9 research outputs found

    Exhausted horse syndrome

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    Sindrom iscrpljenosti konja (engl. exhausted horse syndrome, EHS) podrazumijeva multisistemski poremećaj u konja koji kroz duži vremenski period sudjeluju na natjecanjima, posebno pri toplijim vremenskim uvjetima. Zbog pretjeranog tjelesnog napora dolazi do dehidracije, hipovolemije, gubitka elektrolita, poremećaja acido-bazne ravnoteže, gubitka zaliha energije i hipertermije. Klinička slika ovisi o stupnju i brzini javljanja umora u konja te o toleranciji pojedinog konja na tjelesni napor. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju anamneze, kliničkih znakova i rezultata laboratorijskih pretraga. U težim se slučajevima dijagnoza lako postavlja, dok je rano prepoznavanje zbog blagih simptoma i nedostatka objektivnih kliničkih i dijagnostičkih kriterija otežano. Cilj terapije navedenog sindroma je trojak: snižavanje tjelesne temperature, nadoknada izgubljene tekućine i elektrolita te obnova cirkulirajućeg volumena krvi. Prognoza u slučaju blagog sindroma iscrpljenosti je dobra, dok je kod težih slučajeva zbog mogućih komplikacija pa čak i smrti životinje upitna. Sindrom iscrpljenosti konja moguće je prevenirati odabirom pasmine konja koja je pogodna za veću tjelesnu aktivnost, održavanje zdravlja konja redovitim veterinarskim pregledima, umjereno pojačavanje intenziteta treninga te izbjegavanje napornih kondicijskih treninga kroz viÅ”e uzastopnih dana. Od izrazite je važnosti procjena zdravstvenog stanja konja od strane jahača tijekom cijelog natjecanja.Exhausted horse syndrome is a multi- systemic disorder in sport horses subjected to long term physical activity, especially during hot weather conditions. Increased physical activity can lead to dehydration, hypovolemia, electrolyte loss, acid-base imbalance, depletion of energy reserves and hyperthermia. The clinical presentation depends on the severity and speed of onset of fatigue, and on the individual tolerance of the horse to exercise intensity. Diagnosis is based on the anamnesis, clinical signs and laboratory findings. In severe cases, the diagnosis is easily established, whilst early recognition in mild cases is difficult due to the subtlety of clinical signs and lack of objective clinical and diagnostic criteria. The treatment goal is comprised of three main approaches: decreasing body temperature, replacing fluids and electrolytes, and restoring circulating blood volume. Prognosis is good in mild cases, while in severe cases, presentation is questionable due to possible complications, with the possibility of a lethal outcome. Prevention of exhausted horse syndrome is possible by choosing the appropriate horse breed for the sport, maintaining horse health through regular veterinary inspection, gradually increasing training intensity, and avoiding demanding conditioning training lasting several days in a row. The riderā€™s evaluation of horse health through the competition is of great importance

    Nutrition for sporting and working dogs

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    U sportskih i radnih pasa fizička aktivnost izaziva različit fizioloÅ”ki odgovor organizma, ovisno o trajanju i intenzitetu. Pritom aktivnost može biti kraćega trajanja i visokog intenziteta, primjerice utrke hrtova, ili duljeg trajanja i nižeg intenziteta, poput utrka pasa za vuču saonica. S druge strane, kod potražnih i lovačkih pasa, osim posluÅ”nosti i detekcije njuhom, očekuje se fizička spremnost za terenski rad na većem području koji može potrajati nekoliko sati dnevno, stoga njihova aktivnost uključuje intervale visokog i niskog intenziteta rada tijekom duljeg perioda. Prehrana radnih pasa mora pratiti specifične zahtjeve treninga i aktivnosti, radi pripreme organizma za rad, i pritom imati ulogu u prevenciji mogućih ozljeda uzrokovanih neprikladnim režimom hranjenja te posljedičnim utjecajem na izvedbu u pogledu brzine, snage i izdržljivosti. Stoga će preporučeni udio i izvor pojedinih makronutrijenata u obroku biti u korelaciji s vrstom, intenzitetom i trajanjem rada. Pritom će kod pasa od kojih očekujemo kratku aktivnost visokog intenziteta (trkaći psi) u obrok trebati uključiti udio lako probavljivih ugljikohidrata u količini od 50 do 60 % metaboličke energije, dok će udio masti i bjelančevina biti niži. S druge strane, kod pasa od kojih očekujemo dugotrajan rad umjerenog do visokog intenziteta, udio ugljikohidrata u obroku može biti zastupljen u znatno nižem postotku, dok je razinu energije iz bjelančevina i masti potrebno prilagoditi vrsti rada.In sporting and working dogs, exercise induces various physiological responses, depending on the exercise type and intensity. Physical activity ranges from short duration, high intensity activity such as in Greyhound races, to long duration, low intensity activity in sled dog races. In search and rescue, and hunting dogs, apart from obedience and scent detection, a many hours of fieldwork is expected, which combines intervals of high and low activity for a prolonged period. Nutrition of sporting and working dogs should be appropriate for the training and specific performance required, with the goal of preparing the organism for the high demands of activity, and also to prevent injuries related to insufficient nutrient intake, which may affect speed, strength and endurance. For that reason, the recommended portions and sources of specific macronutrients in the diet should be correlated with the type, intensity and duration of activity. In dogs which are expected to perform a short duration, high intensity activity (racing hounds), the daily ration should consist of easily digestible carbohydrates at the level of 50 ā€“ 60% metabolic energy, whilst the percentage of fat and protein should be lower. On the other hand, for dogs that are expected to perform a long duration, medium to high intensity activity, the carbohydrate portion may be lower, with fat and protein energy levels adjusted according to the specific activity

    Comparison of diagnostic imaging methods for intervertebral disc herniation in dogs

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    Hernijacija intervertebralnog diska jedna je od čeŔćih bolesti međukralježničnog diska. EtioloÅ”ki gledano, mnogi su uzroci ovoga stanja: degeneracije diska, traume, infekcije ili anatomske/razvojne anomalije. U dijagnostici hernijacije moguće je služiti se raznim metodama slikovne dijagnostike; najčeŔće nativnom rendgenografijom, mijelografijom, kompjuteriziranom tomografijom ili magnetnom rezonancijom. Prema dostupnim istraživanjima, najpouzdanija metoda pokazala se magnetna rezonancija koja omogućuje sigurnu dijagnostiku i lokalizaciju u 100 % slučajeva dok su za ostale metode postotci uspjeÅ”nosti detekcije niži. Treba napomenuti da je koriÅ”tenje određene metode slikovne dijagnostike u lokalizaciji i lateralizaciji mjesta hernijacije intervertebralnog diska u svakodnevnoj praksi najčeŔće ovisno o financijskim mogućnostima vlasnika, dostupnosti određene metode i hitnosti stanja. Shodno tome, rezultati pretraga variraju, kao i točnost lokalizacije hernijacije. Cilj je ovoga preglednog rada prikazati specifičnosti hernijacije intervertebralnog diska te mogućnosti dijagnostike slikovnim metodama raspoloživima u svakodnevnoj veterinarskoj praksi.Intervertebral disc herniation is a common disorder of the intervertebral disc. There are many causes of this condition: disc degeneration, trauma, infection, or anatomical/developmental abnormalities. In the diagnosis of herniation, various methods of diagnostic imaging can be applied, such as: survey radiography, myelography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. According to the literature, the most reliable method has proven to be magnetic resonance imaging, which allows for a sound diagnosis and localization in 100% of cases, while the success rates of detection for other methods are lower. It should be noted that the use of a particular imaging method in the localization and lateralization of the herniation site of the intervertebral disc in everyday practice is usually guided by the financial capacities of the owner, the availability of a particular method, and the urgency of the procedure. Consequently, the test results vary and thus the accuracy of the herniation localization. The aim of this review article is to show the specifics of intervertebral disc herniation and the methods for the most accurate diagnosis using imaging methods available in everyday veterinary practice

    Differences of Blood Biochemical Parameters in Search and Rescue Dogs during Fieldwork Included in Different Feeding Regimes: Raw Meat Based Diet and Processed Pressed Dog Food

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    Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi promjene u biokemijskim pokazateljima u serumu pasa Hrvatske gorske službe spaÅ”avanja uključenih u različite hranidbene režime tijekom rada. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 12 zdravih pasa (3.57Ā±1.81) koji su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: preÅ”ana hrana (PRESS skupina) i obrok na osnovi sirovog mesa (BARF skupina). Hrane su se razlikovale po načinu prerade te po sastavu makronutrijenata: hrana na osnovi sirovog mesa u suhoj tvari sadržavala je bjelančevine, masti i ugljikohidrate u omjeru od: 45,2:32,2:5,5, a preÅ”ana hrana: 27,5:18,7:42,8. Uzorkovanje je vrÅ”eno jednom mjesečno u razdoblju od 4 mjeseca, dvaput na dan, prije i poslije radnog treninga Komisije za potrage i lavine HGSS-a. Usporedbom rezultata prije i nakon treninga između skupina te unutar njih, utvrđeno je kako na razinu glukoze nije utjecao hranidbeni režim te je ostala u referentnom rasponu i nakon rada. Razina laktata unutar skupina se nije razlikovala nakon treninga, dok je u skupini BARF utvrđena niža razina bazalnog laktata u usporedbi sa PRESS. U BARF skupini utvrđen je prolazni porast u koncentraciji ureje i kreatinina, kao i pad anorganskog fosfata nakon treninga, dočim je u PRESS skupini utvrđena značajno viÅ”a bazalna razina kreatinina i razina anorganskog fosfata nakon treninga. Usporedbom rezultata unutar obje skupine utvrđen je značajan porast u enzimskoj aktivnosti CK, LDH i AST te značajan pad u koncentraciji ukupnog kolesterola i Mg nakon treninga. Nakon treninga, u BARF skupini utvrđen je porast u razini TAG u usporedbi sa PRESS skupinom. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na različit metabolički odgovor pasa na obrok u čijem su sastavu različito zastupljeni makronutrijenti, također vidljive su promjene u biokemijskim pokazateljima kao odgovor na različit proces proizvodnje, poglavito kod razine anorganskog fosfata i kreatinina. Stabilna razina glukoze u krvi nakon dugotrajnog treninga ukazuje na opsežnu prilagodbu metabolizma dostupnom izvoru energije iz praćenih hranidbenih režima. Stoga se kod radnih potražnih pasa povećana sposobnost koriÅ”tenja masti kao energetskog supstrata može smatrati prednoŔću. Biljezi miÅ”ićnog oÅ”tećenja ukazuju da aktivnost duljeg trajanja i različitog intenziteta rezultira opsežnim fizioloÅ”kim procesima i viÅ”im energetskim potrebama kod radnih potražnih pasa.The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in serum biochemistry values in Croatian Mountain Rescue Service dogs included in two different feeding regimes during stimulated fieldwork. There were 12 healthy dogs (age 3.57Ā±1.81) included in the study, divided into two groups: pressed dog food (PRESS group) and raw meat-based diet (BARF group). The diets differed in macronutrients level: on a dry matter basis BARF diet consisted of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the following proportions: 45.2:32.2:5.5 and kibble diet 27.5:18.7:42.8. During the period of 4 months, blood samples were obtained two times per month: baseline sample in the morning before feeding and the second one immediately after the fieldwork. Results were compared between and within the two groups had shown that pre and post-exercise glucose level was not affected by the type of diet and remained within the reference range. Post-exercise serum levels of lactate within the groups did not differ significantly. Nevertheless, the basal level of lactate was significantly lower in BARF versus PRESS group. The transitory rise in urea and creatinine levels post exercise as well as lower level of inorganic phosphorus was noted in the BARF group, whereas higher basal levels of creatinine and higher post workout levels of inorganic phosphorus were measured in PRESS group. Results within both groups showed higher activity of CK, LDH and AST in both grups post-exercise, as well as lower levels of total cholesterol and Mg. Post-exercise level of TAG was higher in BARF group in comparison to PRESS group. Conducted research reflects different metabolic response to feeding regimes with different macronutrient composition, as well as differences in biochemical parameters as response to processing procedure, especially visible through inorganic phosphate and creatinine level. Stabile glucose level after strenuous fieldwork would indicate excessive metabolic adaptations to the main source of energy provided through observed feeding regimes. An increased ability to utilize fat should be considered an advantage in a dog subjected to prolonged fieldwork in which fatty acid oxidation is used as main energy source. Muscle damage indicators suggest that long period of different intensity level workload in search and rescue dogs result in various physiological processes as well as overall increased muscle activity demands

    Rehabilitation of dogs from Acute Idiopathic Polyradiculoneuritis - a case report

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    Akutni idiopatski poliradikuloneuritis (AIP) je stečena periferna neuropatija koja primarno zahvaća ventralne korijene spinalnih živaca i periferne živce. Bolest je vrlo slična Guillain-BarrĆ© sindromu u ljudi, a nema dobne, pasminske ni spolne predispozicije te ne postoji specifična terapija. Oporavak traje 2 - 6 mjeseci. Fizikalna terapija i njega pacijenata preporučuju se kao potporna terapija. Dva psa, križane pasmine u dobi od Å”est i deset godina zaprimljeni su sa znacima akutne flakcidne tetrapareze/tetraplegije, u bočnom položaju bez mogućnosti da samostalno zauzmu sternalni položaj posljedično generaliziranoj zahvaćenosti nižih motoričkih neurona. Na svim ekstremitetima miÅ”ićni tonus je bio veoma slab. Dijagnoza AIP-a je bazirana na anamnezi, kliničkoj manifestaciji, neuroloÅ”kom pregledu, slikovnoj dijagnostici i laboratorijskim testovima. Rehabilitacijski program je uključivao masažu ekstremiteta i pasivne kretnje zglobova kao važan dio kućnog programa, elektroterapiju, idroterapiju i proprioceptivne vježbe. Nakon dva tjedna fizikalne terapije psi su se mogli samostalno podignuti u sternalni položaj, a na stražnjim nogama pokazivali su i voljne pokrete. Potpomognuto stajanje i voljni pokreti svih ekstemiteta bili su prisutni na kraju trećeg tjedna u jednog psa i krajem petog tjedna u drugog psa. Nakon toga u proces rehabilitacije uključena je hidroterapija. Jedan pas je mogao samostalno hodati dvadeset petog dana od početka fizikalne terapije, dok je drugom psu bilo potrebno pedeset dana. Fizikalna terapija u kombinaciji s adekvatnim kućnim rehabilitacijskim programom može rezultirati skraćenim razdobljem oporavka za pacijente s AIP-om.Acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis (AIP) is an acquired peripheral neuropathy that primarily affects the ventral spinal nerve roots and peripheral nerves. The disease is very similar to Guillan BarrĆ© syndrome in humans. There is no age, breed, or sex predilection associated with the development of AIP. No proven specific treatment exists. Recovery occurs within 2 - 6 months. Physical therapy and nursing care are recommended as supportive treatment. Two female mix breed dogs, aged 6 and 10 years, were admitted to the physical therapy unit with signs of acute flaccid non-ambulatory tetraparesis/tetraplegia in lateral recumbency, unable to assume the sternal position unassisted as a consequence of generalised lower motor neuron signs. Reduced to absent muscle tone was present in all limbs. A tentative diagnosis of AIP was made based on history, clinical presentation, neurologic examination, diagnostic imaging and routine laboratory tests. The rehabilitation programme included massage, joint passive range of motion (PROM) as an important part of the home programme, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy and proprioceptive exercises. After two weeks, dogs were able to maintain a sternal position without support, and showed voluntary movement of the hind limbs. Assistive standing and voluntary movements of all limbs were present by the end of third week in one patient, and fifth week in the other. At that point, underwater treadmill sessions and active exercises were introduced. Dogs were ambulating without assistance after 25 days in one patient and after 50 days in other. Physical therapy combined with a proper home rehabilitation programme can result in a positive functional outcome in a shorter period of time in dogs with AIP

    Ružička days : International conference 19th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Dear colleagues, we are extremely honoured to present to you the Proceedings of the international conference 19th Ružička Days, which was successfully held on September 21ā€“23, 2022, in Vukovar, Croatia, in the hometown town of our famous Croatian scientist and first Nobel laureate, professor Leopold (Lavoslav) Ružička. The main goals of the Conference were to promote excellence, originality and innovation of interdisciplinary scientific research as well as the practical application of the obtained results through collaboration with industry, emphasizing thus the recognizable slogan of the Ružička Days conference: "Today Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industry". In addition, the Conference gave the opportunity for meetings, exchanging the ideas, opinions, experiences and cooperation among participants from different working surroundings. It is also important to point out that since 2008, within the international conference Ružička Days, Meeting of Young Chemists has also been held, where high school students, with the help of their mentors, present papers in the field of chemistry, with the aim to direct students and young people to the technical and natural sciences, especially chemistry. In its seventh issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021) the Proceedings publishes scientific and professional full papers of high quality in the following sections: Chemical analysis and synthesis (10), Chemical and biochemical engineering (3), Food technology and biotechnology (4), Chemistry in agriculture and forestry (1), Environmental protection (9) and 8th Meeting of Young Chemists (3). Full-length papers were subjected to an international review procedure done by eminent experts from the corresponding fields, to whom we express our gratitude, but they were not subjected to linguistic proofreading. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 19th Ružička Days we cordially thank all the authors, reviewers, participants, lecturers, organizers, especially the international organizers EuCheMS and EHEDG, auspices and sponsors, and all the others who, in any way, supported the Conference and contributed to the preparation of the Proceedings, especially to our highly skilled and committed associates, who have put a lot of effort in the preparation of these Proceedings. At the very end, special thanks to our young, future scientists and their mentors who are faithful participants of the Meeting of Young Chemists of the Ružička Days conference. Enjoy the extremely interesting scientific and professional papers contained in these Proceedings, until the next 20th jubilee of Ružička Days in 2024! We are looking forward to meeting you again in Vukovar! Yours sincerely, Chief Editors Jurislav Babić Vesna Ocelić Bulatović Dajana Kučić Grgi

    Ružička days : International conference 18th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: chemical analysis and synthesis, chemical and biochemical engineering, food technology and biotechnology, medical chemistry and pharmacy, environmental protection and meeting of young chemists