223 research outputs found

    The Pareto Distribution of Worldā€™s GDP

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    The problem of wealth distribution has gathered the attention of researchers for many years. In their work, the researchers are mainly engaged in the issue of distribution of wealth between individuals by analyzing empirical results at the country level, or specific lists that particular organization form like the Forbes list. Research are also increasingly directed toward the analysis of new models such as Boltzmann Gibbs or application of Gama function that describes this distribution. An interesting issue is the analysis of the distribution of wealth among the countries themselves. In these works, the value of GDP is used as the wealth that country has. In this article, the author dealt with the analysis of the distribution of GDP between countries at the global level. Analysis were performed using the Pareto distribution model of wealth distribution and GINI coefficient based on the data of the value of GDP for countries from IMF estimation. The analysis was conducted for the period from 1980 to the present, as well as analysis of data provided by IMF estimates for the value of GDP by 2022. The goal is to determine the degree of uneven distribution between the countries themselves in the world, analyzing the dynamics of change in the degree of unevenness and an analysis of the degree of unevenness in the future based on forecasts of the IMF on the values of countries GDP. The author also wanted to test if Pareto's 80/20 rule applies when it comes to the distribution of GDP at world level.     Keywords: GDP, distribution of wealth, IMF, Pareto distribution, GINI coefficien

    Povezanost telesne razvijenosti i mlečnosti koza u različitim laktacijama

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    This paper presents the results of the variability and correlation of body measurements and milk production of domestic Balkan goat breed that is reared in the mountain range Sharplanina, depending on the lactation. Studied animals were monitored and lactation, or order of kidding (I, II, III and IV and the next lactation together). Control of milk production, included a total of 290 goats in different lactations (first-81 animals, the second-69 heads, 71 heads third-and fourth and following along latkacije-69 heads). In order to determine the measure of body development in adult goats, one takes values for height at withers, body length, chest depth, chest width, the width of the cross and body weight. The variability of the analyzed characteristics is presented descriptive parameters and the effect of lactation is determined by a factorial analysis of variance. The determined average values for milk production and measures of body development are located within those identified for this population of goats. During these tests showed statistically significant correlation dependence (P lt 0.05) between all studied variables, except when it comes to length lactation period and individual measures of body development. The correlation coefficient between length of lactation and established measures of body development. are low and reflect the existence uncorrelation dependence, and their values range from 0.08 to 0.11, while they were unjustified and statistically (P> 0.05).U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja varijabilnosti i povezanosti osobina telesne razvijenosti i mlečnosti domaće balkanske rase koza u zavisnosti od laktacije po redu (I, II, III a IV i naredne laktacije zajedno). Kontrolom proizvodnje mleka bilo je obuhvaćeno ukupno 290 koza u različitim laktacijama (prva- 81 grla, druga- 69 grla, treća- 71 grla, a četvrta i naredne latkacije zajedno- 69 grla). U cilju utvrđivanja mera telesne razvijenosti odraslih koza izmerene su vrednosti za visinu grebena, dužinu trupa, dubinu grudi, Å”irinu grudi, Å”irinu krsta i telesnu masu. Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina opisana je parametrima deskriptivne statistike, a uticaj laktacije po redu je utvrđen jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse. Utvrđene prosečne vrednosti za proizvodnju mleka i mere telesne razvijenosti bile se u okviru onih koje su utvrđene za ovu populaciju koza. Ispitivanjem su utvrđene statistički značajne korelacije (P lt 0,05) između svih posmatranih parametara, izuzev kada je u pitanju dužina laktacionog perioda i pojedinih mera telesne razvijenosti koje statistički nisu bile značajne

    Uticaj laktacije po redu na proizvodnju mleka i broj somatskih ćelija koza Alpina rase

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    In this paper, the annual results of the effect of lactation on milk production, the contents of some chemical parameters in the milk (milk fat, protein and dry matter without fat) and somatic cells in milk goat breeds Alpino in intensive production during one production year. Control is included a total of 82 French Alpine goats in different lactations (first-16 heads, the second-19 heads, 29 heads the third-and fourth and subsequent lactation together-18 heads).). Somatic cell count and chemical quality of milk is controlled on a daily basis in the laboratory for raw milk AD 'Dairies' - Subotica on the machine CombiFoss FC 6200. The variability of the analyzed characteristics is presented descriptive parameters and the effect of lactation is determined by a factorial analysis of variance. The average value for somewhat milk goats for the treated population was 362.83 kg, with average milk fat content of 3.31%. Analysis of variance confirmed that the differences that were established under the influence of lactation for all traits analyzed, except for percentage of milk fat, were significant at P lt 0.01.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja laktacije po redu na proizvodnju mleka, sadržaj mlečne masti, proteina i suve materije bez masti i broj somatskih ćelija u mleku koza francuske rase Alpina u intenzivnoj proizvodnji u toku jedne proizvodne godine. Kontrolom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 82 grla u različitim laktacijama (prva - 16 grla, druga - 19 grla, treća - 29 grla, a četvrta i naredne latkacije zajedno - 18 grla). Broj somatskih ćelija, kao i hemijski kvalitet mleka, kontrolisan je svakodnevno u laboratoriji za sirovo mleko AD 'Mlekare' - Subotica na aparatu CombiFoss 6200 FC. Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, a uticaj laktacije po redu je utvrđen jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse. Prosečna vrednost za ukupnu količnu mleka kod ispitivane populacije koza iznosila je 362,83 kg, sa prosečnim sadržajem mlečne masti od 3,31%. Rezultati analize varijanse potvrđuju da su razlike koje su ustanovljene pod uticajem laktacije po redu za sve analizirane osobine, izuzev za procenat mlečne masti, bile značajne na nivou P lt 0.01

    Effects of hydrogen upon the properties of thermo mechanical controlled process (TMCP) steel

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    Research into the effects of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of the material is wide-ranging and time-consuming, since there is no single way of predicting cold cracking that would be applicable to all steel grades. Some research on the action of hydrogen in the weld area has focused on the effects of filler materials, welding parameters, the welding environment and welding process upon the hydrogen content of the weld metal and final effect of the hydrogen content upon the properties of the material

    Genotipski odgovor dve sorte soje sa smanjenim sadržajem KTI na primenu različitih količina azota

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of different amounts of nitrogen on the grain yield and nutritive value in two soybean genotypes (Laura and Lana). Studied varieties belong to different maturity groups (Laura is in the group I, while Lana is in the group II) and they both have reduced content of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI). Four treatments of fertilization were tested: 0 kg N ha-1, 30 kg N ha-1, 60 kg N ha-1 and 90 kg N ha-1. Field trials were carried out in dry land farming, at location Putinci, during the years 2008 and 2009. In both research years, variety Lana had higher grain yield and oil content then variety Laura. Method of nitrogen fertilization has been proved as an effective tool for increasing of grain yield and protein content in both varieties. The results of the study showed that application of 90 kg N ha-1 increased the grain yield and protein content of soybean more than application of other treatments (0, 30 and 60 kg N ha- 1). All nitrogen fertilization levels decreased the oil content.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj različite količine azota na prinos zrna i hranljivu vrednost zrna kod dva genotipa soje (Laura i Lana). Ispitivane sorte soje pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (Laura - I i Lana - II) i imaju smanjeni sadržaj Kunitz tripsin inhibitora (KTI). Upoređivane su četiri varijante ishrane biljaka azotom: 0 kg N ha-1, 30 kg N ha-1, 60 kg N ha-1 i 90 kg N ha-1. Ogledi su izvedeni u suvom ratarenju, na lokaciji Putinci, tokom 2008. i 2009. godine. U obe godine istraživanja, sorta Lana imala je veći prinos zrna i sadržaj ulja nego sorta Laura. Ishrana azotom pokazala se kao uspeÅ”na metoda za poboljÅ”anje prinosa zrna i sadržaja proteina kod obe sorte. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je primena 90 kg N ha-1 povećala prinos zrna soje i sadržaj proteina u zrnu viÅ”e nego primena drugih tretmana (0, 30 i 60 kg N ha-1). Svi nivoi ishrane azotom smanjili su sadržaj ulja

    Biocompatibility and immunomodulatory properties of nanomaterials based on gold nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes, and NITi-and CuAINi alloy-based advanced biomaterials

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    Napredni biomaterijali na bazi NiTi i CuAlNi legura koje memoriÅ”u oblik (SMA) su vrlo atraktivni za izradu biomedicinskih implantata i uređaja. Međutim, biokompatibilnost NiTi i CuAlNi legura proizvedenih konvencionalnim metodama je često loÅ”a usled njihove neodgovarajuće povrÅ”inske mikrostrukture koja omogućava oslobađanje metalnih jona u okolni medijum. U ovom radu je primenjen nov metod sinteze brzo stvrdnutih (RS) SMA valjanjem rastopine. Biokompatibilnost i imunomodulacijske osobine SMA legura su ispitane na modelima peritoneumskih makrofaga pacova (PMƘ) i humanih dendritskih ćelija monocitnog porekla (DC), i na humanim mononuklearima periferne krvi (PBMC) izolovanim iz 20 različitih donora. Pokazano je da RS SMA, za razliku od kontrolnih SMA pripremljenih konvencionalnim metodama istog sastava, ne ispoljavaju citotoksičnost prema ispitivanim ćelijama. Osnovni razlog tome je Å”to je na povrÅ”ini RS SMA formiran tanak homogeni sloj oksida koji Å”titi SMA od korozije, a inkubiranjem u medijumu dolazi do njegovog zadebljavanja. Međutim, pokazano je da CuAlNi RS SMA stimuliÅ”u produkciju IL-6 i izazivaju oksidativni stres kod PMƘ, ali ne menjaju produkciju proinflamacijskih citokina u većini kultura PBMC stimulisanih mitogenom. Sa druge strane, NiTi RS SMA stimuliÅ”u produkciju IL-10 u 25% kultura stimulisanih kultura PBMC. U skladu sa tim je pokazano da NiTi RS SMA stimuliÅ”u fenotipsko sazrevanje DC koje produkuju veći nivo IL-10 i IL-27, i stimuliÅ”u produkciju IL-10 i TGF-Ī² u ko-kulturi sa CD4+T ćelijama. Međutim, DC kultivisane na NiTi RS SMA u prisustvu LPS-a poseduju veći alostimulatorni kapacitet i stimuliÅ”u Th1 imunski odgovor in vitro. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da se RS SMA mogu bezbedno iskoristiti kao implantati kod većine pacijenata, ali je neophodno razmotriti i da li bi imunomodulacijske osobine ovih legura mogle izazvati neželjene posledice kod nekih pacijenta. Nanočestice zlata (GNP) su vrlo atraktivne za primenu u dijagnostici i fototermalnoj terapiji tumora. Međutim, njihova biokompatibilnost i imunomodulacijske osobine nisu dovoljno ispitane, Å”to je neophodno za njihovu bezbednu primenu u biomedicini. U ovom radu je primenjen nov metod sinteze GNP ultrasoničnom sprej pirolizom (USP). Pri tome je sintetisano 5 različitih frakcija GNP različitih mikrostrukturnih odlika...Advanced biomaterials based on NiTi CuAlNi shape memory alloys (SMAs) are very attractive for the production of biomedical implants and devices. However, the biocompatibility of NiTi and CuAlNi alloys, prepared by conventional methods, is often poor due to their inadequate surface microstructure causing the release of toxic metal ions into the surrounding medium. Therefore, we applied a novel method for the preparation of SMAs using Rapid Solidification (RS) via Melt-Spinning. Biocompatibility and immunomodulatory properties of SMA alloys were studied using the in vitro models of ratā€™s peritoneal macrophages (PMƘs), human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs), and mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from 20 different donors. It was shown that RS SMAs, in contrast to control SMAs of the same composition but prepared by conventional methods, do not exhibit cytotoxicity towards the tested cells. The main reason for this phenomenon is the formation of a thin homogeneous oxide layer on the surface of RS SMAs that protects the SMAs from corrosion, and the conditioning in cell culture medium leads to its thickening. However, CuAlNi RS SMAs induce the production of IL-6, cause oxidative stress in PMƘ, but do not modify the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in most of the mitogen-stimulated PBMCs cultures. In contrast, NiTi RS SMAs stimulate the production of IL-10 in 25 % of the stimulated PBMC cultures. Accordingly, we showed that NiTi RS SMAs stimulate the phenotypic maturation of DCs, which produce higher levels of IL-10 and IL-27, and stimulate the production of IL-10 and TGF-Ī² in co-culture with CD4+ T cells. However, in the presence of LPS, DCs cultivated on RS NiTi SMA possess a stronger allostimulatory capacity, and potentiate the development of Th1 immune response in vitro. These results indicate that RS SMAs can be safely used as implants for most patients, but special care should be taken as to whether the immunomodulatory properties of these alloys would cause some adverse effects in some patients. Gold nanoparticles (GNP) are quite promising for the use in diagnostics and photo-thermal cancer therapy. However, their biocompatibility and immunomodulatory properties have not been investigated sufficiently for their safe use in biomedicine..

    Prinos krme travno-leguminozne smeŔe pri različitom vremenu zasnivanja

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    For comparative testing of the total productivity of mixtures (intercrops) of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), a trial was carried out during the 2007-2009 growing seasons at experimental fields of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Intercrops included two red clover varieties (K-17 and Una) and tetraploid Italian ryegrass (K-29t) in different proportional ratios (100:0%, 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75% and 0:100%). Italian ryegrass sown alone was top-dressed with nitrogen rates of 100 and 200 kg ha-1. Herbage yields and botanical composition were influenced by different sowing times in the first production year. Spring seeded red clover was more persistent and cumulatively yielded, autumn seeded Italian ryegrass produced more dry matter in the mixture than red clover. The trial demonstrates the potential of two red clover cultivars grown either alone or with a suitable Italian ryegrass to achieve and maintain a high output of herbage of good quality in the first production year, with different time of stand establishment. The practical agricultural implications of using ryegrass/clover are discussed.U toku vegetacione sezone 2007-2009 izveden je ogled na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za stočarstvo, Zemun-Beograd, sa crvenom detelinom i italijanskim ljuljem radi uporednog ispitivanja ukupne proizvodnje biomase smeÅ”a. SmeÅ”e su uključivale dve sorte crvene deteline (K-17 i Una) i tetraploidnog italijanskog ljulja (K-29t) sa različitim proporcionalnim odnosima (100:0%, 50:50%, 75:25%, 25:75% i 0:100%). Italijanski ljulj sejan u čistom usevu prihranjivan je sa 100 i 200 kg N ha-1. Različito vreme setve uticalo je na prinos krme i botaničku kompoziciju u prvoj proizvodnoj godini. Crvena detelina sejana u proleće bila je otpornija i kumulativno prinosnija, kao i italijanski ljulj sejan u jesen koji je proizveo viÅ”e suve materije u smeÅ”i u odnosu na detelinu. Ogled pokazuje potencijal dve sorte crvene deteline sejane u čistom usevu ili sa italijanskim ljuljem radi dobijanja i održavanja visoke proizvodnje biomase dobrog kvaliteta u prvoj proizvodnoj godini, pri različitom vremenu zasnivanja. Razmatrane su praktične agronomske implikacije koriŔćenja smeÅ”e italijanskog ljulja i crvene deteline

    Uticaj prve rodne etaže na kvalitativno-kvantitativna svojstva semena soje

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of height of the first fertile floor on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of soybean seeds. For qualitative traits the focus was on the energy of germination and seed germination of the studied genotypes investigated per soybean plant and the first fertile floor of the plant. Results of research indicated that there were significant differences between genotypes observed by morphological characteristics (plant height, height of first fertile floor, number of fertile floors, number of pods and seeds, seed weight, etc.) as well as qualitative properties (energy of germination and seed germination). Cultivar GorÅ”tak, with genetically incorporated height of the first fertile floor (12.38 cm), was superior to other two genotypes. A similar trend was found in other morphological analyses. Based on energy of germination and seed germination of all fertile floors per plant, there were no significant differences between soybean genotypes. However, of paramount importance are the established values of these parameters relevant to the first fertile floor. Cultivar GorÅ”tak had significantly higher energy of germination (90.46%) and total germination (91.00%) compared to the other two genotypes.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje uticaja visine PRVE rodne etaže na kvalitativno-kvantitativna svojstva semena soje. Kod kvalitativnih svojstava akcenat je stavljen na energiju klijanja i ukupnu klijavost semena istraživanih genotipova posebno po biljci i prvoj rodnoj etaži. Sumiranjem rezultata istraživanja, utvrđene su značajne razlike između genotipova, posmatrano po morfoloÅ”kim karakteristikama (visina biljaka, visina prve rodne etaže, broj rodnih etaža, broj mahuna i semena, masa semena i dr) kao i kod kvalitativnih svojstava - energije klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena. Sorta GorÅ”tak sa genetički inkorporiranom visokom prvom rodnom etažom (12,38 cm) bila je dominantna u odnosu na druga dva genotipa. Sličan trend je utvrđen i kod drugih morfoloÅ”kih analiza. Energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena svih rodnih etaža, posmatrano po genotipovima, nije pokazala značajne razlike. Međutim, od izuzetnog značaja su utvrđene vrednosti ovih parametara kada je reč o prvoj rodnoj etaži. Sorta GorÅ”tak imala je vrlo značajnu veću vrednost energije klijanja (90,46%) kao i ukupnu klijavost semena (91,00 %) u odnosu na druga dva genotipa
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