13 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Pemikiran Islam Dalam Peradaban Melayu

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    This study aims to seethe contributionbof Islamic thought in civilization of malay and then becomes a separate study within the scope of malay Islamic studies, as historical records have confirmed that developments that happened in Islamic world also have a contribution in a progress malay civilization, form both of these gave an identity to the public of malay. There are at least two questions that submitted in this study (1) how is the history of the development Islamic civilization; (2) how is the  Islamic contribution in civilization of malay. The method used is about how to find library datas and interpreting the data found in reference sources and various supporting sources about the contribution of Islamic thought in the world of malay, this is complementwd of Islam with an indirect approach. the contribution of Islamic thought and civilization can be seen from history and culture, both of which are the identity of a nation, from these two things will be seen the history of identity and historical identity. Hinduism and Buddhism, followed by the Hindu and Buddhist periods, the arrival of Islam, after that the colonial period of colonialism over Malays, but the influence of Islamic thought on Malay civilization until now is very strong, even this influence dominates the influence of other religious thoughts

    Maqâshid al-Syarî`ah Paradigm for the Protection of Children Victims of Narcotics Abuse

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    Narcotics often make children victims, it also affects the protection of children's rights. This study  is intended to see how maqâshid al-syarî`ah views the protection of child victims of narcotics. The method    used in this study is descriptive qualitative approach to explore how paradigms, factors and implications for the protection of child victims of narcotics. The data in this study was obtained through a search of a search engine google.com with the keyword " maqâshid al-syarî`ah paradigm towards legal protection of child victims of narcotics", then the data is reduced to be able to present the expected results in this study. The analysis of this study shows that legal protection for children victims of narcotics has not been fulfilled, so it is not uncommon for children to be used as agents for the sustainability of narcotics trafficking in Indonesia. This study is based on an argument that the protection of children entangled in drug cases is still not optimally provided both from prevention, legal process, and punishment of child victims of narcotics. As a results, a maqâshid al-syarî`ah approach is required, with the goal of achieving  advantage in offering legal protection regulations for children who are victims of narcotics in Indonesia. Narkotika seringkali menjadikan anak-anak sebagai korban, hal tersebut juga berimbas pada perlindungan atas hak-hak anak. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk melihat bagaimana pandangan maqhasid al-Syariah terhadap perlindungan anak korban Narkotika. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk menelusuri bagaimana paradigma, faktor dan implikasi terhadap perlindungan anak korban narkotika. Data dalam tulisan ini didapati melalui penelusuran terhadap mesin pencari google.com dengan kata kunci “paradigma maqhasid al-Syariab terhadap perlindungan hukum anak korban narkotika”, selanjutnya data direduksi untuk dapat menghadirkan hasil yang diharapkan dalam tulisan ini. Tulisan ini menunjukkan belum terpenuhinya perlindungan hukum pada anak korban narkotika, sehingga tidak jarang anak-anak dijadikan sebagai agen demi keberlangsungan peredaran narkotika di Indonesia. Studi ini didasari pada satu argument bahwa perlindungan anak yang terjerat kasus narkotika masih belum maksimal diberikan baik dari pencegahan, proses hukum, dan hukuman terhadap anak korban narkotika. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu pendekatan maqâshid al-syarî`ah yang bertujuan untuk mencapai kemaslahatan dalam rangka menghadirkan regulasi perlindungan hukum pada anak korban narkotika di Indonesia.


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    Kida-kidahan atau yang disebut dengan pertunangan ciIik ini sudah menjadi tradisi yang turun temurun dari zaman nenek moyang sampai zaman modern pada saat ini. Di awaIi dari ahIi pihak Iaki-Iaki datang ke rumah pihak perempuan dengan membawa apa sekedar yang dapat dibawanya sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada keIuarga perempuan. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan tradisi pertunangan ciIik ini Iebih banyak menghabiskan biaya karena perayaan ini setara dengan resepsi pernikahan yang diIaksanakan dengan megah dan mewah.  Tujuan peneIitian ini adaIahuntuk mengetahui bagaimana penyeIesaian sengketa pertunangan ciIik di desa Baru Rambang menurut prespektif hukum adat dan hukum IsIam. PeneIitian ini dapat menambah kajian yang Iebih Iuas secara khusus tentang penyeIesaian sengketa pertunangan ciIik daIam kehidupan masyarakat Baru Rambang, serta mampu memberikan khazanah pengetahuan bagi penuIis dan peneIiti seIanjutnya mengenai hukum IsIam, tradisi dan kebudayaan masyarakat yang bersangkutan. Metode peneIitian yang digunakan yaitu peneIitian Iapangan (fieId research) dengan sumber data meIaIui data primer dan sekunder dan dikumpuIkan dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara Iangsung dengan tokoh adat, tokoh agama serta perangkat desa yg terIibat. HasiI dari peneIitian ini adaIah bahwa penyeIesaian sengketa pertunangan ciIik ini diseIesaikan dengan cara yang baik yaitu dengan cara kekeIuargaan dan juga musyawarah yang meIibatkan tokoh adat, tokoh agama serta kepaIa desa. Sanksi bagi pihak yang membataIkan sudah di tetapkan oIeh masyarakat setempat supaya bisa bertanggung jawab atas apa yang teIah di perbuat dan juga demi keadiIan bagi kedua beIah pihak yang bersengketa supaya terciptanya kerukunan dan kedamaian. HaI ini pun tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran dan hukum IsIam. Kata Kunci: PembataIan Pertunangan CiIik, Adat dan IsIam.   Absract   Kida-kidahan or what is known as little engagement has become a tradition passed down from generation to generation from the time of our ancestors to modern times today. At the beginning, the men and women came to the women's house with what they could bring as a sign of respect to the women's family. However, along with the development of this little engagement tradition, it costs more because this celebration is equivalent to a wedding reception which is held grandly and luxuriously. The purpose of this research is to find out how to settle a small-scale engagement dispute in Baru Rambang village from the perspective of customary law and Islamic law. This research can add to a more extensive study in particular on the resolution of civil engagement disputes in the life of the Baru Rambang community, as well as being able to provide a wealth of knowledge for writers and further researchers regarding Islamic law, traditions and culture of the community concerned. The research method used is field research with data sources through primary and secondary data and collected by means of observation, documentation and direct interviews with traditional leaders, religious leaders and village officials involved. The result of this research is that the settlement of this small engagement dispute is resolved in a good way, namely by family methods and also through deliberation involving traditional leaders, religious leaders and village heads. Sanctions for those who break it have been set by the local community so that they can be held accountable for what has been done and also for the sake of justice for both parties to the dispute in order to create harmony and peace. This is also not contrary to the teachings and laws of Islam.   Keywords: Cancellation of Civil Engagement, Custom and Islam

    Pemanfaatan Sawah Warisan Secara Bergilir Menurut Hukum Islam dan Hukum Adat

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    Pemanfaatan sawah warisan secara bergilir sesuai dengan hukum waris adat dan pasal 189 KHI yaitu menggunakan asas kolektif. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan asas individual dalam hukum waris Islam. Salah satu alasannya yaitu dalam sistem kolektif terjadi penundaan pembagian harta warisan. Hal ini berpotensi menimbulkan konflik. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pelaksanaan pemanfaatan sawah warisan secara bergilir pada masyarakat Desa Mayapati.  Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji melalui hukum Islam  dan hukum adat terhadap pemanfaatan sawah warisan secara bergilir pada masyarakat Desa Mayapati. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian lapangan dengan pengambilan datanya melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini juga merupakan penelitian hukum normatif  dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui bahan kepustakaan seperti buku, dokumen atau peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang terjadi. Bersifat deskriptif yaitu masalah dirumuskan sesuai  fakta yang terjadi. Secara hukum adat pemanfaatan sawah warisan secara bergilir sesuai dengan sistem kolektif. Menurut pandangan hukum Islam, semestinya warisan dibagi berdasarkan bagian-bagian yang diatur nas. Mengacu pada Kompilasi Hukum Islam, pemanfaatan sawah warisan secara bergilir yang sesuai dengan Hukum Islam hanya mewarisi secara kolektif saja, sesuai dengan hak milik dalam hukum islam yaitu kepemilikan untuk diambil manfaatnya saja atau haqqul intifa’, sedangkan pemanfaatan sawah secara bergilir tidak sesuai dengan aturan kerja sama muzara’ah.The use of inherited rice fields in rotation is in accordance with customary inheritance law and article 189 KHI, namely using collective principles. This is not in accordance with the individual principle in Islamic inheritance law. One reason is that in the collective system there is a delay in the distribution of inherited assets. This has the potential to cause conflict. The formulation of the problem in this research is how to implement the use of heritage rice fields in rotation among the Mayapati Village community. The aim of the research is to examine through Islamic law and customary law the rotational use of inherited rice fields in the Mayapati Village community. The type of research is field research with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. This research is also normative legal research with a qualitative approach, namely data obtained through library materials such as books, documents or statutory regulations related to the problems that occur. Descriptive in nature, that is, the problem is formulated according to the facts that occurred. According to customary law, inherited rice fields are used in rotation according to a collective system. According to the view of Islamic law, inheritance should be divided based on the parts regulated in the text. Referring to the Compilation of Islamic Law, the rotational use of inherited rice fields which is in accordance with Islamic Law is only inherited collectively, in accordance with property rights in Islamic law, namely ownership for the benefit only or haqqul intifa', while the rotational use of rice fields is not in accordance with work regulations. with muzara'ah

    Tariqa in Indonesia: Social Integration of Religious Adherents

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    This paper seeks to shed light on how tariqas [school or order of Sufism] play an important role in the socio-religious life of Indonesian society. Furthermore, this paper intends to explore research gaps from previous research by looking at how conflict and social integration among tariqas are in the reality of religious communities. In addition, this paper also aims to explain the causative and supporting factors originating from the tariqa structural institutions and the tariqa interests in social integration among the tariqa. Based on the collected data which were analyzed using a qualitative approach, this article found that the tariqas have become the main agent in maintaining social integration among the tariqa practitioners and minimizing the gaps of conflict between the existing tariqas. However, at the same time, a tariqa needs legitimacy from its followers so that it creates space for conflicts of interest among the tariqa practitioners, especially in the fields of economics, politics, as well as among their followers. This paper is based on research conducted using in-depth library research aimed to find out how conflict and social integration occur in society


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    Tradisi sedekah bedusun adalah suatu ritual yang dilaksanakan ketika hendak menyambut bulan Ramadhan yang bertujuan untuk bersyukur pada Allah Swt., keselamatan Desa, berdo’a untuk roh nenek moyang dan keluarga yang sudah meninggal Dunia. Banyak proses yang dilakukan dalam tradisi sedekah bedusun, untuk itu peneliti ingin mengetahui hukum-hukum yang terkandung dalam ritual ini antara lain: [1] Bagaimana sejarah tradisi sedekah bedusun di Desa Penandingan Kecamatan Sungai Rotan Kabupaten Muara Enim, [2] Bagaimana proses penyelenggaraan tradisi sedekah bedusun di Desa Penandingan, [3] Bagaimana perspektif Tokoh Agama dan Tokoh Masyarakat tentang tradisi sedekah bedusun dalam rangka menyambut bulan Ramadhan di Desa Penandingan, [4] Bagaimana perbandingan pendapat Tokoh Agama dan Tokoh Masyarakat mengenai tradisi ini. Peneliti ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tradisi sedekah bedusun yang ada di Desa Penandingan. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam katagori penelitian kualitatif, yang menganalisis tentang hukum-hukum  adat dari sekelompok masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data antara lain observasi langsung, wawancara terbatas, dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua sumber data, yaitu: sumber primer yang diperoleh dari Kepala Desa, Tokoh Agama, Tokoh Masyarakat dan warga setempat, sementara data sekunder didapat dari buku-buku terkait tema penelitian. Temuan dari penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah adanya hukum-hukum yang terkandung dalam ritual tradisi sedekah bedusun dalam rangka menyambut bulan suci Ramadhan. Diantaranya kegiatan sedekah, silaturahmi, bersyukur dengan apa yang didapatkan, dan kegiatan gotong royong membersihkan Desa Penandingan Kecamatan Sungai Rotan Kabupaten Muara Enim

    Pengenalan Proses Sertifikasi Halal Sebagai Suatu Standar Pada Barang Dagangan

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    Sertifikasi halal merupakan suatu proses yang menjadi kebutuhan dalam memenuhi pangsa pasar yang luas mencakup kebaikan bagi pengusaha perdagangan barang atau jasa. Pada sisi konsumen, sertifikasi halal merupakan salah satu bukti keseriusan pengusaha dalam pemenuhan kehalalan barang dagangan, baik berupa barang atau jasa. Dalam rangka Tridarma dosen di bidang keuangan syariah pada Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, penulis memberikan pengetahuan pada Pengabdian Masyarakat mengenai proses sertifikasi halal di daerah binaan: Kelurahan Joglo, Kecamatan Kembangan, Kotamadya Jakarta Barat. Pelaksanaan ini ditujukan pada lingkungan rumah tangga yang ada pada kelurahan tsb. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberi pengetahuan tentang proses pengurusan sertifikasi halal dan pemahaman yang terkait yang merupakan hal yang mendasar, sesuai aturan dari BPJPH 2021, meliputi jenis usaha, besarnya perusahaan, lamanya proses dan biaya yang dikenakan. Setelah pemaparan tsb, penulis melakukan evaluasi secara langsung kepada para peserta dengan cara tanya jawab untuk menguji bahwa para peserta telah memahami hal-hal yang disampaikan sebagai suatu informasi yang tepat bagi membantu keberadaan usaha secara syariah.Kata Kunci : Ekonomi rumah tangga, Sertifikasi halal, UMK


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    Orientation to establishment of Islamic law with a variant of the method is to achieve human welfare. To achieve the benefit of this, not just human authorized by God to made through His mind, but also God determine through His Word, so that in Islamic law, there are two sources of law, namely “naqliy” and “aqliy” always follow the development of human civilization has implications for the emergence of new problems the rule of law is not regulated in the passage, then the method “maslahah al-mursalah” into one of the alternative solutions oriented to the good of man. In other words, let alone at the level of Allah and the Massenger (via maslahah al-mu'tabarah) as a legal resident, on human writing even if the benefit to be achieved as the "fruit" of authoritative of law through “maslahah al-mursalah”. In regard to the philosophy of the value of the good, the methods of “al-maslahah” have embodied the virtues intuisisme, universalistic hedonism, utilitarianism and religiosisme

    Kontribusi Pemikiran Islam Dalam Peradaban Melayu

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    This study aims to seethe contributionbof Islamic thought in civilization of malay and then becomes a separate study within the scope of malay Islamic studies, as historical records have confirmed that developments that happened in Islamic world also have a contribution in a progress malay civilization, form both of these gave an identity to the public of malay. There are at least two questions that submitted in this study (1) how is the history of the development Islamic civilization; (2) how is the  Islamic contribution in civilization of malay. The method used is about how to find library datas and interpreting the data found in reference sources and various supporting sources about the contribution of Islamic thought in the world of malay, this is complementwd of Islam with an indirect approach. the contribution of Islamic thought and civilization can be seen from history and culture, both of which are the identity of a nation, from these two things will be seen the history of identity and historical identity. Hinduism and Buddhism, followed by the Hindu and Buddhist periods, the arrival of Islam, after that the colonial period of colonialism over Malays, but the influence of Islamic thought on Malay civilization until now is very strong, even this influence dominates the influence of other religious thoughts

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Studi Kasus Di Roti Maulana Kecamatan Genteng Banyuwangi)

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the analysis of the effect of Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty on Maulana bakery, and analysis of the influence of Brand Image on Consumer Loyalty on Maulana bakery. In this study, the data collection method used was explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The population of the study was carried out to consumers of Maulana bakery, Genteng District, Banyuwangi Regency as many as 71 respondents. Methods of data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The analytical methods used are validity test, reliability test, normality test, multiple linear regression analysis, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, hypothesis test, and coefficient of determination test. The results showed that product quality had an effect on consumer loyalty to Maulana bakery, and Brand Image had an effect on Consumer Loyalty on Maulana bakery. Keywords :  Product Quality, Brand Image, Consumer Loyalty