52 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Transdermal and Intravenous Administration of Buprenorphine in the Management of Intra- and Postoperative Pain in Dogs Undergoing a Unilateral Mastectomy

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    The aim of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the effectiveness of transdermal patches of buprenorphine as an alternative route for the management of perioperative pain in dogs undergoing a unilateral mastectomy. Our hypothesis was that the transdermal route would allow the obtainment of an analgesic plan comparable to that of the injectable administration. Twelve dogs were divided in two groups. In the BupreP group (six dogs), buprenorphine patches were applied 40 h before the start of the surgery, guaranteeing a dosage of 5-6 ÎŒg/kg/h. In the BupreI group (six dogs), 20 ÎŒg/kg of buprenorphine was administered intravenously 30 min before the induction of anesthesia, and this was repeated every 6 h for 24 h. The main physiological parameters, sedation scores (0 = no sedation; 11 = deep sedation), and pain scores were monitored from 30 min before the surgery to 24 h after the end of anesthesia. All p values < 0.05 were defined as statistically significant. Thirty minutes before the surgery, the sedation scores were higher in BupreI (score = 10) compared to the BupreP group (score = 1). Moreover, during the mastectomy, the mean arterial pressure significantly increased in both groups even if nobody required additional analgesia. In the postoperative period, the pain scores did not show statistically significant differences between the two groups, maintaining values below the pain threshold at all times of the study. In conclusion, the transdermal administration of buprenorphine could guarantee an analgesic quality equal to that of the injectable route

    Cognitive impairment in Gdi1-deficient mice is associated with altered synaptic vesicle pools and short-term synaptic plasticity, and can be corrected by appropriate learning training

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    The GDI1 gene, responsible in human for X-linked non-specific mental retardation, encodes αGDI, a regulatory protein common to all GTPases of the Rab family. Its alteration, leading to membrane accumulation of different Rab GTPases, may affect multiple steps in neuronal intracellular traffic. Using electron microscopy and electrophysiology, we now report that lack of αGDI impairs several steps in synaptic vesicle (SV) biogenesis and recycling in the hippocampus. Alteration of the SV reserve pool (RP) and a 50% reduction in the total number of SV in adult synapses may be dependent on a defective endosomal-dependent recycling and may lead to the observed alterations in short-term plasticity. As predicted by the synaptic characteristics of the mutant mice, the short-term memory deficit, observed when using fear-conditioning protocols with short intervals between trials, disappeared when the Gdi1 mutants were allowed to have longer intervals between sessions. Likewise, previously observed deficits in radial maze learning could be corrected by providing less challenging pre-training. This implies that an intact RP of SVs is necessary for memory processing under challenging conditions in mice. The possibility to correct the learning deficit in mice may have clinical implication for future studies in huma

    Analytical characterization of an inulin-type fructooligosaccharide from root-tubers of Asphodelus ramosus L

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    Plant-based systems continue to play a pivotal role in healthcare, and their use has been extensively documented. Asphodelus L. is a genus comprising various herbaceous species, known by the trivial name Asphodelus. These plants have been known since antiquity for both food and therapeutic uses, especially for treating several diseases associated with inflammatory and infectious skin disorders. Phytochemical studies revealed the presence of different constituents, mainly anthraquinones, triterpenoids, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. Although extensive literature has been published on these constituents, a paucity of information has been reported regarding the carbohydrate composition, such as fructans and fructan-like derivatives. The extraction of watersoluble neutral polysaccharides is commonly performed using water extraction, at times assisted by microwaves and ultrasounds. Herein, we reported the investigation of the alkaline extraction of roottubers of Asphodelus ramosus L., analyzing the water-soluble polysaccharides obtained by precipitation from the alkaline extract and its subsequent purification by chromatography. A polysaccharide was isolated by alkaline extraction; the HPTLC study to determine its composition showed fructose as the main monosaccharide. FT-IR analysis showed the presence of an inulin-type structure, and NMR analyses allowed us to conclude that A. ramosus roots contain polysaccharide with an inulin-type fructooligosaccharide with a degree of polymerization of 7-8

    5-Membered N-heterocyclic compounds by dimethyl carbonate chemistry

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    Aliphatic and aromatic 1,4-bifunctional compounds bearing a primary alcoholic function and an amine can be efficiently cyclised with dimethyl carbonates in the presence of a base to achieve 5-membered N-heterocyclic compounds. This novel synthetic pathway is quantitative, one-pot and green as it does not involve the use of chlorine solvents or reagent

    Ovarian dysfunction and FMR1 alleles in a large Italian family with POF and FRAXA disorders: case report

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    BACKGROUND: The association between premature ovarian failure (POF) and the FMR1 repeat number (41> CGG(n)< 200) has been widely investigated. Current findings suggest that the risk estimation for POF can be calculated in the offspring of women with pre-mutated FMR1 alleles. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe the coexistence in a large Italian kindred of Fragile X syndrome and familial POF in females with ovarian dysfunctions who carried normal or expanded FMR1 alleles. Genetic analysis of the FMR1 gene in over three generations of females revealed that six carried pre-mutated alleles (61–200), of which two were also affected by POF. However a young woman, who presented a severe ovarian failure with early onset, carried normal FMR1 alleles (<40). The coexistence within the same family of two dysfunctional ovarian conditions, one FMR1-related and one not FMR1-related, suggests that the complexity of familial POF conditions is larger than expected. CONCLUSION: Our case study represents a helpful observation and will provide familial cases with heterogeneous etiology that could be further studied when candidate genes in addition to the FMR1 premutation will be available


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    L'Istituto di Radioastronomia (IRA) dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) ù impegnato nella diffusione delle proprie attività presso le scuole e il pubblico, attraverso le visite guidate alle Stazioni Radioastronomiche di Medicina (BO) e Noto (SR) e la partecipazione alla realizzazione di mostre, eventi, ecc. Le attività di Didattica e Divulgazione IRA includono la progettazione di contenuti, la curatela e gestione del Centro Visite “Marcello Ceccarelli”, l’organizzazione di eventi in collaborazione con enti territoriali, nazionali e internazionali, la gestione amministrativa e finanziaria, la formazione di nuovo personale. In questo documento sono riportate le attività svolte nel 2022

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    openLe tecnologie di Additive Manufacturing, come ad esempio il Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), aprono alla possibilitĂ  di ottenere strutture con geometrie piĂč complesse rispetto alle tradizionali tecnologie manufatturiere, tuttavia, esistono dei limiti, uno dei quali riguarda le geometrie a sbalzo, tipiche anche delle sezioni circolari. Questo studio Ăš stato dunque realizzato per indagare l’effetto dei parametri di processo di stampa 3D sulla qualitĂ  dei fori realizzati tramite LPBF in acciaio per stampi AISI H13. È stato adottato un approccio sperimentale basato su un’analisi della rugositĂ  superficiale tramite profilometro 3D e su un’analisi della qualitĂ  della sezione circolare tramite osservazione al microscopio SEM. I principali risultati sono stati ottenuti in riferimento all’influenza di strutture di supporto; all’influenza delle modalitĂ  di stampa: bidirectional e chessboard; all’influenza dell’utilizzo di parametri diversi per le sezioni up-skin e down-skin; all’influenza dell’utilizzo di tecniche di stampa con border.Additive Manufacturing technologies, such as Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), provides the possibility of obtaining structures with more complex geometries than traditional manufacturing technologies, however, there are also some limits, one of which concerns the overhanging geometries, typical also of circular sections. This study is carried out to investigate the effect of the 3D printing process parameters on the quality of the holes made through LPBF in AISI H13 tool steel. An experimental approach was adopted, it was based on an analysis of the surface roughness trough 3D profilometer and on an analysis of the quality of the circular section through observation under SEM microscope. The main results were obtained in reference to the influence of support structures; the influence of the printing methods: bidirectional and chessboard; the influence of the use of different parameters for the up-skin and down-skin sections; the influence of the use of border printing techniques
