32 research outputs found

    Developing laser scanning applications for mapping and monitoring single tree characteristics for the needs of urban forestry

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    Urban forests provide various ecosystem services. However, they also require fairly intensive management, which can be supported with up-to-date tree-level data. Until recently, the data have been collected using traditional field measurements. Laser scanning (LS) techniques provide efficient means for acquiring detailed three-dimensional (3D) data from the vegetation. The objective of this dissertation was to develop methods for mapping and monitoring urban forests at tree level. In substudy I, a method (MS-STI) utilizing multiple data sources was developed for extracting tree-level attributes. The method combined airborne laser scanning (ALS), field measurements, and tree locations. The field sample was generalized using the non-parametric nearest neighbor (NN) approach. The relative root mean square error (RMSE) of diameter at breast height (DBH) varied between 18.8–33.8%. The performance of MS-STI was assessed in substudy II by applying it to an existing tree register. 88.8% of the trees were successfully detected, and the relative RMSE of DBH for the most common diameter classes varied between 21.7–24.3%. In substudy III, downed trees were mapped from a recreational forest area by detecting changes in the canopy. 97.7% of the downed trees were detected and the commission error was 10%. Species group, DBH, and volume were estimated for all downed trees using ALS metrics and existing allometric models. For the DBH, the relative RMSE was 20.8% and 34.1% for conifers and deciduous trees respectively. Finally, in substudy IV, a method utilizing terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and tree basic density was developed for estimating tree-level stem biomass for urban trees. The relative RMSE of the stem biomass estimates varied between 8.4–10.5%. The dissertation demonstrates the applicability of LS data in assessing tree-level attributes for urban forests. The methods developed show potential in providing the planning and management of urban forests with cost-efficient and up-to-date tree-level data

    Study of Realistic Urban Boundary Layer Turbulence with High-Resolution Large-Eddy Simulation

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    This study examines the statistical predictability of local wind conditions in a real urban environment under realistic atmospheric boundary layer conditions by means of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). The computational domain features a highly detailed description of a densely built coastal downtown area, which includes vegetation. A multi-scale nested LES modelling approach is utilized to achieve a setup where a fully developed boundary layer flow, which is also allowed to form and evolve very large-scale turbulent motions, becomes incident with the urban surface. Under these nonideal conditions, the local scale predictability and result sensitivity to central modelling choices are scrutinized via comparative techniques. Joint time–frequency analysis with wavelets is exploited to aid targeted filtering of the problematic large-scale motions, while concepts of information entropy and divergence are exploited to perform a deep probing comparison of local urban canopy turbulence signals. The study demonstrates the utility of wavelet analysis and information theory in urban turbulence research while emphasizing the importance of grid resolution when local scale predictability, particularly close to the pedestrian level, is sought. In densely built urban environments, the level of detail of vegetation drag modelling description is deemed most significant in the immediate vicinity of the trees

    Modeling of Dead Wood Potential Based on Tree Stand Data

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    Here we present a framework for identifying areas with high dead wood potential (DWP) for conservation planning needs. The amount and quality of dead wood and dying trees are some of the most important factors for biodiversity in forests. As they are easy to recognize on site, it is widely used as a surrogate marker for ecological quality of forests. However, wall-to-wall information on dead wood is rarely available on a large scale as field data collection is expensive and local dead wood conditions change rapidly. Our method is based on the forest growth models in the Motti forest simulator, taking into account 168 combinations of tree species, site types, and vegetation zones as well as recommendations on forest management. Simulated estimates of stand-level dead wood volume and mean diameter at breast height were converted into DWP functions. The accuracy of the method was validated on two sites in southern and northeastern Finland, both consisting of managed and conserved boreal forests. Altogether, 203 field plots were measured for living and dead trees. Data on living trees were inserted into corresponding DWP functions and the resulting DWPs were compared to the measured dead wood volumes. Our results show that DWP modeling is an operable tool, yet the accuracy differs between areas. The DWP performs best in near-pristine southern forests known for their exceptionally good quality areas. In northeastern areas with a history of softer management, the differences between near-pristine and managed forests is not as clear. While accurate wall-to-wall dead wood inventory is not available, we recommend using DWP method together with other spatial datasets when assessing biodiversity values of forests

    Effect of canopy structure on the performance of tree mapping methods in urban parks

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    Urban forests consist of patches of recreational areas, parks, and single trees on roadsides and other forested urban areas. Large number of tree species and heterogeneous growing conditions result in diverse canopy structure. High variation can be found both at level of single tree crowns and in canopy characteristics of larger areas. As urban forests are typically managed with small-scale, even tree-level operations, there is a need for detailed forest information. In this study, the effect of varying canopy conditions was tested on nine individual tree detection (ITD) methods. All methods utilized airborne laser scanning (ALS)-derived canopy height models (CHM) and different modifications of watershed segmentation (WS). The performance of mapping methods was compared in three strata with varying mean height and canopy cover. The results showed considerable variation between the methods when tested in varying canopy conditions. Especially, presence of large broadleaved trees affected the accuracy of detecting individual trees. The best performing methods for the three strata were G0.7, F2 and Gadapt. The areas with low canopy cover turned out problematic for all ITD methods tested as co-occurrence of small trees and large deciduous trees affected the accuracy significantly. Overall, The results show that stratification can be used to enhance the quality of ITD in urban park areas. However, heterogeneous canopy structure and varying growth patterns typical for urban parks lower the accuracy of tree detection. Also, according to our results we suggest that canopy height and canopy cover alone are insufficient attributes for stratifying urban canopy conditions.Peer reviewe

    Evaluating Factors Impacting Fallen Tree Detection from Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds

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    Fallen tree mapping provides valuable information regarding the ecological value of boreal forests. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) enables mapping fallen trees on a large scale. We compared the performance of line-detection-based individual fallen tree detection when using moderate point density ALS data (15 points/m2) and high-point-density unmanned aerial vehicle-based laser scanning (ULS) data (285 points/m2). Furthermore, we inspected the dataset and detection methodology-related factors impacting performance in each case. The results of this study showed that increasing the point density of the laser scanning dataset enables the detection of a larger proportion of fallen trees. However, based on our experiment, a line-detection-based fallen tree detection approach is sensitive to noise, thus generating a large number of false detections, especially with high-point-density data. Different types of filters, such as a simple height-based filter and machine-learning-based filters, can be used for reducing noise. However, using such filters is always a compromise, as in addition to reducing noise and thus false detections, they also reduce the number of true detections. Hence, a less noise-sensitive fallen tree detection method utilizing the finer details visible in high-density point clouds could be more suitable for high-point-density laser scanning data

    Examining Changes in Stem Taper and Volume Growth with Two-Date 3D Point Clouds

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    Exact knowledge over tree growth is valuable information for decision makers when considering the purposes of sustainable forest management and planning or optimizing the use of timber, for example. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) can be used for measuring tree and forest attributes in very high detail. The study aims at characterizing changes in individual tree attributes (e.g., stem volume growth and taper) during a nine year-long study period in boreal forest conditions. TLS-based three-dimensional (3D) point cloud data were used for identifying and quantifying these changes. The results showed that observing changes in stem volume was possible from TLS point cloud data collected at two different time points. The average volume growth of sample trees was 0.226 m3 during the study period, and the mean relative change in stem volume was 65.0%. In addition, the results of a pairwise Student’s t-test gave strong support (p-value 0.0001) that the used method was able to detect tree growth within the nine-year period between 2008–2017. The findings of this study allow the further development of enhanced methods for TLS-based single tree and forest growth modeling and estimation, which can thus improve the accuracy of forest inventories and offer better tools for future decision-making processes

    Detection of European Aspen (Populus tremula L.) Based on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Approach in Boreal Forests

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    European aspen (Populus tremula L.) is a keystone species for biodiversity of boreal forests.Large-diameter aspens maintain the diversity of hundreds of species, many of which are threatened in Fennoscandia. Due to a low economic value and relatively sparse and scattered occurrence of aspen in boreal forests, there is a lack of information of the spatial and temporal distribution of aspen, which hampers efficient planning and implementation of sustainable forest management practices and conservation efforts. Our objective was to assess identification of European aspen at the individual tree level in a southern boreal forest using high-resolution photogrammetric point cloud (PPC) and multispectral (MSP) orthomosaics acquired with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The structure-from-motion approach was applied to generate RGB imagery-based PPC to be used for individual tree-crown delineation. Multispectral data were collected using two UAV cameras:Parrot Sequoia and MicaSense RedEdge-M. Tree-crown outlines were obtained from watershed segmentation of PPC data and intersected with multispectral mosaics to extract and calculate spectral metrics for individual trees. We assessed the role of spectral data features extracted from PPC and multispectral mosaics and a combination of it, using a machine learning classifier—Support Vector Machine (SVM) to perform two different classifications: discrimination of aspen from the other species combined into one class and classification of all four species (aspen, birch, pine, spruce) simultaneously. In the first scenario, the highest classification accuracy of 84% (F1-score) for aspen and overall accuracy of 90.1% was achieved using only RGB features from PPC, whereas in the second scenario, the highest classification accuracy of 86 % (F1-score) for aspen and overall accuracy of 83.3% was achieved using the combination of RGB and MSP features. The proposed method provides a new possibility for the rapid assessment of aspen occurrence to enable more efficient forest management as well as contribute to biodiversity monitoring and conservation efforts in boreal forests.peerReviewe

    Tree species classification from airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR data using 3D convolutional neural networks

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    During the last two decades, forest monitoring and inventory systems have moved from field surveys to remote sensing-based methods. These methods tend to focus on economically significant components of forests, thus leaving out many factors vital for forest biodiversity, such as the occurrence of species with low economical but high ecological values. Airborne hyperspectral imagery has shown significant potential for tree species classification, but the most common analysis methods, such as random forest and support vector machines, require manual feature engineering in order to utilize both spatial and spectral features, whereas deep learning methods are able to extract these features from the raw data. Our research focused on the classification of the major tree species Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch, together with an ecologically valuable keystone species, European aspen, which has a sparse and scattered occurrence in boreal forests. We compared the performance of three-dimensional convolutional neural networks (3D-CNNs) with the support vector machine, random forest, gradient boosting machine and artificial neural network in individual tree species classification from hyperspectral data with high spatial and spectral resolution. We collected hyperspectral and LiDAR data along with extensive ground reference data measurements of tree species from the 83 km2 study area located in the southern boreal zone in Finland. A LiDAR-derived canopy height model was used to match ground reference data to aerial imagery. The best performing 3D-CNN, utilizing 4 m image patches, was able to achieve an F1-score of 0.91 for aspen, an overall F1-score of 0.86 and an overall accuracy of 87%, while the lowest performing 3D-CNN utilizing 10 m image patches achieved an F1-score of 0.83 and an accuracy of 85%. In comparison, the support-vector machine achieved an F1-score of 0.82 and an accuracy of 82.4% and the artificial neural network achieved an F1-score of 0.82 and an accuracy of 81.7%. Compared to the reference models, 3D-CNNs were more efficient in distinguishing coniferous species from each other, with a concurrent high accuracy for aspen classification. Deep neural networks, being black box models, hide the information about how they reach their decision. We used both occlusion and saliency maps to interpret our models. Finally, we used the best performing 3D-CNN to produce a wall-to-wall tree species map for the full study area that can later be used as a reference prediction in, for instance, tree species mapping from multispectral satellite images. The improved tree species classification demonstrated by our study can benefit both sustainable forestry and biodiversity conservation.peerReviewe