1,230 research outputs found

    Approximative two-flavor framework for neutrino oscillations with nonstandard interactions

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    In this paper, we develop approximative two-flavor neutrino oscillation formulas including subleading nonstandard interaction effects. Especially, the limit when the small mass-squared difference approaches zero is investigated. The approximate formulas are also tested against numerical simulations in order to determine their accuracy and they will probably be most useful in the GeV energy region, which is the energy region where most upcoming neutrino oscillation experiments will be operating. Naturally, it is important to have analytical formulas in order to interpret the physics behind the degeneracies between standard and nonstandard parameters.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, REVTeX4. Final version published in Phys. Rev.

    Perancangan Permainan Kartu Edukatif Untuk Memperkenalkan Sejarah Dan Pahlawan Kemerdekaan Indonesia Pada Anak Usia 7-9 Tahun

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    Perancangan karya tugas akhir ini bertujuan memperkenalkan pahlawan dan peristiwa perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia sebagai pembelajaran sejarah bagi anak-anak usia 7-9 tahun, dan membuat permainan kartu edukatif yang menarik dan interaktif sebagai media pembelajaran yang baru untuk anak-anak karena kebanyakan anak tidak suka mempelajari pelajaran sejarah. Media yang dipilih adalah media permainan kartu edukatif karena dapat mempermudah proses pembelajaran dan penyerapan informasi kepada anak-anak karena didukung oleh suasana yang menyenangkan dan juga dapat memupuk rasa kebersamaan. Permainan ini disuguhi dengan gambar-gambar yang menarik agar dapat menarik minat anak-anak yang merupakan target perancangannya

    The Complex History of Trojan Asteroids

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    The Trojan asteroids provide a unique perspective on the history of Solar System. As a large population of small bodies, they record important gravitational interactions and dynamical evolution of the Solar System. In the past decade, significant advances have been made in understanding physical properties, and there has been a revolution in thinking about the origin of Trojans. The ice and organics generally presumed to be a significant part of Trojan compositions have yet to be detected directly, though low density of the binary system Patroclus (and possibly low density of the binary/moonlet system Hektor) is consistent with an interior ice component. By contrast, fine-grained silicates that appear to be similar to cometary silicates in composition have been detected, and a color bimodality may indicate distinct compositional groups among the Trojans. Whereas Trojans had traditionally been thought to have formed near 5 AU, a new paradigm has developed in which the Trojans formed in the proto-Kuiper Belt, and they were scattered inward and captured in the Trojan swarms as a result of resonant interactions of the giant planets. Whereas the orbital and population distributions of current Trojans are consistent with this origin scenario, there are significant differences between current physical properties of Trojans and those of Kuiper Belt objects. These differences may be indicative of surface modification due to the inward migration of objects that became the Trojans, but understanding of appropriate modification mechanisms is poor and would benefit from additional laboratory studies. Many open questions remain, and the future promises significant strides in our understanding of Trojans. The time is ripe for a spacecraft mission to the Trojans, to turn these objects into geologic worlds that can be studied in detail to unravel their complex history.Comment: Chapter for Asteroids IV book (UA Press), accepted for publication, 33 pages, 10 figure

    Analisa Ekonomi Perbaikan Jalan Palembang - Betung Kab. Banyuasin terhadap Nilai Kerugian Akibat Kemacetan

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    Jalan merupakan prasarana transportasi darat dalam menunjang perekonomian dan pergerakan serta syarat mutlak bagi perkembangan dan pembangunan suatu daerah. Jalan Palembang – Betung yang terletak di Kab. Banyuasin merupakan jalan nasional yang menghubungkan jaringan pergerakan transportasi nasional sepanjang Pulau Sumatera yang dikenal dengan Jalan Lintas Timur. Jalan ini juga merupakan salah satu arus utama perpindahan dari dan ke ibukota Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yaitu Palembang. Namun, pergerakan tersebut selalu terhambat oleh kendala utama yakni kemacetan yang disebabkan oleh volume kendaraan yang tinggi dan kerusakan jalan sepanjang pintu masuk hingga beberapa kilometer setelahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari nilai perbaikan jalan Palembang – Betung Kab. Banyuasin, nilai kerugian akibat kemacetan serta perbandingan diantara keduanya. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mulai dari studi pendahuluan dan literatur, pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, analisis biaya perbaikan jalan, analisis biaya perjalanan dan analisis ekonomi. Dari hasil penelitian, didapat kerugian akibat kemacetan dan pemborosan Biaya Operasi Kendaraan (BOK) mencapai Rp 66,045,211,695 dan Rp 1,420,967,693,713 pada tahun 2024. Dengan perbaikan dan perlebaran jalan menjadi 15 m (4/2 UD) sepanjang 10 km yaitu pada STA 0+000 – 10+000 dibutuhkan biaya proyek sebesar Rp 70,073,239,000, dengan pemeliharaan jalan tahunan, total biaya proyek menjadi Rp 86,096,403,927 pada tahun 2024. Investasi perbaikan jalan ini layak secara ekonomi karena dari hasil perhitungan NPV didapat nilai Rp 685,596,547,175.94 dan BCR dengan nilai 16,5

    Primary tunnel junction thermometry

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    We describe the concept and experimental demonstration of primary thermometry based on a four probe measurement of a single tunnel junction embedded within four arrays of junctions. We show that in this configuration random sample specific and environment-related errors can be avoided. This method relates temperature directly to Boltzmann constant, which will form the basis of the definition of temperature and realization of official temperature scales in the future

    Matter Enhanced Neutrino Oscillations with a Realistic Earth Density Profile

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    We have investigated matter enhanced neutrino oscillations with a mantle-core-mantle step function and a realistic Earth matter density profile in both a two and a three neutrino scenario. We found that the realistic Earth matter density profile can be well approximated with the mantle-core-mantle step function and that there could be an influence on the oscillation channel νμ→ντ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau due to resonant enhancement of one of the mixing angles.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (PostScript), MPLA LaTe

    The Role of Quality of Work Life as a Predictor of Counterproductive Work Behavior

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    Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is work behavior that violates the rules/norms (written or unwritten) that could potentially harm an organization or members of an organization. This study aimed to explain CWB based on the condition of the quality of work life (QWL). CWB can be negative behavior towards co-workers/supervisors/subordinates in the workplace (CWB-I) and can be either negative behavior towards tasks/rules/organizational system (CWB-O). Participants in this study were the members of National Police. The number of participants was 305 people. Based on the analysis, the better the quality of relationships with supervisors (supervisory), the implementation of work culture (constitutionalism), the quality of relationships with co-workers (co-worker), and the quality of tasks/responsibilities (promotion), the lower the CWB-I. Meanwhile, the lower levels of CWB-O were predicted by the promotion of quality of relationships with supervisors (supervisory). The study raised a further question concerning why the higher quality of/balance between work and private life (work life balance) led into the higher levels of CWB-I
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