8 research outputs found

    Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets

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    At Humboldt State University (HSU), location is everything. Students are as drawn to our spectacular natural setting as they are to the unique majors in the natural resource sciences that the university has to offer. However, the isolation that nurtures the pristine natural beauty of the area presents a difficult reality for students who are accustomed to more densely populated environments. With the large majority of our incoming students coming from distant cities, we set out to cultivate a “home away from home” by connecting first-year students majoring in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to the communities and local environment of Humboldt County. To achieve this, we designed first-year place-based learning communities (PBLCs) that integrate unique aspects and interdisciplinary themes of our location throughout multiple high impact practices, including a summer experience, blocked-enrolled courses, and a first-year experience course entitled Science 100: Becoming a STEM Professional in the 21st Century. Native American culture, traditional ways of knowing, and contemporary issues faced by tribal communities are central features of our place-based curriculum because HSU is located on the ancestral land of the Wiyot people and the university services nine federally recognized American Indian tribes. Our intention is that by providing a cross-cultural, validating environment, students will: feel and be better supported in their academic pursuits; cultivate values of personal, professional and social responsibility; and increase the likelihood that they will complete their HSU degree. As we complete the fourth year of implementation, we aim to harness our experience and reflection to improve our programming and enable promising early results to be sustained

    El-Abdallah et al. 2022 Comparison of conifer seed cone sectioning methods

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    Fossils and plant evolution: structural fingerprints and modularity in the evo-devo paradigm

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    Fossils constitute the principal repository of data that allow for independent tests of hypotheses of biological evolution derived from observations of the extant biota. Traditionally, transformational series of structure, consisting of sequences of fossils of the same lineage through time, have been employed to reconstruct and interpret morphological evolution. More recently, a move toward an updated paradigm was fueled by the deliberate integration of developmental thinking in the inclusion of fossils in reconstruction of morphological evolution. The vehicle for this is provided by structural fingerprints—recognizable morphological and anatomical structures generated by (and reflective of) the deployment of specific genes and regulatory pathways during development. Furthermore, because the regulation of plant development is both modular and hierarchical in nature, combining structural fingerprints recognized in the fossil record with our understanding of the developmental regulation of those structures produces a powerful tool for understanding plant evolution. This is particularly true when the systematic distribution of specific developmental regulatory mechanisms and modules is viewed within an evolutionary (paleo-evo-devo) framework. Here, we discuss several advances in understanding the processes and patterns of evolution, achieved by tracking structural fingerprints with their underlying regulatory modules across lineages, living and fossil: the role of polar auxin regulation in the cellular patterning of secondary xylem and the parallel evolution of arborescence in lycophytes and seed plants; the morphology and life history of early polysporangiophytes and tracheophytes; the role of modularity in the parallel evolution of leaves in euphyllophytes; leaf meristematic activity and the parallel evolution of venation patterns among euphyllophytes; mosaic deployment of regulatory modules and the diverse modes of secondary growth of euphyllophytes; modularity and hierarchy in developmental regulation and the evolution of equisetalean reproductive morphology. More generally, inclusion of plant fossils in the evo-devo paradigm has informed discussions on the evolution of growth patterns and growth responses, sporophyte body plans and their homology, sequences of character evolution, and the evolution of reproductive systems

    Deep origin and gradual evolution of transporting tissues : Perspectives from across the land plants

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    The evolution of transporting tissues was an important innovation in terrestrial plants that allowed them to adapt to almost all nonaquatic environments. These tissues consist of water-conducting cells and food-conducting cells and bridge plant-soil and plant-air interfaces over long distances. The largest group of land plants, representing about 95% of all known plant species, is associated with morphologically complex transporting tissue in plants with a range of additional traits. Therefore, this entire clade was named tracheophytes, or vascular plants. However, some nonvascular plants possess conductive tissues that closely resemble vascular tissue in their organization, structure, and function. Recent molecular studies also point to a highly conserved toolbox of molecular regulators for transporting tissues. Here, we reflect on the distinguishing features of conductive and vascular tissues and their evolutionary history. Rather than sudden emergence of complex, vascular tissues, plant transporting tissues likely evolved gradually, building on pre-existing developmental mechanisms and genetic components. Improved knowledge of the intimate structure and developmental regulation of transporting tissues across the entire taxonomic breadth of extant plant lineages, combined with more comprehensive documentation of the fossil record of transporting tissues, is required for a full understanding of the evolutionary trajectory of transporting tissues

    Origin of Equisetum: Evolution of horsetails (Equisetales) within the major euphyllophyte clade Sphenopsida

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    © 2018 Botanical Society of America Premise of the Study: Equisetum is the sole living representative of Sphenopsida, a clade with impressive species richness, a long fossil history dating back to the Devonian, and obscure relationships with other living pteridophytes. Based on molecular data, the crown group age of Equisetum is mid-Paleogene, although fossils with possible crown synapomorphies appear in the Triassic. The most widely circulated hypothesis states that the lineage of Equisetum derives from calamitaceans, but no comprehensive phylogenetic studies support the claim. Using a combined approach, we provide a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Equisetales, with special emphasis on the origin of genus Equisetum. Methods: We performed parsimony phylogenetic analyses to address relationships of 43 equisetalean species (15 extant, 28 extinct) using a combination of morphological and molecular characters. Key Results: We recovered Equisetaceae + Neocalamites as sister to Calamitaceae + a clade of Angaran and Gondwanan horsetails, with the four groups forming a clade that is sister to Archaeocalamitaceae. The estimated age for the Equisetum crown group is mid-Mesozoic. Conclusions: Modern horsetails are not nested within calamitaceans; instead, both groups have explored independent evolutionary trajectories since the Carboniferous. Diverse fossil taxon sampling helps to shed light on the position and relationships of equisetalean lineages, of which only a tiny remnant is present within the extant flora. Understanding these relationships and early character configurations of ancient plant clades as Equisetales provide useful tests of hypotheses about overall phylogenetic relationships of euphyllophytes and foundations for future tests of molecular dates with paleontological data

    The Archaeopterid Forests of Lower Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Westernmost Laurentia: Biota and Depositional Environment of the Maywood Formation in Northern Wyoming as Reflected by Palynoflora, Macroflora, Fauna, and Sedimentology

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    Premise of research. The flora of the Maywood Formation, one of only three Devonian floras previously recognized in western North America, is known only from a brief report focused on stratigraphy and has never been characterized in more detail. A detailed assessment of this flora and associated animal fossils has implications for the age and depositional environments of the Maywood Formation and for Devonian plant biogeography. Methodology. Fieldwork at the Cottonwood Canyon (Wyoming) exposure of the Maywood Formation produced a measured section characterizing the sedimentology of the unit and samples that we analyzed for palyno-morph, macrofloral, and faunal content using standard methods. Pivotal results. The palynological assemblage is dominated by archaeopterid progymnosperm spores, lacks unequivocally marine components, indicates the low burial depth and temperature (ca. 537C) of the unit, and supports an early Frasnian age. Plant macro-and mesofossils including charcoal, adpressions, sporangia, and spore packages reflect a vegetation with quasi-monodominant archaeopterids but also including (unidentified) plants that produced the seed megaspore Spermasporites (for which the Cottonwood Canyon occurrence represents a geographic range extension). Scales indicate the presence of sarcopterygian and tetrapodomorph fishes. Sedimentary facies, palynofacies, and plant macrofossil taphonomy are consistent with a lagoon or lake margin environment on a carbonate platform disconnected from the open marine realm. Conclusions. The arid carbonate platform of the western margin of early Frasnian Laurentia hosted a fire-prone vegetation cover heavily dominated by archaeopterid progymnosperms. The Maywood Formation preserves fossil assemblages reflecting this vegetation at Cottonwood Canyon (Wyoming), in lagoonal or lacustrine deposits that also host microconchid tube worms and fish. The parent plant of the seed megaspore Spermasporites, present in this vegetation, was widely distributed all across Euramerica.</p