139 research outputs found

    Lexicografia i models lingüístics: les teories lingüístiques i el lèxic

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    In this paper a discussion is offered of the relation between linguistic theories and lexica. It is shown that linguistic theories imply particular approaches to the lexicon from which particular ways of conceiving the lexicographer’s work can be inferred. To this end a few linguistic theoretical models are examined and their idea of the lexicon is reviewed. Obviously it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the approach to lexicon of all different linguistic theories developed during this century. Consequently a few models have been chosen for examination which nonetheless are quite representative of the main phases of the recent history of linguistics. After a very short discussion of the characteristics of traditional grammar, the paper starts the discussion with structuralism and then moves over to the examination of some of the linguistic theories that can be broadly considered «generative»; three basic stages in the development of Chomsky’s approach are reviewed, i.e., the ones represented by Syntactic structures, Aspects of the theory of syntax, and Lectures on government and binding; and finally the discussion ends with an examination of LFG (Lexical-functional grammar) and HPSG (Head-driven phrase structure grammar) which are two of the emerging theories are that have originated in the linguistic millieus most influenced by computational linguistics

    Integració de la TA en el procés professional de la traducció

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    L'article comença analitzant breument què entenem per TA. A continuació observa que la manera de treballar a què s'han acostumat molts traductors amb les memòries de traducció pot ser reproduïda perfectament amb un sistema de TA, sempre que tingui unes característiques determinades, que són analitzades. Finalment, es fa esment de dos aspectes complementaris de la traducció amb STA: l'ús del llenguatge controlat en la producció de textos, i la relació de la producció de textos multilingües amb la traducció.El artículo empieza analizando brevemente qué entendemos por TA. A continuación observa que la manera de trabajar a la que se han acostumbrado muchos traductores con las memorias de traducción puede ser perfectamente reproducida con un sistema de TA, siempre y cuando que éste tenga unas características determinadas, que se analizan. Finalmente se mencionan dos aspectos complementarios de la traducción con STA: el uso del lenguaje controlado en la producción de textos y la relación de la producción de textos multilingües con la traducción

    How can I learn more when I collaborate in a virtual group?

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    Learning in virtual groups has been a process studied and analysed long from multiple perspectives. However, the literature is scarce when we look for models to explain information problem solving skills in online collaboration. A descriptive model of cognitive skills involved in individual information problem solving while using internet information can be found in recent research. The purpose of this study was to find out what information problem solving skills (IPS) students apply when working collaboratively online, and secondly, to analyse what differentiates students who do well on their knowledge tests after collaboration, in relation to these IPS skills. We conducted a research with more than 40 students in 10 virtual groups to analyse the correlation between learning and IPS skills applied by students during an online task that lasted more than 4 weeks. Students completed a weekly self-report with actions related to IPS skills and time devoted to the collaborative task. Findings show that students applied more frequently the skill to check the communication (30%), secondly, read de information (22%), in the third place exchange information (20%), followed by write the information (15%), analyze the information (8%), and finally, search for information (5%). However, only three skills correlate with learning: information exchange, analysis of information and checking communication. Two of them (exchange and check) are collaborative skills and one of them (analysis) is an information problem-solving skill. The conclusions of this study may provide guidelines for instructors and students on ways to improve learning in online collaborative group work

    Teachers learn about student learning assessment through a teacher education process

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    This study aims to understand the extent to which university professors adopt new pedagogical voices in their learning assessment practices through a teacher education process. Participants (N = 32) were interviewed before and after the teacher education process, and data were analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of the study demonstrated, first, that teachers renamed their educational discourse about learning assessment significantly, increasing it in assessment for learning practices, particularly in the themes of timing and agents, and reducing it in all themes referred to the assessment of learning practices. And second, three clusters of faculty were identified, which differed in terms of the way they merge both learning assessment practices: professors with a slight prevalence of the assessment for learning conceptual voice, professors with a slight prevalence of the assessment for learning practical voice, and professors with a strong prevalence of the assessment for learning voice

    Emotions in response to teaching online: Exploring the factors influencing teachers in a fully online university

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the emotions associated with the experience of teaching online in an online university and the factors that influence these emotions. Nine hundred and sixty-five (965) online teachers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (www.uoc.edu) were surveyed. Three emotions linked to teaching online were identified: satisfaction, relief and pleasure. Multiple regression analyses were used to make inferential judgments and test the effects of the teachers' demographic and professional variables. Findings suggest that satisfaction is associated with the instructional design and learning support roles and with the knowledge building approach; relief is inversely related to the content acquisition approach; and pleasure is linked to variables such as academic background and amount of online teaching hours, as well as the knowledge building approach. The practical implications of these results are discussed

    La docencia en accesibilidad en los medios

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    Este artículo aborda la oferta formativa en accesibilidad en los medios en España, centrándose concretamente en la audiodescripción, el subtitulado para sordos y la lengua de signos o señas. Se detallan los cursos que se ofrecen en este ámbito a nivel universitario y no universitario, así como también en empresas. Finalmente, se presenta una nueva propuesta: el máster oficial en accesibilidad en los medios de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.This article explains the training possibilities in media accessibility in Spain, specifically in the fields of audio description, subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing and sign language. A list of courses offered both at university and in companies is presented and a new proposal is put forward: an official master in media accessibility by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat Pompeu Fabr

    La competencia informacional desde una perspectiva psicoeducativa: enseñanza basada en la resolución de problemas prototípicos y emergentes

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    This article contributes from a psycho-educational perspective to the definition and characterization of the concept of informational competency in teaching and learning in school-based education and in the training of information professionals. The first section defines a competent person as one who is able to adequately solve a set of typical problems stemming from a particular social or community practice. Based on this definition, the authors then identify and characterize informational problems and the most significant incidents faced by students during their school work, which are grouped into three sections: the demand and the conditions through which it is satisfied; the presence and the activation of beliefs, conceptions and relevant knowledge; and the regulation of decisions, emotions and interactions with others. The text then presents some guidelines for training in information skills, based on authentic tasks. The article concludes by reflecting on the implementation of innovative educational experiences for the development of informational competency in the context of formal education.Se realiza una aportación desde un punto de vista psicoeducativo a la definición y caracterización de la noción de competencia informacional, a su enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación escolar, y a la formación de los profesionales de la información. En el primer apartado, se define una persona competente como aquella que es capaz de resolver adecuadamente un conjunto de problemas característicos de una determinada práctica social y comunitaria. Seguidamente, tomando como base esta definición, se identifican y caracterizan los problemas e incidentes informacionales más significativos que deben afrontar los estudiantes durante sus tareas escolares, agrupados en tres grandes bloques: relativos a la demanda y a las condiciones de su resolución; relacionados con la presencia y la activación de creencias, concepciones y conocimientos relevantes, y referidos a la regulación de las decisiones, emociones e interacción con los otros. Siguiendo con este planteamiento, se exponen algunas directrices para una formación en las competencias informacionales, basadas en tareas auténticas. El artículo concluye aportando distintas reflexiones en torno a la implementación de experiencias educativas innovadoras para el desarrollo de la competencia informacional en contextos de educación formal

    IAC: a dynamic corpora access interface

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    En esta demostración presentamos IAC (Interfaz de Acceso a Corpus), una herramienta on-line desarrollada por Barcelona Media - Centro de Innovación y la Universidad Pompeu Fabra que permite crear interfaces dinámicas para hacer búsquedas en corpus.In this demo we present IAC (Corpus Access Interface), an on-line tool developed by Barcelona Media - Innovation Center and the Pompeu Fabra University to create dynamic interfaces to search in corpora

    Incorporación de las TIC en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje basados en la elaboración colaborativa de proyectos

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    En aquest article es presenta una exposició general sobre les principals característiques de l'aprenentatge en col·laboració basat en l'elaboració de projectes. A més, s'hi exposa el procés de disseny i desenvolupament d'aquesta metodologia didàctica quan s'hi incorporen les TIC (tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació). Hem organitzat l'exposició dels continguts en dues parts interrelacionades. En la primera part, hi resumim els principals aspectes teòrics d'aquesta metodologia didàctica. En la segona, hi presentem algunes reflexions rellevants pel que fa al disseny, l'aplicació i l'avaluació de la implementació de l'aprenentatge en col·laboració basat en projectes en l'educació superior, quan es fa amb un ús educatiu intensiu de la tecnologia.En este artículo se presenta una exposición general de las principales características del aprendizaje colaborativo basado en la elaboración de proyectos. Además, se expone el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de esta metodología didáctica cuando se incorporan las TIC (tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación). Hemos organizado la exposición de los contenidos en dos partes interrelacionadas. En la primera parte resumimos los principales aspectos teóricos de esta metodología didáctica. En la segunda parte presentamos algunas reflexiones relevantes con respecto al diseño, aplicación y evaluación de la implementación del aprendizaje colaborativo basado en proyectos en la educación superior, cuando se realiza con un uso educativo intensivo de la tecnología