Nutrition for sporting and working dogs


U sportskih i radnih pasa fizička aktivnost izaziva različit fiziološki odgovor organizma, ovisno o trajanju i intenzitetu. Pritom aktivnost može biti kraćega trajanja i visokog intenziteta, primjerice utrke hrtova, ili duljeg trajanja i nižeg intenziteta, poput utrka pasa za vuču saonica. S druge strane, kod potražnih i lovačkih pasa, osim poslušnosti i detekcije njuhom, očekuje se fizička spremnost za terenski rad na većem području koji može potrajati nekoliko sati dnevno, stoga njihova aktivnost uključuje intervale visokog i niskog intenziteta rada tijekom duljeg perioda. Prehrana radnih pasa mora pratiti specifične zahtjeve treninga i aktivnosti, radi pripreme organizma za rad, i pritom imati ulogu u prevenciji mogućih ozljeda uzrokovanih neprikladnim režimom hranjenja te posljedičnim utjecajem na izvedbu u pogledu brzine, snage i izdržljivosti. Stoga će preporučeni udio i izvor pojedinih makronutrijenata u obroku biti u korelaciji s vrstom, intenzitetom i trajanjem rada. Pritom će kod pasa od kojih očekujemo kratku aktivnost visokog intenziteta (trkaći psi) u obrok trebati uključiti udio lako probavljivih ugljikohidrata u količini od 50 do 60 % metaboličke energije, dok će udio masti i bjelančevina biti niži. S druge strane, kod pasa od kojih očekujemo dugotrajan rad umjerenog do visokog intenziteta, udio ugljikohidrata u obroku može biti zastupljen u znatno nižem postotku, dok je razinu energije iz bjelančevina i masti potrebno prilagoditi vrsti rada.In sporting and working dogs, exercise induces various physiological responses, depending on the exercise type and intensity. Physical activity ranges from short duration, high intensity activity such as in Greyhound races, to long duration, low intensity activity in sled dog races. In search and rescue, and hunting dogs, apart from obedience and scent detection, a many hours of fieldwork is expected, which combines intervals of high and low activity for a prolonged period. Nutrition of sporting and working dogs should be appropriate for the training and specific performance required, with the goal of preparing the organism for the high demands of activity, and also to prevent injuries related to insufficient nutrient intake, which may affect speed, strength and endurance. For that reason, the recommended portions and sources of specific macronutrients in the diet should be correlated with the type, intensity and duration of activity. In dogs which are expected to perform a short duration, high intensity activity (racing hounds), the daily ration should consist of easily digestible carbohydrates at the level of 50 – 60% metabolic energy, whilst the percentage of fat and protein should be lower. On the other hand, for dogs that are expected to perform a long duration, medium to high intensity activity, the carbohydrate portion may be lower, with fat and protein energy levels adjusted according to the specific activity

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