17 research outputs found

    Algorithm-supported, mass and sequence diversity-oriented random peptide library design.

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    Random peptide libraries that cover large search spaces are often used for the discovery of new binders, even when the target is unknown. To ensure an accurate population representation, there is a tendency to use large libraries. However, parameters such as the synthesis scale, the number of library members, the sequence deconvolution and peptide structure elucidation, are challenging when increasing the library size. To tackle these challenges, we propose an algorithm-supported approach to peptide library design based on molecular mass and amino acid diversity. The aim is to simplify the tedious permutation identification in complex mixtures, when mass spectrometry is used, by avoiding mass redundancy. For this purpose, we applied multi (two- and three-)-objective genetic algorithms to discriminate between library members based on defined parameters. The optimizations led to diverse random libraries by maximizing the number of amino acid permutations and minimizing the mass and/or sequence overlapping. The algorithm-suggested designs offer to the user a choice of appropriate compromise solutions depending on the experimental needs. This implies that diversity rather than library size is the key element when designing peptide libraries for the discovery of potential novel biologically active peptides

    Structure-based design of a Cortistatin analogue with immunomodulatory activity in models of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease whose incidence and prevalence are increasing worldwide. These diseases lead to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of an abnormal response of the immune system. Recent studies positioned Cortistatin, which shows low stability in plasma, as a candidate for IBD treatment. Here, using NMR structural information, we design five Cortistatin analogues adopting selected native Cortistatin conformations in solution. One of them, A5, preserves the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Cortistatin in vitro and in mouse models of the disease. Additionally, A5 displays an increased half-life in serum and a unique receptor binding profile, thereby overcoming the limitations of the native Cortistatin as a therapeutic agent. This study provides an efficient approach to the rational design of Cortistatin analogues and opens up new possibilities for the treatment of patients that fail to respond to other therapies.A.Rol was a recipient of a PhD fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya (FI) and A.E. and E.P. were recipients of PhD fellowships granted by the Severo Ochoa Program(FPI). T.T. was a postdoctoral fellow co-funded by the Marie SkƂodowska-CurieCOFUND actions (IRB Barcelona Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme). This work wassupported by the following grants: CTQ2014-56361-P and CTQ2017-87840-P (A.Riera)and RTI2018-100700-B-100 (M.D.) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industryand Competitiveness (MINECO); and by AGAUR (SGR-50). We also acknowledge institutional funding from MINECO through the Centers of Excellence Severo OchoaAward given to IRB Barcelona, as well as from the CERCA Program of the Generalitat deCatalunya. M.J.M. is an ICREA Programme Investigator

    Structure-based design of a Cortistatin analogue with immunomodulatory activity in models of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease whose incidence and prevalence are increasing worldwide. These diseases lead to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of an abnormal response of the immune system. Recent studies positioned Cortistatin, which shows low stability in plasma, as a candidate for IBD treatment. Here, using NMR structural information, we design five Cortistatin analogs adopting selected native Cortistatin conformations in soln. One of them, A5, preserves the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Cortistatin in vitro and in mouse models of the disease. Addnl., A5 displays an increased half-life in serum and a unique receptor binding profile, thereby overcoming the limitations of the native Cortistatin as a therapeutic agent. This study provides an efficient approach to the rational design of Cortistatin analogs and opens up new possibilities for the treatment of patients that fail to respond to other therapies

    Peptide aromatic interactions modulated by fluorinated residues: Synthesis, structure and biological activity of Somatostatin analogs containing 3-(3',5'difluorophenyl)-alanine

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    Somatostatin is a 14-residue peptide hormone that regulates the endocrine system by binding to five G-protein-coupled receptors (SSTR1-5). We have designed six new Somatostatin analogs with L-3-(3',5'-difluorophenyl)-alanine (Dfp) as a substitute of Phe and studied the effect of an electron-poor arom. ring in the network of arom. interactions present in Somatostatin. Replacement of each of the Phe residues (positions 6, 7 and 11) by Dfp and use of a D-Trp8 yielded peptides whose main conformations could be characterized in aq. soln. by NMR. Receptor binding studies revealed that the analog with Dfp at position 7 displayed a remarkable affinity to SSTR2 and SSTR3. Analogs with Dfp at positions 6 or 11 displayed a π-π interaction with the Phe present at 11 or 6, resp. Interestingly, these analogs, particularly [D-Trp8,L-Dfp11]-SRIF, showed high selectivity towards SSTR2, with a higher value than that of Octreotide and a similar one to that of native Somatostatin

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    Antiviral peptide-based conjugates: state of the art and future perspectives

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    Infectious diseases caused by microbial pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites) claim millions of deaths per year worldwide and have become a serious challenge to global human health in our century. Viral infections are particularly notable in this regard, not only because humankind is facing some of the deadliest viral pandemics in recent history, but also because the arsenal of drugs to combat the high levels of mutation, and hence the antigenic variability of (mostly RNA) viruses, is disturbingly scarce. Therefore, the search for new antivirals able to successfully fight infection with minimal or no adverse effects on the host is a pressing task. Traditionally, antiviral therapies have relied on relatively small-sized drugs acting as proteases, polymerases, integrase inhibitors, etc. In recent decades, novel approaches involving targeted delivery such as that achieved by peptide-drug conjugates (PDCs) have gained attention as alternative (pro)drugs for tackling viral diseases. Antiviral PDC therapeutics typically involve one or more small drug molecules conjugated to a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) carrier either directly or through a linker. Such integration of two bioactive elements into a single molecular entity is primarily aimed at achieving improved bioavailability in conditions where conventional drugs are challenged, but may also turn up novel unexpected functionalities and applications. Advances in peptide medicinal chemistry have eased the way to antiviral PDCs, but challenges remain on the way to therapeutic success. In this paper, we review current antiviral CPP-drug conjugates (antiviral PDCs), with emphasis on the types of CPP and antiviral cargo. We integrate the conjugate and the chemical approaches most often applied to combine both entities. Additionally, we comment on various obstacles faced in the design of antiviral PDCs and on the future outlooks for this class of antiviral therapeutics.The work was supported by the La Caixa Health Foundation (project HR17_00409, ID 100010434, agreement LCF/PR/HR17/52150011) and by the European Union (H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01 grant no. 828774). DK was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation (UIP-2019-04-7999). The Department of Medicine and Life Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, belongs to the MarĂ­a de Maeztu network of Units of Excellence, funded by the Spanish MICINN and AEI (CEX2018-000792-M)

    Topoisomeric membrane-active peptides: A review of the last two decades

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    In recent decades, bioactive peptides have been gaining recognition in various biomedical areas, such as intracellular drug delivery (cell-penetrating peptides, CPPs) or anti-infective action (antimicrobial peptides, AMPs), closely associated to their distinct mode of interaction with biological membranes. Exploiting the interaction of membrane-active peptides with diverse targets (healthy, tumoral, bacterial or parasitic cell membranes) is opening encouraging prospects for peptides in therapeutics. However, ordinary peptides formed by L-amino acids are easily decomposed by proteases in biological fluids. One way to sidestep this limitation is to use topoisomers, namely versions of the peptide made up of D-amino acids in either canonic (enantio) or inverted (retroenantio) sequence. Rearranging peptide sequences in this fashion provides a certain degree of native structure mimicry that, in appropriate contexts, may deliver desirable biological activity while avoiding protease degradation. In this review, we will focus on recent accounts of membrane-active topoisomeric peptides with therapeutic applications as CPP drug delivery vectors, or as antimicrobial and anticancer candidates. We will also discuss the most common modes of interaction of these peptides with their membrane targets.Work supported by funds from the La Caixa Health Foundation (project HR17_00409) and European Union (H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01 grant No. 828774)

    On the autofluorescence of aged fingermarks

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    Fingermark autofluorescence changes with time, both spectrally and in total intensity. In this study we investigate which components in the aged fingermarks cause this change in autofluorescent signal. Thin layer chromatography combined with fluorescence spectroscopy was used to identify fluorescent aging products. Based on our results, tryptophan derivatives, including indoleacetic acid, (nor)harman and xanthurenic acid are indicated as important contributors to the autofluorescence of aged fingermarks. Knowledge about which fluorescent aging products are present in fingermarks might be useful in the development of fingermark age estimation methods. This work is part of a larger project of which the major goal is to develop a method to estimate the time of deposition of fingermarks. Additionally, by selective targeting of aging products the development of aged fingermarks might be improve

    How Do Cancer-Related Mutations Affect the Oligomerisation State of the p53 Tetramerisation Domain?

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    Tumour suppressor p53 plays a key role in the development of cancer and has therefore been widely studied in recent decades. While it is well known that p53 is biologically active as a tetramer, the tetramerisation mechanism is still not completely understood. p53 is mutated in nearly 50% of cancers, and mutations can alter the oligomeric state of the protein, having an impact on the biological function of the protein and on cell fate decisions. Here, we describe the effects of a number of representative cancer-related mutations on tetramerisation domain (TD) oligomerisation defining a peptide length that permits having a folded and structured domain, thus avoiding the effect of the flanking regions and the net charges at the N- and C-terminus. These peptides have been studied under different experimental conditions. We have applied a variety of techniques, including circular dichroism (CD), native mass spectrometry (MS) and high-field solution NMR. Native MS allows us to detect the native state of complexes maintaining the peptide complexes intact in the gas phase; the secondary and quaternary structures were analysed in solution by NMR, and the oligomeric forms were assigned by diffusion NMR experiments. A significant destabilising effect and a variable monomer population were observed for all the mutants studied