764 research outputs found

    Pointless curves of genus three and four

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    A curve over a field k is pointless if it has no k-rational points. We show that there exist pointless genus-3 hyperelliptic curves over a finite field F_q if and only if q < 26, that there exist pointless smooth plane quartics over F_q if and only if either q < 24 or q = 29 or q = 32, and that there exist pointless genus-4 curves over F_q if and only if q < 50.Comment: LaTeX, 15 page

    Effects of the galactic magnetic field upon large scale anisotropies of extragalactic Cosmic Rays

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    The large scale pattern in the arrival directions of extragalactic cosmic rays that reach the Earth is different from that of the flux arriving to the halo of the Galaxy as a result of the propagation through the galactic magnetic field. Two different effects are relevant in this process: deflections of trajectories and (de)acceleration by the electric field component due to the galactic rotation. The deflection of the cosmic ray trajectories makes the flux intensity arriving to the halo from some direction to appear reaching the Earth from another direction. This applies to any intrinsic anisotropy in the extragalactic distribution or, even in the absence of intrinsic anisotropies, to the dipolar Compton-Getting anisotropy induced when the observer is moving with respect to the cosmic rays rest frame. For an observer moving with the solar system, cosmic rays traveling through far away regions of the Galaxy also experience an electric force coming from the relative motion (due to the rotation of the Galaxy) of the local system in which the field can be considered as being purely magnetic. This produces small changes in the particles momentum that can originate large scale anisotropies even for an isotropic extragalactic flux.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Radiogenic helium in Baffin Bay bottom water

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    3He-4He ratios, dissolved He and Ne, and tritium have been measured in 87 seawater samples collected at 14 stations in Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and in the sounds through which Arctic water flows into Baffin Bay…

    Analysis of transient interactions between a PWR nuclear power plant and a faulted electricity grid

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    This paper presents the transient stability analysis of a pressurised water-type nuclear power plant following faults and disturbances affecting the electricity grid to which it is connected. The modelled nuclear plant consists of various integrated subsystems, such as core neutronics and thermal-hydraulics, piping and plenum, pressuriser, steam generator, turbine, governor, and dynamics shaft, in addition to the turbine-speed controller. The nonlinear nuclear power plant model is linearised at the operating point to acquire a linear model for controller design. The turbine-speed control loop effectively enacts a closed-loop implementation of the nuclear power plant connected to the electric grid. The various transient stability enhancement components such as the power system stabiliser, static var compensator, and static synchronous compensator are employed to test performance during severe contingencies. The interaction between the nuclear power plant, electric grid, and protection system is studied under various scenarios such as single-phase fault, three-phase fault, and permanent load loss. The performance of the nonlinear plant is further observed during load-following operation. The dynamic behaviour of the overall system is analysed using simulations in the MATLAB/Simulink/Simscape environment

    Changes in active site histidine hydrogen bonding trigger cryptochrome activation

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    Cryptochrome (CRY) is the principal light sensor of the insect circadian clock. Photoreduction of the Drosophila CRY (dCRY) flavin cofactor to the anionic semiquinone (ASQ) restructures a C-terminal tail helix (CTT) that otherwise inhibits interactions with targets that include the clock protein Timeless (TIM). All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations indicate that flavin reduction destabilizes the CTT, which undergoes large-scale conformational changes (the CTT release) on short (25 ns) timescales. The CTT release correlates with the conformation and protonation state of conserved His378, which resides between the CTT and the flavin cofactor. Poisson-Boltzmann calculations indicate that flavin reduction substantially increases the His378 pKa. Consistent with coupling between ASQ formation and His378 protonation, dCRY displays reduced photoreduction rates with increasing pH; however, His378Asn/Arg variants show no such pH dependence. Replica-exchange MD simulations also support CTT release mediated by changes in His378 hydrogen bonding and verify other responsive regions of the protein previously identified by proteolytic sensitivity assays. His378 dCRY variants show varying abilities to light-activate TIM and undergo self-degradation in cellular assays. Surprisingly, His378Arg/Lys variants do not degrade in light despite maintaining reactivity toward TIM, thereby implicating different conformational responses in these two functions. Thus, the dCRY photosensory mechanism involves flavin photoreduction coupled to protonation of His378, whose perturbed hydrogen-bonding pattern alters the CTT and surrounding regions

    Evidence of threat to European economy and biodiversity following the introduction of an alien pathogen on the fungal–animal boundary

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    Recent years have seen a global and rapid resurgence of fungal diseases with direct impact on biodiversity and local extinctions of amphibian, coral, or bat populations. Despite similar evidence of population extinction in European fish populations and the associated risk of food aquaculture due to the emerging rosette agent Sphaerothecum destruens, an emerging infectious eukaryotic intracellular pathogen on the fungal–animal boundary, our understanding of current threats remained limited. Long-term monitoring of population decline for the 8-year post-introduction of the fungal pathogen was coupled with seasonal molecular analyses of the 18S rDNA and histological work of native fish species organs. A phylogenetic relationship between the existing EU and US strains using the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences was also carried out. Here, we provide evidence that this emerging parasite has now been introduced via Pseudorasbora parva to sea bass farms, an industry that represents over 400 M€ annually in a Mediterranean region that is already economically vulnerable. We also provide for the first time evidence linking S. destruens to disease and severe declines in International Union for Conservation of Nature threatened European endemic freshwater fishes (i.e. 80% to 90 % mortalities). Our findings are thus of major economic and conservation importance

    Mantle 3He distribution and deep circulation in the Indian Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): C06012, doi:10.1029/2003JC002028.The World Ocean Circulation Experiment Indian Ocean helium isotope data are mapped and features of intermediate and deep circulation are inferred and discussed. The 3He added to the deep Indian Ocean originates from (1) a strong source on the mid-ocean ridge at about 19°S/65°E, (2) a source located in the Gulf of Aden in the northwestern Indian Ocean, (3) sources located in the convergent margins in the northeastern Indian Ocean, and (4) water imported from the Indonesian Seas. The main circulation features inferred from the 3He distribution include (1) deep (2000–3000 m) eastward flow in the central Indian Ocean, which overflows into the West Australian Basin through saddles in the Ninetyeast Ridge, (2) a deep (2000–3000 m) southwestward flow in the western Indian Ocean, and (3) influx of Banda Sea Intermediate Waters associated with the deep core (1000–1500 m) of the through flow from the Pacific Ocean. The large-scale 3He distribution is consonant with the known pathways of deep and bottom water circulation in the Indian Ocean.National Science Foundation support is acknowledged for the UM part of the work through grants OCE-9820131 and OCE-998150. Support for the LDEO portion of the work was obtained from the National Science Foundation through awards OCE 94-13162 and OCE 98-20130
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