61 research outputs found

    L'adesione alla lega lombarda nel Registro Grosso del comune di Bologna: alcuni spunti di riflessione

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    La relazione indaga il ruolo e la partecipazione del comune di Bologna attraverso le testimonianze conservate nei libri iurium bolognesi, aggiornando alcuni dati del passato da ritenersi oramai superati

    Los orígenes del Studium de Medicina de Bolonia: un estado de la cuestión

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    This article deals with the birth of the Studium of Medicine in Bologna during the 13th century. The theme of the beginning of teaching in a context of spontaneous origin highlights the fluidity of the object of the research. Also through a comparative analysis; it is possible to follow the growing interest in teaching medicine before the birth of the universitas as an associative institution. In fact; some clues show the progressive stabilization of these teachings: their institutional consecration corresponded to the end of a process of affirmation and to the definitive recognition for students and teachers of medical and artistic disciplines as autonomous organizations.Este articulo trata sobre el nacimiento del Studium de Medicina de Bolonia durante el siglo XIII. El tema del comienzo de la enseñanza en un contexto de origen espontáneo resalta lo fluido del objeto de estudio. A través de un análisis comparativo, es posible seguir el creciente interés en la enseñanza de la medicina antes del nacimiento de la universitas como institución asociativa. De hecho, diversas claves muestran la progresiva estabilización de estas enseñanzas: su consagración institucional corresponde al final de un proceso de afirmación y reconocimiento definitivo para estudiantes y profesores de disciplinas médicas y artísticas como organizaciones autónomas

    La peste come paradigma. Il medioevo in “Storia delle epidemie” di Frank M. Snowden

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    The Plague as a Paradigm: The Middle Ages in Frank Snowden’s “Epidemics and society” The scientific and historiographical debate about the pathological identity of the three plague pandemics is now apparently closed. New frontiers opened up by palaeogenetics allows a chronological reassessment, a global overview and a reinterpretation of the past that was unimaginable a few decades ago. But can the history of diseases be limited to a natural history oriented solely by current microbiological and epidemiological criteria? The chapters dedicated by Frank Snowden to the medieval plague allow us to reflect further on the methodology and purpose of historiography on diseases and their diverse consequences, not forgetting that a disease is also a cultural factor

    Vascular Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Rett Syndrome and Effects of Curcumin Treatment

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    Mutations in the coding sequence of the X-linked gene MeCP2 (Methyl CpG–binding protein) are present in around 80% of patients with Rett Syndrome, a common cause of intellectual disability in female and to date without any effective pharmacological treatment. A relevant, and so far unexplored feature of RTT patients, is a marked reduction in peripheral circulation. To investigate the relationship between loss of MeCP2 and this clinical aspect, we used the MeCP2 null mouse model B6.129SF1-MeCP2tm1Jae for functional and pharmacological studies. Functional experiments were performed on isolated resistance mesenteric vessels, mounted on a pressurized myograph. Vessels from female MeCP2(+/−) mice show a reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation, due to a reduced Nitric Oxide (NO) availability secondary to an increased Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation. Such functional aspects are associated with an intravascular increase in superoxide anion production, and a decreased vascular eNOS expression. These alterations are reversed by curcumin administration (5% (w/w) dietary curcumin for 21 days), which restores endothelial NO availability, decreases intravascular ROS production and normalizes vascular eNOS gene expression. In conclusion our findings highlight alterations in the vascular/endothelial system in the absence of a correct function of MeCP2, and uncover related cellular/molecular mechanisms that are rescued by an anti-oxidant treatment

    Gerardo Cerruti, ambasciatore di Galeazzo Maria Sforza a Bologna (1470-1474)

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    Il saggio presenta i primi risultati dell'edizione, in corso, del carteggio dell'ambasciatore sforzesco Cerruti, di stanza a Bologna dal 1471 al 1474, presentando problematicamente la fonte e i primi dati desumibili da essa

    Tra mulini e canali. L'azienda agricola di Ponte Poledrano da Giovanni II Bentivoglio a Carlo Alberto Pizzardi

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    Il saggio ripercorre la storia della tenuta agraria organizzata attorno al castello di Ponte Poledrano, la pi\uf9 vasta e produttiva della famiglia Bentivoglio durante la signoria, mettendo in luce la dimensione economica e simbolica legata al ruolo dei suoi mulini da parte del signore cittadino, per poi seguirne le vicende dopo l'esilio di Giovanni II fino al recupero operato dalla propriet\ue0 Pizzardi all'inizio del secolo XX

    3. Greci - Il libro universitario

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    La morte nella medicina bassomedievale (secc. XII-XV)

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    Il saggio prende in considerazione l'approccio della medicina bassomedievale al momento della morte, secondo le categorie di definizione, prognosi, diagnosi/accertamento

    Un mondo in formazione: la medicina a Bologna nel XIII secolo

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    The origin of the Studium and of the universitas of medicine of Bologna during the 13th century has been the result of a cultural and institutional progress, not always clearly delineabile because of a certain lack of sources. Despite that, it is possible to follow the growing interest in teaching medicine and surgery before the birth of the universitas as an associative institution. In fact, some clues (the medical knowledges in non-medical works, the contacts between Bologna and Paris, the tradition of the \uabrational surgery\ubb, the first references in the documents of the bolognese comune) show the progressive growth and stabilization of these teachings: their institutional consecration corresponded to the crown of this process of affirmation and to the definitive recognition for students and teachers of medical and artistic disciplines as autonomous organization