395 research outputs found

    The Recent Brazilian Disinflation Process and Costs

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    This work revisits the recent disinflation process in Brazil and finds that solely the agents' perception that a policy rupture could occur is capable of triggering a change in the way firms and households used to behave in their pricing and consuming decisions. This change was captured by structural breaks in the parameters of a generalized hybrid Phillips curve, following the 2002 inflation shock. The paper also shows that such parameter changes led to an increase in the disinflation cost evidenced by a free market inflation gain that would have been observed should the coefficients on the Phillips curve have not changed. The paper finds that, maintaining the occurred paths for interest rates, output gap, nominal exchange rates, administered price inflation and exogenous shocks, the free market inflation would have been significantly lower in the absence of such structural break in the underlying inflation process, since mid 2002.

    Implementing Inflation Targeting in Brazil

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    Brazil has put in place an inflation-targeting framework for monetary policy in mid-1999, less than six months after moving to a floating exchange rate system. This paper presents the macroeconomic background that has led to the shift in monetary policy regime, and describes the general institutional arrangements and operational framework that has been adopted. The paper also discusses the basic modeling approach that has aided the decision-making process in the initial phase of inflation targeting in Brazil. We describe the family of small-scale macroeconomic models that has been used for informing and disciplining discussions about monetary policy within the Central Bank. These models contain few equations and few variables, but carry a considerable theoretical content and provide a stylized representation of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. They are easily understood, and especially suitable for simulation of a wide range of issues. We conclude with the main lessons that may be drawn from the initial Brazilian experience with inflation targeting.

    Inflation Targeting in Brazil: Shocks, Backward-Looking Prices, and IMF Conditionality

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    This paper examines the recent evolution of monetary policy since the adoption of formal inflation targeting in Brazil. We argue that the new policy framework has been subject to a severe test in its first years of existence, represented by external shocks - oil prices, and increased international financial volatility. Moreover, we examine some selected issues that deserve due consideration given their importance to the conduct of monetary policy. The first issue is the presence of a substantial portion of prices with backward-looking adjustment, a fact that affects monetary policy reaction since it reduces the efficiency of domestic interest rates in controlling inflation. The second addresses the question of how inflation targets should be monitored in a country that has an ongoing economic program with the International Monetary Fund. This last issue is particularly important when considering the effects of shortening monitoring horizons on the variability of inflation and output.

    A dynamic deep learning approach for intonation modeling

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    Intonation plays a crucial role in making synthetic speech sound more natural. However, intonation modeling largely remains an open question. In my thesis, the interpolated F0 is parameterized dynamically by means of sign values, encoding the direction of pitch change, and corresponding quantized magnitude values, encoding the amount of pitch change in such direction. The sign and magnitude values are used for the training of a dedicated neural network. The proposed methodology is evaluated and compared to a state-of-the-art DNN-based TTS system. To this end, a segmental synthesizer was implemented to normalize the effect of the spectrum. The synthesizer uses the F0 and linguistic features to predict the spectrum, aperiodicity, and voicing information. The proposed methodology performs as well as the reference system, and we observe a trend for native speakers to prefer the proposed intonation model

    An unusual case of loss of consciousness: when an epileptic brain let the heart slow down

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    The differential diagnosis of an episode of transient loss of consciousness can be sometimes very tricking, in particular when symptoms peculiar of syncope are mixed with focal neurological symptoms. We report the case of a 54-year-old woman who suddenly claimed, during a polygraphic recording (electroencephalography/electrocardiogram), a feeling of fear and tachycardia followed by loss of consciousness and then a tonic posturing of the left limbs. Polygraphic recording showed a critical electroencephalographic pattern starting from left temporo-zygomatic channels followed after few seconds by a sudden slowing of cortical background activity associated with an episode of asystole, as witnessed simultaneously by electrocardiogram. Muscular activity covered electroencephalographic activity of following minutes. This case provides an opportunity to highlight the existence of rare conditions such as ictal arrhythmias which should be considered in the differential diagnosis of episodes of transient loss of consciousness in particular when dysautonomic and neurological symptoms are intermingled. Autonomic symptoms (vomiting, tachycardia, cyanosis, bradycardia and asystole) may be also more frequent in idiopathic (more rarely symptomatic) epilepsies of childhood (Panayiotopoulos syndrome)

    Qualidade microbiológica da água de irrigação e seu impacto sobre a segurança na produção de alfaces

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    Estudos recentes têm demonstrado o risco de contaminação microbiológica em frutas e vegetais irrigados com água não tratada, a qual é a mais utilizada na agricultura, tanto em nível mundial, quanto no Brasil. O objetivo da primeira parte deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica das fontes de água superficiais de irrigação mais utilizadas no sul do Brasil e seu impacto sobre a segurança de alfaces. Para tanto, foram realizadas coletas mensais de água de irrigação e alfaces irrigadas de julho de 2014 a agosto de 2015, em quatro propriedades da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Na água de irrigação, foi verificada prevalência de 100% dos indicadores Coliformes Totais e Enterococcus spp., e de 84,8% do indicador E. coli genérica. Já para as amostras de alface, verificou-se também a prevalência de 100% para Coliformes Fecais e 38,3% para E. coli Genérica. Não houve diferença significativa entre os níveis dos indicadores para as diferentes fontes de água avaliadas. As amostras com contagens de E. coli acima de 100 UFC/100mL foram submetidas à análise de presença de patógenos entéricos. E. coli O157:H7 foi identificada em 13 das 64 amostras analisadas, sendo nove amostras de açude e quatro amostras de riachos. Salmonella spp. foi identificada em seis das 64 amostras, das quais quatro foram amostras de açude e duas de riachos Salmonella spp. foi identificada em 4 das 27 amostras avaliadas de alface. As altas contagens de Enterococcus spp. e E. coli genérica apresentaram uma correlação positiva com a presença de Salmonella spp. Foi verificada a influência de fatores climáticos e práticas agrícolas sobre os níveis de contaminação na alface. Na busca por fontes alternativas de água para utilização na agricultura, a água residual urbana vem sendo considerada uma boa opção. Entretanto, este tipo de água geralmente possui uma alta carga de contaminação microbiana. Em um segundo momento, foi avaliado a eficácia da aplicação de dióxido de cloro (ClO2) no tratamento de águas residuais urbanas com tratamento secundário. Verificou-se que o desinfetante foi capaz de melhorar a qualidade microbiológica da água, reduzindo significativamente o indicador E. coli quantificado pelo método tradicional em placas. Entretanto, esta diferença não foi observada quando a E. coli foi quantificada pelo método PMA-qPCR, indicando que o tratamento de água residual com ClO2 pode induzir as bactérias a entrar no estado viável mas não cultivável (VNC). A proporção de amostras positivas para a presença de patógenos foi baixa quando comparada à água sem tratamento (7 em 8) e com tratamento com ClO2 (1 em 8) Apesar dos bons resultados na redução da contaminação, foi observado um acúmulo significativo de cloratos nas amostras de alface, o que pode apresentar risco químico ao consumidor. Uma vez que foi identificada a presença de E. coli O157:H7 em fontes de água de irrigação no sul do Brasil, objetivou-se, em um terceiro momento do presente trabalho, avaliar a capacidade de adaptação e multiplicação de quatro isolados e um pool de E. coli O157:H7 quando inoculados em água de açude filtrada, a 26°C, por até 72 h. Os isolados identificados como Ec1(açude) e Ec2 (riacho) apresentaram diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de taxa máxima de crescimento e fase Lag. Os isolados também foram testados quanto ao comportamento frente ao desinfetante hipoclorito de sódio aplicado em água de irrigação filtrada, nas concentrações de 5 mg/L e 7 mg/L de cloro residual. Quando avaliada a redução pelo método tradicional em placas foi verificado uma redução de 100% dos isolados, após 30 min de contato com a água de irrigação tratada com o desinfetante a 7 mg/L, com uma concentração de 5 mg/L foram identificadas redução média de 3.15 (± 0.02) Log cfu / mL após 30 min. Já pelo método de quantificação por PMA-qPCR, não foi observada redução significativa entre as concentrações testadas, indicando um possível efeito bacteriostático do hipoclorito de sódio quando utilizado nas condições testadas. A partir dos resultados obtidos na presente tese, observa-se um alto risco de contaminação de vegetais irrigados por águas superficiais, sendo necessária a adoção de medidas de controle, em nível de produção primária.Recent studies indicated microbial contamination risk in fruits and vegetables irrigated with untreated water, which is the most common source of irrigation water worldwide and in Brazil. The objective of the first part of this work was to evaluate microbial quality of superficial irrigation water sources used in Southern Brazil and its impact on lettuce safety. Samples of irrigation water and lettuces were taken once a month, from July 2014 to August 2015, from four rural farms at the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre city. For irrigation water, 100% prevalence of the indicators total coliforms and Enterococcus spp., and 84.8% for the indicator generic E. coli was determined. For lettuce samples, it was determined 100% prevalence of total coliforms and 38.3% of generic E. coli. There was no significant difference among the indicator levels for the different water sources evaluated. For samples with more than 100 cfu/100mL of generic E. coli, the presence of enteric pathogens was checked. E. coli O157:H7 was detected in 13 from 64 analyzed samples, 9 in pounds and 4 in streams. Salmonella spp. was found in 6 from 64 samples, 4 in pond and 2 in streams. On lettuce samples, Salmonella spp. was in 4 from 27 samples evaluated. High Enterococcus spp. and E. coli counts were positively related to Salmonella presence. It was verified the influence of climatic factors and agricultural practices on lettuce contamination levels Urban residual water is considered a good alternative for using in agriculture. However, this kind of water usually carries a high level of microbial contamination. So, the efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in municipal wastewater with a secondary treatment was evaluated. Results show that the disinfectant improved water microbial quality, with significant reduction of generic E. coli when measured by the traditional plate count method. However, the same was not observed when generic E. coli was measured by PMA-qPCR method, which indicates that ClO2 treatment in residual water can induce bacteria to stay viable but not cultivable state (VBNC). The rate of positive samples for the presence of pathogens was low when waters before treatment (7 in 8) and after ClO2 treatment (1 in 8) were compared. Despite good results in water decontamination, significant chlorate accumulation was observed on lettuce samples, what may represent a chemical risk to the consumers. Once identified the presence of E. coli O157:H7 in irrigation water in Southern Brazil, the adaptation and multiplication capacity of 4 strains and a pool of E. coli O157:H7 was evaluated when inoculated in sterile irrigation water at 26°C up to 72 h The isolates Ec1 (from pond) and Ec4 (from stream) significantly differed for the maximum growth rate and lag phase. These isolates were also tested for their behavior against sodium hypochlorite applied in sterile irrigation water at concentrations of 5 mg/L and 7 mg/L of residual chlorine. Reduction of 100% from the isolates after 30 min in contact with the disinfectant at 7mg/L was observed. The concentration of 5 mg / L, caused a mean reduction of 3.15 (± 0.02) Log cfu / mL after 30 min by the plate count method. However, there was no significant reduction among the tested concentrations by using the PMA-qPCR method, indicating a possible bacteriostatic effect of sodium hypochlorite under the tested conditions. The results obtained in this work shows high contamination risk of vegetables when irrigated by superficial waters and highlight the need of control measures in primary production

    Desafios da educação alimentar e nutricional no ambiente escolar : perspectiva de nutricionistas e educadores

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    A Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) está fundamentada nos princípios da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) e do Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada (DHAA) e representa uma estratégia para promoção da saúde no ambiente escolar. Objetiva-se analisar os desafios do cotidiano de nutricionistas e educadores em escolas públicas brasileiras. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo realizado a partir de respostas de nutricionistas e profissionais de educação participantes do curso Planejamento de ações de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional no Ambiente Escolar, ofertado pelo Centro Colaborador em Alimentação e Nutrição Escolar (CECANE), da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), a um fórum sobre desafios para aplicação da EAN em escolas. Os dados, referentes a três edições do curso (2018 a 2020), foram analisados seguindo três etapas: pré-análise, exploração do material e interpretação dos depoimentos. As principais dificuldades se concentraram na atuação de nutricionistas. Especificamente, envolveram carga-horária inconsistente com as atividades programadas, número insatisfatório de profissionais em relação ao preconizado pela legislação, demanda extensa e dificuldade de atuação junto aos educadores. Ainda, observaram-se falta de apoio da gestão e de comprometimento dos gestores, falta de recursos humanos e financeiros e problemas relacionados à logística. Por fim, foram encontradas adversidades relacionadas ao ambiente alimentar e familiar, além de impactos socioculturais. As dificuldades demonstram a necessidade de maior controle das legislações, para que os aspectos estabelecidos sejam a realidade das Entidades Executoras. Por fim, é fundamental o diálogo entre os envolvidos nas ações de EAN no ambiente escolar: nutricionistas, educadores e gestores.Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) occurs under the principles of Food and Nutrition Security and the Human Right to Adequate Food and acts as a strategy for health promotion. The school environment is conducive to carrying out EAN actions. To analyze the challenges found in the daily lives of nutritionists and educators working in public schools in Brazilian municipalities. Methods: Qualitative study based on the responses of nutritionists and education professionals participating in the course Planning actions on Food and Nutrition Education in the school environment, offered by the Collaborative Center on School Food and Nutrition at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The responses of a forum on the challenges for carrying out Food and Nutrition Education in the school environment of participants in three editions of the course (2018–2020) were analyzed. Data were analyzed following three steps. The analysis techniques performed were firstly the pre-analysis, then the exploration of the material, and finally the interpretation of the statements. The results showed that the main difficulties found were concerning the performance of nutritionists, more specifically about the workload inconsistent with all scheduled activities, the unsatisfactory number of nutritionists in relation to what is recommended by legislation, the extensive work demand, and the difficulty in working with educators. Also, the difficulty regarding the lack of support from the management that addressed the commitment of managers to FNE, the lack of human and financial resources, and obstacles related to logistics. Finally, the adversities related to the food environment, which includes eating habits, family environment, socioeconomic conditions, and their impacts and sociocultural aspects that include culture, media, and their influences. The difficulties reported demonstrate the need for greater control of the Program's legislation so that what is recommended by law is in accordance with the reality of the Executing Entities. Finally, there is a need for dialogue between all those involved in FNE actions in the school environment: nutritionists, educators, and managers. The three axes must be in agreement, with the awareness of the difficulties and the needs, to fully realize the FNE

    Adaptabilidade jesuítica e tradução cultural nas aldeias da América portuguesa * Jesuit adaptability and cultural translation in missions of Portuguese America

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    A análise da documentação histórica da Companhia de Jesus revela adaptações jesuíticas e traduções culturais, através da música, nas aldeias do Estado do Brasil e do Estado do Maranhão. A investigação atentará para as regras proibitivas da Companhia e para as flexibilizações ocorridas nas missões da costa e do planalto paulista, a partir da chegada dos jesuítas em 1549, e da Amazônia colonial, na segunda metade do século XVII. Busca-se, assim, reconstruir histórias de constantes negociações, na qual a música desempenha papéis plurais e os sujeitos envolvidos colocam em jogo sonoridades que se revelam indispensáveis ao contato entre ameríndios e missionários.