25 research outputs found

    Ganglioneurom nadbubrežne žlijezde u kombinaciji s primarnim karcinomom bubrega: prikaz dvaju slučajeva

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    Two cases of adrenal ganglioneuromas associated with ipsilateral primary kidney cancer, according to literature review a very rare combination, are presented. Both patients underwent adrenalectomy and nephrectomy. Specimens were formalin fixed, paraffin embedded, cut at 5 µm and routinely stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Primary antibodies to neurofilament protein and S-100 were used to confirm ganglion cells in the ganglioneuromas. Histopathological analysis revealed adrenal gland ganglioneuroma with ipsilateral kidney carcinoma. One of them was renal cell carcinoma and the other one was urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis. This combination of malignant kidney tumor and adrenal gland ganglioneuroma is extremely rare, and after literature review we concluded that both cases presenting this combination of tumors were probably incidental.U radu su prikazana dva slučaja ganglioneuroma u nadbubrežnoj žlijezdi u bolesnika s primarnim tumorima bubrega, gdje je u jednog bolesnika primarni tumor bubrega bio karcinom bubrežnih stanica, dok je u drugom slučaju tumor bubrega bio urotelni karcinom nakapnice. U oba slučaja prije operacijski nalaz kompjutorizirane tomografije je uz tumore bubrega otkrio i tumore u nadbubrežnim žlijezdama za koje se smatralo da su metastaze. Iako je kombinacija malignog primarnog tumora bubrega i ganglioneuroma u nadbubrežnoj žlijezdi izrazito rijetka, vrlo je vjerojatno da su to slučajni nalazi, a prije operacijski je takve lezije skoro nemoguće razlikovati od metastatske bolesti

    Primary glomangioma of the esophagus mimicking esophageal papilloma

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    We report a case of glomangioma of the esophagus in a 28-year-old woman who presented with a 3-year history of vague discomfort, pain and heat in the neck. At initial gross examination, the tumor mimicked an esophageal papilloma. The resected esophageal specimen contained a polypoid, whitish-gray mass, which measured 3 cm in maximum diameter. Microscopically the tumor consisted of loose fibrovascular stroma heavily infiltrated with mononuclear inflammatory cells and covered with focally hyperkeratotic, parakeratotic and acanthotic squamous epithelium without atypia. In the deeper area immediately above the true muscular layer of the esophageal wall, microscopical examination revealed the neoplasm consisting of numerous, small-to-medium branched vessels covered by regular endothelium and filled with erythrocytes. The loose stroma around the vessels contained poorly circumscribed nests of small, round to oval cells with a uniform appearance. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were immunoreactive for smooth muscle actin and vimentin and non-immunoreactive for CD34, CD117, desmin, pan-cytokeratin, synaptophisin, neuron-specific enolase and S-100 protein. Despite its bland histology, the infiltrative growth pattern was suggestive of aggressive behavior; thus, an appropriate clinical follow-up was recommended. An accurate diagnosis and an understanding of the behavior of these rare tumors, especially in an unusual location, are crucial to their management and clinical outcome

    Karcinom sabirnih kanalića i endemska nefropatija - prikazi slučaja i pregled literature

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    Although collecting duct carcinoma is a subtype of renal cell carcinoma, several studies implicate association with urothelial carcinoma. The coexistence of collecting duct carcinoma and another renal neoplasm is rare. Endemic nephropathy is a renal disease causing chronic renal failure. It is highly associated with urothelial neoplasm and occurs in endemic villages in Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Recent studies have confirmed the important role of exposure to aristolochic acid as an etiologic factor. We present three cases of collecting duct carcinoma with literature overview. In one case, we describe collecting duct carcinoma with metachronous urothelial carcinoma of the pyelon and urinary bladder in an endemic nephropathy patient. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing this coexistence. Certain similarities between collecting duct carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma were found, e.g., higher incidence in female compared to male, higher mean age, and multifocal and multicentric occurrence of the tumor. Our observations support the hypothesis that collecting duct carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma could be connected.Iako je karcinom sabirnih kanalića podvrsta karcinoma bubrežnih stanica, određena istraživanja ukazuju na povezanost ovog entiteta s karcinomom prijelaznog epitela. Istodobna pojava karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i drugih bubrežnih neoplazma je rijetka. Endemska nefropatija je bubrežna bolest koja dovodi do kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja. Vrlo je povezana s urotelnim tumorima i javlja se u endemskim selima u Bosni, Hrvatskoj, Bugarskoj, Rumunjskoj i Srbiji. Nedavna istraživanja potvrdila su značajnu ulogu izloženosti aristolohičnoj kiselini kao etiološkom čimbeniku. Predstavljamo tri slučaja karcinoma sabirnih kanalića s pregledom literature. U jednom slučaju opisujemo karcinom sabirnih kanalića s metakronom pojavom urotelnog karcinoma pijelona te mokraćnog mjehura u bolesnika s potvrđenom endemskom nefropatijom. Prema našim saznanjima ovo je prvi slučaj koji opisuje ovakvu koegzistenciju. Pronađene su određene sličnosti između karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i karcinoma prijelaznog epitela, a to su veća učestalost u ženskoj populaciji, viša prosječna dob, multifokalna i multicentrična pojava tumora. Naša zapažanja podupiru hipotezu o mogućoj povezanosti karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i karcinoma prijelaznog epitela

    Local Recurrence of Primary Non-Ampullary Adenocarcinoma of Duodenum after Surgical Treatment – A Case Report and a Literature Review

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    Worldwide there is no general attitude on optimal surgical procedure in treatment of primary non-ampullary adenocarcinoma of duodenum, especially for early stage of duodenal cancer. Some authors prefer local excision and segmental resection while others rather perform duodenopancreatic resection, even in the case of early stage of duodenal cancer with aim to avoid tumor recurrence. In this paper we present a rare clinical course of a 60-year-old male patient with an endoscopically and pathohistologically proven early stage duodenal cancer that was treated by wide local excision. Three years after operation, control endoscopy showed »flat« polyp in the duodenum and radical duodenopancreatic resection was performed. Pathohistological examination of resected specimen showed cancer that had spread throughout the duodenal wall with metastases in the regional lymph nodes. According to our findings and literature review we gave some direction concerning the optimal diagnostic and surgical procedure for this rare tumor

    Molecular profiles and urinary biomarkers of upper tract urothelial carcinomas associated with aristolochic acid exposure

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    Recurrent upper tract urothelial carcinomas (UTUCs) arise in the context of nephropathy linked to exposure to the herbal carcinogen aristolochic acid (AA). Here we delineated the molecular programs underlying UTUC tumorigenesis in patients from endemic aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN) regions in Southern Europe. We applied an integrative multiomics analysis of UTUCs, corresponding unaffected tissues and of patient urines. Quantitative microRNA (miRNA) and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression profiling, immunohistochemical analysis by tissue microarrays and exome and transcriptome sequencing were performed in UTUC and nontumor tissues. Urinary miRNAs of cases undergoing surgery were profiled before and after tumor resection. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein levels were analyzed using appropriate statistical tests and trend assessment. Dedicated bioinformatic tools were used for analysis of pathways, mutational signatures and result visualization. The results delineate UTUC-specific miRNA:mRNA networks comprising 89 miRNAs associated with 1,862 target mRNAs, involving deregulation of cell cycle, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage response, DNA repair, bladder cancer, oncogenes, tumor suppressors, chromatin structure regulators and developmental signaling pathways. Key UTUC-specific transcripts were confirmed at the protein level. Exome and transcriptome sequencing of UTUCs revealed AA-specific mutational signature SBS22, with 68% to 76% AA-specific, deleterious mutations propagated at the transcript level, a possible basis for neoantigen formation and immunotherapy targeting. We next identified a signature of UTUC-specific miRNAs consistently more abundant in the patients' urine prior to tumor resection, thereby defining biomarkers of tumor presence. The complex gene regulation programs of AAN-associated UTUC tumors involve regulatory miRNAs prospectively applicable to noninvasive urine-based screening of AAN patients for cancer presence and recurrence

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Patološke promjene bubrežnih arterija u bolesnika s karcinomom bubrežnih stanica [Pathological renal artery changes in patients with renal cell carcinoma]

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    The aim of this study was to analyze renal artery changes in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and establish possible connection to tumor necrosis. We analyzed renal arteries from patients with RCC and compared them to group of patients with non-tumorous kidney diseases and control group without renal diseases. In the first two groups (patients with RCC and non-tumorous kidney diseases) renal arteries showed high incidence of fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) when compared to control group (p0.05). A statistically significant difference was found only between group of patients with FMD I and FMD IIb (p0.05). Our study indicates that FMD in renal arteries in patients with RCC are more likely secondary. Subtype FMD-I was connected to extent of tumor necrosis. However, true nature of these changes and their influence on tumor necrosis should be further analyzed on larger series with full length of renal arteries available for histological analysis

    Nursing student's knowledge and attitudes towards vaccination

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    Imunizacija predstavlja postupak kojim se putem unosa antigena štiti organizam od infektivnih oboljenja. Cijepljenje ili aktivna imunizacija je unošenje antigena protiv kojih organizam sam razvije specifičnu obranu. Cjepiva smanjuju rizik obolijevanja od zaraznih bolesti, radeći s prirodnom obranom tijela kako bi se izgradila zaštita. Izbijanje zaraznih bolesti također se može spriječiti i kontrolirati cjepivima. Postoji dvostruki pristup imunoprofilaksi, odnosno umjetna imunosti. Aktivna zaštita se ostvaruje putem cijepljenja, dok se pasivna zaštita postiže primjenom imunoglobulina.Immunization is a procedure that protects the body from infectious diseases by introducing antigens. Vaccination or active immunization is the introduction of antigens against which the organism itself develops a specific defense. By enhancing the body's natural defenses, vaccines lower the risk of developing infectious diseases. Outbreaks of infectious diseases can also be prevented and controlled by vaccines. Immunoprophylaxis or artificial immunity, is achieved in two ways: active protection (vaccination) and passive protection (immunoglobulin absorption)

    Pathological renal artery changes in patients with renal cell carcinoma

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    Nekroza tumorskog tkiva u karcinomu bubrežnih stanica predstavlja loš prognostički faktor, a sam mehanizam nastanka nekroze nije dovoljno razjašnjen. Prethodnim istraživanjem utvrdili smo visoku učestalost fibromuskularne displazije u bolesnika s karcinomom bubrežnih stanica, a u ovom istraživanju postavljeni su sljedeći ciljevi: 1. Odrediti učestalost i vrstu promjena na bubrežnim arterijama u bolesnika s primarnim karcinomom bubrežnih stanica te ih usporediti s promjenama na bubrežnim arterijama u bolesnika s netumorskim bolestima bubrega i kontrolnom skupinom. 2. Odrediti prisutnost i stupanj nekroze u karcinomima bubrežnih stanica. 3. Usporediti povezanost pojave i stupnja nekroze u bolesnika s karcinomom bubrežnih stanica u ovisnosti o promjenama na bubrežnim arterijama. 4. Usporediti prognostički značajne faktore (veličinu tumora, pTNM, histološki tip, nuklearni gradus tumora) za karcinom bubrežnih stanica u ovisnosti o promjenama na bubrežnim arterijama. U istraživanju je korišten arhivski materijal dobiven nakon radikalne nefrektomije te histološki potvrđene dijagnoze adenokarcinoma bubrežnih stanica kao i netumorskih bolesti bubrega na Kliničkom zavodu za patologiju «Ljudevit Jurak» Kliničke bolnice «Sestre milosrdnice» u Zagrebu. Analizirano je: 175 uzoraka bubrega s adenokarcinomom bubrežnih stanica pacijenata kojima je 2003-2005. g. učinjena nefrektomija, a kojima su rutinski analizirane i strukture hilusa. Pored toga analizirano je 40 uzoraka bubrega s netumorskim bolestima iz 2003. i 2004. godine, a koji sadrže i strukture hilusa te 30 uzoraka bubrežnih arterija i bubrežnog parenhima kao kontrolna skupina kojima obdukcijom nije nađen nikakav maligni proces. Statističkom analizom potvrđena je značajno visoka učestalost FMD na bubrežnim arterijama u bolesnika s karcinomom bubrežnih stanica i bolesnika s netumorskim bolestima u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (p=0.00162). U skupini bolesnika s karcinomom bubrega FMD je češća u žena (p=0.0149), dok je ateroskleroza češća u muškaraca (p=0.0185). U istoj skupini bolesnici s aterosklerozom bubrežnih arterija bili su statistički značajno stariji od bolesnika bez patoloških promjena na bubrežnim arterijama (p=0.001529) i bolesnika s FMD (p=0.02118). Usporedbom prisutnosti i stupnja nekroze tumorskog tkiva u skupini bolesnika s karcinomom bubrega u ovisnosti o promjenama na bubrežnim arterijama nije nađena značajna razlika (p=0.86173), osim u stupnju nekroze tumora unutar podskupine bolesnika s FMD. Bolesnici s podtipom FMD-I su značajno češće u tumorima sadržavali opsežnija područja tumorske nekroze naspram bolesnika s podtipom FMD-IIb (p=0.00739). Statističkom analizom nije nađena značajna razlika u ostalim prognostički značajnim faktorima za karcinom bubrežnih stanica (veličina tumora, pTNM, nuklearni gradus, histološki tip) ovisno o promjenama na bubrežnim arterijama. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju visoku učestalost FMD u bolesnika s karcinomom bubrežnih stanica, ali i u skupini bolesnika s netumorskim bolestima bubrega što govori u prilog da su navedene promjene na bubrežnim arterijama najvjerojatnije sekundarne. FMD u bolesnika s karcinomom bubrega je češće zastupljena u žena dok je ateroskleroza češće nađena u muškaraca. Usporedbom prisutnosti i stupnja nekroze u grupi bolesnika s karcinomom bubrega nije nađena značajna razlika ovisno o promjenama na bubrežnim arterijama, osim unutar podskupine bolesnika s FMD. Dobiveni rezultati opsežna područja tumorske nekroze povezuju samo za podtip FMD-I, a točnu povezanost tih promjena trebalo bi istražiti na serijama u kojima bi čitave bubrežne arterije bile dostupne za histološku analizu, što u ovom istraživanju nije bilo moguće radi ograničenja zbog operativne tehnike. Rezultati ovog istaživanja mogli bi pomoći u razumijevanju patogeneze nastanka tumorske nekroze te eventualno utjecati na izbor bolesnika koji bi bili kandidati za dodatne metode liječenja (antiangiogena terapija).The aim of this study was to analyze renal artery changes in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and establish possible connection to tumor necrosis. We analyzed renal arteries from patients with RCC and compared them to group of patients with non-tumorous kidney diseases and control group without renal diseases. In the first two groups (patients with RCC and non-tumorous kidney diseases) renal arteries showed high incidence of fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) when compared to control group (p0.05). A statistically significant difference was found only between group of patients with FMD I and FMD IIb (p0.05). Our study indicates that FMD in renal arteries in patients with RCC are more likely secondary. Subtype FMD-I was connected to extent of tumor necrosis. However, true nature of these changes and their influence on tumor necrosis should be further analyzed on larger series with full length of renal arteries available for histological analysis