietetic, culinary and gastronomic criteria used for its operation. The results show that the school canteens sought to reinforce the food knowledge acquired in the classroom. Based on the dialogue between chefs and experts in nutrition and dietetics, balanced meals adapted to regional gastronomic diversity were prepared, which helped to promote, in line with current criteria, healthy and sustainable eating habits through traditional plant-based recipes, with a predominance of seasonal and local products, and with a complementary contribution of ingredients of animal origin.This research received no external funding. Work done in the framework of the research project: Past and Present in the Control of Neglected Poverty Diseases: The Historical Example of Mediterranean Europe and International Health Cooperation (HAR-2017-82366-C2-2-P), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España
Making a virtue of necessity: Food education and gastronomy in the Spanish Civil War and post-war period (1936–1952)
The nutritional status of the Spanish population deteriorated as the civil war progressed, and particularly in the famine years that characterized the post-war period. In response to this crisis, in 1937 the Government of the Second Republic created the National Food Security Institute (Spanish name: Instituto Nacional de Higiene de la Alimentación). The Government of Catalonia also tackled the food shortages created by the war. In addition, other institutional and scientific scopes and from civil society, they developed a series of initiatives aimed at ensuring a diet that was “as healthy and effective as possible” within the constraints imposed first by the war and later by the hardship and scarcity of the autarkic period. To shed light on the scope and content of these initiatives, we analysed documents related to the National Food Security Institute and the literature published by the Government of Catalonia Propaganda Committee, as well as cookery and recipe books aimed at helping people prepare meals in times of war and/or food shortages. These publications explained how to make the most of the scant food resources available to the majority of the population and gave information on their nutritional value, emphasising those with a high vitamin content. In many instances, they show that the widespread hunger of those years proved to be boost of invention, spurring the creativity of cooks and gourmets.Work done in the framework of the research project: Past and Present in the Control of Neglected Poverty Diseases: The Historical Example of Mediterranean Europe and International Health Cooperation (HAR-2017-82366-C2-2-P), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España
Dietética gastronómica: El placer de comer saludablemente
II Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Avances en Nutrición y Dietética Clínica: Prevención, Tratamiento y Gestión - Rol del Dietista-Nutricionist
Hygiene and health diffusion and the prevention of obesity in Spain: the work of Jesús Noguer Moré (1903-1983)
Introducción: entre los retos epidemiológicos de la sociedad española de la primera mitad del siglo XX, destacaba el problema de la malnutrición. Aunque eran el hambre y la desnutrición las formas más prevalentes, el sobrepeso y la obesidad empezaban a emerger entre las clases acomodadas. En todos los casos y, sobre todo, en el escenario de la sobrealimentación, la cuestión no era tanto económica como de falta de conocimientos. Por esta razón, para los higienistas eran fundamentales la divulgación y la educación en alimentación y nutrición. En este ámbito, destaca la aportación del endocrinólogo catalán Jesús Noguer Moré (1903-1983). El objetivo es analizar los trabajos que dedicó a la obesidad. Material y método: análisis bibliográfico de las obras de Jesús Noguer Moré. Resultados y conclusión: consideraba la obesidad una patología de etiología multifactorial con graves consecuencias para la morbimortalidad. Intervendrían desde la genética hasta patologías previas, pasando por hábitos alimentarios y de vida inadecuados. Su abordaje terapéutico debía basarse en restricciones calóricas y actividad física. Subrayaba el papel de determinados tipos de actividades familiares o profesionales en el fomento del sobrepeso y la obesidad. En materia preventiva, resaltaba la importancia de las prácticas culinarias y gastronómicas, al mismo tiempo que hacía recaer la responsabilidad de las mismas en las amas de casa, un discurso de género que llevó a Noguer a situar a las mujeres como colectivo diana de su acción divulgadora y donde estuvo muy presente el ideal de belleza femenina vigente en el periodo de entreguerras.Introduction: among the epidemiological challenges facing Spanish society in the first half of the 20th century, the problem of malnutrition stood out. Although hunger and malnutrition were the most prevalent forms, overweight and obesity were beginning to emerge, particularly among the wealthier classes. In all cases, and especially in the overnutrition situation, the issue was not so much economic as one of lack of knowledge. For this reason, for the hygienists, dissemination and education in food and nutrition was fundamental. In this field, the contribution of the Catalan endocrinologist Jesús Noguer Moré (1903-1983) stands out. The aim is to analyze the work he devoted to obesity. Material and methods: bibliographic analysis of the works of Jesús Noguer Moré. Results and conclusion: he considered obesity as a pathology of multifactorial etiology with serious consequences for morbidity and mortality. It would involve everything from genetics to previous pathologies, as well as inadequate dietary and lifestyle habits. Its therapeutic approach should be based on calorie restriction and physical activity. He underlined the role of certain types of family or professional activities in promoting overweight and obesity. In terms of prevention, he emphasized the importance of culinary and gastronomic practices, while at the same time placing the responsibility for these practices on housewives. A gender discourse that led Noguer to place women as the target group for his dissemination activities and where the ideal of feminine beauty in force in the inter-war period was very much present
The historical perspective and critical analysis in addressing the food and social challenge of hidden hunger
El trabajo plantea la necesidad de abordar el hambre oculta a partir de los retos alimentarios y la casuística socioeconómica que la explican. Se analizan los usos que ha recibido desde la historia de la población y su asociación con los síndromes de miseria, atraso social y pauperización, Así como la nueva dimensión que ha adquirido con la emergencia de la pandemia de obesidad y la doble carga de la malnutrición y el sobrepeso. Tanto las lecciones de la historia, como el reto que representan los más de 2.000 millones de seres humanos afectados por el hambre oculta, muestran que para superarla, más allá de suplementar el déficit de micronutrientes, hay que corregir las desigualdades sociales ante la disponibilidad de alimentos y otras necesidades básicas.The work raises the need to address hidden hunger based on food challenges and the socioeconomic casuistry that explain it. Are analysed the uses it has received from the history of the population and its association with the syndromes of misery, social backwardness and pauperization. As well as the new dimension that it has acquired with the emergence of the obesity pandemic and the double burden of malnutrition and overweight. Both the lessons of history, and the challenge posed by the more than 2 billion human beings affected by hidden hunger, show that to overcome it, beyond supplementing the deficit of micronutrients, it is necessary to correct social inequalities regarding the availability of food and other basic necessities.Trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Pasado y presente en el control de las enfermedades de la pobreza desatendidas: el ejemplo histórico de la Europa mediterránea y la cooperación sanitaria internacional” (HAR2017-82366-C2-2-P), financiado por el Ministerio español de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Dietética gastronómica: El placer de comer saludablemente
II Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Avances en Nutrición y Dietética Clínica: Prevención, Tratamiento y Gestión - Rol del Dietista-Nutricionist
University students’ attitudes towards their own bodies: University of Alicante, 2003 and 2018
Introducción: tras décadas de progresiva transformación de los patrones de estética corporal, el período poscrisis puede haber alterado ese proceso. Uno de los segmentos poblacionales que puede estar más afectado por esas transformaciones es el alumnado universitario. Los objetivos del presente estudio son conocer las prácticas estéticas del alumnado de la Universidad de Alicante (UA), conocer la autopercepción del propio cuerpo, establecer diferencias en función del sexo y del IMC, y comparar los resultados de la encuesta de 2018 con una equiparable de 2003. Material y métodos: se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal repetido, cuya estrategia de investigación es la encuesta. El tipo de muestreo es por cuotas (sexo y rama de estudios). La unidad de análisis son alumnos de grado y máster de la UA matriculados durante el curso 2017/2018 (en 2003 eran alumnos de 1º y 2º ciclos de la UA matriculados durante el curso 2002/2003). Universo poblacional: 23.827 alumnos (en 2003 eran 28.483). Tamaño de la muestra: 402 (en 2003 eran 375). Resultados: el 78,1% está satisfecho con su propio cuerpo (70% en 2003); el 48,1% cree que su peso debería ser como el actual (42,4% en 2003). En relación al IMC, el 40% tiene una actitud desajustada con la realidad, en 2003 esta cifra superaba el 50%. Conclusiones: en 2018 se ha constatado una mayor satisfacción con el propio cuerpo y una autopercepción menos sometida a la presión del ideal de delgadez con respecto al 2003. Asimismo, se aprecia un ajuste entre sexos.Introduction: The post-crisis period may have had an impact on the body image of university students, after decades of progressive transformation in patterns of body aesthetics in Western countries. The objective of this study is to know the aesthetic practices of the students of the University of Alicante, their body self-perception and to compare the difference in the results of two surveys (2018 and 2003), and analyse if there are any differences according to sex and BMI. Material and methods: This is a descriptive repeated cross-sectional study that uses a survey and quota sampling (by sex and field of study). The units of analysis are the University of Alicante’s bachelor’s and master’s degree students enrolled during the 2017/2018 school year (in 2003 these were students of the first and second cycles enrolled in the school year 2002/2003). Universe: 23,827 students in 2017 (28,483 in 2003). Sample size: 402 in 2017 and 375 in 2003. Results: 78.1% were satisfied with their own body (compared to 70% in 2003). 48.1% thought their weight was fine as it is (42.4% in 2003). In relation to the BMI, 40% have an unadjusted attitude towards reality, in 2003 this figure exceeded 50%. Conclusions: Students in 2018 showed of more satisfaction with their bodies and seemed to perceive less pressure to be thin compared to 2003. Also, there is an adjustment between genders
The health educator network as a nutrition education strategy: the example of the EDALNU programme (1963-1994)
La educación en alimentación y nutrición es una herramienta fundamental para garantizar la salud. En 1961, se puso en marcha el Programa de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición (EDALNU), que ayudó a la población española a completar su transición alimentaria y nutricional. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las características de la red de promotores de salud que se desarrolló en el marco del programa. Recibieron formación relacionada con alimentación y nutrición 46.752 personas, el 94% de ellas mujeres. El 89,54% obtuvo el título de iniciado y el 8,80%, el de diplomado. Se realizaron 1.407 acciones y en 1979 se alcanzó el momento más álgido, con 131 cursos y 4.029 alumnos. Madrid, con el 26,65% de cursos; Valencia, con el 7,60%; Murcia, con el 7,53%, y Málaga, con el 6,75%, fueron las provincias más activas. El Ministerio de Cultura y Educación fue el encargado de organizar el mayor número de cursos (26,23%), seguido de Sección Femenina (11,16%) y Acción Católica (5,12%). La duración y los contenidos formativos de los cursos eran de 160 horas para los diplomados y 40 para los iniciados. La acción formativa desarrollada estuvo sometida a los cambios que experimentó el Programa y a los que afectaron a la estructura administrativa y política española. La investigación ha mostrado las desigualdades territoriales que acompañaron el desarrollo de la red de formadores, su componente de género y el carácter plural de las instituciones que organizaron los cursos.Food and nutrition education is an essential tool to ensure public health. The year 1961 saw the launch of the Food and Nutrition Education Programme (EDALNU), which helped Spanish population to complete their nutrition transition. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the health education network which was created as part of the program. A total of 46,752 people, 94% of whom were women, received training on food and nutrition. Of these, 89.54% obtained the basic certificate, and 8.80% were awarded the diploma. Some 1,407 courses were given, reaching a peak in 1979 with 131 courses and 4,029 students. The most active provinces were Madrid, with 26.65% of the courses; Valencia, with 7.60%; Murcia, with 7.53%, and Malaga, with 6.75%. The Spanish Ministry of Culture and Education organized the largest number of courses (26.23%), followed by the Women’s Section (11.16%) and Catholic Action (5.12%). Diploma courses were taught for 160 hours, while basic courses lasted 40 hours. The training delivered was affected by changes in the EDALNU program and the Spanish administrative and political structure. Our research revealed that the development and gender balance of the network of trainers presented regional inequalities, and that a wide range of institutions were involved in delivering the courses.Trabajo realizado en el marco de los proyectos de investigación: El contexto internacional de las políticas de nutrición y alimentación en la España del desarrollismo, 1959-1975 (HAR2014-51859-C2-2-P), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España; Programa Prometeo de la Generalitat Valenciana para grupos de investigación de excelencia (Referencia Prometeo II/2014/015); y Grupo GADEA (Grupo Alicante de Estudios Avanzados de Historia de la Medicina), universidades de Alicante y Miguel Hernández
Culinary and Gastronomic Practices during the Periods of Restrictions on Movement Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Province of Alicante (Spain)
Introduction: The third wave of COVID-19 had a large impact on the autonomous Region of Valencia, which gave rise to restrictions on movement and access to collective eating establishments. The objective of this study is to analyse the culinary and gastronomic behaviour exhibited by the population of the province of Alicante during the period of restrictions, in early 2021, in order to compare the results with an identical survey carried out during the first lockdown of 2020. Methods: observational and repeated cross-sectional study. Results: The frequency and time dedicated to cooking were similar, as was the tendency to cook as a family, although the percentage of meals ate alone increased and the presence of audiovisual devices during meals persisted. Recipes, cookbooks, websites and online courses became the principal sources of learning and the self-perception of improvements in culinary skills was greater. The cooking of traditional dishes of the Mediterranean diet predominated to the detriment of ready meals, but 41.6% of those surveyed preferred to improvise. The recipes most consulted were those for main courses. Conclusions. In spite of certain changes and setbacks, which in many cases led to a regression to the situation prior to the pandemic, many of the improvements made during the lockdown of 2020 persisted. Changes were made in culinary and gastronomic practices that can help to achieve a more conscious, healthy and sustainable diet but which require educational policies and actions to reinforce and consolidate them.This research was funded by Carmencita Chair of Gastronomic Flavor Studies of the University of Alicante. The APC was funded by Carmencita Chair of Gastronomic Flavor Studies of the University of Alicante
The didactic resource of school allotments and farms of the Edalnu Program and its antecedents (1958-1972)
El trabajo analiza el antecedente histórico de los huertos y las granjas escolares que promovió el Servicio de Extensión Agraria en sus actividades formativas y divulgativas en la década de 1950; así como la continuidad que tuvieron como unidades educativas desarrolladas en el Programa de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición (Edalnu) que se puso en marcha en 1961. Como principales fuentes de estudio se han utilizado el Boletín Informativo de Extensión Agraria, con posterioridad Revista de Extensión Agraria así como las publicaciones y documentos que generó el Programa Edalnu y que estaban relacionados con los huertos y las granjas escolares. La implantación de los huertos y granjas ayudó a fomentar la producción local de alimentos protectores, además de mejorar los hábitos alimentarios a nivel escolar y familiar. La aplicación de la metodología de “aprender haciendo” fomentó tanto el aprendizaje por descubrimiento, como el basado en problemas y el aprendizaje servicio. En línea con la corriente historiográfica del tiempo presente y los usos del pasado, la visión integradora del Programa Edalnu, en el que la escuela, el entorno y la familia estaban interconectados, puede servir de ejemplo para las actuales estrategias de educación en alimentación y nutrición.Here, we analyse the creation of school allotments and farms, promoted by the Agricultural Outreach Service as one of its education and training actions in the 1950s, and their continuing existence as educational units within the Food and Nutrition Education Programme (Spanish acronym: Edalnu) launched in 1961. The main sources used in this study were the Boletín Informativo de Extensión Agraria (agricultural outreach newsletter), subsequently named the Revista de Extensión Agraria (agricultural outreach journal), as well as the publications and documents related to school allotments and farms generated by the Edalnu Programme. The implantation of allotments and farms helped to encourage local production of healthy food, as well as improving eating habits by schools and families. Application of the “learning by doing” methodology fostered discovery learning, problem-solving and service. In respect of the history matters and the uses of the past, the integrative vision of the Edalnu Program, in which the school, the environment and the family were interconnected, can serve as an example for the current education strategies in food and nutrition